Entries by Mary Grow

VASSALBORO: Major decisions postponed during budget talks

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members held their second budget discussion on Feb. 10, taking another two and a half hours to review expenditure requests for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2022. Major decisions were postponed for more consideration, and the decisions select board members did make are subjected to reconsideration as […]

Vassalboro planners approve three applications

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved three applications on their Feb. 1 agenda, none intended to create environmental changes. Robert Parise and his brother-in-law are buying the Riverside Drive (Route 202) business called RAPS. Parise told board members the new business, named Platinum & Core LLC, will continue the junkyard/scrapyard part of […]

CHINA: Solar company may expand array onto another lot

by Mary Grow At their Jan. 25 meeting, China Planning Board members continued discussion of two of their Jan. 11 topics (see The Town Line, Jan. 20, p. 3). Since Jan. 11, they learned, China’s town attorney, Amanda Meader, has agreed that if SunRaise Investments leases more land adjoining the planned solar farm on the […]

China TIF committee hears request from Thurston Park, broadband

by Mary Grow China Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members reviewed two applications for 2022-23 TIF funding at their Jan. 27 meeting. Jeanette Smith, chairman of the Thurston Park Committee, explained why her group is asking for $34,600. Jamie Pitney, a member of the China Broadband Committee (CBC) as well as the TIF Committee, explained […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 4

by Mary Grow Revolutionary War veterans from Albion, China, Clinton, Fairfield Note One: this article and next week’s will be about a few of the Revolutionary War veterans who lived in the central Kennebec Valley. Selection is based on two criteria: how much information your writer could find easily, and how interesting she thought the […]

Consolidated Communications officials: Do not expect an offer to expand internet service

by Mary Grow Members of China’s Broadband Committee (CBC) heard a presentation from two Consolidated Communications officials at their Jan. 18 meeting. The speakers did not encourage them to expect an offer from the company to expand internet service to town residents. Consolidated, which used to be Fairpoint Communications, serves some China residents, many fewer […]