SOLON & BEYOND: Solon elementary school Civil Rights Team gets underway

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, my friends, Don’t worry, Be happy!

Thank – you to our veterans! The Solon Civil Rights Team has begun its work in our school this fall. Part of the Maine Civil Rights Team Project, its mission is to teach our students the negative effects of biased behaviors.

The team advisers are Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Jillson. The team is made up of students in grades 4 – 5 who will organize activities for the school. These are the members this year: Kaylynn Clark, Katelyn DeLeonardis, Kaitlin Dellarma, David Dixon, Gavyn Easler, Emmy Golden, Cody James, Elijah Katz, Ella McKinnon, Aiden McLaughlin, Joseph McLaughlin, Riley Pelkey, Macie Plourde, Jillian Robinson and William Rogers.

The Civil Rights Team is already hard at work! They ran a Halloween Dime Raffle in which they raised money to be used for T-shirts and for other team activities. They are sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive from November 5-16 to benefit the Solon Food Cupboard. On November 13, members of the group will attend the annual Civil Rights Team Conference at the University of Maine at Farmington. In addition to a Civil Rights Team, we have a Kind Kids Club made up of K-2 students and run by Mrs. LaChance. All of the K-2 students do activities to show kindness to their classmates, school staff members, their families, and community members.

On October 18 and 23 Solon students and staff participated in the Walking School Bus Program. This activity is part of our school wellness plan.

Students, staff and parents met at the Solon Thrift Shop each of those mornings by 7:20 a.m. and walked to school to promote exercise and fitness. When they got to school, our cook, Mrs. Lawrence, served everyone a delicious breakfast.

We hope to hold some more Walking School Bus activities in the spring.

Linda French has told me there will be more information about the move of the Solon Thrift Shop in the near future to share with you. But since I don’t have it yet, I’m going to write some long ago facts about the old Solon Methodist Church where it was located.

The Methodist Church building was built in 1859. It has some very heavy timbers in its construction and is representative of fine workmanship. It is said that some of the timbers were originally intended for buildings on French Hill, but Capt. Moses French saw the building of the church might be delayed and so did not hesitate to contribute timbers intended for his own purposes, and so made possible the completion of the church in 1859. The church was dedicated in 1860. This act of Capt. Moses French is one among a great many in which he so often manifested his great love of the church and its interests.

When Linda and I went upstairs that day I wrote about, we took especial time to look at the beautiful old memorial windows in that church. This information I am sharing with you today, came from information I found at the Solon Historical building. I found information on the memorial windows, there isn’t any date on the following: Memorial Windows In M. E. Church: “In Memoriam” Asa Fletcher, Elizabeth Fletcher, Jotham Williams and Augusta Colby Williams by their children. David Whipple 1861, Jacob Lowell 1845, Mercy J. Whipple 1870, Grace McFadden Lowell 1854, Heman Whipple 1898, Jane Lowell Whipple 1904 and Eleaser Whipple1858. Another one tells of In Memory of Sarah Kidder French, wife of Capt. Moses French, 1825- 1900. Capt. Moses French, Co. K, Second Maine Cavalry War, for the Union 1861-1865, By His Comrades.

And now for Percy’s memoirs, If Just One Soul: If just one soul has been enriched Because you trod this earth, Or if one doubting heart can trust And realize its worth, And turn to Christ Because you shared Your joy To ease his pain . You’ll know beyond doubt, You’ll not have lived in vain!

My hope is that all of you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family and friends.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Drink To Your Health

(NAPSI) — If you’re like 64 percent of Americans, you drink a cup of coffee every day.

While many coffee drinkers still prefer their coffee black in its most natural form, coffee tastes have evolved over the years. Today, the market offers many caffeinated beverages formulated with sugar and fat that add calories and can offset the inherent benefits of caffeine, such as alertness and a feeling of increased energy.

Health-conscious consumers, however, are making dramatic changes to their diet and choosing food and beverages that not only taste good but offer nutritional benefits as well. There is an almost endless number of new drink products that provide more than great taste—they help people reduce calorie intake and fuel their day. Recently, the coffee category has started growing with novel alternatives to sugary coffeehouse beverages with healthy ways to start the day or provide an afternoon pick-me-up.

While people drink coffee throughout the day, they are, increasingly, seeking something more than a caffeine pick-me-up. Alternatives are available that are great tasting, low fat, packed with protein and deliver a feeling of energy all in one. Coffee drinkers who want alternatives to sugary drinks, as well as something that offers nutritional benefits, are turning to Herbalife Nutrition High Protein Iced Coffee. It contains two grams of sugar and no artificial flavors or added colors. The 100-calorie drink mix is big on taste and provides 15 grams of protein and 80 mg of caffeine per serving.

“Everyone loves the refreshing taste of iced coffee but not the calories and sugar that come with many coffeehouse options,” said Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, CSOWM, FAND, Senior Director of Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife Nutrition. “Our high-protein iced coffee is the perfect healthy snack and is a great alternative that can be enjoyed at home or on the go.”

Bowerman offered some additional delicious and nutritious beverage suggestions:

Digestive Health

Gut health is a hot topic as people try to find new ways to keep the body in balance by consuming foods and beverages that support a healthy digestive system. Kombucha, vinegar and probiotic-enhanced drinks continue to garner a lot of interest to support a healthy gut. However, many probiotic drinks are filled with sugar to counter the taste of yogurt. A healthy, old-fashioned option to aid digestion is to keep hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Drinking too little water slows down the digestive system. Perhaps best of all—water has zero calories.

Sugar Reduction

Obesity rates in the U.S. continue to soar. Fortunately, it can be easy to cut sugary drinks out of the diet and swap with lower-calorie options. Instead of hitting the juice bar, consider replacing juice with fruit.

Learn More

For more facts and tips, go to

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Just another thought

by Debbie Walker

I got quite a chuckle the other night when I asked the great computer wizard to show me some of the funny holidays I have heard about in the past. Every month seems to have much more than we see on our calendars!

Example: So many people are in a big hurry to celebrate Black Friday on November 23, but do they know that it is also “Buy Nothing Day?” November 24 is “Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.” I do wish we could have that one every day, oh wait, maybe we can! Onto December Holidays…

If you’re not into the Christmas holiday, I can now assist you with something other than Christmas just in case you want to try something different. I found these on the internet, however I did not authenticate them. I am just hoping to pass on the interest.

You could start out on December 1 with “Eat a Red Apple Day.” On December 2, You could celebrate “National Fritters Day.” A fritter is a fried cake with fruits or meats inside.

Moving onto December 4, we have “Wear Brown Shoes Day.” The origin was not known, but you are welcome to pick this one if it piques your interest. Next day you could jump into “Bathtub Party Day” and bubble yourself into relaxation! Then, of course, on December 6, is “Put on Your Owns Shoes Day” (wonder why they didn’t share the same day as “Brown Shoes Day”).

I hope we will all recognize and honor “Pearl Harbor Day” on December 7, in remembrance of the day Japan attacked the Pacific Flee, in Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.

December 12 is “National Ding-a-Ling Day.” No one seems sure of the origination of this but I imagine we could think of something. I guess the celebration can move on into December 13, with “National Cocoa Day.”

How about “Cat Herder’s Day” on December 15? It is suspected a Cat Herder is anyone with 10 or more cats. They also suggested teachers and volunteers with a large group of kids on a field trip would definitely qualify as a Cat Herder. I didn’t start it so you can’t shoot the messenger!

December 21 is “Winter Solstice,” the shortest and darkest day of the year. But it is also “Look on the Bright Side Day” the next day, December 22. Things begin brightening things up again, thus the name.

December 25, yes indeed, is Christmas day, but you already know all that.

December 26 brings us “National Whiner’s Day.” It was founded in 1986 and is for those who like to whine. Seems it had to do with folks who were returning or exchanging Christmas gifts.

“Pepper Pot Day,” on December 29, is to celebrate the soup served to the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War of 1777-78. There is a story that George Washington asked if the chef would make it too warm and boost the morale of his troops.

“Unlucky Day” is on December 31. Might be a useful day. It may be a good idea to deal with any bad luck on that one day before the new year starts.

I’m just curious what the other months will have in store for us to celebrate in the coming year. I hope you are enjoying your turkey day and letting everyone know that you are thankful to have them in your life. Contact me at with questions or comments. I’ll be waiting.

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Composer: Tchaikovsky; Band: Depeche Mode

Peter Catesby Peter Cates


5th Symphony
Anton Nanut conducting the Ljublana Symphony Orchestra- Point Classics, 265023, CD, released 1994.

The catalog of recordings of this Symphony is teeming with very fine ones. This entry can be added to the honor roll. I have written previously in this column and elsewhere about the merits of Anton Nanut, who passed away after a long illness at the age of 84 on January 13, 2017.

Nanut’s approach is one of architectural balance; intelligence in pacing, phrasing and shaping; understated beauty; and brooding drama. I have listened to this three or four times in the last two weeks and found it wears very well with repeated hearings.

Pyotr Tchaikovsky

When I was 12 during the spring of 1964, a woman residing then down the street from my house gave me four very good 78 rpm sets of classical music. One was the justly famous 1944 RCA Victor album of Koussevitsky and the Boston Symphony of the 5th. She also called it the most beautiful Symphony she had ever heard in her life.

For those who might be curious about the other three sets, as I would be under similar circumstances, I will not stint their very appropriate interest:

The Victor early ‘40s Stokowski/NBC Symphony Stravinsky Firebird Suite and nicely orchestrated Tchaikovsky Humoreske as filler on side 6.

Another Victor, Bach’s Brandenburgs 2 and 5 from the mid to late ‘40s with Koussevitsky conducting BSO members.

The Columbia 1940s two records of Lily Pons singing four arias from Donizetti’s Daughter of the Regiment.

Depeche Mode

Speak and Spell
Mute records, C stumm-5, cassette, released October, 1981.

Depeche Mode is an English electronic band, with a variety of influences in their own music; they have been performing and recording for almost 40 years. Using synthesizers with expressive results, their music is quite listenable and captivating.

Their 1981 cassette, Speak and Spell,was, and still is a beautiful example of their work, with two hit singles, New Life and Just Can’t Get Enough.

Depeche Mode

Critical reactions to the album were mixed. Melody labeled it “a great album…one they had to make to conquer fresh audiences and to please the fans who just can’t get enough.” But Rolling Stone magazine considered it “PG-rated fluff.”

Legal notices, Week of November 22, 2018


DOCKET NO: RE-2018-065

M.R. CIV. P. 4(g)


BOOK 793, PAGE 361

A Complaint has been filed with the Court against Defendant CHRISTOPHER B. JOHNSON, which requires personal service in accordance with Rule 4(d) of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure.

Upon motion, the Court hereby ORDERS:

That service cannot be made upon CHRISTOPHER B. JOHNSON in any of the usual manners prescribed by Rule 4 despite the due diligence of the Plaintiff. Service shall therefore be made upon CHRISTOPHER B. JOHNSON and all those who claim or may claim by, through, or under CHRISTOPHER B. JOHNSON by publishing this Order once a week for three (3) successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Somerset, the county in which the property at issue in the Complaint is located.

The first publication shall be made within twenty (20) days after this order is issued. Service by publication shall be complete on the twenty-first (21st) day after the first publication.

The publication shall read:

Plaintiff seeks a judgment in Skowhegan District Court against CHRISTOPHER B. JOHNSON to quiet the title of certain property now owned by Stephen A. Staples as a result of adverse possession, said property being located at TAX MAP S03, PLAN 2, LOT 32, CARRYING PLACE TOWNSHIP

The property at issue in the Complaint consists of the property described in the deed recorded at Book 793, Page 361 at the Somerset County Registry of Deeds.

A copy of the complaint to quiet title may be obtained from Plaintiff’s attorney at the address and number below.

If you wish to oppose this lawsuit, you or your attorney MUST PREPARE AND SERVE A WRITTEN ANSWER to the complaint WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS after service is completed by the foregoing method.

You or your attorney must serve your answer by delivering a copy of it in person or by mail to the Plaintiff’s attorney, Bryan B. Ward, of the firm of O’Donnell Lee, 112 Silver Street, Waterville, Maine. You or your attorney must also file the original of your answer with the Court by mailing it to the following address: Skowhegan District Court, 47 Court Street, Skowhegan, Maine, before or within a reasonable time after it is served.



Dated: 10/26/2018
/s/ The Honorable Thomas Nale Judge, District Court
Plaintiff’s Attorney:
Bryan B. Ward
O’Donnell and Lee
112 Silver Street
Waterville, Maine 04901
Telephone: (207) 872-0112

Court St., Skowhegan, ME
Somerset, ME
Location of Court
18-A MRSA sec. 3-801

The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice November 15, 2018

If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.

2018-299 – Estate of GERALDINE L. CHAPIN, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Brian Chapin, 15565 Carob Circle, Parker, CO 80134 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-300 – Estate of MARY ZEIF, late of Mercer, Me deceased. Michelle Patten, 7 Rome Road, Mercer, Me 04957 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-302 – Estate of JAME L. TEWKSBURY, late of Solon, Me deceased. Deborah Tewksbury, PO Box 73, Solon, Me 04979 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-308 – Estate of BETTIEDEAN B. STONE, late of Madison, Me deceased. Marria Hoffman, 1011 North Palermo Road, Palermo, Me 04354 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-309 – Estate of JON GENE BOLDUC, late of Norridgewock, Me deceased. Lance Bolduc, 104 Middle Road, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-315 – Estate of WARREN ALVAH LUCE, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Daniel A. Luce, 9 Kennebec Street, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-319 – Estate of NATHAN M. MITCHELL, late of Norridgewock, Me deceased. Scott Mitchell, 510 River Road, Norridgewock, Me 04957 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-321 – Estate of DONALD RENE LaVERDIERE, late of Embden, Me deceased. Ann H. LaVerdiere, 2002 Embden Pond Road, Embden, Me 04958 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-323 – Estate of BARBARA MACKAY GREENLAW, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Allan Jason W. Grenlaw, 27 Bunker Avenue, Fairfield, Maine 04937 appointed Personal Representative.

To be published on November 15 & 22, 2018.
Dated: November 12, 2018 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

41 Court St.,
Somerset, ss, Skowhegan, ME



Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates. These matters will be heard at 10 a.m. or as soon thereafter as they may be November 28, 2018. The requested appointments may be made on or after the hearing date if no sufficient objection be heard. This notice complies with the requirements of 18-A MRSA §3-403 and Probate Rule 4.

2018-318 – Estate of SALLY ANGELA LANDRY. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Sally Angela Landry, 155 Brighton Road, Athens, Me 04912 requesting her name be changed to Allie Angela Pelletier for reasons set forth therein.

Dated: November 12, 2018 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

Roland’s Trivia Question, Week of November 22, 2018

With Red Sox outfielders Mookie Betts being named the American League Most Valuable Player for 2018, who was the last Red Sox outfielder to be named MVP?


Jim Rice, in 1978.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: New England’s pines, white and red, are under siege

Left photo, a stand of healthy red pines. Above, red pines that have experienced needle color change. (Internet photos)

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

A couple of weeks ago, while my wife and I made our semi-annual trip to my brother’s in Vermont, he pointed out to us all the pine trees that were a yellow-orange in color. We were on our way to Sunday morning breakfast when he asked me what I thought might be causing it. At first I attributed it to road salt – the state of Vermont is experimenting with a salt brine, which is supposed to be less invasive than the usual mix of rock salt and sand.

But something that was peculiar about that is that it was not only trees by the road, but also stands of red pines deeper into the woods. That was curious.

On our way home, my wife and I noticed that these yellowish-colored red pines did not exist in New Hampshire and western Maine. We figured it was a Vermont issue.

I only bring this up because on my way home from work later that week, I noticed the same thing happening to a stand of tall red pines along Lakeview Drive, in China. OK, now we need to investigate.

Here, in Maine, we have experienced a white pine needle damage epidemic for at least the last six years. The needles brown prematurely and drop very quickly, at least since 2014. I have witnessed that in my own backyard, a constant battle to keep up with all the fallen needles, year-round. That is caused by a brown spot needle blight.

But what is causing the yellowing of the red pines?

Craig Dusablon, landscape coordinator for the Vermont Agency of Transportation, said that road salt is the culprit, washing into the soil all winter long. A chloride concentration of just one percent can cause extensive plant injury, specifically in red and white pines. And it is not concentrated to trees by the roadside, it can also occur deeper in the upslope and downslope.

Red pines, however, are a different species. They have straight trunks, often used for utility poles, with hardly any branches down low, but with a tightly packed crown. They often compete with maples, beeches and white pines for space, but fair much better on rocky ridges where other tree species can’t get a toehold.

The signs of poor health are evident for years before the average red pine dies. The first signs of trouble appear on individual branches near the lower part of the crown, after which it spreads, with the needles slowly changing colors from a healthy green to a sickly yellow to a completely dry red that consumes the entire crown.

Researchers are not prepared to pin the tree deaths on any one killer. First up, in turn that seems more relevant in light of President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement recently, is climate change. The fact is, while there’s near consensus in the scientific community, that the planet is heating up, it’s much harder to pin down the exact impact on any particular species. There could be climate factors that can contribute to tree stress, considering the periods of drought we have experienced over the last several years.

Another possibility is disease.

University of New Hampshire researcher Mike Simmons, who has been on the case, feels there may be some needle pathogens causing mortality or tree decline as well. “At this point, we don’t have conclusive evidence if there’s a uniform factor across all these stands.”

Though he won’t clear these suspected tree killers, or rule out the possibility that they may be working in concert to undermine the health of red pines, Simmons is really focused on a prime suspect: red pine scale, a tiny, near microscopic insect that crawls beneath the tiniest of bark flakes, injects its mouth into the tree’s vascular tissue, serving as a path for the distribution of food material, and begins to feed, sucking sugars and other metabolic products as the trees try to circulate them from the sun-catching needles to the rest of the tree’s body. The invasive insect was first discovered in Vermont in 2015.

No one knows for sure what’s allowed the bug to spread into local forests, with climate change and human migration both possible causes. Since its arrival in the Northeast, it’s been wreaking havoc. It has the potential to wipe out a whole species from certain areas.

Though there is no known cure for red pine scale, officials hope to slow or contain it by removing infested trees, and encouraging the public not to transport wood that may contain the pest.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

With Red Sox outfielders Mookie Betts being named the American League Most Valuable Player for 2018, who was the last Red Sox outfielder to be named MVP?

Answer can be found here.

Erskine’s Field Service club to hold craft fair

The American Field Service club trip to Costa Rica in 2014 (photo from Erskine Academy)

The American Field Service club, at Erskine Academy, in South China, will be hosting a first ever Christmas Craft Fair at Erskine Academy on Saturday, December 15, from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. They are giving children in the community an opportunity to get their picture taken with Santa, write letters to the North Pole, buy Christmas gifts, and do their own crafts.

Admission is $3 a person, or $10 a family (3 persons.) All the proceeds will go to the AFS Club’s new humanitarian project in Guatemala: Casas Esperanzas. They are creating their very own house building organization and are building the first house in March 2019. The money raised will go towards tools, lumber, cement, and shipment fees. They are also looking for crafters who would like to sell their product at the Christmas Craft Fair. It is $10 a table, which includes a table and comes with a free breakfast.

For more information, contact Erskine Academy.

Annual Parade of Lights on tap for Friday

Young elves participate in the annual parade last year.

The 13th annual Parade of Lights is scheduled for Friday, November 23, at 6 p.m., in downtown Waterville. The annual parade will assemble at Head of Falls, and travel down Main Street, and will continue to Castonguay Square where the giant spruce tree will be lighted for the holiday season.

Santa will arrive at Kringleville and get ready to welcome children leading up to Christmas.

The event is now under the stewardship of the Children’s Discovery Museum.

The parade takes place rain or shine.

Letters to the editor: Kudos to China voters

To the editor:


The recent election was a great exercise of one of our most valuable rights as citizens, and the fact that 2,058 China residents (about 70 percent of registered voters) cast votes is very noteworthy. Of the three ballot questions approved, all three are being implemented.

Of the two ballot questions that were not adopted, I was particularly attentive that 1,241 votes were cast to preserve the Quorum Ordinance, which requires that at least four percent of the registered voters as of January 1 of each year must be present at a town meeting in order to conduct business.

As an optimistic person I am hopeful this indicates that participation will be different from recent history. Town staff expend considerable effort to ensure a quorum is present each year, but if residents are passionate enough to preserve the quorum requirement, I look forward to seeing all 1,241 of you who voted for the quorum requirement at my first town meeting in March 2019. That will be “Wicked Good!”

Dennis L. Heath
Town Manager