PHOTOS: Lawrence girls basketball claims eastern title
/0 Comments/in Fairfield, Photo, School News, Sports/by Website Editor
Members of the Lawrence girls Varsity team hold the Class A Northern championship trophy after their win at the Augusta Civic Center against Gardiner on Friday, February, 24. Front, from left to right, the six seniors, Hope Bouchard, Ali Higgins, Brianna Poulin, Lizie Dumont, Elizabeth Crommett and Makenzie Nadeau. Back, Maddie Provost, Payton Cole, Ella Minihan, Kaylee Elkins, Ashley Shores, Lilly Gray, Nadia Morrison and Taylor Pellerin. (photo by Ramey Stevens, Central Maine Photography staff)
SNHU announces fall 2022 dean’s list
/0 Comments/in Augusta, China, Fairfield, School News, Vassalboro, Waterville/by Website EditorIt is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshore, congratulates the following students on being named to the Fall 2022 dean’s list. The fall terms run from September to December.
Those attaining dean’s list status are Brandon Stinson, of Augusta; Jessica Autieri, of South China; Patric Moore, of Waterville; Crystal Hillman, of Fairfield; and Petra Sullivan, of Vassalboro.
SNHU announces summer ‘22 president’s list
/0 Comments/in Albion, Augusta, Benton, China, Clinton, Fairfield, Madison, School News, Vassalboro, Waterville, Winslow/by Website EditorSouthern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire, congratulates the following students on being named to the Summer 2022 President’s List. The summer terms run from May to August.
Kate Murphy and Justin Drescher, both of Augusta, Matthew Bandyk, of Jefferson, Merval Porter, of Palermo, Lisa Johnson, of South China, Lacey York, of China, Lilly Reardon, of Benton, Jeffery Wheeler and Brendon Peace, both of Waterville, Talon Mosher, of Winslow, Jacob Colson, of Albion, Carrie Stackpole, of Clinton, Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield, Glenn Rich and Mariah Rich, both of Madison, and Kassandra Grant, of Vassalboro.
Town of Fairfield to host public workshop on park development
/0 Comments/in Fairfield, News/by Website EditorAs part of a planning process to re-envision Fairfield’s waterfront and downtown assets, the Town of Fairfield’s Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC) is inviting the public to participate in a community input and planning workshop to provide feedback on the redevelopment of Mill Island Park. The Park, which features remnants of the historical United Boxboard and Paper Company at the northern tip of Mill Island, offers expansive views of the Kennebec River.
“Mill Island Park’s unique geography, combined with its rich history as a manufacturing and industrial site, highlights the Town of Fairfield’s recreational, historical, and educational assets, in addition to its expansive waterfront,” elaborates Fairfield Town Manager Michelle Flewelling. “Inviting the community to participate in the workshop will allow the Economic and Community Development Committee to create redevelopment initiatives geared towards improving access to the waterfront while highlighting Fairfield’s growing and proximal downtown.”
Mill Island Park is owned and maintained by the Town of Fairfield, where recent beautification has included removing brush and restoring access and view corridors of the Kennebec River from the western and eastern waterfronts of Mill Island Park. A survey recently conducted by FECDC examined six areas throughout the Island Park, dubbed “zones”, to determine where improvements and redevelopment should be prioritized by the municipality.
“Inviting the community to provide critical perspectives into a planning process is a fundamental aspect of community planning and economic development initiatives, leading to more comprehensive and innovative ideas that celebrate a municipality’s unique assets,” states Central Maine Growth Council Director of Planning, Innovation, and Economic Development Garvan Donegan. “FECDC’s role in shaping the future of Fairfield’s waterfront development echoes a sentiment of municipal pride while actively planning improvement initiatives to shape the Town’s short- and long-term strategies for growth.”
Scheduled for Tuesday, January 31 at 6:30 p.m., the public input session will take place at the Fairfield Community Center Gymnasium, located at 61 Water Street, in Fairfield; a snow date for the event is scheduled at the gymnasium for Wednesday, February 1, at 6:30 p.m. Residents and interested parties are invited to provide feedback, recommend improvements, and engage with committee members and town staff.
Local residents earn award from WGU
/0 Comments/in Augusta, China, Community, Fairfield, School News, Unity/by Website EditorThe following local residents have earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The award is given to students who perform at a superior level in their coursework.
Jen Paradis, of Augusta, has earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University College of Business.
Abigayle Laverdiere, of Fairfield, has earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University School of Education.
Crystal Perry, of South China, has earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University Leavitt School of Health.
Olivia Nicks, of Unity, has earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University College of Information Technology.
Fairfield Cops Care For Kids program another huge success
/0 Comments/in Community, Fairfield, Holidays/by Mark Huardby Mark Huard
The Fairfield Cops Care for Kids Program was created by the late Kingston Paul over 15 years ago. What started as a way to develop a relationship with the youth of Fairfield, grew into something so much more. That first night 15 years ago, three officers and Kingston delivered approximately 35 stuffed animals with a tag attached with all the officers’ names on it, wishing them a Merry Christmas. Fast forward to today and now all the officers from the department participate by going shopping for the presents, wrapping and delivering those presents and donating out of their checks all year long to help fund the program.
This year the Fairfield Police Department did something new and exciting thanks to an idea that the current Chief Thomas Gould came up with a few years ago. As the program grew over the years from a stuffed animal to three small gifts and a stuffed animal, we wanted something fun for the kids to enjoy and remember for a lifetime. So on December 15 and 16, the Fairfield Community Center was transformed into a Christmas Wonderland and was decorated from floor to ceiling with lights, presents, Christmas trees and more. The kids came in and were able to walk through and enjoy all the lights, vote on their favorite Christmas tree and have a chance to win all the toys underneath, enjoy sugar cookies and hot chocolate all while watching a movie and opening their gifts.
The Cops Care for Kids Program will still continue with their tradition of home deliveries to honor Kingston Paul.
None of this would be possible without the dedication of the department, the donations given throughout the year from members of our and surrounding communities and businesses along with the countless hours of hard work that went into making this all happen.
2022-23 Lawrence High School girls varsity basketball team
/0 Comments/in Fairfield, Photo, School News, Sports/by Website Editor
Beginning at bottom left, clockwise, MaKenzie Nadeau, Natalie Pelletier, Ella Minihan, Maddie Provost, Kenzie McAvoy, Payton Cole, Taylor Pellerin, Elizabeth Crommett, Ashley Shores, Brianna Poulin, Kaylee Elkins, Saydee Wentworth, Hope Bouchard, Lilly Gray, Kayci Ross, Nadia Morrison, Amy Boyce, Lizie Dumont, Ariana Goodwin, Trinity Brickett, Ali Higgins, and Kiera Day. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)
FAIRFIELD: Town to conduct survey to redevelop Mill Island Park
/0 Comments/in Fairfield, News/by Website EditorThe Town of Fairfield’s Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC) has created a variety of surveys to assist with the redevelopment of Mill Island Park. Divided into six (6) separate surveys, residents and community members are able to provide valuable public input and insight as to how they would like to see the public park enhanced.
“Mill Island Park is a truly unique urban, island waterfront park with direct proximity to the downtown. With historical features that represent the town’s industrial and commercial past, today the park showcases the town’s stunning riverfront natural resources,“ elaborates Fairfield Town Manager Michelle Flewelling. “The committee will have the opportunity to hear from the general public as to how certain areas of the Island should be reimagined, improved, or protected; I look forward to seeing how the Town can move this project forward in a meaningful and impactful manner.”
Separated into six (6) separate surveys, the Mill Island Park Zone Surveys correspond with six (6) areas or planning zones across Mill Island Park. Each survey will allow respondents the opportunity to provide feedback on recreational activities, open space planning, historical preservation, park amenities, and give unique and open-ended feedback as to the future goals and objectives FECDC should prioritize when making recommendations for park enhancements.
“Within the view corridor and walking distance to the downtown, the community has a rich opportunity to make significant improvements to one of its greatest public spaces, open up waterfront enjoyment and public access to the community, while marrying the project to downtown redevelopment initiatives,” explains Central Maine Growth Council’s Director of Innovation, Planning, and Economic Development Garvan Donegan. “The Mill Island Park Zone survey aims to collect and reflect the public’s collective goals for Mill Island Park and will inform short- and long-term growth strategies.
Each survey is available in an online format and may be accessed by utilizing QR codes that are physically located within the applicable zones on-site at Mill Island Park. Upon visiting the park, residents and visitors may scan the digital code in the marked Zone to access the survey, which offers five open-ended questions. Zones represented throughout Mill Island Park include the Mill Island Park Gateway, Mill Island Park Commons, Mill Island Historic Area, Mill Island Point, Mill Island West Waterfront, and Mill Island East Waterfront.
Responses will be collected until Friday, December 2. For more information on the Mill Island Park Zone Surveys, including instructions for accessing a paper copy of the survey, please visit or email
The Economic and Community Development Advisory Committee is a “citizens” committee with open membership to all Fairfield residents, business owners, and educators who have a vested interest in community development. Meetings are open to the public, and the committee typically meets monthly at the Fairfield Community Center; go to Fairfield’s online calendar of events for a meeting schedule.
FAIRFIELD: Thibodeau, Lawrence win council seats
/0 Comments/in Elections, Fairfield/by Website EditorIn unofficial returns submitted by Fairfield Town Clerk Christine Keller, Stephanie Thibodeau and Peter Lawrence were elected to the two open town council seats in a three-way race. Thibodeau received 1,465 votes, Lawrence 1,385 and Lawrence MacDonald 1,224.
In other election results, for Maine governor, former Republican governor Paul LePage 1,438, incumbent Democrat Janet Mills 1,259, and Independent Sam Hunkler, 71.
Representative to Congress, District #2, Democrat Jared Golden, 1,261, Republican Bruce Poliquin, 1,245, Independent Tiffany Bond, 233.
Maine Senate District #16, Republican Michael Perkins 1,550 and Democrat David Lafountain, 1,185.
Maine House of Representatives District #67, Republican Shelley Rudnicki, 1,459, Democrat Robert Sezak, 1,274.
In uncontested races, Somerset County Treasurer Tracey Rotondi, 2,342. Somerset County Register of Deeds, write-in candidate Laura Price, 11. Somerset County Sheriff, Dale Lancaster, 2,379. District Attorney, District 4, Maeghan Maloney, 2,066.
In other municipal elections, Kennebec Water District, Mark McCluskey, 2,253. MSAD #49 New School Referendum, Question 1 – new school, Yews, 1,602, No, 1,098; Question 2, larger gymnasium, Yes, 1,346, No, 1,339.
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