Letters to the editor, Week of September 22, 2016
Responds to letters
To the editor:
To the folks of China, I am from away – all the way from Winthrop. Living there until I graduated from Winthrop High and then I was off to the Marines. I’ve lived in other areas of Maine and also, for five years, in Nevada, North Carolina and California. Call that ‘from away’ if you want.
I do want change in China. I was one of the more adamant supporters of purchasing the Cabins property, as I know from experience (Winthrop) what it means to a kid and a family to have access to a beach and lake, year-round. I had the best childhood, greatly, because of time on the beach/lake.
I moved to China six years ago because of the lake. I wanted my grandkids to have the same wonderful experiences I had in Winthrop and we’ve been well-blessed they are here frequently. The town ultimately decided not to purchase The Cabins for about $550,000, which I believe was from bad/false information passed around town. I was told the property just appraised for $1.3 million. I know our town could have made great use of the property and it was shame to see it slip away. Just one cabin recently sold for $145,000.
Also, I started my own nonprofit to try and acquire The Cabins property, privately. I wanted Hannaford, FairPoint, TimeWarner, etc… to sponsor weeks for autistic children, survivors of domestic abuse, Wounded Warriors, etc… and more important to me – to give free weeks to less-fortunate families from the Harold Alfond Cancer Center or Center for Grieving Children , providing a week of ‘Life on China Lake’ so they could enjoy a week with those they loved, before they were too sick. I couldn’t make it go, but I’m pleased that at least I did try to do something for my community.
As a member of the China Volunteer Fire Department, I secured a $46,000 grant for new air packs (instead of it coming out of your taxes). Trust me when I say there are some really fine people, with whom I’m proud to be associated, on China Fire/Rescue. They give their time to protect and serve the people in this town, without reward.
I often go to selectmen’s meetings because I’m interested in what’s happening in town, and I think more folks should attend and offer their support of the board member’s endeavors. I’m on several committees because I want to do my part in making China a better place to live. Having lived and experienced other places, I hope to help bring a few good experiences to town.
We have $5 million in TIF money to spend in 20 years and I would like to see the town do something ambitious, that the majority of voters can support. The TIF committee would love to hear suggestions from the people in town. Anyone can email, call or visit the town office with your suggestions or better yet, come to a TIF meeting and share your thoughts.
My suggestion of shops and a place for folks to retire is simply a suggestion, but I feel will make China a better, friendlier place to live and also help with our ever-increasing taxes – similar to how Hannaford is a wonderful addition to our community. Really, nothing stays the same and we can purposely put something in place that benefits people or – live with what someone else puts in place, which we may not want at all. Try stopping Irving/Circle K.
Frankly, I like to think I’ve been doing my part for China since I moved here, when many aren’t. Sadly, while China calls itself, ‘The friendliest town in Maine,’ I can’t say that I’ve always found that to be true – especially in the pages of The Town Line.
Dale Worster
Ben Twitchell Will Get Things Done
To the editor:
I’ve known Ben for many years and I respect him. He’s a great family man and a generous neighbor. He’s been attentive and works hard in our community as a Winslow Town Councilor. Additionally, he’s a person who’s always willing to help neighbors in need.
Ben is a friendly person. As a representative he’ll listen to the concerns, and be active for the citizens he represents. People need to know that their representative is there for them.
A subject that’s very important to me is the terrible drug problem that claims the lives and effects many families within our communities. Ben promises that finding a solution to this growing problem will be a top priority.
We need a representative who will represent all citizens. He wants to make a difference working for us in Augusta. I know he’ll work hard. That’s what Ben does!
Please vote Ben Twitchell, state representative for Winslow and part of Benton
Linda Lemieux
Think before you speak
To the editor:
I must preface this letter by first saying, in my opinion, Governor Paul LePage is not a racist but an honorable man who has and will continue to serve Maine.
Yes, he is provocative but also says what many Mainers and Americans think, but due to political correctness, are afraid to speak.
An old friend of the Marine Corps and my mentor, who years later signed my teaching certificate, once told me to read certain scriptures. With that in mind, I now relate my friend’s advice.
Dear governor, please read Proverbs 13:3: “Those who control their tongue will have a long life. Opening your mouth can ruin everything.” My friend added, “When we speak, we do well to pause a moment to think, sometimes even pray first.”
Frank Slason