COMMUNITY COMMENTARY: An open letter to Gov. Janet Mills regarding the NECEC project

by Bob OConnor
Citizen Town of China
Founding board member of China Lake Association

Dear Governor Janet T. Mills,

This is my Open Letter to you to consider revising your stance on the NECEC project (CMP-Quebec Hydro). Please require that NECEC put the new power lines underground.

Recently the federal “Environmental Protection Agency says Central Maine Power’s permit application now being reviewed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for its controversial New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project is incomplete and needs a ‘detailed analysis’ of alternatives.”

I want to speak to these alternatives and suggest that the NECEC Change their plan and REQUIRE that the HVDC line be fully put underground.


Underground lines are Safer from Environment Extreme Climate events, Wind and Ice Storms. Transmission towers like the proposed came down in a heap during the 1998 Ice storm in Quebec. (Pictured above)

There was even more ice damage in Quebec than in Maine.

Severe windstorms can also take down these towers. See Google for more examples of the vulnerability of these towers and find many recent examples of failure of these towers due to storms. The trend going forward is for more frequent and more severe storms.

Putting the HVDC lines underground will almost totally eliminate Storm damage.


Underground lines are much safer from Sabotage from some misguided person or group.

See the current Canes Film Festival winner from Iceland Woman at War to see how easy it is to sabotage power lines using a bow and arrow. (Shown in Waterville Maine).

This movie shows the necessity of police patrols with helicopters, drones and heat sensitive cameras. The new isolated rural 43-mile line is likely to require regular patrols that will further upset the wildlife and people.

Putting the cables underground would significantly reduce the possibility of sabotage.


With the current plan, CMP will be using herbicides that will adversely affect the Maine woods, wetlands, streams and ponds. Putting the wires underground would eliminate the need for herbicides.


This picture to the right shows the comparison of land disturbance of above ground HVDC towers with underground HVDC lines.

This image from Page 17 of the EuropaCable document attached shows how much less intrusive underground HVDC is. It shows in the first example, 100m (328 ft.) wide path tower path (1) and the 12m (40 ft.) underground path (4). This is an 88 percent reduction in path width.

There is very little electromagnetic radiation from HVDC underground lines (versus AC lines) and light farming can even be done over the underground cables.

Also note that the two alternate route RFP’s from Vermont and New Hampshire proposed using HVDC underground lines to Quebec Hydro.

See attached document that gets into the details of HVDC underground Europacable ‘Introduction_to_HVDC_Underground_Cables_October_2011‘.

Governor, please consider modifying your stance on the NECEC project and STIPULATE THAT THE CABLES BE PUT UNDERGROUND.


Caught volunteering, again!

China selectman Irene Belanger was caught, once again, volunteering. Here she is seen working in the flower gardens next to the China Town Office, in front of the Old Town Hall, on Lakeview Drive. (photo courtesy of Becky Hapgood)

Erskine annual spring concert slated for May 31, 2019

(photo credit: Erskine Academy)

The Erskine Academy Annual Spring Concert will take place on Friday, May 31, at 6:30 p.m., in the James V. Nelson Gymnasium. Admission is free. Participating ensembles are Chorus, Concert Band, Collaborative Ensemble, Jazz Combo, and Music Lab. Each ensemble will reveal their own artistic identity as well as perform many favorites including The Sound of Silence, Summertime, Let it Be, and Imagine. Please celebrate the musical arts with these wonderful young people!

Results of dam removal

With the removal of the Lombard Dam, in Vassalboro, another section of the China Lake Outlet Stream is flowing freely. (photo by Matt Streeter)


photo by Matt Streeter

The caption for the above photo has been corrected. It was an editing error.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Trust emergency responders

To the editor:

As you all know, I’m pro volunteer emergency services. Anyone who voluntarily races towards an emergency I trust with my life (and my wallet).

Neil Farrington



LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Thanks from food pantry

To the editor:

The Palermo Food Pantry thanks the generous people of Palermo who donated food for the pantry in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive sponsored by our post office. It was a great success again this year and is much appreciated by many families. The pantry is open every Tuesday, from 11 a.m. to noon and is located at the Community Center across from the ball field on Turner Ridge Road.

Anyone who would like to support the pantry, please contact June for more information – 993-2225.

Palermo Food Pantry

Unity College 2019 graduates: Be prepared for change

by Jeanne Marquis

The theme heard at the Unity College graduation ceremony, on May 11, 2019, was the importance of being prepared for the changing world ahead. New graduates will need to do more than survive change but lead the way for others. Those who will thrive, in the decades to come, will fearlessly embrace challenges by having a deep understanding of the world and possessing the unique skills to solve 21st Century problems.

Unity College President Melik Peter Khoury announced to the 130 graduates of Unity college and their families: “Class of 2019, you have the foundation and the pedigree needed to take the next steps into this challenging green economy on a global scale. And I speak for all of us here at Unity College when I say that we cannot wait to see what those next steps are. Please, share your stories, share your successes and share your adventures.”

Retired United States Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills delivered the 2019 Commencement address and was bestowed with an honorary doctorate in sustainability sciences. While on patrol in April 2012, SSG Mills was critically injured by an IED on his third tour of duty in Afghanistan. He is one of only five quadruple amputees who survived from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. His inspiring spirit turned his overwhelming challenges into success. After his hard road to recovery, he established the Travis Mills foundation to help other wounded veterans and wrote a New York Times best seller, Tough as They Come. Travis Mills, with a sense of humor, encouraged the graduates to embrace their own challenges – “I had one really bad at work. Then, I went on to have seven fabulous years since that day.”

The philosophy of embracing change has been deeply ingrained in Unity College since its establishment in 1967. The college founder Bert Clifford envisioned that building a college would secure their town’s future in an era when rural towns were declining nationwide. Clifford’s vision came to fruition with a college that serves the local region and attracts students nationwide.

Raymond Hall, a 2019 recipient of a master’s degree, selected Unity College Online after his own intensive search He found the academic rigor to be competitive, and the online format worked with the demands of his position as a safety specialist of environment protection at University of Texas — MD Andersen Cancer Center, in Houston, Texas. (photos by Jeannie Marquis)

In recent years, Unity College also demonstrated resilience and embraced change. The college leaders’ keen ability to forecast future global needs transformed Unity college into America’s first environmental college.

All areas of study at Unity College blend academic rigor with hands-on field work and a goal of teaching students to translate their knowledge into sustainable solutions. Among their majors are Sustainable Agriculture, Biology, Marine Biology, Captive Wildlife Care and Education, Parks and forest Resources, Environmental Writing and Media studies, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Sustainable Energy Management and Conservation Law Enforcement.

Nolan Allen, a 2019 graduate with a degree in Conservation Law Enforcement, has accepted a position as an officer on the Fairfield Police Department. Allen chose Unity College because of the flexible law enforcement major that provides him with a variety of career options. He appreciated the low student to faculty ratio, 15 to one, which gave him the chance to get to know his professors.

Recognizing a growing need for distance education, college administrators once again embraced this change and developed Unity College Online offering bachelor’s, master’s and non-degree credits. Distance education provides the flexibility, while maintaining the same high standards to reach out to professions who seek to advance their careers. Unity College Online is fully accredited and most of the online faculty are fulltime faculty or are leading experts in their fields. The online capability provides Unity College to reach students globally and provide students with more diverse field experiences.

Raymond Hall, a 2019 recipient of a master’s degree, selected Unity College Online after his own intensive search. He found the academic rigor to be competitive, and the online format worked with the demands of his position as a safety specialist of environment protection at University of Texas—MD Andersen Cancer Center, in Houston, Texas. Hall says the emphasis on problem-solving throughout the the college course work has prepared him well for challenges that lie ahead.




VETERANS CORNER: Questioning the reasoning behind location of temporary housing at VA

Fisher House, under construction, located near wetlands. (photo by Gary Kennedy)

Gary Kennedyby Gary Kennedy

Hello my fellow vets. It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve communicated via media. Most of what we have talked about via blog and phone had political overtones so I haven’t been able to address those issues in the paper. Most of what veterans are going through at this time have deep political overtones. So, I will just try to address other issues that affect we veterans by using a different venue.

One issue that seems to be bothering some of you is the new congestion at the Togus VA facility due to the advent of the construction of a new building in front of building #200. Building #200 houses most medical specialties such as ENT, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Spinal Cord, Physical Therapy, Gastro and much more as well as the Emergency Department. All this being said, this is a critical and very busy area.

Handicapped veterans are dropped off here and ambulances arrive here. Of all the buildings housed on the VA facility this is by far the busiest. Veterans have made complaints about what they consider an already congested area. This has turned out to become an even more serious problem with Regional Director Ryan Lilly’s decision to allow the building of the Fisher House directly across the street from this main entrance.

As I understand it, the Fisher House will accommodate families of inpatient veterans, on a temporary basis. I have been told that the Fisher House is being built through some sort of grant/trust fund. The problem here is where the new regional director, Ryan Lilly, decided to place this very big unit. Grants are wonderful but should not have stipulations of placement. VA has 500 acres and supplied transportation, if needed; location shouldn’t make a difference regarding placement.

The two most important issues regarding the placement of this massive undertaking is putting it in an already congested area and also allowing the building to be built in an area always considered to be protected by the Wetland Mandates. Within a few feet of where this building is being placed is a pond teaming with shiners (small fish), reeds containing frogs and cricket; who have always permeated the evening air with their well known and very soothing songs. Also, it has always been a sanctuary for ducks and geese. It has been a safe haven and feeding source for the migrating ducks and Canada geese for as long as I can remember. I have been going there for nearly 50 years.

Perhaps federally-controlled land falls under different rules and regulations than does domestic lands. I will have to research that more. If you have knowledge or feelings about this issue please let me know. I have contacted the department of wetlands but haven’t had a return call as of yet.

As you might recall, the previous VA Director, Ryan Lilly, initiated the Veteran Homeless Housing issue which met with some resistance as the housing was placed on federal land which has always been reserved for the VA medical facility and its future growth. At that time Mr. Lilly stated he might even consider expanding that housing idea. My question would be, does he have that kind of authority? The idea is good but the location is very poorly thought out. Our homeless vets need shelter but not next door to the hospital. There have been problems with other homeless facilities but that information wasn’t shared with our state officials. I and others feel that more oversight should be given in the future to avoid invidious overtones, of which there seems to be some. Since Mr. Lilly has been promoted to regional director it seems that the local directorship has been given to someone sharing a nepotic or at least close relationship with Mr. Lilly, Ms. Tracye Davis. The Peter Principle, which stated something regarding being promoted to the height of incompetence, might apply here. The Epiphany here should be obvious; VA problems most likely remain the same, under the same leadership principle. Ms. Davis will oversee 43,000 Maine veterans using a budget of $370 million. We will just have to watch.

God bless.

Obituaries for Thursday, May 30, 2019


WINSLOW – Donald B. Clark, 58, of Winslow, died Saturday,  March 30, 2019, at his home in Winslow. He was born in Key West, Florida, on December 9, 1960, the son of Beatrice and Alfred Clark.

He attended and graduated from Southern Aroostook High School before attending the University of Maine at Fort Kent.

After a couple of years, he enlisted in the U.S. Army where he served as a military policeman. Upon discharge, he attended the University of Vermont where he obtained his nursing degree and worked at Maine Medical Center, in Portland, and later at Civista Medical Center, in Maryland.

Don was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling. He also enjoyed vegetable gardening and had a love of animals, especially dogs. He always had a special place in his heart for his long-term companions Heidi, the St. Bernard and Hutch, the hound dog. By far, Don’s greatest pleasure and the light and love of his life was always his daughter, Michelle. Although adversity with his mental health robbed of much of the joy life had to offer, Don will be remembered for his generosity, empathy, and his readiness to help anyone in need.

Don is survived by his daughter, Michelle Roy, of Caribou.

A committal service will be held at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 32, at the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery Committal Shelter, 289 Civic Center Drive, Augusta ME 04330. Please visit to share condolences, memories and tributes with his family.

For those who wish, memorial donations can be made to the University of Maine at Fort Kent, a place near to Don’s heart.


WINSLOW – Therese Rossignol, 89, a long-time resident of Winslow, died Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at Oak Grove Center, in Waterville. She was born to the late Edward and Feleine Roy on November 19, 1929, in Winslow.

On her journey she joined a sister, Jeanne Labonte, and a brother, Laurier.

Therese graduated from Winslow High School. She worked at Lockwood Cotton Mill, in Waterville, which later became C.F. Hathaway Shirt Factory, was a seamstress and a cake baker and decorator.

She was a homemaker, enjoyed cooking, having a camp, gardening, and carpentry. She camped over 28 years at Happy Horse Shoe, organized the senior cards on Wednesday nights and day trips and mostly enjoyed planning family gatherings.

Therese was married to Raymond over 70 years. On October 2, 1948, they were married at Saint John the Baptist Church, in Winslow.

She is survived by her husband Raymond; six children, Elaine Ron and husband Romiro, of Spain, Christine Nihtegale, of New Mexico, Claudette Nithsdale, of Winslow, Arthur and wife Deborah, of Skowhegan, George and wife Barbara, of Cornville, Anthony and wife Donna, of Winslow; 11 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Estelle Duquette, of New Jersey and Jacqueline Bourque, of Jefferson; and many nieces and nephews.

The celebration of life for Therese will be Saturday, June 1, 9 a.m. at Saint John’s Church, Winslow. Her burial will be at Togus.

Any donations may be made to: Veterans and families, Travis Mills Foundations, 89 Water St., Hallowell ME 04347.


OAKLAND – George “Podgie” Leighton, 84, passed away unexpectedly at EMMC in Bangor on Tuesday, May 7, 2019. He was born in Waterville, on February 21, 1935, to George “Barney” and Gladys (Rushton) Leighton.

Podgie graduated from Williams High School, in Oakland, and served in the Naval Reserves and later enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving in Germany.

He worked as an iron worker for Local #496 for 33 years. He was a mail carrier and a local bus driver for a short time following his retirement.

Podgie had a lifelong love of airplanes and flying and was a licensed pilot for many years. In 1960, he married the former Ann Collier, they were together for 56 years.

He was predeceased by his parents; his wife, and his sister, Barbara.

He is survived by his children, Jody and husband Steve Knox, Todd and wife Dodie Leighton, Kathy LaPlante, and Toby and wife Melissa Leighton; grandchildren, Steve, Ashley and Cale Knox, Tara Roderigue and husband Jon, Dusty Leighton, Colby and Halee LaPlante, and Emily and Allison Leighton; great-grandchildren, Jocelyn and Cameron Roderigue; his brother, David and wife Jeannette Leighton; and many nieces and nephews.

An online guestbook may be signed, and memories shared at

Arrangements are by Wheeler Funeral Home & Cremation Care, 26 Church St., Oakland.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his name to the: Oakland Food Pantry, 20 W. School St, Oakland ME 04963.


FAIRFIELD – Patricia (Ryan-Alkas) Smith, 83, of Fairfield and formerly of Bristol, Connecticut, passed away Monday, May 13, 2019, at Mount Saint Joseph, in Waterville following a courageous battle with cancer. She was born August 31, 1935, in Bristol, Connecticut, the daughter of the late Edward and Victoria (Lozefski) Ryan.

She graduated from Terryville High School and then became a telephone switchboard operator. She also worked at Humason Manufacturing, Industrial Comp., Stanley Works, and eventually the Credit Union. Patricia then moved to Maine where she worked at Taconnet Federal Credit Union, in Winslow, and met and married Roger Smith. In her spare time, she enjoyed bird watching, traveling, baking and cooking, and especially fishing. She loved shopping for clothes, jewelry and shoes and wore her outfits with dignity and regality.

Patricia is survived by her husband Roger, of Fairfield; daughter Victoria Alkas and husband Henry Kozuch, of Enfield, Connecticut; sons Sam Alkas III, of Hudson, Florida, and Daniel Alkas and wife Debbie, of Granby, Connecticut; stepdaughter Valerie Elsworth and husband William, of Brewer; stepson, Timothy Smith and wife Sarah, of Bangor; grandchildren, Sabrina Badal, Samantha Hemmerich, Nate Elsworth, George Elsworth, Emma Smith, and Tana Smith; two great-grandchildren, James and Alex Hemmerich; brother, Donald Ryan and wife Geraldine; several nieces, and nephews.

She was predeceased by her parents; two brothers, Edward Ryan Jr. and James Ryan.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, ME 05976.

In lieu of flowers, friends wishing may make donations in Patricia’s memory to a charity of choice.


WINSLOW – Rogelio Puente, 93, passed away on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.

He served proudly in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a talented craftsman and home builder in central New Jersey. He served diligently as the president of the Spanish Club, in Carteret, New Jersey, for many years.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Josephine.

He was the father of Valentina Dorgai and Roger Puente; grandfather of Jessica Dorgai and , Stephanie Minnich, Meredith Puente; and the great-grandfather of Joshua Paulo Minnich.

Arrangements are under the care and direction of Gallant Funeral Home, 10 Elm Street, Waterville.

An online guestbook may be signed and condolences and memories shared at


WINDSOR – John Turner Fish passed away at home, in Windsor on Friday, May 17, 2019. John had a long four-year battle with small cell cancer. He was born on June 25, 1948, in Damariscotta, the first born of twins. John was the son of Miles Amos Fish Jr. and Melissa (Turner) Fish.

He was raised in Jefferson and graduated from Lincoln Academy in 1966.

John joined the Air Force shortly after graduation and did two tours in Vietnam. After discharge, he worked for the Maine Department of Education, John began working for the U.S. Postal Service in 1987, first in Winthrop and then in Gardiner. He delivered mail in Gardiner, Randolph and Farmingdale for 27 years, until retiring in 2014.

John loved friendly competition, particularly when playing cribbage. He was still playing until a week before his death. John also enjoyed rummy, bridge, and golf.

He loved the yearly golf trip south with the guys, playing 36 holes daily. He was an avid music lover, especially Bob Dylan. John was also very proud to have more than 33 years of sobriety.

He was predeceased by his parents; his brother, Robert Fish; and his son, Brandon Fish.

John is survived by his wife, Nancy (Walker) Fish and their children, Jason Walker, of Portland, Troy Fish, of Portland and Heather Wasik and her husband, Paul, of Washington, D.C.; four sisters, Catherine Walker, of Jefferson, Marjorie Baldwin and husband Bob, of Nobleboro; his twin, Joan Jackson, of Jefferson, and Nancy Pierce and husband Lynn, of Jefferson; and many nieces and nephews; brother-in-law, Fred Jackson, of Brooks.

Condolences, photos and stories may be shared at

In liew of flowers, the family asks you make a donation to the charity of your choice.

2019 Summer hours at South China library

photo courtesy of South China Library

Beginning on Monday, June 3, the South China Library will be observing new summer hours. The library will be open Mondays, 10 a.m. – noon, through the end of August. Wednesday and Saturday hours will stay the same – Wednesday, 10 a.m. – noon, and 3 – 7 p.m., and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Children’s Summer Program starts on Wednesdays, June 26, at 10:30 a.m.

The library is free and open to all. For more information, call 445-2956.