Entries by Website Editor

EVENTS: St. Michael Walk-a-Thon rescheduled

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the annual St. Michael School and Travis Mills Walk-A-Thon, originally scheduled for May 5, will now be held on Wednesday, May 19. Pledges and donations will continue to be accepted through May 19. For more information about the event, email jennsparda1@gmail.com or legalboxerz@hotmail.com. In addition to the running, walking and activities, […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Composer: Sergei Prokofiev

by Peter Cates Sergei Prokofiev Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) and Dimitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) are, for me, the three most outstanding 20th century composers to have emerged from Russia. I have written previously of Rachmani­noff and Shostako­vich and would like to focus on Prokofiev. He was a child prodigy as a composer and pianist, […]

MAINE MEMORIES: Five old crows, plus one

by Evangeline T. Hello and welcome to Maine Memories, little snippets of life from our home state. Spring has sprung, and the weather is much milder. Keep your fingers crossed that snow season is finally behind us…there’s always something interesting going on outside when May flowers bloom. For this installment, here’s a true story about […]


Contrails by the late Milt Huntington Augusta Jet planes streaking through the sky Leave their contrails there to die. We who watch them from below Can only wonder where they go. We hear their disappearing sound As it echoes dimly to the ground. From west to east and east to west They travel headlong to […]

LETTERS: Easy way to save for retirement

To the editor: It is a distressing fact that on average, working households in Maine have just $2,500 in retirement savings. This is due in part because many Maine workers have no way to save for retirement through their employer. This legislative session, a simple solution is being proposed and AARP Maine strongly supports it. […]