Drive thru Halloween planned in Palermo

A trunk or treat drive through sights and sounds spectacular will be held at the China Regional Church of the Nazarene, at 898 Rte. 3, in South China, on Saturday, October 31, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Come and safely enjoy a drive through adventure featuring lots of sights, candy, and an early visit from Santa. Candy is being packed with gloves and masks on. This is not a school-sponsored event.

Course offered on active shooter response for businesses

Shawn O’Leary

Shawn O’Leary, retired Winslow chief of police, and executive vice president of Dirigo Safety will deliver a presentation discussing the importance of preparation of your business for an active shooter threat or incident. He will cover requirements under OSHA and important safety training tips to include in emergency action planning.

O’Leary adds: “Active shooter training is one of several proactive steps organizations can take to prepare employees and managers to respond appropriately to an active shooter incident. While the likelihood of an active shooter event is rare, all employees should know how to recognize the signs of potential violence and what their role is during an active shooter situation. Active shooter training strengthens and reinforces an organization’s emergency action plan and can help reduce the risk of an incident occurring.”

This informative presentation will be the focus at Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s November Business Breakfast. This month’s breakfast will be held on Thursday, November 12, from 7:15 to 9 a.m. in the Waterville Country Club Banquet Room, at 39 Country Club Road, in Oakland.

Shawn O’Leary’s career has included time with the Brunswick Police Department, where he eventually retired as a patrol lieutenant; the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, and as leader of the Criminal Investigations Division that handles all major criminal cases. O’Leary served as the Chief of Police for the Town of Winslow from 2014 until his retirement from full time law enforcement in July 2020.

Shawn is now the executive vice president of Dirigo Safety, where he oversees daily operations of law enforcement training and executive services and manages all workplace safety components, including training, onsite security assessments, and security consulting.

Shawn holds an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor’s Degree with honors in Business Management with a minor in Human Resource Management, and is a graduate of the prestigious Senior Executive School of the FBI National Academy.

Some items regarding CDC guidelines for attendance: out of concern for the safety of attendees, registrations at this indoor event will be limited to a maximum of 50 persons. Tables and seating will be spaced out, and a plated breakfast will be provided, as opposed to the buffet offered in the past. Masks are requested to be worn for registration, and until seated. Separate entrance and exits are offered to minimize passage of attendees, upon arrival and departure, and hand sanitizer will be provided.

41st annual China Maine craft show happening virtually

by Jeanne Marquis

Raigen Messier York, organizer

There aren’t many groups of people more resourceful than parents of school-age kids, except maybe crafters. It’s the resourcefulness of parents and crafters that’s making the 41st Annual China Maine Craft Show possible this year. Raigen Messier York and Melissa Clement, both of the China Schools PTO recreated the fair experience online, bringing crafters and consumers, together at, from October 7 to November 7.

The craft show has been a major fundraiser for the China Schools PTO for over four decades supporting their programs. All the money raised by the craft show fund school events, educational materials and field trips. Local and regional crafters have also come to depend on the annual income from sales at the craft fair so they return year after year. The concern about Covid could have derailed plans for the 41st fair until the leaders the PTO thought out-of-the-box to go all online.

Crafters who participate receive their own page to display images of their handmade products. Purchases will be made directly through the crafter by their preferred method of communication as indicated on their page. Organizers encourage visitors to the site to visit frequently as they expect more crafters to come onboard through the duration of the show.

Crafters in­clude:

Seaglass Creations – Creates wind chimes, mirrors, jewelry and key rings from seaglass collected from the Maine coast.
Cindy’s Quilting Connection – Offers table runners, snowmen, wall hanging, mini-duffles, and pot holders in beautiful fabrics.
Cedar Post Farm – Makes homemade, naturally based body care products including goat milk soap, lotions, scrubs and bath bombs.
Sandy Messier Designs – Sews new life into recycled denim and sweaters by creating ornaments, wreaths, teddy bears, tote bags and pouches.
Kaleidoscope Beadwork – Designs jewelry full of color and whimsy from beadwork and polymer clay.

Raffle baskets are on display on the China Maine Craft Show website. The photos will be updated regularly as new baskets are donated. Raffle basket tickets are $1 or 6 tickets for $5. Raffle tickets will be on sale through November 7, 2 p.m. To purchase tickets, contact The drawing date is November 7, 2020, at 4 p.m., on Facebook Live, from the China Maine Craft Show page.

Melissa Clement, who has run the Basket Raffle for the past three years, explained, “I have two daughters, a seventh grader and a kindergartner. I am thankful for the chance to give back to the school community; increase involvement between the parents, students and staff; and have fun doing it.”

Film center marks domestic violence awareness month

The Maine Film Center continues its new virtual series, “Cinema in Conversation,” where filmmakers, film experts, policymakers, and journalists from around the world converge on Zoom to discuss important films with the community.

The next event in the “Cinema in Conversation” series will take place on Sunday, October 18 at 2:00 p.m., and will be led by filmmakers Anna-Sophia Richards and Astrid Schäfer (IN MY SKIN), and founder/president of Finding Our Voices Patrisha McLean (producer, “Women in Windows”). Both films address the issue of domestic violence and will bring Domestic Violence Awareness Month into focus. To view the films and register for the discussion, visit The screening cost is $10 for both films, and proceeds will be split with the filmmakers.

Made in Germany, IN MY SKIN (72 minutes) asks, “Why do women stay in violent relationships even when they have been abused for a long time?” The film chronicles the experiences of the daily lives of three women with different backgrounds as the camera takes on their point of view. We hear their thoughts and suffer with them as they struggle to become more independent and break free. Based on true events, all voice-over texts were taken from interviews with the portrayed women.

WOMEN IN WINDOWS (7 minutes) is a portrait of domestic violence in our own Maine community. As COVID-19 took hold, domestic violence started to spike. The non-profit Finding Our Voices responded with “Women in Windows”: a campaign of huge (2′ x 4′) banners in the windows of 70 downtown businesses in Midcoast Maine, each featuring one of 25 Maine Survivors of domestic abuse, a nod to the abuse and the woman’s transcendence of it, and the local domestic violence hotline phone number: Getting word to women trapped more than ever with angry and controlling family members: “You are not alone” and “There is help out there.” Award-winning film director Daniel Quintanilla captures and preserves this campaign, now touring the state, in this seven-minute film that has a woman taking in the actual words of the actual women in a drive through town, inspiring her own coming out of the darkness and into the light.

A slate of discussions over the coming months will consider a wide range of films: LA LLORONA (dir. Jayro Bustamante, 2019), BIG NIGHT (dir. Stanley Tucci, 1996), and CODED BIAS (dir. Shalini Kantayya, 2020). Each discussion will be led by either the filmmaker or a film expert.

Turkey pie sale planned in Madison

A turkey pie sale, curbside only, will be held at the back entrance of the Madison American Legion Hall, on Saturday, November 7, 2020, from 3 to 6 p.m., at 20 S. Maple Street. Each pie is $10, and pre-orders are encouraged, call Charlotte at 696-3375 by October 30. For every purchase, your name will go into a drawing. Proceeds to benefit the local food cupboards. FMI: call Charlotte at 696-3375 or Harriet at 635-2051.

This event is hosted by Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #39, Madison.

CHINA: Virtual community candidates forum slated for Oct. 18

Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village.

The China Library Association invites China residents to a virtual candidates’ forum hosted by the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, China Village. The ZOOM event will take place on Sunday, October 18, 2020, at 2 p.m.

Dr. Louisa Bernhardt, vice president of the library’s board of directors, will interview the five candidates running for three positions on the China Board of Selectmen, providing an opportunity for voters to become better acquainted with their platforms.

Capacity limit is 100 for the live ZOOM event; however, the forum will be recorded for others to view online at their convenience. Access to the log-in link for the live and recorded event will be available on the library website at Interested residents are invited to send potential questions for consideration to  Please submit your questions by 6 p.m., October 16.

Guided tour of Arnold expedition to Great Carry Place Portage Trail planned

The Arnold Expedition Historical Society will be offering a combination walking and vehicle tour of the Great Carrying Portage Trail, Sunday, October 11, 2020, rain or shine. This date coincides with the Benedict Arnold’s army’s march across the portage 245 years ago. October 11 is also the date Colonel Arnold arrived at the entrance to the portage trail.

The tour will begin at the Kennebec River at 9 a.m., and end at Flagstaff Lake. Stops along the route will include; East Carry Pond, Middle Carry Pond, Sandy Stream, and West Carry Pond. The tour will last approximately four hours. Kenny Wing and Norm Kalloch will serve as the tour guides.

Some walking will be over rough and potentially soggy ground.

Please bring your own lunch and drink as we will dine on the shore of Flagstaff Lake after the tour.

This event will be limited to 25 people. Both members and non-members are invited to participate. They need to carpool as much as possible, as parking is limited along the route. A return shuttle will be available for those leaving vehicles at the Kennebec River.

Participants need to sign up by October 9. Email to reserve a slot. Directions will be provided after registration.

The State of Maine Covid-19 rules will be followed. Masks will be required to be worn inside the vehicles, and social distancing practiced in group settings.

Branch Mills Grange to host chicken & dumpling drive-up

The Branch Mills Grange will host a chicken and dumplings and pie drive-up on Saturday, October 17, from 4 – 6 p.m., for $7 per serving. Pre-orders (optional) can be place from October 10 – 16, at 5 p.m., by calling Grange Master Ann Bako and (207) 445-2707. The grange is located on Branch Mills Rd., at the China/Palermo line.

Chamber leadership luncheon set for Sept. 30

Zachary Fowler (photo credit:

Enjoy a fabulous lunch and share an entertaining and informative presentation by outdoor enthusiast Zachary Fowler. Zach will share the survival skills he utilized to maintain an 87-day existence in the deep woods of Patagonia, alone, with only a dozen tools and supplies at his disposal. He will share tips and anectdotes, detailing his month’s-long adventure.

Outdoorsman and YouTube Creator Zachary Fowler is a Vermont native who moved to Maine to become a wooden boat builder. Although building classic wooden boats was a passion and a skill, Zach’s real love was always for the outdoors. This would be expressed by his years of providing for his family, occupying an off-grid Yurt -style home, and living a self-sufficient lifestyle.

Fowler’s enthusiasm for the outdoors and strong work ethic was proven when he applied for, participated in and won, History Channel’s challenge show Alone, where he survived for 87 days in Patagonia, eating only 63 fish and 2 birds. After winning the show, Fowler chose to start his own YouTube channel, Fowler’s Makery and Mischief, where he could reach an expanded audience and share his appreciation and knowledge of the great outdoors.

To register for this event please email or call 873.3315.

Cost for the Leadership Luncheon is $20 per person for members; $25 at the door and for non-members. Lunch is included with the reservation.

Out of concern for the safety of attendees, registration at this indoor event will be limited to a maximum of 50 persons. Tables and seating will also be spaced out, and a plated lunch will be served. Masks are requested to be worn for registration, and until seated; hand sanitizer will be provided.

The Leadership Luncheons are sponsored by Kennebec Savings Bank.

Mid-Maine Chamber golf winners announced

photo: Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce

Central Maine’s most prize-laden golf tournament fundraiser was held safely and under clear skies on August 18 at the Waterville Country Club. Thirty-four teams took part in the shotgun start scramble.

Nearly 50 businesses provided sponsorships or in-kind donations for the tournament.

“We were overwhelmed with the participation in this year’s event – one of only a few of our major fundraisers we have been able to hold, due to gathering restrictions,” said Kim Lindlof, president & CEO of Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce. “We were also happy that the weather cooperated, with a beautiful day of sunshine and an enjoyable day for all involved.”

Prize Winners:

Summer Sizzler BBQ Package: Chuck Thomas, Standard Waterproofing.
50/50 Winner: Patty MacDougall and Terry Townsend, Northern Light Health.
First Place Gross Team Score: Pepsi Co. – Tony Dessent, Derek Footman, Chris Low, Roger Williams.
Second Place Gross Team Score: Goodwill Hinckley/Mid-Maine Marine – Garret Prelgovisk, Toby Labun, Scott McManaman, Rob Moody.
Third Place Gross Team Score: Sodexo – Evan Avasthi, TJ Whalen, Eli Spaulding.
First Place Net Team Score: Northern Light Health – Patty MacDougall, Marie Dickinson, Sandra Gould, Jeanne Paradis.
Second Place Net Team Score: Legacy Home Improvements – Richard Sutter Jr., Robbie Sutter, Eric Allen, Jared Miler.
Third Place Net Team Score: AT&T – Owen Smith, Tom Moutinho, Jay Nutting, Jeremy Payne.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #2: Male: Roger Williams – Pepsi Co.; Female: Sandy Gould – Northern Light Health.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #6: Male: Scott Nielsen – Sheridan; Female: Sarah Dexter -The Warehouse.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #13: Male: Chris Low – Pepsi Co.; Female: No winner.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #16: Male: Matt Loubier – Central Maine Motors; Female: Sara Barry – Northern Light Inland Hospital.
Longest Drive Winners: Male: Steve Hayden – Seacoast Security; Female: Sawyer Boulette – Alfond Youth & Community Center.
Straightest Drive Winners: Male: John Jabar II – The Warehouse; Females: Brenda Peatfield – Fred’s Coffee; Marie Dickinson – Northern Light Health.
Highest Team Score: Nicholson, Michaud & Co.: Derek Gervais, Jessica Giandrea, Marcus Hall, Karl Foss.
Chairman of the Chamber Golf Classic Committee, Rick Whalen added, “We would like to thank all of the area businesses for their participation – whether with posting a team, providing volunteers or in-kind donations, or being a sponsor. Your support makes this a successful fundraiser.”

The Mid-Maine Chamber Golf Classic is made possible by major sponsors Central Maine Power and Maine State Credit Union.