Letters to the editor: Hunting times need change

To the editor:

According to Maine law, except for night hunting of coyotes from December 7 – August 31, hunting is prohibited from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise. In other words, although night hunting is prohibited, it is allowed because of the 30 minute deadline with no consideration for how dark it is on any given day. For all practical purposes, nightfall can and does occur less than 30 minutes after sunset.

On Halloween night, I had just gotten into my truck in the Hannaford parking lot when I heard a gunshot from what appeared to be the woods behind the store. It was cloudy and dark outside, the vehicles on the road had their headlights on, and there was no way anyone could see well enough to accurately fire a weapon, at least not without night vision equipment, the use of which is illegal. I checked the clock on my phone and sure enough, there were two minutes of legal shooting time left.

Why should it be legal to fire a weapon, in the woods, near buildings and roads when it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle without its headlights on and when it is impossible to see clearly? This double standard was imposed at the urging of a small number of consumptive use extremists and was approved by the Maine legislature with little thought of the practicality or the consequences. Perhaps a small group of Maine drivers should lobby the legislature to allow driving without headlights until 1/2 hour after sunset? That would make just about as much sense.

When will the first person be mistaken for a deer and get shot in the darkness? Hunter orange rapidly loses its visibility as the amount of light decreases. How many animals have been shot and wounded and lost in the darkness? It’s time to repeal this ill-advised law and bring back some common sense.

John M. Glowa, Sr.
South China

CFAL to hold public meeting in November

by Eric W. Austin

The China for a Lifetime Committee will host a public meeting about local volunteering needs and opportunities at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 17, at the China Lake Camp and Conference Center (255 Neck Road).

For the past several months, using feedback received from last year’s community survey, the China for a Lifetime Committee has been discussing the best way to organize local volunteers to help our most vulnerable residents. This public meeting is a culmination of those months of effort and is an opportunity for the committee to present their ideas to the broader community.

The committee will present the 17 areas of need that they hope to organize volunteers to address. These areas include things like: a senior citizen check-in team to keep an eye on our older residents, a litter clean-up crew to address the trash on our roadways, a substance abuse team to help those in our community combating addiction, and many more.

Working with The Town Line newspaper, the committee has also created a “Friends of China” Facebook group to help residents better communicate with one another, especially in times of emergency. Anyone is welcome to join or post in the group, and the committee will be using it to keep everyone updated on issues of interest to the citizens of China.

There will be coffee and light refreshments available for attendees. Any questions, please email the committee at chinaforalifetime@gmail.com.

LaVerdiere, Breton, Mills-Stevens win seats on board of selectmen

by Mary Grow

In local elections Nov. 6, China voters re-elected incumbent Selectmen Jeffrey LaVerdiere and Donna Mills-Stevens and chose former Selectmen Ronald Breton over Wayne Chadwick to fill the seat vacated by Neil Farrington.

According to Town Clerk Rebecca Hapgood, LaVerdiere got 1,142 votes, Breton 966, Mills-Stevens 960 and Chadwick 945. Farrington was elected without opposition to the Regional School Unit #18 Board of Directors. Unopposed for re-election were Planning Board Chairman Tom Miragliuolo and member Toni Wall and Budget Committee members Tom Rumpf, Tim Basham and Jean Conway. The winners of write-in contests for at-large seats on the planning board and the budget committee remained to be determined as of Tuesday night.

Voters approved three of five local referendum questions. They refused to abolish the quorum requirement for town meetings, by a vote of 505 yes to 1,241 no; and they refused to authorize selectmen to approve requests for Tax Increment Finance funds between town meetings, by a vote of 788 yes to 1,102 no.

The three questions that voters approved:

  • Direct selectmen to petition the legislature to let China stop collecting personal property taxes (yes, 1,003; no, 804);
  • Authorize spending up to $5,000 for a preliminary study of town-owned land on Lakeview Drive to see if it is suitable for a new emergency services building and a community center (yes, 1,240; no, 657); and
  • Authorize use of money from the sale of tax-acquired properties to fund pay increases at the transfer station this year, as two employees add enough hours to entitle them to benefits (yes, 1,173; no, 743).

Hapgood said a total of 2,058 ballots were cast, not a town record but a good turn-out for a non-presidential-election year.

Farrington given recognition plaque for years of service on board of selectmen

by Mary Grow

Neil Farrington

At the Oct. 29 China selectmen’s meeting, Town Manager Dennis Heath presented retiring Selectman Neil Farrington a plaque recognizing his 14 years of service on the board and proclaiming Oct. 29, 2018, as Neil Lawrence Farrington Day in China.

Farrington was still on the Nov. 6 local ballot, as an unopposed candidate for election to the Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 Board of Directors.

Public works to get new tractor and attachments

by Mary Grow

China selectmen voted unanimously to buy the public works department a new Ventrac tractor with equipment for bush hogging, sweeping and plowing South China’s sidewalks.

The negotiated price of $44,000 will come from the reserve fund voters created to buy capital equipment. Before acting at their Oct. 29 meeting, selectmen carefully reviewed proposed savings of over $12,000 a year that Public Works Foreman Gary Cummings and crew member Shawn Reed said should pay for the machine in about three and a half years.

Almost three-quarters of the anticipated savings come from not contracting to have South China sidewalks plowed. Reed and Cummings have worn out a residential-grade John Deere tractor on the task; they expect the commercial-grade Ventrac to handle it better and longer; and the lower of two quotes they got for contracting the job was $9,000.

Questioned about maintenance, Reed estimated the tractor would use up to $400 worth of fluids and other consumables a year. The town crew will do the maintenance work.

Yes, Cummings told Selectman Donna Mills-Stevens, the crew has time to do the jobs assigned to the Ventrac. Bush hogging, for example, does not need to be done weekly or on a fixed schedule.

Other business at the Oct. 29 selectmen’s meeting focused more on reports than on decision-making, although board members did make one more unanimous decision.

Disposing of used tires has become a problem for China and other towns. Transfer Station Manager Tim Grotton said the Penobscot Energy Recovery Company (PERC) will take tires, plus ash and demolition debris if needed to fill up a load, at the lowest price he has found. Selectmen unanimously authorized Town Manager Dennis Heath to make an agreement with PERC, unless Selectman Jeff LaVerdiere, who has also been researching possibilities, finds a cheaper alternative.

Cummings and Heath reported the redesigned fire pond on Neck Road is completed. The manager reported that the new culvert replacing the Causeway bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin was set in place that day.

After a low turnout at the annual household hazardous waste disposal day in Winslow, Grotton recommended China officials consider not participating for a year or two. China pays Winslow to allow China residents to bring in hazardous waste.

At Heath’s invitation, representatives from Spectrum Generations and the Family Violence Project, two organizations likely to request town funds at the March 2019 town business meeting, made short presentations about their organizations’ services.

Since Nov. 12 is a holiday, Heath proposes scheduling the next regular selectmen’s meeting for Tuesday evening, Nov. 13. When the meeting date is set, it will be listed on the calendar on the town’s web page.

Fire prevention week at St. John school

Pictured are poster winners, from left to right, Adelle Robbins, Olivia Cutten, Anya Poirier, Ethan Larrabee and William Watkin. (Contributed photo)

Students at St. John Catholic school in Winslow recently participated in a Fire Prevention Program with the Winslow Fire Department. Students in grades kindergarten through grade five took part in a Fire Prevention poster contest. Each winner was given a ride to school on a firetruck.

Peace poster contest winners announced in Whitefield

Winners of the Peace Poster Contest with their respective art teachers, from left to right, Rachel Richmond and Abby St. Cyr, Jefferson; Amanda Martin and Lineo Kelley, Whitefield; Lion Calvin Prescott, Alyvia Colfer and Sandy Dunn, Chelsea; Nathan Hall and Genevieve Keller, Windsor; Lion Barry Tibbetts. (Contributed photo)

Winners of the Peace Poster Contest were honored with their art teachers by the Whitefield Lions Club on October 25.

For over 30 years Lions clubs around the world have sponsored the Lions International Peace Poster Contest.

The theme of the 2018-2019 contest is “Kindness Matters.”

Winners listed by school:

Whitefield: Art teacher Amanda Martin.

1st place – Lineo Kelley; 2nd place – Olivia Brann; 3rd place – Kat Thorton.

Jefferson: Art teacher Rachel Richmond.

1st plac – Abby St Cyr; 2nd place – Eliza Wood-Orff; 3rd place – Lillian Brooks.

Chelsea: Art teacher Sandy Dunn.

1st place – Alyvia Colfer; 2nd place – Jac Crochere; 3rd plac e- Brooke Michaud.

Windsor: Art teacher Genevieve Keller.

1st place – Nathan Hall; 2nd place – Mackenzie Kutniewski; 3rd place – Eva Carlezon.

Week of November 1, 2018

Week of November 1, 2018

Celebrating 30 years of local news

Vassalboro town manager incoming MMA president

Vassalboro Town Manager Mary Sabins is the incoming president of the Maine Municipal Association’s executive committee – or, in effect, head for a year of the state-wide organization that offers many services to Maine municipalities…

Your Local News

New bridge construction

CHINA — Construction has begun on the new bridge on the Causeway at the head of China Lake (photo)…

Candidates state their positions on local issues at public forum

CHINA — The Oct. 28 China candidates’ forum at the China Village library gave the four candidates for three seats on the Board of Selectmen, plus retiring Selectman Neil Farrington, a chance to talk about their visions for the town’s future…

Four residents attend referendum public hearing

CHINA — The four people who attended the China selectmen’s Oct. 25 public hearing on China’s Nov. 6 local referendum questions had plenty of time to get their questions answered and their comments noted…

Five questions, candidates on China’s November ballot

CHINA — China voters have on their Nov. 6 ballots five referendum questions and in annual local elections one contest and two vacancies…

Sukeforth Family Festival of Trees scheduled

WATERVILLE — The Sukeforth Family Festival of Trees is scheduled for November 16 – 18, and 23 – 25. This year the event will be held at the old American Legion building in Waterville…

Jack Sylvester turns 80 years old

CHINA — On Sunday, October 7, the coffee hour at China Baptist Church was a special celebration for Jack Sylvester’s 80th birthday…

Municipal Tax Information

Find out when local taxes are due for China, Vassalboro, Windsor & Winslow.

Take our weekly survey!

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School News

Students learn about fire prevention

SOMERVILLE — The Somerville Volunteer Fire Department visited the Somerville Pre-K classroom at Somerville Elementary School to teach them about fire safety…

Ice Gladiators: Enjoying the clinic at Colby

CENTRAL ME — Colby College’s men’s hockey team offered its annual Colby Clinic for area youth hockey players. This year 45 hard chargers on ice did various drills (photos)…

Central Maine Pharmacy Wolfpack: On to the championship game

CENTRAL ME — The Central Maine Pharmacy Wolfpack moved on to the championship game following a 7-2 season (photo)…


by Gary Kennedy — If you drive around the state of Maine you will notice everywhere, “Now Hiring.” Even on the back door of most tractor trailers you see the words, “Drivers Wanted.” Yet there are those who state there is no work to be found…


SOMERVILLE — Artist Nathan Allard will exhibit his show, The Color of Maine, at the UU Church, in Brunswick, from Nov. 1 through Nov. 28. On Friday, Nov. 2. This exhibit of work features egg tempera paint as created with his own handmade local pigments from the Maine landscape…

Obituaries – Week of November 1, 2018

VASSALBORO – Paul Barker Cates, 93, of Vassalboro, passed away on Sunday, October 21, 2018, at the home in which he was born. The greatest hits of his life are as follows… and remembering 3 others…

Town Line Original Columnists


by Emily Cates | This article is about gardening on the go, when there’s not a lot of time and energy to do so. Let’s take a look at some helpful hints that can get us through the season when we’re unable to be there in the garden as much as we’d like to be…


by Peter Cates | Also a noted Bulgarian composer and now 84, Vassil Kazandjiev conducts these very fine performances and recording of three Bela Bartok compositions, the haunting, eloquent 1939 Divertimento for strings…


by Jac M. Arbour | Which would you rather have … a million dollars today or the result of one penny doubling every day for the next 30 days? If you chose the penny, good for you!…


by Debbie Walker | Once again I got involved with reading a few of my Farmers’ Almanacs. I have ordered some of the older issues because I enjoy them all and the words carry such wisdom. I am going to list these to hopefully give us thoughts on this past year and our future years…

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & PercySOLON & BEYOND

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | This is one of those weeks when I only have one item of real news to share with you, and on top of that, it’s one of those rainy, foggy days we’ve had so many of lately!…


(NAPSI) — The Employee Benefit Research Institute estimates that a typical 65-year-old couple will spend a total of $265,000 in health care costs over the remainder of their lives. This staggering amount of money has the potential to derail even the best-laid retirement plans…

Four Ideas For Health Care Planning In Retirement

Central Maine Pharmacy Wolfpack: On to the championship game

Front row, from left to right, Preston Roy, Brett Lawler, Colby Nassau, Vole Quirion, and Gaige Martin. Second row, Felix Chaka, Brad Bajpai, Jeremiah McKenzie and Branden Lewis. Third row, Jeremy Thompson, Braden Littlefield, Nash Cordon, Austin Rackliff, Connor Brown and Jaiden Berube. Coaches Joel Littlefield, Mike Corson, Barry Quirion, Chuck Roy, Nick Nadeau and Bill McKenzie. (Photo by Heather Giroux)

The Central Maine Pharmacy Wolfpack moved on to the championship game following a 7-2 season.

SOLON & BEYOND: News from Embden Community Center; thrift shop moves in Solon

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

This is one of those weeks when I only have one item of real news to share with you, and on top of that, it’s one of those rainy, foggy days we’ve had so many of lately! But don’t get down and discouraged and stop reading, this is some very important information about what’s going on in Embden at their Embden Community Center.

Their regular events are:

Neighbor to Neighbor Thrift Shop/Lending Library, 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Wed. and 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Friday and Saturday.

Suppers: 5 p.m., on the second Sat. each month, except December.

Country Sunday: 1 – 4 p.m., second and fourth Sunday, by donation.

Sewing class: 1 0 a.m. – noon on Wednesdays.

Weight Watchers: 5 – 6 p.m., on Wednesdays. Come in and sign up, new members excepted.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly, 10:30-11:30 a.m., on Wednesdays.

Community Center meetings: 6:30 p.m., on Thursdays prior to the second Saturday Supper.

Yoga: 6:30 p.m. ( 1 hour). Bring your mat, etc., second Sat.

If you have any questions, contact Wayne at 474-1065.

They will be serving a Complete Thanksgiving meal starting at 5 p.m., on Saturday, November 10. Donations welcome.

My very many thanks go out to Carol Dolan for sharing the Embden news with us, she is one of my most faithful friends to do so!

Just a little more about the weather before I get to more pleasant things, and I hope I’m not stirring up some people by doing so! But I have a question for all you weather experts, “Do you believe that caterpillars can forecast what the weather is going to be like this winter?” Old time legends say it depends on how wide the stripe is on their back as to how much snow we will get this winter, the wider the stripe, means the more snow we will get……I sure hope that is not true, because I saw a pretty little fella recently that had a really long stripe covering his whole body, except for black on both ends of him!

I am so very sorry to tell you of this very sad news that I just received from Linda French, of Solon, who has been running the Solon Thrift Shop. On Saturday, October 31, 2018, will be the last day that it will be open at the old Methodist Church, on Pleasant Street, in Solon. (I’m going to have to read my cheerful words over again myself, I could cry after hearing that bad news! But there was nothing that could be done to keep it at that place on Pleasant Street. And so after about two weeks of moving all of the items to 46 South Main Street, in Solon, it will be opening again! I admire Linda’s courage immensely! Keep watch this column for more news.

Now I’m going to let Percy’s memoirs have more space this week, so you will be happier after reading them, from what I’ve heard, I think that’s why some of you read this column!! The following one comes from a book entitled, “Don’t Ever Give Up Your Dreams.” It’s natural to feel disappointed when things don’t go your way, It’s easy to think…”I can’t do it, so why try?” But no matter how scared you are of making a mistake or how discouraged you may become, never give up… because if you don’t try and if you don’t go after what you want in life , it won’t come to you, and you’ll be forced to accept things you know could be better… Success is not measured by whether you win or whether you fail— there’s always a little bit of success , even if things don’t go your way — What’s important is that you’ll feel better about yourself, for the simple reason that you tries. (words by Amanda Pierce)