Entries by Website Editor

Trying to make sense out of absentee ballot applications

by Roland D. Hallee With the push by municipal officials encouraging voters to cast their ballots early, and the aggressive campaigns taken by political candidates to get-out-the-vote, much confusion has surfaced as to the process of voting absentee. At the head of the confusion is the fact that many households are receiving multiple unsolicited applications […]


(NAPSI)—Nasal congestion is nothing to sneeze at. It affects roughly 20 percent of the population and is associated with reduced quality of life, difficulty sleeping, reduced daytime performance, and increased need for healthcare. In addition to the physical misery, it is estimated the annual financial impact of chronic congestion is more than $5 to $10 […]

Absentee voting notice

Note to residents of China: Various organizations are sending absentee ballot request forms to residents of the town, with a return address of the Town Clerk’s Office. These notices were not sent out by the Town of China. If you have already submitted an absentee ballot request, you may disregard these forms. For any concerns […]

OBITUARIES for Thursday, September 24, 2020

HAROLD WINTERS SOUTH CHINA – Harold “Hal” Winters, 73, passed away unexpectedly at Eastern Maine Medical Center, in Bangor, on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, following cardiac surgery. Harold was the youngest son of John Kenneth and Betty Jane Winters. His early years were spent in the mid-West until the family relocated to Massachusetts where he […]

CHINA: Program at ACB Memorial Library

by Mary Grow “Maine Memories,” the second post-coronavirus outdoor program at the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village, brought an interested audience to the library’s south lawn Sunday afternoon, Sept. 20. Librarian Carla Olson Gade opened the program by reading a poem by Maine author and Vassalboro native Holman Day, and closed it […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, September 24, 2020

STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT 41 COURT ST. SOMERSET, ss SKOWHEGAN, ME PROBATE NOTICES TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE ESTATES LISTED BELOW Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates or change of name. These matters will be […]