2021 Listing of Memorial Day Services

Memorial Day Services


No parade. Memorial service, 9 a.m., in front of Albion Christian Church at the monument.


Memorial service, 10 a.m., on the top of the hill in the cemetery. Return to China Baptist Church for another memorial service, following the cemetery service.


No Memorial Day parade. Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Post #39 observances as follows:

9 a.m., at Starks Town Office.

9:30 a.m., Anson Town Office, followed by scattering of flowers off the bridge.

10 a.m., Madison Library.

10:30 a.m., at the U.S./Canada Monument at Forest Hills Cemetery.

11 a.m., East Madison, Joseph Quirion Monument.


The South China American Legion Boynton-Webber Post #179 will conduct a short flower-placing ceremony at the Windsor Veterans Memorial on Rte. 32 in front of the Windsor Christian Fellowship Church at 9 a.m.

A second ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. in South China at the Veterans Memorial Park at the intersection of Old Windsor Road and Village Street.

There will be no parade this year.


Memorial ceremony, 9 a.m.

Inland vaccinations schedule change

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Northern Light Inland Hospital has adapted care and service to meet the needs of our communities. As COVID-19 vaccines became available, they moved quickly to offer vaccinations at a central location, designed to deliver vaccine to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. With over half of Maine’s eligible population vaccinated, it is time to shift our approach to ensure that those who have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated can now do so.

While they have offered pop-up clinics in underserved communities and have been providing personal vaccinations to homebound community members, they are looking to expand vaccination opportunities for those who were unable to travel to the larger vaccination sites.

On Monday, May 17, Northern Light Walk-In Care, located at 174 Kennedy Memorial Drive, in Waterville, began offering walk-in Moderna COVID-19 vaccination between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., seven days a week, for anyone 18 years and older. You do not need to be a current patient, and no appointment is necessary.

The large-scale vaccination clinic, located at Kennebec Valley Community College, in Fairfield, will begin tapering hours and days in the coming weeks, with a tentative final day of operation on Friday, June 4, based on demand.

The administration and staff at Northern Light Inland Hospital thank Kennebec Valley Community College, all the volunteers, and the community for making COVID-19 vaccinations a success. This has been a team effort for the health of our communities.

Waterville Farmers Market open

The Waterville Farmers Market is open at the Head of Falls, off Front St., every Thursday, from 2 – 6 p.m.

EVENTS: Amber Lambke to address Leadership Luncheon

Amber Lambke

Amber Lambke, founder and CEO of Maine Grains, Inc., will speak at the June Leadership Luncheon on Thursday, June 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Amici’s Cucina, 137 Main Street, Waterville.

Enjoy a fabulous lunch and meet Amber Lambke, founder and CEO of Maine Grains, Inc.

She will share her vision for the future of growth in the organic grains community, her notable entrepreneurial path and lifelong experiences that propelled her to her current position.

Maine Grains are carried by specialty food stores and used by bakeries, breweries, and chefs throughout the Northeast.

Amber is also the founding director of the nonprofit Maine Grain Alliance whose flagship event, the Kneading Conference, draws hundreds of attendees from around the world each year and has spawned countless similar conferences.

A driving force behind Maine’s sustainable foods movement, Amber has worked with local business leaders and community members to successfully bring the cultivation and processing of grains back to the northeast. Her efforts have generated a broader understanding and appreciation of the flavor, nutrition, economic and environmental value of freshly milled, organic grains.

To register for this event please email Cindy@midmainechamber.com, check the website at www.midmainechamber.com or call 873.3315. Cost for the Leadership Luncheon is $20 per person for members; $25 at the door and for non-members. Lunch is included with the reservation.

Leadership Luncheon sponsors are Kennebec Savings Bank and Central Maine Growth Council.

EVENTS: Skowhegan class of 1963 to meet

The Skowhegan High School class of 1963 will be gathering for a breakfast buffet on Saturday, June 19, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., at 234 Hilton Hill, MountainsView, Cornville. FMI call 858-0946.

EVENTS: Pond construction and maintenance workshop on June 4

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District, in partnership with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), is sponsoring a Pond Construction and Maintenance Workshop on Friday, June 4, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the District office at 893 West Street in Rockport.

Constructed ponds can add value to a property – if properly built and maintained! We will review the basics of designing, planning, constructing and maintaining a private pond as well as information on water testing. Joe Dembeck, wildlife biologist and executive director of Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District. will focus on pond biology and the wildlife associated with ponds in Maine. He will discuss pond habitat features for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, fish considerations, and nuisance wildlife.

Fee for the workshop is $15 per person ($16 online), which covers the cost of provided materials. For more information or to register, check out our website at https://www.knox-lincoln.org/pond-construction-workshop or call the District office at 596-2040 or email info@knox-lincoln.org. If you already have a pond and would like to stock it with rainbow or brook trout this spring, visit the Trout Stocking Sale page on our website, https://www.knox-lincoln.org/trout-sale.

EVENTS: Bird migration walk set for May 15

Ecology Learning Center (photo: Unity College)

Enjoy a walk through the Unity wetlands along the raised esker at the Pine Preserve, in Unity, in conjunction with the Sebasticook Regional Land Trust, on Saturday, May 15, from 7 – 9:30 a.m.

The round trip walk is a mile and a half long and departs at the trailhead parking lot on Rte. 139, 2.3 miles west of Main St. Participation is limited and pre-registration is required. To register or for more information, visit https://www.ecologylearningcenter.org/workshops.

EVENTS: Branch Mills flea market opens May 15

Branch Mills Grange #336. (photo courtesy of the Kennebec Journal)

The flea market at the Branch Mills Grange #336 will be open on Saturday, May 15, from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

EVENTS: Permaculture in the Park begins new season

Ecology Learning Center (photo: Unity College)

Plant Giveaway and Permaculture Bed Building will kick off the Permaculture in the Park series at the Ecology Learning Center CommUNITY programming in partnership with the Unity Barn Raisers. The initial session will be held on Sunday, May 16, at 11 a.m., at Triplet Park, Wood Lane, in Unity. This month will feature learning permaculture gardening techniques such as building swales for water catchment, hugelkultur for using organic landscape debris, etc.

June will feature hot weather crop planting. July will be garden maintenance and August will cover harvesting.

There is a suggested donation of $15. RSVP at https://www.ecologylearningcenter.org/workshops.

EVENTS: St. Michael Walk-a-Thon rescheduled

Travis Mills, center, and students of St. Michael School, in Augusta, make preparations for the annual walk-a-thon. (contributed photo)

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the annual St. Michael School and Travis Mills Walk-A-Thon, originally scheduled for May 5, will now be held on Wednesday, May 19. Pledges and donations will continue to be accepted through May 19. For more information about the event, email jennsparda1@gmail.com or legalboxerz@hotmail.com.

In addition to the running, walking and activities, students will be collecting items to donate to military service members stationed away from their families, writing thank you notes to our service members, and creating flags to hang up for the day of the event.”

Mills, a retired United States Army Staff Sergeant of the 82nd Airborne, is one of only five quadruple amputees from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was wounded by an improvised explosive device during his third tour in Afghanistan in 2012.

All proceeds from the walk-a-thon benefit the school and the Travis Mills Foundation.