Peace poster contest winners announced

Winners of the Peace Poster Contest with their respective arts teachers, from left to right, Holly Hilton and Jenna Perkins, Whitefield; Rachel Richmond and Abby St. Cyr, Jefferson; Sandy Dunn and Liberty Kimball, Chelsea; Damon Wilson and Jenny Keller, Windsor; and Lion Barry Tibbetts. Contributed photo
Winners of the Peace Poster Contest were honored with their art teachers by the Whitefield Lions Club on October 26.
For the past 30 years Lions clubs around the world have sponsored the Lions International Peace Poster Contest.
The theme of the 2017-2018 contest is “The Future of Peace”
Winners listed by school:
Whitefield: Art teacher Holly Hilton, first Jenna Perkins, second Hannah Jackson, third Acadia Kelley.
Jefferson: Art teacher Rachel Richmond, first Abby St. Cyr, second Victoria Ingram, third Seung Nam Montaro.
Chelsea: Art teacher Sandy Dunn; first Liberty Kimball, second Malaika Igbal, third Camyrin Thompson.
Windsor: Art teacher Jenny Keller, first Damon Wilson, second Mallary Hanke, third Anna Labbe.