Update: Eagle Scout project is a LifeFlight helipad

Many local dignitaries, family and friends attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at the helipad, which was built as a project by Eagle Scout Kaleb Brown, left. (photo by Roberta Barnes)

by Roberta Barnes

Eagle Scout Kaleb Brown, left. (photo by Roberta Barnes)

The ribbon cutting ceremony held on September 23, 2023, in Palermo, was for a lifesaving resource added into the Recreational Field, on the Turner Ridge Rd. Family, friends, fellow scouts, first responders and law enforcement officers from Palermo and neighboring towns were present to celebrate this vital resource.

This resource that is beneficial for all surrounding communities is the result of the completion of an Eagle Scout project. An Eagle Scout Project is a community service effort that comes at the end of a scout’s career and must be completed to attain scouting’s highest rank.

The Eagle Scout project Kaleb Brown completed is evidence that one person’s idea can result in creating a resource that can save lives. The project that Brown, senior Patrol Leader of Palermo Boy Scout Troop #222, and high school senior, presented to the Scout Council was for a permanent LifeFlight helicopter pad to be built in an area where it is needed.

Transportation and time are essential factors when critical care is needed. In Maine over 37,000 patients have been airlifted to receive critical medical care by LifeFlight since it was founded in 1998. Just in the past year over 2,000 patients were airlifted. Each airlift requires a safe landing site.

What inspired Brown to take on this project was an event that happened when he and his best friend were each 15 years old. His friend was critically injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver and died on route to the hospital. The only permanent concrete pads for airlifting close to Palermo were in Augusta and Belfast. His mother, Barbara Files-Lucier, assistant scoutmaster who had been a paramedic for 14 years, also served as an inspiration for his project.

When Brown met a woman at a hospital whose daughter had died, it let him know he had chosen the right project. At the ribbon cutting ceremony instead of him cutting the ribbon he asked the woman whose daughter had died if she would like to cut it. She lives close by and had enjoyed watching as the pad was being built.

As with all Eagle Scout projects, Brown’s project required determination, discipline, and hours of hard work to coordinate everything required to complete the project. His first step after the Scout council had approved his project was to get permission to use a sizable portion of the field from the youth association owning that field. After that he went door to door asking businesses for donations.

(photo by Roberta Barnes)

Brown going door to door resulted in generous donations by local businesses, and individuals that covered the entire $20,000 cost. Once enough donations had been received, he still had to be available to keep the construction of the pad smoothly on track. Eagle Scouts are allowed mentors and community support, but the responsibility of the completion of their project is on their shoulders.

An example of the community coming together and people volunteering time was Brown and family members painting the pad. The painting was after all the steps required for the pad’s construction pad had been completed by businesses and individuals donating their time and materials.

Brown’s project required 500 hours of his time and dedicated work to complete a resource that can save lives. Now first responders in all areas surrounding Palermo have this site keyed into their systems to use when needed. If other landing areas used in the past are not available at a needed time, this pad can now be used.

Prior to the ribbon cutting along with speakers from associations and various levels of government, Kaleb Brown, and his mother each spoke.

While Brown and his mother outlined all that had gone into the project they each gave a heartfelt thank you to all the people who had donated funds, materials, and their time at various stages of the project. They expressed how each person’s donation was important in making this life saving resource a reality.

As Brown’s mother spoke, stepping stones for the commitment required to complete his Eagle scout project were explained, including the discipline required for school grades and his martial arts training.

Kaleb Brown’ s words that summed up this project were, “Hard things are right things.”

Roberta Barnes is a freelance contributor to The Town Line.

Research sessions effort to collect data on PFAS

by Jonathan Strieff

Doctors from Redington-Fairview General Hospital, in Skowhegan, and the MaineHealth Institute for Research, in Portland, hosted six research session over three weeks in Waterville and Thorndike in an effort to collect data regarding PFAS exposure in central Maine.

PFAS refers to a family more than 4,000 chemicals present in a wide variety of consumer products, from non-stick cook wear and food packaging to water resistant clothing and stain resistant home goods. Since the 1970s, evidence of negative health outcomes associated with increased PFAS exposure has steadily grown, including decreased antibody response in adults and children, thyroid disease and dysfunction in adults, and increased risks of kidney, breast, and testicular cancers, but the evidence has primarily targeted water pollution associated with close proximity to chemical manufacturing plants and sites with heavy use of fire retardant foam, like military training bases. The high level exposure identified in central Maine in recent years is unique as the contamination has come from the application of sewage and industrial waste as fertilizer on farm fields, entering the food chain and watershed less directly.

When Dr. Rachel Criswell and Dr. Abby Fleish began seeing the impacts of PFAS exposure in their clinical patients, they sought to understand what ways this form of exposure differed from those that have been better researched. Criswell and Fleish applied for grant funding from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences to conduct a Time-Sensitive Environmental Health Study. Time-Sensitive Studies are typically carried out following natural disasters and other anomalous events, but the doctors convincingly argued that the degree of PFAS exposure in central Maine constituted a “slow-moving environmental disaster.”

The study they designed holds three distinct goals: to describe the extent and impacts of PFAS contamination among the diverse cohort; to clearly identify all possible exposure pathways (food, water, soil dust, other); and to quantify the mental health affects resulting from the stress of mitigating the contamination. To do this, Criswell and Fleish contacted by mail every individual in the three surrounding counties who had well water tested for PFAS by the Department of Environmental Protection, asking for participants to take part in their study.

At the September 19 event, held at the Waterville Elks lodge, more than two dozen respondents attended to participate. Following a brief overview of the study by Dr. Criswell, each participant was individually walked through an informed consent form and then asked to complete a short questionnaire that asked about personal diet and lifestyle habits before and after learning of PFAS exposure. Participants were then asked to provide a blood sample and those willing also had the option to provide hair samples, human milk samples, and stool samples.

Prior to the two events scheduled in Thorndike the following week, Dr. Criswell anticipated falling far short of the 300 participants they hoped to enlist, but was already making arrangements to extend enrollment in the study. Anyone interested in participating can contact Skowhegan Family Medicine at 207-474-6201.

Jonathan Strieff is a freelance contributor to The Town Line.

Vassalboro scouts welcome home Honor Flight veterans

Front row, from left to right, Arrow of Light William Vincent, of Vassalboro, Life Scout Nathan Polley, of Vassalboro Troop and Webelos Cub Scout Eli Richmond, all of Pack #410, in Vassalboro. second row, Cub Pack #604 Tiger Cubs Jeffrey Blais and Jett Jordan. Third row, Troop #410 Scoutmaster Stephen Polley. Fourth row, Wolf Scout Lux Reynolds, Wolf Scout Connor Millett, Dragon Scout Lila Reynolds, all Pack #410. Fifth row, Star Scout Michael Dellinger and Life Scout Cole Fortin, both Troop #410; the third scout carrying the American flag is Life Scout Macgyver Blundon, Troop #604 and the fourth scout carrying Scout flag is Tenderfoot Scout Ricky Phillips, of Winthrop Troop #604). All those in Vassalboro Pack and Troop #410, are from Vassalboro. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Scouts from Vassalboro and the Winthrop area were on hand to welcome home the 24 veterans when they returned home after visiting Washington, D.C. as part of Honor Flight’s third “mission” of 2023.

“The event was a wonderful opportunity to teach scouts about both the Duty to God and Duty to Country, as well as the importance of using some of their personal time to honor those who have sacrificed for the life opportunities we all have living in this great country,” said Christopher Santiago, of Vassalboro, Pack #410 Cubmaster and Troop #410 Asst. Scoutmaster.

The veterans who served in World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War, were able to tour, experience, and reflect at the memorials erected in their honor and memory through the efforts of Honor Flight. The scouts were part of the group welcoming back home these heroes from past conflicts.

Amanda Jordan said, “I’m so very proud of my two sons Jeffrey and Jett in their Cub Scout adventure today for Honor Guard and welcoming home the Veterans!”

Samantha Doody-Remington, Scoutmaster of Troop #604, said, “It is so important to teach each generation the valor of the generations that came before them. These scouts got to talk to and welcome home a man who stood up and served his country during the Vietnam War. When he got home, Arthur Wells probably didn’t get the best welcome and we wanted to make sure he knows how important he is to so many people. America is grateful not only for Arthur’s service but all of those who served. Welcoming them home is the least we can do.

Waterville woman organizes inaugural Maine Book Festival

Over 100 attended the inaugural Maine Book Festival, in Hallowell. (photo by Jonathan Strieff)

by Jonathan Strieff

More than 20 vendors from all over Maine filled the Stevens Commons lawn, in Hallowell, on Sunday, October 1, for the first Maine Book Festival. Well over 100 attendees circulated among the stalls of local authors, crafters, and book sellers throughout the day-long event in the warm autumn sunshine. Besides the vendors, the event featured book and poetry readings, presentations from varied literary organizations and live music.

The Maine Book Fest was created by Maddie Smith, a 22-year-old Waterville resident who operates The Banned Bookstore, an online and pop-up book store featuring titles that have been banned from schools or faced other forms of censorship. Smith said the idea to celebrate the rich diversity of writers, publishers, and readers in central Maine came from attending a similar festival near Cleveland, Ohio.

The morning began with a welcoming address by Virginia Marriner, the executive director of Literacy Volunteers of Kennebec. Marriner praised the enthusiasm of the event participants before detailing some of the work her group does. For 50 years, the mission of LVK has been to improve reading, writing and literacy skills of adults so each individual may reach their potential.

photo by Jonathan Strieff

Volunteer tutors offer learner-centered guidance for overcoming all kinds of barriers to literacy, from promoting family literacy and early childhood intervention, to working with English as a Second Language learners, adults with learning disabilities, as well as high school equivalency degree coaching. Marriner spoke extensively about the impacts low literacy can have on peoples lives, from poverty rates and employment challenges to increased incidences of incarceration, and encouraged participants to support the children’s programming LVK does to help create lifelong readers.

The group has installed “StoryWalks,” posted pages from children’s books, along popular walking trails in Augusta, Hallowell, and Gardiner, as well as built “little library” free book boxes throughout the city to help increase access to books. LVK will be hosting a children’s book giveaway Trick or Treat event on Saturday, October 28, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., at the Lithgow Public Library, in Augusta.

The next presentation was led by three members of Z about creating and maintaining a book club. The three members took turns speaking to both the joys and pleasures of participating in a book club as well as the logistics involved in managing the group. The Lone Pine Book Club meets in person monthly to discuss a selected book. A far greater number of members participating online using the Fable app to share their opinions between in person meetings. Besides the enjoyable discussions, and discovering books one would never otherwise read, the three members agreed the greatest aspect of book club participation was the sense of community built over time with the other members.

When asked, most festival goers included building community as a primary reason for attending the event. Will Neils, of Appleton, portrayed the value of the event in somewhat darker terms.

“I’ve traveled all over this land,” said Neils, “and I’ve never seen the level of belligerent ignorance out in society today. The only antidote to that is knowledge because knowledge is power.”

Jonathan Strieff is a freelance contributor to The Town Line.

Golf Fore Kids’ Sake raises $31K (2023)

First place gross: Huhtamaki

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine’s 2023 Golf Fore Kids’ Sake, at Belgrade Lakes, presented by Kennebec Savings Bank, raised over $31,000 on September 1, to support one-to-one youth mentoring in Kennebec Valley.

Belgrade Golf Fore Kids’ Sake 2023 Tournament winners:

First Place Gross: Huhtamaki (Jerrod Bentley, Connor Dayton, Christopher Farrar, Ricky Kennedy).

First Place Net: MaineGeneral Health (Jason Brown, Rick Polkinghorn, John Smith, Andy Dionne).

Additional team winners included Goose River Golf Club (Second Place Gross) and Bank of New Hampshire (Second Place Net). Individual awards were presented to: Joyce Sachi (Ladies Longest Drive); Corey Gillespie (Men’s Longest Drive); Seth Doughty (Chipping Contest).

To learn more about becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, or to get involved as a supporting partner or volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine, visit bbbsmidmaine.org.

First place net: MaineGeneral Health. (contributed photos)

PHOTO: Football season in full swing

Waterville Junior High School running back, Alex Roth, #17 (eighth grader), during a recent game vs. Brunswick, held in Waterville. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

PHOTO: First day at China Primary School

Contributed photo

Students in Mrs. Dunn’s class had an amazing first day of school at China Primary School! They got to make crowns to celebrate the occasion, and everyone was smiling at the end of the day! Wishing them a great year of learning as they start their educational journey at RSU #18!

Young man shows that one person can help save lives

Photo by Gary Mazoki

by Roberta Barnes

The ribbon cutting ceremony held on September 23, 2023, in Palermo, was for a lifesaving resource added into the Recreational Field, on the Turner Ridge Rd. Family, friends, fellow scouts, first responders and law enforcement officers from Palermo and neighboring towns were present to celebrate this vital resource.

This resource that is beneficial for all surrounding communities is the result of the completion of an Eagle Scout project. An Eagle Scout Project is a community service effort that comes at the end of a scout’s career and must be completed to attain scouting’s highest rank.

The Eagle Scout project Kaleb Brown completed is evidence that one person’s idea can result in creating a resource that can save lives. The project that Brown, senior Patrol Leader of Palermo Boy Scout Troop #222, and high school senior, presented to the Scout Council was for a permanent LifeFlight helicopter pad to be built in an area where it is needed.

Transportation and time are essential factors when critical care is needed. In Maine over 37,000 patients have been airlifted to receive critical medical care by LifeFlight since it was founded in 1998. Just in the past year over 2,000 patients were airlifted. Each airlift requires a safe landing site.

What inspired Brown to take on this project was an event that happened when he and his best friend were each 15 years old. His friend was critically injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver and died on route to the hospital. The only permanent concrete pads for airlifting close to Palermo were in Augusta and Belfast. His mother, Barbara Files-Lucier, assistant scoutmaster who had been a paramedic for 14 years, also served as an inspiration for his project.

When Brown met a woman at a hospital whose daughter had died, it let him know he had chosen the right project. At the ribbon cutting ceremony instead of him cutting the ribbon he asked the woman whose daughter had died if she would like to cut it. She lives close by and had enjoyed watching as the pad was being built.

As with all Eagle Scout projects, Brown’s project required determination, discipline, and hours of hard work to coordinate everything required to complete the project. His first step after the Sount council had approved his project was to get permission to use a sizable portion of the field from the youth association owning that field. After that he went door to door asking businesses for donations.

Brown going door to door resulted in generous donations by local businesses, and individuals that covered the entire $20,000 cost. Once enough donations had been received, he still had to be available to keep the construction of the pad smoothly on track. Eagle Scouts are allowed mentors and community support, but the responsibility of the completion of their project is on their shoulders.

An example of the community coming together and people volunteering time was Brown and family members painting the pad. The painting was after all the steps required for the pad’s construction pad had been completed by businesses and individuals donating their time and materials.

Brown’s project required 500 hours of his time and dedicated work to complete a resource that can save lives. Now first responders in all areas surrounding Palermo have this site keyed into their systems to use when needed. If other landing areas used in the past are not available at a needed time, this pad can now be used.

Prior to the ribbon cutting along with speakers from associations and various levels of government, Kaleb Brown, and his mother each spoke.

While Bown and his mother outlined all that had gone into the project they each gave a heartfelt thank you to all the people who had donated funds, materials, and their time at various stages of the project. They expressed how each person’s donation was important in making this life saving resource a reality.

As Brown’s mother spoke, stepping stones for the commitment required to complete his Eagle scout project were explained, including the discipline required for school grades and his martial arts training.

Kaleb Brown’ s words that summed up this project were, “Hard things are right things.”

Maine Pond Hockey Classic fundraiser actively seeking business sponsors and participating teams

The popular Maine Pond Hockey Classic – a fun-filled throw-back experience that attracts thousands of fans and participants each year – will be held Saturday, February 9, through Monday, February 11, 2024, at the scenic Snow Pond Center for the Arts, in Sidney 8 Goldenrod Lane. The event is a fundraiser for the Alfond Youth & Community Center – a unique partnership of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Waterville,

The Waterville Area YMCA, and the Alfond Youth Center, serves more than 5,000 youth in Maine through its main facility, in Waterville. AYCC is actively seeking sponsors interested in having a positive, enduring impact on young people, as well as 120 teams of eight players each. Registration opened August 1, 2023, with information available at MPHC’s website, https://www.mainepondhockey.org, or by emailing MEPondHockeyClassic@Gmail.com.

“Folks absolutely love this authentic pond hockey experience,” said Patrick Guerette, the Tournament Director. “They love the charm and nostalgia of watching or playing hockey on frozen ponds, which evokes a sense of camaraderie, outdoor adventure, and a return to the sport’s roots.”

Guerrette noted that a just-secured grant from the Maine Office of Tourism spotlights a huge vote of confidence for the Maine Pond Hockey Classic and the positive community and economic effects it will have throughout central Maine.

The event planners say the Maine Pond Hockey Classic will be “a hockey tournament and much, much more” – a kind of winter carnival with additional activities and entertainment offered, including live music, food vendors, interactive games, and opportunities for families and friends to enjoy a truly memorable weekend together. In addition to the life-changing impact sponsorship can have on young people, sponsors will enjoy the benefits of highly positive exposure and visibility through their participation in the event. Sponsorship packages include branding opportunities, promotional materials, and acknowledgments that showcase sponsors’ commitment to supporting youth and community programs.

For more information or to register, please contact Patrick Guerette, Tournament Director, at 207-873-0684 or MEPondHockeyClassic@Gmail.com.

EVENTS: Messaloskee girls to host girls youth soccer mentoring day

(contributed photo)

Messalonskee High School girls soccer and the ShineOnCass Foundation will host its 8th annual girls youth soccer mentoring day “ShineOn Saturday” September 23, from noon to 2 p.m., on the Messalonskee High School Turf Field, in Oakland. The event is held to honor former Messalonskee soccer player and youth mentor Cassidy Charette, who died in a hayride accident October 11, 2014.

Area girls, ages pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, are invited to attend at no cost. Soccer skills are not required. In addition to participating in skill building and fun field games, attendees will receive an autographed team poster and a ShineOnCass wristband that earns them a special snack and recognition at the Lady Eagles’ homecoming soccer game. Healthy snacks will be provided.

To assist in planning, please pre-register at shineoncass.org, or send your child’s name and age, parent/guardian name and contact info to shineoncass@gmail.com. Walk-ins welcome.

The ShineOnCass Foundation was created to educate, inspire and empower youth to shine their own light through kindness and volunteer charitable activities. For more information about the ShineOn Saturday event or the Foundation, visit shineoncass.org or email shineoncass@gmail.com.

Emery Pell (front) and her twin sister Shea, learn new soccer skills under the guidance of their mentor and Messalonskee girls soccer player Brooke Landry, at last year’s ShineOn Saturday. The 8th annual event connects young girls with high school soccer players, for a fun day of skills, games and positive youth mentoring. ShineOn Saturday is organized by the Lady Eagles and the ShineOn Cass Foundation to honor and remember former Eagle midfielder and youth mentor Cassidy Charette. The event is free to all interested girls, Pre-K to Grade 5. Contributed photo