Connor Files earns Eagle Scout rank

Eagle Scout Connor Files at the Skowhegan Federated Church.

by Chuck Mahaleris

Skowhegan has one new Eagle Scout after Connor Files received Scouting’s highest rank during a ceremony at the Skowhegan Federated Church, on Sunday, September 25.

Connor pinning the Eagle Scout Mother’s Pin on his mom Margaux Files after she had pinned the Eagle Scout medal on her son’s uniform.

“My Eagle Scout project,” Connor said, “included mapping trails in the Coburn Woods and installing an informational kiosk for the Somerset Woods Trustees.” Connor, son of Darren and Margaux Files, of Skowhegan, is 16 years old and attends Skowhegan Area High School.

State Senator Brad Farrin, of Norridgewock, was one of the 70-plus who attended the ceremony and praised Eagle Scout Files for his “excellence in skills development, leadership, personal growth, and community service” while presenting him with U.S. flag that had flown over the State of Maine Capitol Building, along with a legislative sentiment.

Connor loves to be outdoors. Besides Scouting, he enjoys downhill skiing, mountain biking, hunting and fishing. “Connor is an extremely hard worker,” said his father and former Scout Master Darren Files. “He is always eager to help. His mother and I never have to ask him to do something twice. He makes parenting easy. Sometimes teens find it difficult to balance everything they do. Connor does a great job finding the balance between work, Scouts, soccer, skiing while also maintaining high honors in school. We couldn’t be prouder.”

Eagle Scout Gage Morgan provided the Eagle Scout Charge to Connor and reminded him, “The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of all character.”

Rev. Mark Tanner provided the invocation and benediction and praised Connor not only for his Scouting work but also for the care and nurturing way he interacts with both the younger scouts in the troop as well as his own brother, Nolan.

Connor said, “Scouting is a great opportunity not only to get kids out into the wilderness but also teach them fantastic life skills that will take you far in life.”

Photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris

Brothers Nolan and Connor Files show off some of Connor’s Pinewood Derby cars.

EVENTS: Vassalboro community supper returns to the grange

Holly Weidner, far right, demonstrates how to make DIY cleaning products at the Vassalboro Grange, in June 2022. (contributed photo)

by Gillian Lalime

For many years grangers in Vassalboro celebrated fall’s bounty with a harvest supper featuring food items such as a pig roast, international foods, homemade bread, and seasonal pies. Since the start of 2020 in-person programming has been limited and in some cases, completely ceased. This October the East Vassalboro grange once again opens its doors and will host a Fall harvest supper. The menu will use all locally sourced ingredients, from wheat and apples to dairy, vegetables and meat all grown or raised on nearby farms.

 This year’s supper is especially important since the Grange is in great need of replenishing their funds. Unable to run programming for two years, the financial reserves which go to maintaining building costs such as insurance, electricity, and water are at an all-time low. The Harvest Dinner is organized by a core group of grange members who will be harvesting, gleaning, processing, cooking, and baking foods for the next month.  The Vassalboro grange is using the event to re-ignite a programming based in agriculture, rural-living, and self-sufficiency, which goes along with their mission and values for fostering a vibrant rural community and economy in central Maine.

Historically the grange was a hub for multi-generational gathering and agricultural education in addition to a community center offering dances, workshops, and events like plays and local meals. Back in June there was a Strawberry Social with a talk given by longtime grange member Holly Weidner on how to make “zero waste” or plastic-free cleaning products such as laundry soap, dish detergent, and personal care body products. Attendees snacked on homemade biscuits topped with strawberries from Full Fork Farm and whipped cream from Two Loons Farm (both in China) while Holly demonstrated alternatives to purchasing soaps that normally come in plastic containers. Recipes for folks to do the same at home were handed out at the end.

Continuing in the spirit of knowledge sharing and hands-on community gathering, leading up to the Harvest Supper will be a day of making applesauce and sauerkraut made with fruit from Lemuix’s Orchard in Vassalboro and cabbages gleaned from local gardens and farms like Mistybrook in Albion.  There will be an afternoon of cider-pressing on the front lawn and a Saturday of folding savory dumplings.  All food prepped in these sessions will be served during the dinner on October 22nd, an occasion that celebrates the bounty we are surrounded by this time of year. Events are open to all ages and abilities!

For anyone interested in participating please see the Grange’s October Event Calendar below. All take place at the East Vassalboro Grange Hall: 357 Main Street E. Vassalboro, ME 04935. Anyone wanting to learn more about the grange, crush their apples into cider, and meet new neighbors are encouraged to come!

Sunday, October 2: 5 pm: Philosopher’s Table. Discussion topic: Land Ethic and the expansion of an ethical community to include parts of the ecosystem.

Thursday, October 6th: 2-6 pm: Sauerkraut & applesauce making. Please bring your own sharp knife, cutting board, and a large mixing bowl if you have these items!

Saturday, October 8th: 9 am – 5 pm: Dumpling making day. We especially need hands for this day, even if you can only come for a few hours.

Sunday, October 16: 2 pm: Grange monthly community event –– Cider pressing! Bring your apples and containers to fill with cider.

Saturday, October 22: 6 pm:  Harvest Dinner is served! Tickets are $20/person. Pre-ordering is required.

Saturday, October 29: 6:30-10 pm: Fifth Saturday Contra Dance with a potluck and pumpkin carving.

Dennis Keller is NAIFA-Maine J. Putnam Stevens award recipient

Dennis Keller, LUTCF

The J. Putnam Stevens Award is given to the person who has rendered outstanding service to their industry and community in the State of Maine. Dennis Keller, of Palermo, has been in the insurance industry with State Farm Insurance since 1985 and joined the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) shortly after that. He has mentored countless agents throughout the years, has achieved many awards and milestones with State Farm, is a 20-year veteran of the United States Air Force (retired). He is devoted to his family, church, community and office staff, all of whom have been recipients of his generosity as he graciously and often sacrificially shares his time, wisdom, resources and energy.

He has achieved many other awards and milestones with State Farm, including Chairman’s Circle, Honor Club (for 36 consecutive years), Mutual Fund Leader, and Zone Senior Vice-President Club.

Dennis is a member of the Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce, an ardent supporter of Special Olympics Maine, and a benefactor for the Fair Haven Camps, in Brooks. He recently spearheaded a fundraising campaign collecting over $10,000 to help the camp rebuild after a fire. Dennis is a perennial volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, and as the oldest member on a recent build, was the first to volunteer on the roof.

Dennis and his wife, Miriam, reside in Palermo. They have two grown children, Misty, of Palermo, and Matthew, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and five grandchildren in Maine and Japan.

J. Putnam Stevens was born in Winthrop, Maine, on November 24, 1852. He was appointed General Agent of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company on September 1, 1887. Throughout his more than 46 years of service, he was intensely loyal to his fellow associates, to the industry and to his company.

The J. Putnam Stevens Award is given to the person who has rendered outstanding service to their industry and community in the state of Maine. It is not intended to restrict the award only to agents and/or advisors, but rather to recognize those people, even outside the industry, who have advanced the cause of the life insurance profession.

I’M JUST CURIOUS – Survival: reason to celebrate

by Debbie Walker

This move into the camper has held a few surprises for me. Recently, I was going through some boxes I must have packed a couple years ago and forgot. In going through this one box I found some of dad’s things. I found a piece that someone must have shared with dad but I can’t find it on the internet (keeping in mind I am not an expert) and I have no reason to believe he wrote this. I enjoyed reading it and hope you do too:

For All Those Born Before 1945

We are survivors! Consider the changes we have witnessed:

We were born before television, penicillin, polio shots, Xerox, contact lenses, Frisbees, and the PILL.

We were born before credit cards, split atoms, laser beams and ballpoint pens. Before pantyhose, dishwashers, clothes dryers, electric blankets, air conditioners, drip dry clothes … and before man walked on the moon.

We got married first and then lived together. How quaint can you be?

In our time, closets were for clothes, not for “coming out of”, bunnies were small rabbits and were not Volkswagens. Designer jeans were scheming girls named Jean or Jeanne; and having a meaningful relationship meant getting along well with our cousins. We thought fast food was what you ate during Lent, our Outer Space was the back of the Riviera Theatre.

We were born before house husbands’, gay rights, computer dating, duel careers and commuter marriages. We were before day-care centers, group therapy and nursing homes. We never heard of FM Radio, tape decks, electric typewriters, artificial hearts, word or food processors, and guys wearing earrings. For us, time sharing meant togetherness. . . not computers or condominiums; a “chip” meant a piece of wood; hardware meant hardware and software wasn’t even a word.

In 1940, “made in Japan” meant junk and the term “making out” referred to how you did on your exam. Pizzas, “McDonalds” and instant coffee were unheard of.

We hit the scene when there were 5 and 10 cent stores, where you bought things for five and 10 cents. Sanders or Wilsons sold ice cream cones for a nickel or a dime. For one nickel you could ride a streetcar, make a phone call, buy a Pepsi or enough stamps to mail one letter and two postcards. You could buy a Chevy Coupe for $600, but who could afford one? A pity too because gas was only $.11 a gallon.

In our day, cigarette smoking was fashionable, Grass was mowed, Coke was a cold drink and Pot was something you cooked in. Rock Music was Grandma’s lullaby and AIDS were helpers in the principal’s office.

We were certainly not before the difference between the sexes was discovered, but we were surely before the sex change; we made do with what we had. And we were the last generation that was so dumb as to think you needed a husband to have a baby! No wonder we were so confused and there is such a generation gap today! BUT WE SURVIVED!!!! Good reason to CELEBRATE . . .

I’m just curious what you thought of all this. Contact me with questions or comments at I am looking forward to them! Thanks for reading enjoy your week.

Lincoln County Dems volunteers picnic kicks off fall campaign

Leaders of the Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) marked the kick off of the fall campaign with a Volunteer Appreciation Picnic on September 10, at the Sheepscot Community Center, in Newcastle.

More than 60 volunteers attended the event, which included activities for kids and food prepared by LCDC leaders and volunteers.

“Our volunteers have been working for months to support Democratic candidates and with activity picking up as we head into fall, we wanted to take some time to thank them for all of their efforts,” said Kelli Whitlock Burton, LCDC vice chair and the 2022 campaign leader. “They are determined to do everything they can to elect people who will work hard to improve the lives of all Mainers. Their commitment to our community and state is just so inspiring.”

More than 120 people have signed up to volunteer with LCDC this campaign season, with more joining every day.

Scout leaders complete training

Nine scouting leaders completed the Youth Protection Training on Wednesday, September 19, at the American Legion Post, on Eastern Avenue, in Augusta. As stated in The Boy Scout Handbook, “Child abuse is a serious problem in our society, and unfortunately, it can occur anywhere, even in Scouting. Youth safety is Scouting’s No. 1 concern.”

Child abusers are out there and come in all shapes and sizes, and too often are people youth know and trust. Scouting has the tools and information Scout leaders need to help them keep youth safe so they can enjoy the program. Youth Protection training is required annually for all registered volunteers of Pine Tree Council. It is valid for one year, after which you must take the training again to remain eligible to serve as an adult in Scouting.

Why does Scouting ask its adult members to retake YPT every year? Because it’s important that this topic remain top of mind for every adult registered with Scouting. Karen Norton of Harpswell, a member of the Council Training Team, led the course.

Those completing the course were: Becky Blais, Philippe Blais, Josh Demers, and Douglas Mason, who are leaders in Augusta Cub Scout Pack #603; Charles Fergusson, of Troop #609, in Windsor; Jeffrey Morton and Michael Fortin, of Augusta Troop #603; Kennebec Valley District Vice Chairman Chuck Mahaleris, of Augusta, and Kennebec Valley District Executive Michael Perry, of Livermore.

The training, which is also offered online, will be provided in person several times this Fall to ensure all leaders have an opportunity to learn how to recognize the signs of abuse, how to react, and to whom should they report. Scouting leaders are mandatory reporters in the state of Maine.

EVENTS: Bingo in Madison

American Legion Bingo is an every Sunday event at the American Legion Hall, 20 S. Maple Street, Madison. Doors open at noon; Games start at 2 p.m. Kitchen is open with refreshments FMI: Call Gina at 696-4946.

Halloween theme at Camp Bomazeen

Patch is the design from Dalton Curtis that will be used by the Bomazeen Old Timers to fundraise for their efforts to provide ongoing support for Camp Bomazeen.

Enjoy a day of Halloween-Themed Activities for families at Camp Bomazeen. Come in costume, join in the games and fun this fall! As you travel around, don’t forget to get your treat.

This will take place on Saturday, October 1, 2022. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., at Camp Bomazeen, 656 Horse Point Rd., Belgrade, for Cub Scouts and non-Cub Scout families. $7/pp. Walk-ins welcome!

All youth are to be accompanied by responsible adults. They are only able to accept cash for the door, pumpkins, hot food, and trading post. You can order your patches at the event for $5.

All participants are welcomed to participate in all the following activities during the day: sports and games, shooting sports, multiple crafts, decorate your own pumpkin for $5, cooking activity, Monster Mouth, concession stand, trading post, special guests, hayride wagon, and food and personal care drive, (non-perishable and unexpired items).

Saturday Schedule: 10:30 a.m., registration and check-in begins; 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., activity periods; 4:15 p.m., closing ceremony at parade field. This is a chemical free location, please plan accordingly. Licensed service animals are welcomed. No pets!

For more information contact Julie McKenney, 207-530-0362 or Subject to change at a moment’s notice. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Augusta cub scouts help needy students

Cub Leader Josh Demers, Scarlett Mudie, Landon Demers, Mack Demers, Willow Mudie, Cub Leader Lynette Mudie, and Cub Leader Jeff Morton. All live in Augusta except the Demers’ family who live in Windsor. (contributed photo)

Cub Scouts from Augusta Pack #603 were at Shaw’s Supermarket over the weekend of September 17 and 18 collecting money to purchase school supplies for needy students. For each box of supplies the Scouts purchased at Staples for a needy student, the business donated a second box of school supplies. The boxes contain such items as pencils, erasers, markers, highlighters, glue sticks, etc. Cub Pack #603 serves children from Augusta, Windsor, and Chelsea.

PHOTO: Winning pumpkin

The China Hannaford store manager Jon Fortier recently took first prize with the largest pumpkin at the Windsor Fair. The pumpkin weighed 1,209 pounds and Jon grew it in his backyard garden in just 57 days. (photo by Eric W. Austin)