Laura Jones announces candidacy for House

Laura Jones

Laura Jones, retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, and Vassalboro native, has announced her election campaign for House District #61, in Vassalboro and part of Sidney.

“Vassalboro has always been where my heart is and where I was happy to return to. I served my country for 25 years and now I am happy to serve my community. I will continue to work as hard as I can in Augusta for the people of Vassalboro and Sidney.” said Jones.

Jones, 52, a fourth generation Vassalboro resident, was born in Waterville and raised in Vassalboro. Jones served 25 years in the military, with deployments and assignments to Haiti, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Japan. She currently works at her family’s business, Fieldstone Gardens, in Vassalboro. She has been very active in the community helping organize and promote community events for the Vassalboro Historical Society, Grange, Mill and Vassalboro Business Association. She currently serves on the Board of the Vassalboro Historical Society and is their treasurer.

“Laura’s contributions to the community since retiring from military service are commendable and her life experiences will serve her well in Augusta,” said Barbara Redmond, former Vassalboro selectperson. “Laura is an excellent candidate and will do a great job representing the residents of Vassalboro and part of Sidney in the legislature”.

Visit Laura Jones on Facebook and her campaign website.

VASSALBORO: New town park officially named Eagle Park

by Mary Grow

It’s official: Vassalboro’s new town park on Outlet Stream and Route 32, a bit north of East Vassalboro village, is named Eagle Park.

Select board members made the decision unanimously at their Feb. 8 meeting, at the request of conservation commission chairman Holly Weidner. Weidner told them a Boy Scout intends to make a sign for the park as his Eagle Scout project.

The name is appropriate, Weidner said, because now that alewives can migrate the length of the stream, from the Sebasticook River to China Lake, the park attracts bald eagles (and great blue herons) that prey on the fish.

The Feb. 8 meeting included recognition of the week that includes Feb. 8 as scouting’s anniversary week. With troop leaders and members present, select board member Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., read a proclamation listing the Vassalboro Scouts’ many volunteer projects and activities.

Select board members spent much of the rest of their meeting talking about the Vassalboro Sanitary District’s (VSD) financial problems and about allocating remaining federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds.

The VSD is deeply in debt for the recent connection to the Waterville-Winslow sewage disposal system. Because of debt repayments, the fees charged to its 200 or so customers in East and North Vassalboro have risen steeply and will continue to rise.

Town Manager Aaron Miller said VSD officials have asked the town for $200,000 from the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) fund. Miller said he asked the VSD’s attorney and the town’s attorney to consider the situation together.

Meanwhile, Denico reported, he had connected VSD officials with U. S. Senator Susan Collins’ office, as Vassalboro’s state senator, Matthew Pouliot, recommended. Select board chairman Chris French added that state representative Richard Bradstreet had discussed VSD customers’ concerns with Maine Governor Janet Mills.

Vassalboro’s TIF money comes from taxes paid on the gas pipeline that runs through the town.

Miller said Vassalboro has about $84,000 in unappropriated ARPA funds. Board members discussed three potential uses and approved two, work on the fuel tanks at the public works garage (which are used by Vassalboro’s school, fire and police departments as well as public works) and buying generators for the town office, the food pantry and the Riverside fire station.

A third request was from Police Chief Mark Brown, for a rifle and related items, radar and additional equipment for the police vehicle. A discussion among board and audience members started with whether Brown’s duties justify the additional weaponry – board members said yes, all law enforcement officers face danger – and veered into speeding control.

The claim that Vassalboro select board members told Brown not to enforce speed limits was partially denied. Because he works only 15 hours a week – and, French reminded everyone, voters at the 2023 town meeting rejected a proposal to increase his hours to 20 a week – board members want to minimize time he spends in court defending speeding tickets.

Audience members divided over whether law enforcement is the best way to deter speeders. Weidner, referring to the recent meeting on East Vassalboro traffic, advocated for measures that make the roadway appear narrower – a narrow road is most likely to make drivers slow down, she said.

Board members unanimously approved funds for the rifle and radar, only; they await more information on vehicle modifications.

Douglas Phillips presented the Historical Society’s request for continued ARPA funding for lighting and other work at the former East Vassalboro schoolhouse, owned by the town and leased by the historical society as its headquarters and museum. Select board members unanimously approved.

Miller proposed adding a municipal buildings account in future budgets.

The historical society owns five East Vassalboro buildings, Phillips said: the Weymouth barn on the east side of Main Street south of the Grange Hall, and on the west side of the street the former Taylor house and barn, the adjacent blacksmith shop, the former East Village Fire House just north and the harness shop behind the fire house. Society officials are applying for grants to maintain these buildings.

In other business, board members asked Miller to draft an article for the town meeting warrant asking voters to delete the quorum requirement for a special town meeting. Since 1991, 125 registered voters must sign in before a special meeting can begin, a requirement select board members consider an obstacle to trying to hold a special meeting.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 22. It will start with a public hearing on proposed amendments to the town’s solid waste ordinance (now renamed the Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance).

Vassalboro planners take up three issues

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro planning board members discussed three very different issues at their Feb. 6 meeting, none needing a yes or no decision.

The consideration of a new state law might lead to recommended amendments to town ordinances, which would need voter approval.
An application for a commercial solar development is unlikely to re-appear until May or June.
Planned repairs to a seasonal home on Webber Pond appear to be in the codes officer’s jurisdiction.

The state law, still widely called LD 2003, was passed in 2022 and is intended to provide more housing by allowing greater density. Vassalboro board chairman Virginia Brackett sees it as applying primarily to towns with zoning restrictions, which Vassalboro does not have.

After considering what the law and various words and phrases in it mean, board members asked codes officer Jason Lorrain to draft any amendments he thinks Vassalboro ordinances need.

Board member and former codes officer Paul Mitnik mentioned other ordinance changes he would like to have considered.

Annalise Kukor, of ReVision Energy, presented a revised preliminary plan for a solar development on Webber Pond Road. The site is on land owned by Eileen M. Flanagan, at 1026 Webber Pond Road, south of Vassalboro Community School.

The original plan, presented to the board on Nov. 14, 2023 (see the Nov. 23, 2023, issue of The Town Line, p. 3), asked for a waiver of setback requirements to allow the solar panels to be close to the rear boundary.

After discussion with the abutting landowners, Kukor said, the waiver request is withdrawn and the solar panels moved south to meet boundary setback requirements.

Board members had no objections to the preliminary plan. Kukor expects to need several months to have a final plan ready for board review.

Ron Blaisdell brought up the camp repairs. He explained that he is caretaker for several summer places on Webber Pond, and one needs a deck replaced, with minor changes including the addition of stairs.

He also needs to dig out and replace some overgrown shrubs on the property, he said.

Planning board members established that the rebuilt deck will not be closer to the lake than the original one. They decided that Blaisdell’s replacement projects fall under Lorrain’s jurisdiction, not theirs.

In other business, board member Marianne Stevens reported on some of the suggestions for slowing traffic through East Vassalboro Village that were discussed at a recent meeting of local residents.

Lorrain reported that he knows of two sheds crushed by fallen trees in the shoreland zone that need to be replaced. He anticipates applications to the planning board.

Lorrain asked about an issue involving enforcement of covenants in a board-approved subdivision. Mitnik and Brackett said the issue needs to be settled by subdivision residents; it is not the planning board’s business.

The next regular Vassalboro planning board meeting will be Tuesday evening, March 5.

Vassalboro select board begins review of 2024-25 budget

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members began review of the draft 2024-25 town budget, prepared by Town Manager Aaron Miller, at a Feb. 6 meeting that lasted almost three hours. They continued discussion for an hour before their regular Feb. 8 meeting.

Miller’s first draft totaled close to $3.9 million, and represented an increase of more than $256,000 over the current year. By Feb. 8, the estimated increase was more than $258,000.

This part of the budget covers municipal services and an estimated 10 percent increase in the 2024-25 bill from Kennebec County. The 2024-25 school budget is separate; Vassalboro school board members were scheduled to begin work on it at their Feb. 13 meeting.

Select board chairman Chris French emphasized that the budget presented to voters at the June 3 annual town meeting “will look very different” from the February draft. Select board members will continue to refine figures for proposed expenditures and compare them with expected revenues.

Select board chairman Chris French emphasized that the budget presented to voters at the June 3 annual town meeting “will look very different” from the February draft. Select board members will continue to refine figures for proposed expenditures and compare them with expected revenues; budget committee members will review the entire proposal; and the two boards will negotiate agreements, or agree to disagree in their recommendations.

Select board members began the Feb. 6 discussion by accepting Miller’s recommendation that town employees get 3.2 percent cost of living raises plus two percent merit raises for 2024-25.

Miller had recommended continuing the select board members’ stipends at the current level, $2,500 apiece. French argued for a cost of living increase, and, he said, the board chairman should get $500 more than the other two members because of the extra time he (or she) spends on town business.

French will not be board chairman in 2024-25, unless board policy is changed. If he runs for another three-year term and is re-elected, he will become the junior board member and Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., will become chairman.

The result of the discussion was, for now, a recommended increase of $680 in the budget line for select board.

Miller recommended, and board members supported, hiring a part-time staff person at the town office, primarily to cover the counter during especially busy times, lunch hours and when another staffer is out sick, running a town errand or on vacation. Details remain to be worked out; by the Feb. 8 meeting, the cost was estimated at $21,000.

The preliminary public works and paving budgets are about $167,000 higher than this year, generating considerable discussion of equipment needs – costs and timing – and paving plans.

How to plow the new sidewalks planned for North Vassalboro was one subtopic. Board members considered buying a piece of equipment, and discussed what they could buy that would be useful year-round; or contracting out the work.

Another subtopic was the bridge on Mill Hill Road, on which the state has threatened to post a speed limit. The issue first came up at the board’s Nov. 2, 2023, meeting, when board members learned the double culvert carrying Seven Mile Stream under the road had deteriorated significantly (see the Nov. 9, 2023, issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

Board member Denico said as of the previous night, posting had been delayed a year or so; but the town will have to fix the bridge eventually. He estimated the cost at up to $600,000 if the bridge were one lane wide and up to twice that for a two-lane bridge.

Proposed additions to the public works budget range from increasing employees’ boot allowance to hiring one more full-time employee, perhaps shared with the transfer station. Adding a person would reduce hours each driver works during blizzards and other emergencies.

The manager recommends starting a reserve fund to pay for a town-wide property revaluation. His suggested figure for 2024-25 is $40,000.

During the Feb. 8 select board meeting, French suggested a town meeting warrant article asking voters to approve $25,000 for town expenses when Vassalboro Community School is used as an emergency shelter.

Douglas Phillips, speaking for the Vassalboro Historical Society, discussed problems at the former East Vassalboro schoolhouse, owned by the town and leased by the society as its headquarters and museum. The wooden building and its roof need repairs; if another heat pump is installed, the boiler might be removed, making more storage space; the restroom should be made handicapped-accessible (a chairlift provides access to the building); and cracking tiles in one room contain asbestos, a hazardous substance.

Select board members added $15,000 to the 2024-25 budget for asbestos remediation.

The draft social services budget for 2024-25 currently contains two new requests: $4,000 to support the local Window Dressers program that provides window inserts to help insulate houses; and $3,500 for Kennebec Behavioral Health, an Augusta-based organization that has not previously asked for town support. The Vassalboro food pantry asks for a $2,000 increase that would be used for stipends for volunteers.

Vassalboro Community School second quarter honor roll (2023)

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)


High honors: Abigail Prickett, and Judson Smith.

Honors: Tristyn Brown, Zoey Demerchant, Ryleigh French, Drake Goodie, Cooper Lajoie, Caleb Marden, Paige Perry, Bentley Pooler, Hannah Tobey, and Reid Willett.

Honorable mention: Gabriella Brundage, Katherine Maxwell, Kayden Renna, Brooke Reny, and Leigha Sullivan.


High honors: Zoe Gaffney, Allyson Gilman, Cheyenne Lizzotte, Agatha Meyer, Grace Tobey, and Ava Woods.

Honors: Bryleigh Burns, Basil Dillaway, Fury Frappier, Baylee Fuchswanz, Savannah Judkins, Kaitlyn Lavallee, Mia McLean, and Jaelyn Moore.

Honorable mention: Emelia Bartlett, Samuel Bechard, Peyton Bishop, Emily Clark, and Jack Lapierre.


Honors: Zander Austin, Grace Clark, Camden Foster, Aubrey Goforth, Leah Hyden, Aubrey Judkins, Isaac Leonard, Kaylee Pease, Olivia Perry, Elliott Rafuse, Juliahna Rocque, Isaiah Smith, and Charles Stein.

Honorable mention: Lukas Blais, Kaylee Colfer, Dawson Frazer, Peter Giampietro, Landon Lagasse, Austin Pease, and Jaxson Presti.


High honors: Hunter Brown, Kamdyn Couture, Cooper Grant, Sophia-Lynn Howard, Brooklyn Leach, Landon Lindquist, Simon Olson, Willa Rafuse, Alexis Reed, Jackson Robichaud, Robert Wade, Xainte Cloutier, Samantha Craig, Mariah Estabrook, Riley Fletcher, Saraina Lacroix, Cassidy Rumba, Haven Trainor, and Cameron Willett.

Honors: Alexander Bailey, Rylee Boucher, Reese Chechowitz, Braiden Crommett, Molly Dearborn, Levi Demerchant, Liam Dowe, Anthony Dyer, Chase Fay, Ashlynn Hamlin, Avery Hamlin, Tanner Hughes, Kendall Karlsson, Olivia Lane, Trevyn Pooler, Landon Quint, Keegan Robinson, Addison Suga, and Gabriel Tucker.

Honorable mention: Ryder Austin, Maverick Brewer, Eli Dulac, Hunter Green, Desmond Landreth, Aria Lathrop, Owen Mayo, Christopher Santiago, Asher Smith, Mason York-Baker


High honors: Freya Caison, Tucker Lizzotte, Evelyn Meyer, Mayla Wilson, and Alivia Woods.

Honors: Olivia Booker, Camden Desmond, Frankie Farrell, Marley Field, Emma Freeman, Norah French, Henry Gray, Finn Malloy, Gage Nason, Sawyer Plossay, Allysson Portillo, Gabriella Reynolds, Wesley Stewart, Oliver Sugden, Alivia Twitchell, and Haley Witham.

Honorable mention: Parker Bouchard, Preston Richmond, Raistlyn Russell, and Sawyer Weston.


High honors: Estelle Ford, Levi Hotham, Rose Matulis, Lillian Noll, Orion Paulette, Tristan Plossay, Dominic Poulin, Sydney Suga, Anastaysha Timberlake, and Wynn Trainor.

Honors: Christopher Bourgoin, Payton Bowring, Alexander Buckley, Jaxon Crommett, Preston Dupont, Colton Fletcher, Mariskah-Avril Grant, Matthew Henrikson, Thyri Kimball, Jocelyn Parsons, Bianca Pooler, Wyatt Richard, Aria Tardiff, Quentin Tarr, Meaghan Trask, Samuel Tuttle, Jens Tyrol, and Ryan York.

Honorable mention: Airibella Bossie, Aubrey Carron, and Jackson Ingerson.

CORRECTION: Mayla Wilson, a fourth grade student at  Vassalboro Community School achieved high honors for the second quarter of the 2023-24 school year. Her name was misspelled in the February 8, 2024, print edition of The Town Line. It was a source error.

EVENTS: Vassalboro senior lunch to be held February 14, 2024

Vassalboro United Methodist Church (photo: Google streetview)

The next Senior (50+) Soup and Salad luncheon will be next Wednesday, February 14, from 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m., at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church, 614 Main Street, Vassalboro. Lunch is FREE, donations are accepted.

RSVP is not required, just plan on coming for lunch and a time of fellowship. For more information contact Karen Hatch, Vassalboro Community Program Director,

Vassalboro select board to hold two public hearings

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members plan February and March public hearings on two town ordinances they intend to finish revising in time for voter action at the June 3 town meeting.

Amendments to the Solid Waste Ordinance are nearly final (see the Jan. 11 issue of The Town Line, p. 3, and the Jan. 25 issue, pp. 2-3). The hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. 22.

Board members are still working on the town’s Marijuana Business Ordinance. They intend to have a revised version ready for a hearing on Thursday, March 7.

Town attorney Kristin Collins attended the board’s Jan. 25 meeting and confirmed what chairman Chris French believes about small medical marijuana growing operations in town: since the state authorizes them, the town cannot ban them (see the Jan. 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

However, Collins said, the town can regulate such operations, including requiring licenses and conformity with local licensing rules.

Discussion of amending the marijuana ordinance was followed by discussion of amending the town’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Ordinance, to expand allowable uses for TIF funds. This amendment, too, would need voter approval, Collins said, and approval by the state Department of Economic and Community Development.

Board members then considered amending yet another local ordinance, the one setting a high quorum requirement for any special town meeting. Town Manager Aaron Miller considers that requiring 125 voters be present to start a special meeting effectively bans such meetings. No decision was made.

The Jan. 25 meeting included a public hearing on renewing marijuana business licenses for five “grandfathered” commercial growing operations, those in business before the 2017 ordinance was approved. Four are on Old Meadows Road; the building housing one on Cushnoc Road is being rebuilt after a fire in the fall of 2022, but select board members did not consider the business had been discontinued.

As codes officer Jason Lorrain recommended, board members renewed the licenses for 2024. One renewal is conditional on installation of a security system, a job Lorrain said is in process.

Chris Mitchell, newly chosen executive director of Delta Ambulance after months as acting executive director, explained again that because of rising costs and stable or declining revenues, Delta needs to join Maine’s other ambulance services in charging an annual fee to towns whose residents it serves.

This year, Delta’s 13 member towns, including Vassalboro, paid $15 per resident, Michell said. For the 2024-25 fiscal year, the request is $25 per head; and it will be higher again in 2025-26.

French asked what happens if some towns don’t pay. Their residents don’t get ambulance service from Delta, Mitchell replied.

He told French losing supporting towns would not raise the 2024-25 rate; the $25 is firm for the year.

The majority of Delta’s board of directors represents area hospitals. French recommended more input from municipalities; Mitchell agreed, and said revamping board membership was a project he hadn’t had time to explore yet.

From the audience, Vassalboro rescue head Dan Mayotte and fire chief Walker Thompson told French they have no problems or concerns about Delta’s service.

Returning to previously-discussed transfer station plans, select board members unanimously approved a contract to pay Senders science engineering and construction, of Camden, $7,600 for mapping Vassalboro’s site; redesigning the facility and assisting with seeking grant funding; and preparing a final plan and obtaining state and local permits.

Miller said company head Jeff Senders’ Jan. 23 meeting with the Transfer Station Task Force had been “productive” and led to a consensus to move ahead.

Select board members briefly discussed two other money matters, making no decision on either.

Resident John Melrose, speaking for the town’s trails committee, asked for funding to improve the South Loop Trail, which he said runs between the public works garage parking lot and the soccer field. Committee members’ main concerns are avoiding bridges and “getting out of the water and the mud,” Melrose said.

He plans to present options with cost estimates at a future select board meeting.

Brian Lajoie, for the public works department, asked approval to use left-over 2023-24 paving money this spring to pave some of Vassalboro’s few remaining gravel roads. Winter gravel road maintenance is challenging, he said.

By that point in the meeting, board member Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., had left. French preferred saving the left-over funds; board member Michael Poulin favored Lajoie’s request; a decision was therefore postponed until Denico can break the tie.

French and Poulin accepted the board’s new Remote Participation in Public Proceedings Policy (currently available on the website,, under the agenda for the Jan. 25 select board meeting; as of Jan. 29, not added under Documents: Ordinances and Policies).

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. 8.

Olivia Bourque makes fall 2023 dean’s list (2023)

Eastern Connecticut State University

Eastern Connecticut State University, in Willimantic, Connecticut,  recently released its dean’s list for the fall 2023 semester, in which more than 1,300 students were recognized for maintaining high GPAs.

Among them is full-time student Olivia Bourque, of Vassalboro, a sophomore who majors in health sciences.

Vassalboro transfer station committee looks for redesign

by Mary Grow

At their Jan. 18 meeting, members of Vassalboro’s transfer station task force finished proposing revisions to the town’s Solid Waste Ordinance, now renamed the Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance, and planned next steps for the ordinance and for their other task, redesigning the transfer station (see the Jan. 11 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

Transfer station manager George Hamar and committee member Amy Davidoff had made more ordinance changes, based on suggestions offered at the previous meeting and emailed afterwards. The Jan. 18 discussion topics included recycling; use by commercial haulers and multi-family building owners and occupants; and enforcement. By the end of the meeting, committee members had a rough draft mostly ready for select board review.

Town Manager Aaron Miller had arranged for Jeff Senders, the engineer working with the town on the transfer station redesign, to visit the transfer station and meet with task force members Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 23.

Miller and the two select board members on the task force, chairman Chris French and member Michael Poulin, decided the group should discuss Senders’ visit at 5:45 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 25, before that evening’s select board meeting.

French would like to have the draft ordinance on the Jan. 25 select board agenda. The select board’s version will be reviewed by the town attorney, he said, and a public hearing will be scheduled for residents’ comments and questions, probably in February.

Assuming agreement on a revised ordinance, it will be presented to town voters for approval or rejection at the annual town meeting in June.

The Jan. 25 select board meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. with public hearings on five applications to renew commercial marijuana-growing licenses. Four of the growing operations are on Old Meadows Road; one is on Cushnoc Road.

Vassalboro school board takes up several money items

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

Although discussion of the 2024-25 budget doesn’t start in earnest until February, Vassalboro school board members had several money items on their Jan. 22 agenda.

Board members approved wage increases for five categories of substitute employees, to keep them slightly ahead of the state minimum wage that went up to $14.15 an hour on Jan. 1. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said the increases were coordinated with the Waterville and Winslow school departments and keep Vassalboro competitive with most other area schools.

The current year’s budget will cover the higher pay, Pfeiffer said. Additional pay increases for more employees will be discussed as part of planning next year’s budget.

Board members also accepted Special Education Director Tanya Thibeau’s recommendation to hire a part-time IEP (Individualized Education Program) coordinator for the rest of the current school year, to help oversee these programs at Vassalboro Community School.

The current year’s budget will cover this position, Thibeau said, because one of VCS’s social workers is part-time – she could not find the full-time employee whose compensation was included in the 2023-24 budget.

Thibeau informed board members of proposed legislation that, if approved, would expand special education in public school to three- and four-year-old students. She said Maine is one of only two states without such a program.

Maine Commissioner of Education Pender Makin has promised generous state financial support if the program comes into effect, Thibeau said.

Pfeiffer distributed copies of the lease under which the day care program run by Jenifer Lizotte uses VCS space. He asked board members to consider whether it should be renewed for another year and if so, whether there should be changes, specifically a small increase in the $25 a day rent, due to inflation.

Pfeiffer strongly supports continuing the day care program at the school. He had high praise for Lizotte and her staff; said he has heard of no other local facilities that would take over if the VCS program were discontinued; and called the program “a big win for the community.”

VCS Principal Ira Michaud and Assistant Principal Tabitha Brewer seconded Pfieffer’s commendation. They said Lizotte runs a good program with well-trained staff, goes out of her way to accommodate families’ needs and consistently cooperates with school staff.

The current lease runs to the end of the school year, so immediate action is not expected.

Pfeiffer said when secondary-school tuition rates for calendar year 2024 came out in December 2023, they were about 5.5 percent higher than for 2023. The Vassalboro board had anticipated and budgeted for the increase, he said.

The superintendent reported on on-going work at VCS, like installing the ceiling fans authorized last year, and on use of the building as a warming center during the December power outage. Thanks to cooperation from residents and school staff, the warming center was a success, he said.

Town office staff are collecting names of residents who would like to be trained to work as volunteers at the center in future disasters. Pfeiffer said about 20 people had signed up so far.

Other business at the Jan. 22 meeting included approval of three new hires: Gifted and Talented teacher Rod Robilliard and Special Education Technicians Julie Chavez and Isaac Mercier. Board members accepted two resignations, from Speech and Language Pathologist Sharon Peabody and Special Education Technician Heather Bassett.

The next regular Vassalboro school board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, at VCS.