Vassalboro Public Library summer reading program a huge success
Throughout the summer 67 students, all members of the Vassalboro library, participated in the Summer Reading Program “Bikes for Books,” sponsored by Vassalboro Masonic Lodge #54. Mid-June the children signed up for the program and received a welcome packet which included a free book, start-up prizes and reading logs. They also received one raffle ticket for signing up which went into the bike raffle. For every two hours read after signup, and recorded in reading logs, students received another ticket to add to the raffle. There were 12 bikes total to win – all sponsored by the Vassalboro Masonic Lodge- sized 16″, 20″ 24″ and 28″, to accommodate the different ages of the participants.
The incentive for students was immediately apparent to library staff. Many of the participating children were eager to win a bike. About 15 students were reading 15-40 hours a week, and up to 40 came often to the library to turn in reading logs for more raffle tickets. By August 28, once the final tally came in, the 67 participating students had read a total of 1,622 hours!
On August 28 the library director, Brian Stanley, assistant librarian, and two trustees gathered with members of the Masonic lodge to raffle off the bikes. Participating families were welcome to get free ice cream, to have their faces painted by a pro – Face paint Amy – and to get a free library T-shirt. Many of the winning students were present to receive the bikes and others were called who were not present. All in all 12 eager and happy students received bikes and the 1,622 hours read became a great incentive for the Library and Masonic Lodge to hold similar events in the coming years.
During the summer the Vassalboro Library also sponsored many programs for the area youth including Northern Stars Planetarium, Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers, Chewonki – Tidepools and Fins and Flippers – the LC Bates Museum and weekly storytimes. Check the library’s website and Facebook for future events.