Letters to the Editor: Transfer station explanation

To the editor:

In [last week’s] edition of The Town Line there appeared a letter to the editor from Geoff Hargadon, of South China. Mr. Hargadon is aggravated by what he perceived to be a decision by the Town of China to “nearly simultaneously” re-pave Alder Park Road and cut the Transfer Station hours. I would like to offer some clarification for Mr. Hargadon and readers of the Town Line.

First, Alder Park Road is not a town road. It was paved by the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) according to their own schedule. The MaineDOT does not coordinate with the Town of China on these projects, except that MaineDOT sends us a notice of their intentions a bit in advance of the start of the work. Then, the hours for the transfer station include a long day on Thursday until 5 p.m,. and it is also open from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Saturday each week, in recognition that we need to offer the expanded hours for those who are only able to use the transfer station after normal work hours. We realized that this would require some adjustment on the part of users of the transfer station, but the decision was made as a compromise between providing expanded service to the community and enabling our employees to enjoy a more traditional work schedule.

I hope this information clarifies for Mr. Hargadon and The Town Line readers about the paving of Alder Park Road and the operation of the transfer station. As with anyone, I welcome the opportunity for Mr. Hargadon to visit me at the town office with any concerns he may have.

Dennis L. Heath
China Town Manager

Budget committee accepts proposal to assume advisory role in investment decisions

China Baptist Church

by Mary Grow

The five (out of seven) China Budget Committee members at a special Sept. 26 meeting unanimously accepted Town Manager Dennis Heath’s proposal that the committee assume an advisory role in town investment decisions.

Part of the draft financial policy Heath has developed says that town funds will be invested as recommended by the budget committee and approved by the board of selectmen.

Budget committee members added, at Heath’s suggestion, a requirement that he make regular financial reports to them, to make their new responsibility easier. They agreed on quarterly reports, and further agreed emailed reports would not necessarily require a meeting to discuss them.

In the past, the committee’s only role has been to meet before any town vote involving appropriation of town funds and make recommendations on the proposed expenditures. Heath pointed out that under the Budget Committee Ordinance, the committee may also “make such other recommendations on fiscal matters as it may from time to time deem advisable.”

The new budget committee role is part of a more comprehensive fiscal rearrangement that Heath will present to selectmen at a future meeting.

Agreement approved with Hussey Communications to expand wireless internet

China Baptist Church

by Mary Grow

China selectmen settled two issues they and Town Manager Dennis Heath have been working on for weeks at their Oct. 1 meeting.

By unanimous votes, the four board members present:

  • Approved Heath’s policy on internal financial controls, which includes, among other things, the requirement that town checks have two signatures and an expanded advisory role for the budget committee (see related story here).
  • Approved an agreement with Hussey Communications of Winslow aimed at increasing availability of wireless internet service in China.

Board member Neil Farrington said two small wireless towers have already been added, one at the China Village fire station and one at Three Level Farm on Route 32 North, and the first few lakeside residents have signed up for service. He said as income increases, more towers will be provided; the eventual goal is to cover the whole town, in spite of the hills that block signals.

In other business, Town Clerk Rebecca Hapgood said absentee ballots should be available by Oct. 3. Residents unable to come to the polls Nov. 6 can apply for absentee ballots or vote in person at the town office until Nov. 1, when the early-voting period ends except in emergency cases.

Selectmen agreed to advertise for an assistant codes officer, to work 18 hours a week with Paul Mitnik, with the possibility of taking over Mitnik’s position when he retires.

Selectman Irene Belanger reminded those present of the household hazardous waste disposal in Winslow Saturday morning, Oct. 20 – pre-registration at the China transfer station is required – and the shredding on site at the China public works building Saturday morning, Oct. 27. China residents may bring unneeded drugs to each event, she said.

Planners approve camp expansion on Webber Pond

by Mary Grow

For the second month in a row, Vassalboro Planning Board members commended the only applicants before them for a well-prepared application and approved it unanimously with only a brief discussion.

Susan B. and Al Traylor’s plan to enlarge their camp at 54 Birch Point Road, on Webber Pond, met Vassalboro’s shoreland requirements, board members agreed. The Traylors plan a bigger room and a new deck, with minimal earth-moving and no expansion toward the lake.

Normally, the next planning board meeting would be Nov. 6, the first Tuesday of the month. Because the Vassalboro town office meeting room will be used for voting that day and evening, board members rescheduled the meeting to Tuesday evening, Nov. 13.

Selectmen to open bids on tax-acquired lot; review emergency services, police

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen begin their Thursday, Oct. 4, meeting with a 6:30 p.m. public hearing on amendments to the appendices to the General Assistance Ordinance. In a typical year, amendments slightly increase general assistance allowances, in conformity with state-wide changes.

Other major business items on the Oct. 4 agenda include reviewing bids for a tax-acquired lot on Harmony Lane; considering options for emergency services dispatching; discussing local law enforcement and public safety; and considering ways for selectmen to become better informed about school activities, now that the school is part of town government rather than a member of a regional school organization.

The selectmen meet in the town office meeting room. All meetings are open to the public.

FINANCIAL MATTER$ – IRA withdrawals: how much is too much?

by Jac M. Arbour CFP, ChFC
President, J.M. Arbour Wealth Management

People are living longer and, thus, living longer in retirement. This is both the good news and the bad news. Sure, living longer is a great thing, but in the world of financial planning, it is causing concerns for a number of retirees. One of the questions we are consistently asked is “will I have enough?” It’s a great question! Once you consider how many people are living into their late eighties or early nineties, the volatility of the markets, and how investment risk is now in the lap of the investor more so than ever (due to fewer pensions), it is understandable why so many people are wondering if they will outlive their money.

So what is the right amount to take? There are many things to consider and there is no simple answer. If you have an advisor, I suggest you review the following talking points on an annual basis to help derive the best answer for you:

Time Horizon: How many years do you plan to receive an income from your investments? Things such as health and the timing of the income payments should be considered and discussed annually.

Investment Objective: Are you focused on the growth of the account or more so on income? Maybe you are focused on a combination of the two. Maybe you are focused on something completely different. Clarifying the answer to this question will help determine the allocation of your portfolio and help answer some questions that pop up when discussing the following talking points.

Risk Tolerance: Conservative, Moderate, Balanced, Growth, and Aggressive. Which of these categories best suits you? What is aggressive to one person might be conservative to another and therefore, makes it important to understand what is truly meant by each of these categories. Have your advisor explain the expectations of each.

Target Rate of Return: Are you looking for slow and steady and higher predictability, or are you shooting for the moon and ready for a ride? Higher rewards often times means increased risks, which can lead to seemingly lower consistency when it comes to income planning.

Legacy Plans: Do you want to spend your last penny on your last day or do you want to leave something to the loved ones or to a charitable organization? Knowing how much you want to leave behind is a major factor when determining how much to spend while alive.

Consider discussing these topics and others with your advisor. Any of them is a good place to start the conversation. If we can be of any assistance to you in anyway with the above, or any concerns you may have with your retirement planning, please reach out for a free retirement planning consultation. As always, I hope this helps you and your family to make better financial decisions. See you next month.

Trivia Question: How many days does a person have to complete an indirect rollover of an IRA? A. 180 days B. 90 Days C. 60 days, or D. 30 days

Answer can be found here.

Jac M. Arbour, CFP®, ChFC®, is president of J.M. Arbour Wealth Management, 77 Water Street, Hallowell, ME 04347; phone: 207-248-6767 | cell: 207-431-3376 | fax: 207-620-7264; www.jmarbour.com; www.facebook.com/jmawealth.

Financial Matter$ Trivia Question, Week of October 4, 2018


How many days does a person have to complete an indirect rollover of an IRA? A. 180 days B. 90 Days C. 60 days, or D. 30 days


C. 60 days

Fundraiser planned for Serenity “Blueberry” Bunn

Serenity “Blueberry” Bunn


On Saturday, October 13, a fundraiser will be held to help with the care of a little girl named Serenity Bunn, affectionately known as “Blueberry,” from Windsor. At age two, Blueberry was diagnosed with stage 4 Refractory Neuroblastoma. Two years later, after multiple rounds of chemotherapy, tumor removals, and immunotherapy, her family has been informed by doctors that the cancer has stopped responding to treatment. They are now looking to try and spend as much time with her as possible. They have been given a year but told not to count on it.

The event will take place at the American Legion Post, 79 Legion Memorial Drive, in South China, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a BBQ (brisket as long as it lasts), hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, a beverage, and many more goodies. The cost is $10 per plate with a discount for younger children.

You should know that for someone so young and having been through so much, Blueberry is still full of sass and love. She is sweet and funny and definitely runs the roost. Blueberry loves to watch all the Disney movies her Nana has provided her and dress up like a princess. She gives the best hugs and has the sweetest smile. She loves her twin sisters, Faith and Hope, and playing with her uncles. Blueberry has a love for animals, but cows are definitely her favorite. She’s full of life and she brings so much joy to everyone that knows her!

A link has been provided to an article regarding Serenity done in Montana before she moved to Maine for the experimental treatments: http://www.mtpr.org/post/you-dont-take-things-granted-ever.

Submitted by Heidi Badger, family friend of Blueberry.
10/07/2018: Updated to include the time and place of the fundraiser.

Winslow teen presents check to Project Sparrow


Amy Moody, left, accepts a check on behalf of Project Sparrow from Winslow’s Miss Teen International, Mikayla Gurney. (Photo by Jeani Marquis)

by Jeani Marquis

The board president of Project Sparrow, Amy Moody received a $265 donation check from Mikayla Gurney, Winslow’s Miss Teen International 2018, as part of the activities at Winslow’s Public Safety Open House.

Helping children is Mikayla Gurney’s platform as her reign as Miss Teen. She feels Project Spar­row will put her donation to good use making foster children who are going into an unfamiliar situation more comfortable. Project Sparrow advocates for and supports at risk children being raised in Maine’s foster care systems.

Nearly 2,000 pinwheels were set up to represent the many children currently in Maine foster care. (Photo by Jeani Marquis)

Project Sparrow’s mission is to raise awareness of the needs of foster children and to fill in any gaps not filled by the agencies. There are nearly 2,000 children now in Maine’s foster homes. Many of these children had to leave unsuitable situations suddenly without extra clothing, diapers, toiletries and toys. With the help of donations, Project Sparrow provides these essentials.

“Maine’s children are in crisis. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of infants entering foster care due to the opiate crisis in our state,” explains Amy Moody. “Not everyone may feel they are called to be a foster parent, but there is always some way for everyone to help.”

The need is growing. To illustrate the number of foster children currently in Maine, Project Sparrow enlisted the JMG group from Winslow High School to set up the traveling display of nearly 2,000 blue pinwheels. Amy Moody said that it made a strong impression on the high schoolers that each one of pinwheels they inserted into the ground represented a foster child.

Project Sparrow’s next major project is their Christmas toy drive beginning mid-October. To get involved, look for information on the organization’s website project-sparrow.org or the Project Sparrow facebook page. What’s next for Miss Teen Mikayla Gurney? She’ll be working on the Project Sparrow Christmas toy drive as well because 2,000 foster children deserve a happy holiday.

Week of September 27, 2018

Week of September 27, 2018

Celebrating 30 years of local news

Palermo Legion holds annual awards ceremony

On September 18, American Legion Malcolm Glidden Post #163, in Palermo, held its annual Boys and Girls State Achievement Awards, and presented Certificates for Length of Service to Legion members and Ladies Auxiliary. The formal ceremony awards and certificates were presented by Post Commander Clayton York; Sergeant at Arms Tony Horak; Ladies Auxiliary President Deana Stevens; and Chaplain Norma Shorey (additional photos)…

Your Local News

Decisions postponed due to lack of quorum at planners’ meeting

CHINA — With only three of the six China Planning Board members present at the Sept. 25 board meeting, decisions were postponed on both topics discussed…

Five questions, candidates on China’s November ballot

CHINA — China voters have on their Nov. 6 ballots five referendum questions and in annual local elections one contest and two vacancies…

TIF members hear about alewife restoration project

CHINA — China TIF (Tax Increment Finance) Committee members heard a presentation on the China Lake alewife restoration project, or ARI (Alewife Restoration Initiative), at their Sept. 24 meeting, preliminary to an application for financial assistance expected at their Oct. 22 meeting…

Selectmen postpone business due to chairman’s absence

VASSALBORO — With Chairman Lauchlin Titus unable to attend their Sept. 20 meeting, selectmen postponed the main planned business, a discussion of issues related to police and dispatching services, to their Oct. 4 meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the town office…

“The Secret” to be unveiled in Palermo

PALERMO — Anybody who wants to change the direction of his or her life is invited to join a group of friendly neighbors on Friday, September 28, at the Palermo Community Center at 630 Turner Ridge Rd. for a potluck meal at 6 p.m., followed by the showing in the cozy screening room downstairs…

Municipal Tax Information

Find out when local taxes are due for China, Vassalboro, Windsor & Winslow.

Take our weekly survey!

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School News

Erskine Academy Parent/Teacher Conferences

CHINA — All parents of Erskine Academy students are invited to attend fall Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 3rd & 4th from 3:30 to 7 p.m…

Gaining some ground

WATERVILLE — Waterville Youth Football third and fourth grade team member Ethan Sirois breaks for a sizable gain in a game against Skow­hegan on Sep­tember 23, in Waterville (photo)…

Cony graduate completes basic training

Liliane Nichols, a 2018 graduate of Cony High School, in Augusta, recently graduated in the top 10 percent from B Battery, 1st Battalion, Third Platoon, U. S. Army Training Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma…

Gordon graduates at the U of M Crookston

ROME — Summer session graduates include Cailyn Marie Gordon, of Rome, graduating with a bachelor of science in animal science…


from Geoff Hargadon (China) — It seems ironic the town [of China] decided to re-pave the road to the transfer station and nearly simultaneously cut the hours the transfer station itself is open. And how does a 3 p.m. closing time help residents who work regular jobs? What a waste!…


from Bob Bennett (South China) — Over two days, we picked up about seventy-five (75) pounds of trash and returnable bottles. One of those bottles, by the way, contained a needle; no one was injured…One of the most disturbing facts about this debris was the number of nip bottles and beer cans. There are obviously some very impaired drivers along our roads; just what we need with distracted driving…


WATERVILLE — Eric Thomas, left, will be the guest conductor for the Fall Pops Concert, on Friday, October 5, at 7 p.m., at the Waterville Opera House. A reception will be held at 5:30 p.m. at Amici’s Cucina, on Main St…

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of September 27, 2018

The best recent photos from our readers!

Obituaries – Week of September 27, 2018

CHINA – Pamela L. Stickney, 60, passed away Friday, August 24, 2018, at MaineGeneral Medical Center following a brief and courageous battle against cancer. Pam was born on July 10, 1958, to Helen Cromwell Stickney, and Ervin W. Stickney in Skowhegan… and remembering 7 others…

Town Line Original Columnists


by Roland D. Hallee | The Maine moose hunting season is underway. It has not always been that way. The moose hunting season was reintroduced in 1980 on an experimental basis, when 700 permits were issued to residents…


by Ron Maxwell | Eating and drinking outside are some of my favorite parts of being in the woods. I love a fire but in many places one cannot have an open fire. Without a fire, the easiest way to make water safe, to heat coffee or cocoa or to make food in the woods is to use a small camping/hiking stove…

Dan CassidyINside the OUTside

by Dan Cassidy |Well, as mentioned, a couple of the reports from our ski resorts are calling for an early beginning, hopefully the making of another great season!…


by Peter Cates | The 1964 films, Yellow Rolls Royce/Umbrellas of Cherbourg generated original musical sound tracks. The above release had no connection with the originals. The Cinema players were hired by D.L.Miller, a fascinating businessman worthy of a biography while the group consisted of Hamburg Philharmonic musicians…

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & PercySOLON & BEYOND

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | My thanks go out to the Solon Elementary School person who sent me the Solon School Newspaper to share with you. Welcome To New Staff: We want to welcome two new social workers to our school. Beth Higgins has worked in RSU #74 for a number of years….


by Debbie Walker | One of the definitions for the word Unity is ‘harmony.’ If the town fathers named the town of Unity for its harmony I’ll bet they never pictured this past weekend. The Common Ground Country Fair is the ultimate of proof of unity (harmony) in their little town…


(NAPSI) — The flu is nothing to sneeze at. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza has resulted in between 9.2 million and 35.6 million illnesses annually since 2010. The best way to stay out of such statistics, the CDC says, is for everyone who is eligible and at least 6 months old to get a flu shot as soon as the vaccine becomes available…

Flu-Fighting Facts