TEAM PHOTO: Fairfield PAL senior champions

Front Row, from left to right, Jacobi Peaslee, Kayden Lachance, Hunter Lochart and Ryker Miklos. Middle row, Stella Curtis, Chase Bonney, Brock Richards, Levi Brann, Owsley Richardson, Malcolm Gilliland, Jackson Hanson, Bryce Faulkner, and Jackson Curtis. Back, coaches Peasle, Clement, Miklos and Richards. (photo by Casey Dugas, Central Maine Photography)

No school in Vassalboro on Tuesday, November 5 (2024)

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

An Oct. 21 public letter from Vassalboro School Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer tells residents that Nov. 5 plans have changed. Because voting will be at Vassalboro Community School (VCS), classes have been canceled for that Tuesday. The day will be made up in June 2025 as though it were a snow day.

Socktober at China Middle School

by Emma Wooley
China Middle School
JMG student

This month the JMG China Middle School program is collecting unused socks for their annual Socktober initiative to support those in need of clean, warm, and cozy socks. Socktober is a month-long community outreach collaboration with “Socks For Remy” and JMG to spread kindness to all through socks. “Socks For Remy,” was established in loving memory of Remy Pettengill, a former student at China Middle School, who passed away unexpectedly in 2022 as a result of a car crash. Remy was best known for wearing fun, crazy socks which helped brighten anyone’s day. The JMG China Middle School program has their collection box located within the lobby of the school for anyone to willingly donate. Help us help those in need by making this Sockotober our best one yet!

Around the Kennebec Valley: Education in Augusta – Part 2

by Mary Grow

By 1820, James North wrote in his 1870 history of Augusta, the town was again thriving after the economic downturn caused by the War of 1812. The bridge across the Kennebec River had been rebuilt; a dam was proposed to promote water-powered industry (finally built in 1837); stagecoaches and steamboats provided connections to the rest of the state, country and world; population and wealth had increased; there was talk of moving the state capital from Portland (done in 1832).

In 1820, voters raised $1,200 for education (and $1,500 for supporting the poor and other expenses and $2,000 for roads), North said. After that, he seemed to lose intereste in local primary education. Nash, in his Augusta chapters in Henry Kingsbury’s 1892 Kennebec County history, continued the story, writing that school districts were “divided and subdivided” as Augusta grew, until there were 27.

After 1815, voters chose a single agent for each district, plus a five-man town school committee, Nash said. An 1833 state law allowed modifications (see below).

A second quasi-public secondary school, succeeding the o  ne that burned in 1807 (see last week’s story) was organized in 1835. On Feb. 19, 1835, the Maine legislature chartered the Augusta Classical School Association, with a seven-man board of directors.

North wrote that its founders’ goals were “promoting the cause of education in the higher branches, and establishing a school in Augusta to prepare young men for a collegiate course.” (The nearest high school at the time was Hallowell Academy, which had opened in 1795; see the Oct. 10 article in this subseries.)

School Association members sold shares to raise money, bought the “spacious” (North’s word) former grammar school lot at Bridge and State streets and oversaw construction of a 50-by-65-foot, two-story brick building at a cost of $7,000, furnishings included.

North described the interior: “two large school rooms, recitation rooms and a laboratory containing philosophical apparatus.” (“Philosophical apparatus” is the early term for equipment used in scientific studies.)

The school opened April 18, 1836, headed by Professor William H. Allen, from the Methodist seminary at Cazenovia, New York (later president of Girard College, in Philadelphia), assisted by his sister, Miss R. Clifford Allen and, according to Nash, by another man and woman. Tuition was $6 a term (neither Nash nor North said how many terms in a year), expected to cover expenses.

The school was not a success. North implied that Allen’s (undated) departure was one blow. Nash wrote, “after a few years of indifferent financial success, its worthy promoters suffered its doors to be finally closed.”

* * * * * *

Meanwhile, Nash wrote, the Maine legislature passed, on Feb. 27, 1833, an act specifically applicable to Augusta’s elementary and high-school students that, as he explained it, had two parts. First, it authorized any school district to elect a seven-man committee (the number was later reduced to three or five) that would have full authority over the district’s school(s); and second, it authorized districts to consolidate.

Supporters found the act hard to implement, Nash said – not enough people were ready for “the proposed innovation.” At last, in early 1842, school districts number 3 and number 9 united as the Village School District. From locations of school buildings Nash and North provided, this district covered most of present-day Augusta on the west side of the Kennebec.

The seven directors elected at an April 6, 1842, meeting found they had 974 students and two buildings, the “wooden, old-fashioned” Piper School, on Laurel Street, and an unnamed two-room brick building, at the intersection of Grove Street and Western Avenue.

The directors determined they needed six primary schools, one (Nash) or two (North) grammar school(s) and one high school. They built two new “frame houses” (Nash’s description), raising $850 from district taxes to buy lots and put up the buildings (according to North).

(As reported previously, after the Maine legislature ordered every town to raise school money, district taxes were no longer the only source of funding. Apparently they required legislative approval; in 1849, North said, the Village District requested and received legislative permission for a district tax, not to exceed 20 cents per resident, to support education.)

At the end of 1842, North wrote, the directors were pleased with the quality of education they’d provided. They’d spent $2,401.51 – $1,212 for teachers, the rest for acquiring and maintaining buildings and for firewood and other miscellaneous items. There had been 33 weeks of teaching in nine schools.

Not all district residents were as pleased. Some, North said, disagreed with the assignment of their children to a specific school; more were unhappy about the high school. The latter group included some whose children were deemed not qualified to attend, some who thought it too expensive and some who feared foreign languages were stealing money and attention from English.

North detailed several years of contentious meetings, with frequent changes of elected directors. At an April 19, 1843, meeting (the second that month), two motions to make students studying Latin or Greek pay tuition were defeated; but voters approved a motion to “discontinue the present system of high school instruction.”

Instead, they approved a proposal to have six primary schools and three grammar schools, boys’, girls’ and co-ed.

This system was not universally popular, either. Voters at an April 20, 1844, meeting re-elected five of the seven 1843 directors and replaced two (North did not say whether the two resigned or were rejected). They postponed indefinitely (in effect, voted down) a motion to divide the Village District into three districts, which North said would have been a retreat to the old system.

Dissension continued through 1845 and 1846. Meanwhile, North said, town meetings had increased funding for schools, from $1,600 in 1840 to $3,000 in 1846, making residents feel less oppressed by the district school tax and reviving the belief that education was essential to good government.

Consequently, the second of two March and April 1847 meetings approved a wordy resolution that called for “suitable schoolhouses…conveniently located” for the “small children”; at least two grammar schools; and a high school. North added that 1847 town meetings appropriated $4,000 for education.

Nash offered summary descriptions of new grammar schools built in the district in 1848, 1850, 1853 and 1855. The last four, two in 1850 and one each in 1853 and 1855, were brick.

North said the four two-story brick buildings cost a total of about $12,000 and were considered among the best in Maine “for interior arrangement and finish.” Writing in 1870, he regretted that the “exteriors were not made more attractive” and that the buildings were not made larger to accommodate more classes.

Nash listed another school, built in 1890, that became the Cushnoc Heights Grammar School. (An on-line source says the modern name of Cushnoc Heights is Sand Hill, the hill on the west side of the Kennebec just north of downtown Augusta.)

As of April 1892, Nash said the Village District student enrollment was 2,052, “about two thirds of the whole number in the city.” In 1892, Charles E. Nash was one of the three Village School District directors, and a man named Gustavus A. Robertson had been principal of the Village District schools since 1868.

* * * * * *

For a Village District high school, Nash and North said, the directors first rented the Classical School Association’s old building. In June, 1848, they bought it from the remaining shareholders, for $3,000. North called this purchase an important step in reducing opposition to the high school, as well as a good deal financially.

In 1869, Nash said, the former Classical Association’s high school building was “superseded by the present spacious edifice,” which was dedicated Aug. 26, 1870. The new building, at the intersection of Bridge and State streets, a couple blocks uphill from the Kennebec, was almost finished when North completed his history in 1870. He said it cost about $25,000, for which the District issued bonds.

North approved of the two-story brick cruciform building building’s “pleasing appearance.” Inside, he wrote, it was “conveniently arranged to accommodate two schools of two hundred students each in single seats.”

Each floor, he said, had five rooms: a 52-by-54-foot “schoolroom,” two 22-by-30-foot “recitation rooms” and two 15-foot-square “clothes rooms.” The ground-floor rooms had 14-foot ceilings, the second-floor rooms 16-foot ceilings.

The third floor “formed by the mansard roof” was to be used as “a hall for school exercises and exhibitions.”

The Village District high school closed in 1881, when Cony Free High School opened. The building continued in use for younger students, and in 1891 was named the William R. Smith School, honoring a just-retired “steadfast friend and able promoter of the public schools” who had been connected with the district since it was formed almost 50 years earlier.

Your writer found on line postcards showing Augusta’s William R. Smith Grammar School, one dated 1909. These postcards show a large three-story brick building on a stone foundation, with elaborate window trim, different on each level, and a mansard roof. (North had described the windows: “large, circular headed, giving abundance of light.”)

* * * * * *

Nash wrote that in 1882 – 49 years after the legislature authorized districts to consolidate – three on the east side of the Kennebec merged to become the Williams School District. The new district’s directors divided students into primary, intermediate and grammar-school levels.

As of 1892, there were 581 students, and the directors had just opened a new four-room school house, costing $13,000, on Wedge Hill, on Bangor Street. (Bangor Street runs north along the east side of the Kennebec from the Cony Street intersection, becoming Riverside Drive, in Vassalboro. (Rte. 201.)

Nash also wrote that in 1887, the City of Augusta abolished “all the suburban districts” and “adopted a town system for them.” (As reported previously, the Maine legislature abolished school districts state-wide seven years later.)

In 1892, he said, there were 17 “suburban schools,” with names instead of numbers. Your writer found on line two Kennebec Journal clippings about one of them, Hewins School (location unknown).

On Friday, March 23, 1917, the school presented an “entertainment and pie social,” with music and recitations, to raise money to pay for the “Grafonia” or “Grafonola” (an early Columbia phonograph).

Hewins School closed at the beginning of 1948 and its 11 students, seven of them in second grade or below, were bussed to Williams School.

Williams School is not on Nash’s 1892 list by that name. An on-line source says it closed in June 1980 after 89 years; the story is illustrated with a photo of fourth- and fifth-graders carrying desks to the Hussey School. (Augusta still has a Lillian Parks Hussey Elementary School, built in 1954 on Gedney Street, on the east side of the river a block east of Bangor Street.)

Augusta also had a Nash School, built in 1897 and named in honor of the Charles E. Nash whose chapters in Kingsbury’s history your writer has been citing. The former school building at the intersection of State and Capitol streets is part of Augusta’s Capitol Complex Historic District.

Main sources

Kingsbury, Henry D., ed., Illustrated History of Kennebec County Maine 1625-1892 (1892)
North, James W., The History of Augusta (1870)

Websites, miscellaneous.

PHOTO: Messalonskee youth football grades 3 and 4

Front row, from left to right, Ryder Bolduc, Blake Lawler, and Marshall Veilleux. Second row, Andrew Proctor, Tucker Reynolds, Reed Fowler, Braydyn Grard, Sam Wolman, Brady Fish, Baine Bennett, and Colton Curtis. Third row, Pierce Holman, Colton Sense, Nolan Brown, Bryson McCullough, Liam Luther, Bernard Pelletier, Sawyer Pierson, and Trent Bickford. Fourth row, Kellum Corbett, Easton Dyer, Colin Porter, Able Smart, and Kolby Lajoie. Fifth row, Karson Simmons, Parker Taylor, Jackson McLaughlin, Noah Dale. Back, coaches Scott Proctor, Matt Holman, Justin Lawler, Landan McCullough. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Madison Legion Auxiliary gathers school supplies

Pictured left to right, Amy Washburn, and Betty Price, sort through the many school items gathered. (contributed photo)

submitted by Harriet Bryant

Over the years, the American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belaner, Unit #39, Madison, has supported community programs such as children and youth. In recent years the organization has sponsored a school supplies collection which included backpacks, pens, pencils, markers, notebooks, binders, crayons, colored pencils, water bottles, hand sanitizer, etc. With the generosity of cash donations and school supplies from the community and members, the American Legion Auxiliary of Madison was able to donate $450 worth of school supplies to 6 schools in the SAD #59 Madison and RSU#74 Anson area!!

As part of the world’s largest patriotic service organization, American Legion Auxiliary members have dedicated themselves for over a century to meeting the needs of our nation’s veterans, military, and their families both here and abroad. They volunteer millions of hours yearly, with a value of nearly $2 billion. To learn more about the Auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit www.ALA forVeterans. org or contact: Jacie Pollis, President – American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, PO Box 325, Madison, ME 04950.

PHOTOS: Youth football action in Oakland

Messalonskee youth team member Andrew Proctor running with the football while Winslow’s Tristan Blaney (32), Nathan Merrill (41) and Freddie Pullen (75) move in for the tackle. The game took place on October 7. (Photos by Casey Dugas, Central Maine Photography)

Waterville team member Malahki Klaiber (12) looks for open field while, Alex Sheehan (80), Connor Jones (27) and Quincy Brittingham (4) form a wall on Messalonskee defender Zoeey Emmons. The game ended in a 12-12 tie. (Photos by Casey Dugas, Central Maine Photography)

SNHU announces summer 2024 President’s List

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire, congratulates the following students on being named to the Summer 2024 President’s List. The summer terms run from May to August.

Van Boardman, of Oakland, Blake Laweryson, of North Anson, Misty Ray, of Montville, Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield, Jacob Colson, of Albion, Sierra Winson, of Winslow, Andre Coachman, of Waterville, Joseph Slater, of Winslow, Oase Erkamp, of Waterville, Morgan Bergeron, of Augusta, Krista Neal, of Augusta, Nicholas Stutler, of Sidney, Ivette Hernandez Cortez, of Augusta, and David Phillips, of Augusta.

Beauty from Ashes: Reflecting on 9/11 at China school

From left to right, Everett Packard, Eli Goodwin, Patrick Roberts, James Trojecki, Kennebec Sheriff Deputy Stefanizzi, Chris Berto, Nathaniel Monroe, and Leslie Krajewski. (contributed photos)

by Aimee N. Lanteigne

The searing images of September 11, 2001, will not soon be forgotten by anyone who witnessed the sheer terror of that horrible day. But for some, today’s youth, they have no idea, no context, and no emotion connected to that day that forever changed how Americans live. But they need to know. There are a thousand good reasons why teaching history is so important, but in a nutshell, suffice it to say, “A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.” (Robert Heinlein)

Wyatt Kibbin and his mom, Allison, of the Maine National Guard. (contributed photos)

This year, China Middle School seventh and eighth graders learned their history…the details of what happened on 9/11, why it happened, the ensuing War on Terror, and the impact those two hours had on countless innocent lives. They discussed ways to prevent and combat hatred and misunderstandings. Perhaps most importantly, they took it upon themselves to give a little something back to those who gave the last full measure of devotion in the line of duty on 9/11.

Our students hosted a free car wash for First Responders and Veterans in honor of the 23rd anniversary of this tragedy. The support they received was overwhelming. Donations of soap, buckets, sponges, baked goods, and refreshments for our guests came pouring in. Every student made a personalized handmade card thanking them for their service be it in the fire department, the police department, or the military.

They made posters advertising the car wash and happily stood out in the school driveway waving and smiling and cheering any time a car or cruiser would pull into the school yard. They joyfully scurried like busy little bees to escort our guests to the food table, made sure they got a card and a treat, and then commenced spraying and soaping up the cars…perhaps the most fun of all. And before each officer or veteran left, the kids seemed to all shout in unison, “Thank you for your service!” Some of our students even went out of their way to shake hands with our guests and thank them personally.

The appreciation and smiles on their faces as they drove away was all these kids needed to know they had made a difference. It wasn’t a clean car, a cup of coffee, and a cupcake that made the difference. It was the kids’ smiles, their laughter, their joy, their pride in helping, and the simple fact that they had remembered…they had not forgotten. They may not have been alive when the Towers fell, when the planes and all souls aboard vaporized into thin air, or when the fear and darkness that overwhelmed us all that evening began to creep into our hearts. But they remembered. They took time to acknowledge the sacrifice of their brothers and sisters in service for what they lost that terrible day and in the years to follow.

That is how they made a difference.

That is how we keep history alive.

And that is how we can make beauty from ashes.

From left, Colton Oxley, Ellie Soule, and Layla Gunnison wash China Village firetruck. (contributed photos)

TEAM PHOTO: Lawrence girls soccer

Front row, from left to right, Kylie Delile, Eliza Gagnon, Taylor Hatt, Addisyn Smith, Amarie Sam, Sage Dugal and Rosabella Garza. Second row, Alex Young, Brook Pooler, McKayla Cole, Zoe Hutchins, Izabella White, Elizabeth Boutin and London Wilkie. Back row, Coach Mountain, Taylor Pellerin, Leah Gallant, Madalyn Provost, Ella Minihan, Zoie Ward, Bianca Wright, Addison Lea, Coach Delile. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)