Roland’s Trivia Question for the week of January 3, 2019

The Green Bay Packers won Super Bowls I and II, and the New York Jets won Super Bowl III. Which team won Super Bowl IV?


The Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Minnesota Vikings, 23-7.

SOLON & BEYOND: Embden Community Center has many activities scheduled for January

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979


The Embden Community Center is having their monthly supper on January 12, at 5 p.m.

Embden Community Center, regular events are Neighbor to Neighbor Thrift Shop/Lending library 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Wed. and 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Fri. and Sat. The monthly Suppers on the second Saturday of each month. Country Sunday: 1 – 4 p.m., second and fourth Sunday. By donation. Sewing Class 10 a.m. – noon, Wednesdays. Weight Watchers: 5 – 6 p.m., Wednesdays. Come in and sign up- new members accepted. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:30 – 1:30 a.m., Wednesdays. Community Center meetings: 6:30 p.m., Thursday prior to the second Sat. Supper. Yoga: 6:30 p.m., (1 hour) Bring your mat, etc. and Sat. 8 a.m.; weekly by donation. If you have any questions, contact Wayne at 474-1065.

We are having a vacation from our Painting Club at Skowhegan Area High School, it will be starting up again the last of February. I’m looking forward to seeing all those artists who have been with me since the beginning, and to those who may want to join us.

Lief and I had a wonderful Christmas with our families and I hope all of you enjoyed the season as well.

Came across some old clippings when I was writing for the Skowhegan Reporter back in 1988. Had forgotten this one: It started with my greeting: “Good morning my friends! The other day when I went to the post office there was a package waiting for me there with the return address to AAA (American Automobile Association). When I opened the package the card was signed by a “concerned citizen” and it is a year’s insurance with this company! The only way I know of to thank this “concerned citizen” is through this column, because I have a sneaking suspicion that they probably read it. I do thank you from the bottom of my heart, it is a comforting feeling that someone cares enough to have surprised me with this unexpected gift and as the letter enclosed states: “Welcome to Maine and dependable travel world-wide! From this point on, everywhere you go, we go, providing all the protection and convenient services you need every time you leave home. “It is a bleak and hopeless feeling to break down along the road as I can vouch the day my wheel broke off; and so my many thanks for the kind thought until this detective mind of mine finds out who you and I can thank you in person!

Here is another one published in the Skowhegan Reporter on October 13, 1988. After writing this column for over six years, some weeks I am hard put to think of something amusing or uplifting to share with you. Such was the case this week and then lo and behold on Saturday what should I find in my mail but an official looking letter from Central Maine Power Co. My heart skipped a beat and I opened it with trepidation because when I get riled over “the principle of the thing” I’m apt to get a bit sassy! Anyway, inside, much to my wondering eyes was a check for $48.73: this was the $50 deposit that I was told I couldn’t get back until 1993! They had added on $1.47 in interest and subtracted $2.74 for final bill, there is something very final about “final bill.” Now whether this was one of those miracles that sometimes happen in my life or “the power of the press,” either way it did me a world of good. (I don’t remember who the editor was at that time, but they were very good to me! (And if you are still alive and reading this paper, I would love to hear from you.)

And now for Percy’s memoir: “May you be blessed with Everything That Could Ever Bring You a Smile. And never forget each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.

“Every day, you’re given a chance to determine what the words will say and how the story will unfold. The more rewarding you can make each page, the more amazing the entire book will be.

“And I would love for you to write a masterpiece.” (words by Douglas Pagels.)

I’M JUST CURIOUS – Those crazy January holidays

by Debbie Walker

By the time you read this Christmas will essentially be over, well except for the clean-up bit. So, as threatened (oops, promised) I am catching you up on January holidays just in case you aren’t holidayed-out yet.

With all these holidays for the month you are sure to find a couple that appeal to your senses:

January 1: National Hangover Day – I think that one needs no explanation.

January 2: Run It Up the Flagpole and See if anyone salutes – Be creative and test new ideas and concepts.

January 3: Festival of Sleep Day – Personally I think that should be on the 2nd!

January 4: National Spaghetti Day – Italy made spaghetti famous but they say it came as far back as 1200 Arab cultures was selling the dry noodles. Sorry Italy.

( I am skipping a few days)

January 7: Old Rock Day – no idea where it was created or why. Interpretation is yours.

January 8: Male Watchers Day – Females it is your turn to ogle, discreetly or visibly!

January 10: Peculiar People Day – Just remember, we’re all a little peculiar. Celebrate!

January 12: National Pharmacist Day –These are special, extremely knowledgeable folks!

January 15: National Hat Day- Enjoy a hat, wild or useful. I will be sporting a wild one!

January 17: Ditch New Year Resolution Day – If you hadn’t already!

January 19: National Popcorn Day- Pop up some fresh popcorn, sit back and enjoy!

January 21: National Hugging Day- Just make sure they realize what is going on!

January 23: Measure Your Feet Day – WHY?

January 24: I share my birthday with Beer Can Appreciation Day and Complement day!

January 25: Opposite Day- If you say right, go left. If you say up you mean down, etc.!

January 28: Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – Stress reliever! My niece loves to snap it!

January 30: National Inane Answering Machine Day – Guess we have all heard these!

January 31: Backward Day – Use your imagination. Kids love it. Me too!

Now, you can choose one or all to celebrate and enjoy this cold, cold month! Have some fun. Share them with your friends, have a party and celebrate!

On another note, I have a quote to share with you. My column has always been called I’M JUST CURIOUS for a reason. My Mom used to say, “Do you have to question EVERYTHING?” The answer is ‘absolutely!’ When I meet God I have some serious questions for him! (I am not in any hurry!) When I found this quote I was quite pleased.

It is debated which of two ladies gets credit for it, however, they are both mentioned in the different sites I looked at. One is Dorothy Parker and the other is Ellen Parr. The quote: “The Cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for Curiosity.” I love it! I hope we pass it on to all the kids we come in contact with. They are born with strong curiosity, don’t discourage it, encourage it and see where it takes you both. It is wonderful to really share! And what a way to start a new year!!

As usual, I am just curious what holiday you will choose for January. Let me know how it goes!! That is and I am looking forward to hearing! (I use a lot of exclamation points, which is me being excited!)


Peter Catesby Peter Cates

The Odd Couple

starring Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau etc. Released 1968, transferred to DVD.

The zany Pigeon Sisters, Gwendolyn and Cecily.

I have known about The Odd Couple since its release 50 years ago; that it’s very funny because Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau were exceptionally gifted actors in comedy roles, two personal favorites being Lemmon’s Good Neighbor Sam and Matthau’s Cactus Flower and both, unfortunately, rarely seen nowadays, if at all; and because many movie watchers have found it very funny.

But I did not realize how very funny until I watched the complete film for the very first time this past week. Jack Lemmon’s performance as Felix, the neat sociopathic control freak and Walter Matthau’s as Oscar, the scorched earth slob were the peak ones of their lifetimes. Their supporting cast as the four card-playing cronies and the two Pigeon Sisters, Cecily and Gwendolyn, contributed memorably to its constant second-by-second humor. And Neil Simon’s original was the cornerstone of all this.

Three scenes stick out – the card game antics before and after Felix shows up at Oscar’s apartment, Felix’s and Oscar’s dinner party hosting of Gwendolyn and Cecily and the ballistic confrontation between the two men when their accumulated grievances escalate to the point of no return.

Two quotes: Oscar: “Murray, lend me $20 or I’ll call your wife and tell her you’re in Central Park, wearing a dress.”

Felix: “Everybody thinks I’m a hypochondriac. It makes me sick.”

The Odd Couple: Jack Lemmon as Felix Unger, left, and Walter Mathau as Oscar Madison.

St. Michael School students distribute over 200 baskets to community members in need

Before settling into their seats for a Thanksgiving meal with family and friends, the eighth-grade class at St. Michael School, in Augusta, wanted to ensure that less fortunate people in their community would be able to enjoy the same experience.

On November 19, the eighth graders helped distribute over 200 Thanksgiving baskets, most prepared by the students themselves, to local community members in need. The distribution took place inside the school gymnasium.

Individuals in need of assistance this Thanksgiving were asked to call the Salvation Army to reserve one of the special baskets, each containing all the fixings for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Parishioners, community members, and the school community had donated boxes and boxes of food in recent weeks.

A blessing for the recipients, but an honor for St. Michael School to bring cheer to many.

“Our students learn the importance of service and caring for our neighbors on a daily basis,” said Denise Levesque, marketing director at St. Michael. “We are proud to make this Thanksgiving special by delivering baskets and smiles to many individuals and families who otherwise might not have the resources to enjoy this holiday.”

“I suggested to all of the students that they make something like this an annual tradition,” said teacher Mary Dionne. “Reaching out and helping others in our community who may not have as much as you will make a lasting impression. As crazy as things get this time of year, acts like this are what they will remember all their lives.”

The entire student body at St. Michael gathered at St. Mary Church on Tuesday, November 20, at 9 a.m., for a special Thanksgiving prayer service which was led by the fourth graders. The students brought non-perishable food items to the service for the local food bank.

FINANCIAL MATTER$: We don’t talk about money in this house!

by Jac M. Arbour CFP®, ChFC®
President, J.M. Arbour Wealth Management

We don’t talk about money in this house!

As a kid, did you ever hear your parents say that? In many homes across America, it was once a very common response when the topic of money was brought up.

How many classes did you take in middle school or high school that taught you about money? By the time you graduated, how many classes taught you about IRAs, 401(k)s, investments, tax deductions, renting an apartment versus buying a home, paying for a mortgage biweekly versus monthly, using credit cards and building your credit, buying investment property with no money down, leasing a car versus buying one, and so on? For many people, the answer is none. Zero. Nada. Not a single class.

So where do people get educated about money? Where does a person’s belief system about money—what it is and what it is not—come from? The answer is, it comes from our household when we are growing up. If money is not discussed in the home, financial skills usually go completely unlearned by the next generation. In turn, when these kids become adults, they are often uncomfortable or unqualified to discuss money with family members and their own children. Lack of financial literacy contributes to the mountains of college loan debt, maxed out credit cards, and negative savings rates epidemic here in our country.

We need to bring financial literacy into our schools as well as our homes.

Not long ago, I gave a talk to a class of high school juniors here in Maine. I quickly confirmed the effects of social conditioning on the group’s beliefs about money: My first question to the 17 students was, “Who here thinks a million dollars is a lot of money?” All 17 hands went up. Second question: “Who here would like to have a million dollars?” Fifteen hands went up. Third question: “Who here thinks that he or she will be worth a million dollars at some point in their lifetime?” Two hands went up. Fourth question: “Who here thinks that saving a million dollars is hard to do?” All 17 hands went up again.


I then shared with the students that, if an 18-year-old could save and invest $2,045 per year (an amount all 17 students agreed was reasonable) at an eight percent rate of return, they would each pass the $1 million mark at age 65. Eyebrows lifted and ears perked up. Then I asked the question again: “Who here thinks he or she will be worth a million dollars at some point in their lifetime?” Seventeen hands went up.

Is it really that easy to change a person’s belief in their own ability? Yes, with the right information. The simple scenario I shared with these students demonstrates just one form of financial literacy, but it is an important one because it plants seeds of hope in today’s youth. They can realize they already have one of the most valuable assets when it comes to investing: time, which brings with it the power of compound interest.

Consider giving the gift of financial literacy to your kids and/or grandkids. Tell them some stories from your personal experience to teach them money concepts, or introduce them to an advisor. Let’s stop leaving the next generation’s relationship with money to chance.

See you all next month.

Jac Arbour is the President of J.M. Arbour Wealth Management. He can be reached at 207-248-6767.

Vassalboro, Winslow: Before/After program receives gold recognition

From left to right, Laurie Lizotte, administrator and Samantha Bernatchez, director of operations, recently were recognized for their outstanding collaboration with the 5210, Let’s Go! Program for Out-of-School Programs. (Contributed photo)

5210 Let’s Go!, introduced in 2012, is committed to promoting policy and environmental changes at child care programs, schools, out-of-school programs, health care practices, and workplaces. The program’s multi-setting approach, daily 5-2-1-0 message (five or more fruits and vegetables, two hours or less of screen time, one hour or more of physical activity and zero sugary drinks) and 10 evidence-based strategies are used to effect change across the state of Maine. Strong leadership from The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center and collaboration across health systems and community health coalitions contribute to the program’s success.

5210 Let’s Go! awards bronze, silver and gold awards to programs who support and collaborate with them around healthy eating and increased physical activity. A Bronze award reflects a site’s implementing the program’s five evidence-based priority strategies. Silver acknowledges a site that has communicated these changes to parents and family members. Gold, the highest level of recognition, is reserved for sites that have written all five priority strategies into policy or have school staff participate on the district’s wellness committee.

Winslow police drive nets food for local school pantries

The successful food drive

Submitted by Mark Huard

Over the last month and a half, the Winslow Police and Parks & Recreation Department have been collecting food donations for the Winslow School Department’s Food Pantry Program. As we know, there are families that are struggling even in Winslow, and they depend on the school to provide at least one solid, healthy meal a day. However, when school is not open during the weekends or vacations, many students go hungry.

Last year the Winslow Police Department collected gifts for families that were unable to purchase Christmas gifts. This year they elected to help out the entire family but providing needed food that anyone in the household could benefit. The food drive was extremely successful with so many people stopping by to drop off food, toiletries, checks and gift cards. The records room was so stuffed that the records clerk had to suspend moving end of the year records. Having a problem like this is not a real problem, but a wonderful problem to have.

At the end of the food drive, they needed a full-size van and truck to transport all the supplies to the high school. There it will be separated and moved to the other schools. This minor gesture of community service will serve so many in need.

Fight the Freeze campaign to help local children to stay warm

Donations of new mittens and gloves requested by January 9 by Kennebec Federal Savings

Kennebec Federal Savings’ second annual “Fight the Freeze” campaign is underway. If you would like to help less-fortunate Waterville-area children stay warm this winter, you are encouraged to donate new, children’s-sized gloves or mittens from now until January 9, 2019.

Please drop off your donations at Kennebec Federal Savings branches, located at 70 Main Street, in Waterville, and 11 Washington Street, in Waterville. Items collected will be distributed to children from January 14 through 18, 2019, at the George J. Mitchell and Albert S. Hall schools, each of which has requested 100 pairs of mittens/gloves. Excess donations will be distributed to other Waterville-area children in need. For more information, please call 873-5151.

Submitted by Dave Carew, Freelance Book Editor / Publicist / Copywriter.

Attendance matters at China Middle School

by Mandi Favreau

Building positive relationships is a key component of the district-wide attempt to improve attendance and address chronic absenteeism. At China Middle School, fostering stronger connections with students and families has been the core component of their strategy.

For obstacles such as illness and injuries, the school nurse contacts families with the goal of keeping communication open and getting students back to school as soon as appropriate. Other attendance obstacles, however, require a more complex solution.

“We have seen a shift in the number of students with anxiety and mental health issues in the past several years,” said Principal Lois Bowden, “which has impacted attendance.”

Instead of sending them home if an issue arises, CMS staff has used weekly team meetings and 504 meetings to develop individualized plans for absent students. For example, one student who suffered from anxiety was provided access to a preferred staff member that they could check in with if they were feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

Perhaps the largest obstacle to attendance is misconceptions about the value of attendance. CMS is addressing that with a multi-pronged approach. JMG continues to be a resource to provide support for students who may be chronically absent. In addition, CMS has further developed their advisory program to focus on team building activities, guided lessons and academic support. Advisors have also been working to strengthen connections with the families of their advisees to keep everyone on the same page.

The school also has a new position that has been hugely instrumental in increasing attendance.  The Student Support Specialist, Doreen Armour, tracks attendance, calls families when students become chronically absent, and most importantly, builds relationships with students who might otherwise not be getting social and academic support. She also helps build reentry plans for students who have been chronically absent to help them return to school.

The initiative has already been a success in terms of reinforcing connections with students and their families, according to Principal Lois Bowden. “It has opened the lines of communication between school and home,” she said. “We are able to make a plan and work together to help support the child, which has resulted in positive outcomes.