Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro school heads ask for more early release days

by Mary Grow The liveliest discussion at the Nov. 16 Vassalboro School Board meeting was over the administration’s request for additional early release days, when students are sent home for the afternoon so teachers can work together. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer and Assistant Principal Greg Hughes explained that teachers at Vassalboro Community School (VCS), dealing with […]

China Broadband Committee (CBC) continues exploring options for funding

by Mary Grow At their Nov. 17 meeting, China Broadband Committee (CBC) members continued exploring options for funding better internet service for China residents, after voters said no to borrowing money through a town-issued bond. At their Nov. 4 meeting, the main alternatives considered were seeking an arrangement with other towns or continuing to develop […]

Transfer station committee members agree on two monetary issues

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members agreed unanimously on two monetary issues at their Nov. 16 meeting. One was to ask selectmen to choose an engineer to design a cover for the pre-crusher and controls beside the mixed-waste hopper at the transfer station. Committee members recommend an engineered plan because they want the […]

CHINA: Rollins, Wilkens to lead planning board

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members began their Nov. 9 meeting by electing new leaders, since former Chairman Randall Downer has retired. Co-chairman Toni Wall moved that Scott Rollins become chairman and James Wilkens co-chairman; the motion was approved. Rollins welcomed new member Michael Brown. Board members then unanimously approved both commercial applications on […]

China TIF members approve revised application form

by Mary Grow Five members of China’s Tax Increment Financing Committee (TIF) used their Nov. 15 meeting to make administrative updates. The major action was approval of a revised application form for groups seeking TIF funding. The form asks for information on how the money will be used and provides for a liaison person from […]

What’s next for China’s broadband committee?

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members met Nov. 4 to consider “What’s next for broadband in China,” after voters rejected their request to authorize select board members to borrow money for expanded broadband infrastructure. After discussing options for continuing to improve broadband service for China residents, they brought the “What’s next” question to […]

China selectmen work through miscellaneous agenda

by Mary Grow China selectmen had a miscellaneous agenda for their Nov. 8 meeting, and dealt with most of it expeditiously. Board Chairman Ronald Breton introduced newly-elected member Jeanne Marquis to the audience. Marquis invited residents to send her comments; board members’ email addresses are on the town website, china.govoffice.com. Kennebec County Sheriff’s Deputy Ivano […]