Windsor board addresses projects, school concerns and community safety amid crime rise

by The Town Line staff

During the May 23 Select Board meeting, Keith Hall of Public Works reported that winter sand supply is on track, while the schedule for paving work remains uncertain. Local officials are also working on cost-saving measures in collaboration with Marvin Clark.

Transfer Station authorities praised local composting initiatives, with Sean Teekema announcing the rollout of a composting survey. Windsor Fair Association representatives are set to discuss compost site matters in a future meeting, and resurfacing works for the Transfer Station roadway are also in the pipeline.

A vacancy for an Animal Control Officer position will be advertised on the town website and local office, while the Cemetery Sexton reported four recent burials and outlined plans for Veterans Remembrance Day. Dwight Tibbetts is planning a fundraising event, and Joyce Perry suggested changes to the town website to highlight the town’s need for cemetery land.

Local school district RSU #12 will have a budget meeting on May 24, 2023. A resident brought up the concern of using Windsor School as a voting location, noting its disruption to students and proposing changes. The Select Board will consult Superintendent Howard Tuttle to address these issues.

During public comment, residents raised issues about cemetery plot sales and concerns over increased crime rates in the area. The Select Board approved Warrants #51 and #52 and granted several requests from the town manager, including CMP pole placement and safety grant proceedings.

The meeting concluded with a brief executive session to discuss personnel matters.

Windsor select board approves major road construction contract

by The Town Line staff

At its May 9 meeting, the Windsor Select Board approved several major decisions in its recent meeting, including the awarding of road construction and mowing contracts, and acknowledging a resignation of an Animal Control Officer.

The select board, chaired by Ray Bates, accepted a bid from Maine-ly Paving Services, LLC, of $267,692.50 for up to eight major road construction and paving projects in the fiscal years 2023 and 2024. The bid was one of five returned from the six requests for proposals that had been sent out.

A bid from Pierce Works LLC for $4,800 for a single mowing service was also approved. Brush cutting will be charged separately at a rate of $4,000 per mile. The exact areas for brush cutting will be determined at the discretion of the Public Works Supervisor, Keith Hall.

Kim Bolduc-Bartlett, the town’s Animal Control Officer, announced her resignation, effective June 1, 2023. The town plans to advertise for a replacement on its website and at the Town Office.

The board approved Warrants #49 and #50, and it reviewed the Warrant and Notice of Election Calling for the Regional School Unit #12 Budget Validation Referendum.

The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day was hailed a success. The cost of the collection amounted to $3,735.55, but the expense for the Town of Windsor was only $500. The board expressed interest in conducting the event again next year.

Additionally, a proposal was made to update the Recycling and Dump Ordinances, and the idea will be explored further by the Transfer Station Committee.

Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall reported on various updates, including road and culvert repairs, and ongoing collaboration with the Town of Vassalboro Public Works Department.

The Town Manager, Theresa L. Haskell, reported on various items, including the approval of a motion to convert an inactive Bridge Statement Savings Account into a two-year Certificate of Deposit, and an update on the Central Maine Power (CMP) Section 80 Project.

Whitefield Lions recognized local students

The Whitefield Lions Club is recognizing five local students. These students will receive a $1,000 scholarship towards furthering their education. Each year the Whitefield Lions Club Scholarship Committee chooses among deserving applicants based on hard work, perseverance, leadership, community service and career goals.

This year the club is proud to recognize five outstanding individuals. Carson Appel, from Erskine Academy, in South China, and lives in Windsor, will be studying applied mathematics in the Brooks School of Public Policy at Cornell University; Ruth Bois, from Coastal Christian Academy, who lives in Jefferson, will be studying to be an elementary school teacher at University of Maine; Abigail St. Cyr, from Lincoln Academy, who lives in Jefferson, will be studying Early Childhood at Southern Maine Community College; Candence Rau, from Erskine Academy, who lives in Jefferson, will be studying physical fitness at Central Maine Community College; and Ava White, from Lincoln Academy, who lives in Jefferson, will be studying neuroscience at Mount Holyoke College.

Windsor town office closed for voting June 13

The Windsor Town Office will be closed on Tuesday, June 13, due to voting being held at the Windsor Elementary School.

WINDSOR: Listing all ways to state would be large undertaking

by The Town Line staff

Town manager Theresa Haskell informed the Windsor Select Board at their April 25 meeting about a bill pending before the Legislature, LD461, that if implemented, would require municipalities to develop or update a list of town ways, private ways, and private roads. Each municipality will have to have this provided to the Department of Transportation by November 1, 2023, and the towns would have to establish standards for private road construction by November 1, 2024. “This is a lot of work,” Haskell commented. Also, LD1177 would increase municipal solid waste and construction debris $5 more per ton.

Haskell also said she received a letter from the Department of Transportation indicating that All State Asphalt will be resurfacing Route 105 from Augusta to Somerville.

In other business, Haskell asked the board to use the remainder of ARPA funds that were approved for up to $35,000 for the Windsor Rescue’s Defibrillator, to purchase a battery for this defibrillator. The cost for the battery is $440.44, and this will not go over the $35,000 that was approved by voters.

Regarding public works projects, Haskell gave an update on bridge inspections. Overall, the bridges are in good condition. All the scores were reported back from the inspections as 7 and 8 for culverts and the channels. The scale for scoring goes from a 9 being very good to a 2 being poor.

The hazardous waste program day that was held at the China transfer station on April 22 was a big hit, according to Sean Teekema, transfer station supervisor. There were tons of TVs brought in. It was mentioned several times by the public that they would like to see this become a yearly event. The total community turnout was between 320-350. The town of China is in discussions with KennebecValley Council of Governments (KVCOG) to perhaps keep this as an ongoing event, and they are seeking other locations that may work better for traffic flow, although consensus among officials is that the China event was very well organized.

Teekema gave a brief update on the transfer station committee. It was noted they may need a 100-foot distance from the transfer station cap to where the compost pile will be located. When a measurement was taken, 100 feet would end in the middle of the cap. This would not provide enough room for the compost area. Tekeema mentioned that a conversation has taken place with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and were told there is no issue with a 100-foot distance. A survey asking residents if they favor having composting available at the Windsor Transfer Station will not be circulated until the 100-foot question has been answered.

Haskell mentioned the town needs to talk with the Windsor Fair Association to get permission regarding composting. It was suggested if this is something the town should ask, as to whether this will be built into the lease that Windsor holds, with the $1 lease agreement, or at least getting a confirmation letter if they approve. Members of the Windsor Fair Association will be invited to attend a transfer station committee meeting.

Sandra Grecenko appeared before the board to rqeust a 911 address for her Barton Road property, in Windsor. She owns property on the road but has no residence there. She keeps livestock there, although there is a structure, just no residence. The property has no utilities other than power. She was advised to set up an appointment with Codes Enforcement Office Arthur Strout.

Select board member Ray Bates is following up on the David Shaw property. Shaw came to the select board asking to have fines reduced and was given an opportunity to pay a reduced fine back in February at a considerable reduction. He was given 30 days to pay the reduced fine and instructed to clean up his property. Bates wanted to be sure the follow up was being done. He said neither fine payment nor clean-up have taken place. Haskell confirmed that CEO Strout has been following up and had begun the next steps. The town will also consult with legal counsel as necessary.

The next Windsor Select Board meeting was scheduled for May 9.

Windsor students are top 10 seniors at Maine Arts Academy

Maine Arts Academy recognizes all 41 graduates of the class of 2023, according to a news release from Diane Manter at the academy. Among the class’s top ten seniors are Alexis Scott, who was second, and Alyssa Gagne, who was third, both of Windsor.

Graduation will be Thursday, June 1, at the Augusta Civic Center.

Windsor select board addresses public works, transfer station concerns

by The Town Line staff

At the April 11 meeting of the Windsor Select Board, attendees discussed various town topics, including the Public Works department, the Transfer Station, the Cemetery Sexton, and the Town Manager’s items.

Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall reported the department would start stripping trucks of plow gear in about a week. They still have some salt left over, and the heat in the garage has been turned off. They are currently cleaning up roads and intersections want to make roadways as safe as possible for the public during the warmer weather.

The department is working with Town Manager Theresa Haskell on an MMA grant valued at almost $3,000. If granted, the funds would be used for new safety equipment for public works. Roadside mowing is still to be done, and the roadside mowing contract will go out to bid again.

Sean Teekema, the Transfer Station Supervisor, reported there has been community interest regarding the Windsor Transfer Station offering composting on-site. The select board proposed reconvening the transfer station committee to meet and discuss several things, including the startup of a composting program on-site at the transfer station. The board wants the committee to bring thoughts and ideas back to the select board as soon as possible. The meeting was scheduled for April 18, at 6 p.m.

The select board also discussed hiring a transfer station attendant, which has been posted on the town of Windsor website and is being advertised on the sign at the town office. The monthly transfer station report was handed out, and it was noted that March was down from last year by $1,575.40, making the overall number under $1,988.79 for the year.

Cemetery Sexton Joyce Perry spoke about the troubles she has had getting the cemetery website together and making it user-friendly for the public. She spoke of roadblocks she has encountered with the current web host, IPower. Perry asked the select board to change the current hosting company to Dummy Solutions, owned by Windsor resident Dustin Hinds, who has volunteered his previous hours in helping with the website. Hinds offered a 10-hour bundle rate for service at $50 an hour, and he has already paid for a software widget plug-in. The total cost for the hosting package and set up from an existing provider plus 30 minutes a month of professional in-service is $824.08.

After discussion, William Appel Jr. made a motion to approve Dummy Solutions as the new website host for Windsor Town Office.

Haskell gave an update on the RSU #12 meeting. There had been revised calculations reported that made an impact on the original figures that RSU#12 Superintendent Howard Tuttle presented at the March 28 select board meeting. One of the biggest impacts was that the Maine Department of Education ED279 had errors. The new figures are good news for Windsor townspeople. The RSU #12 district budget meeting will be held on May 24 at Chelsea Elementary School, at 6 p.m., and the community is encouraged to attend.

Daniel West, a resident of Windsor, presented himself to the select board as a potential member of the planning board. Andrew Ballantyne made a motion to appoint West as an alternate planning board member, seconded by Richard H. Gray Jr., and approved $1,166 to the Cemetery Fund for the Windsor Veterans Memorial Fund.

Finally, the meeting concluded with some select board items. Ray Bates mentioned having Joel Greenwood at Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) look into legislative bills LD2003 and LD2014 to see if they would pertain to Windsor, while nothing was reported for the Town Hub.

Windsor select board discusses composting, animal control

Also review proposed improvements to local cemetery

by The Town Line staff

The Windsor Select Board discussed a variety of topics during its March 28 meeting, including a proposed composting project, the introduction of the town’s animal control officer, and improvements to the local cemetery.

The board heard a presentation by Emmett Appel and his classmates regarding a composting project for the Windsor Transfer Station. Appel and his team argued that composting could save the town money by reducing waste transport costs and provide residents with access to compost for personal use. No new equipment would be needed, and the transfer station’s backhoe could be used to move the compost pile. For a compost pile under 10,000 cubic yards, no permits or testing would be required. The select board thanked the presenters and said more discussion was needed.

In other news, Animal Control Officer Kim Bolduc-Bartlett introduced herself and provided her contact information for residents with questions or concerns. She also reported there were 37 unregistered dogs in Windsor. Animal Control can be reached at (207)242-5185.

State Representative Katrina Smith presented Theresa Haskell with a Spirit of America Foundation Award on behalf of the 131st Legislature and the people of Maine. The award recognizes Haskell’s contributions to promoting volunteerism and appreciation of community service.

Cemetery Sexton Joyce Perry requested that $4,000 be moved from the Cemetery Maintenance Budget line to help build a three-foot wall behind the Veterans Monument. The total cost of the wall is $9,610.65, with work expected to begin in June. The board unanimously approved the motion. Additionally, Dwight Tibbetts from Down East Brass plans to host a concert in August 2023 to raise funds for the Windsor Veterans Memorial.

During an RSU #12 update, Superintendent Howard Tuttle handed out a packet of information to the select board, emphasizing the importance of the district budget meeting on May 24, 2023, at Chelsea School.

A member of the public expressed frustration with the lack of online access to Windsor’s Policies & Ordinances and tax cards, a concern echoed by Joyce Perry, who said she was working on finding a solution.

Lastly, the board approved the names of three new roads in the Blueberry Haven subdivision, decided to reimburse residents Deborah Tanner and Richard Hanson for a transfer of excise tax issue, and agreed to keep the Windsor Town Office open during lunch hours starting April 3, 2023.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

LETTERS: Kudos to everyone involved

To the editor:

I’d like to express my thanks and appreciation to all those folks who made the Regional Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste collection on April 22 happen. It appears that KVCOG had a leadership role, as did the various town select boards. It also appears there were employees and volunteers from many different towns participating. Further, I would like to thank the Town of China for hosting this event.

I feel that this was an important opportunity for proper disposal for various chemicals and to reduce pollution. In addition, this event seemed to be extremely well organized, safe, and efficient.

Should The Town Line do a follow up article giving the “stats”, I for one would look forward to reading it!

Again, thanks and kudos,

David W. Landmann

WINDSOR – Appel Jr.: School budget is up 10.8 percent

by The Town Line staff

At the March 14 meeting of the Windsor Select Board, William Appel Jr., a member of the select board, reported the school budget is up 10.8 percent. Town Manager Theresa Haskell added this could be up as much as $500,000, according to her calculations. Howie Tuttle, superintendent of RSU #12, was scheduled to present the 2023-24 school budget to the select board at their March 28 meeting.

Resident Chester Barnes Jr. informed the select board that he spoke with a service technician at Togus VA who would be willing to do the service inspection of the lift at the town hall. Barnes will pass along contact information and have him reach out to Haskell.

Barnes also told the board of an off-road ATV that will soon be retired from the VA and going up for auction. The select board asked that Barnes pass this information along to the fire department as they are the ones looking for this equipment.

Barnes also spoke of stump work that his dad may be interested in removing next to Dyer Hill Cemetery and possibly adding gravel in exchange for donation of land to extend the cemetery.

In other business, Haskell announced the town did receive a check from Time Warner in the amount of $14,361.84 for the yearly franchise fee.

  • Pay Pal Giving Fund gave a check to the Windsor Educational Foundation in the amount of $14.63.
  • She has not heard anything more regarding the new Delta contract from the town’s attorney. Select board member Ronald Brann reported he received information that Jefferson Rescue Service, who get their rescue services out of Damariscotta and Waldoboro, pay $220,000 a year.
  • Road supervisor Keith Hall was told both MSW cans were ful, the demo can was also full, and there is a hydraulic leak. Hall and Tim Coston called to confirm the cans will be picked up, cleaned up around the cans and the hydraulic leak will fixed.

Haskell then went over the remaining administration warrant articles and non-property tax revenue.

The next Windsor Select Board meeting was scheduled for March 28.