I’M JUST CURIOUS: Odds and ends, for the fun!
by Debbie Walker
I have so many pages of magazines that I have ripped out and saved for “someday.” So, you may think this is Thursday, but guess again, it is Someday!
“Someday” is finally here! Guess what. You know how the clothes dryer tends to steal socks? I know you must have noticed. We are always left with that one sock. You don’t have to throw that lonely sock away. It still has a purpose in life:
It will make a great skillet potholder. Just slip the sock up onto the handle, ta-da the sock has a life!
You can use the now famous sock to protect holiday decorations or…
Fill that single sock with rice, stitch it closed and put a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil in it. You heat it in microwave for one minute. What you now have is a homemade heating pad that will also aid in your falling asleep. You can also put this sock in the freezer for a cold pack.
More Rice (the rice is always uncooked). Would you believe rice can be a room deodorizer? Measure a half cup of rice and 10-20 drops of your favorite Essential Oil. Place in a pretty dish out of the way of children and pets.
Do you have a dog? Take a sock, insert an empty plastic water bottle and close it off. Your dog will have hours of fun chewing and crackling the bottle.
Did you know you can use hair conditioner for a moisturizing body cream, use it when you shave your legs, use to remove make-up? Use your imagination for more uses.
Did you know you can basically un-shrink wool sweaters? Fill a sink with warm water, dissolve one tablespoon of conditioner. Soak for 30 minutes. Allow it to dry on a rack and let me know how it worked out for you.
Have a wart? Cut a small piece of a banana peel and tape it over the wart. Replace it every night for two weeks. Then check and repeat if necessary.
Now this one I have been doing for years. Crayola Chalk – I am not sure what kind of chalk I used but… Put your silverware, silver jewelry, etc. in an enclosed container (I used baggy for my silver jewelry) and add several pieces of chalk. My jewelry has not tarnished, it’s been years!
How about some kitchen remedies for what ails you? You don’t take my word for it. (You might want to check out if these are safe for you with your doctor or pharmacist.)
Backache – Tabasco Pepper Sauce: Massage the hot sauce into your back and sore muscles. There is capsaicin in the sauce. If you feel any burning apply some Colgate (white) toothpaste over the dried tobasco sauce. Do not use this in an open wound.
Feet – Cool Whip: Put a coating of Cool Whip on your feet to soothe. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse clean. The oils moisturize and soften skin. (My mom would have used this in a much different manner! She loved any form of whipped cream!)
Okay, that is enough for now. We’ll do more kitchen remedies at another time. I’m just curious if you found anything you want to try. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with any questions or comments. Thanks for reading.