June 2021 Local election results for Vassalboro, China and Fairfield

Town meeting photo from 2017. Photo courtesy of Dan L’Heureux


by Mary Grow

In Vassalboro’s written-ballot elections June 8, Christopher French was elected to succeed John Melrose on the board of selectmen, with 128 votes; and Jolene Clark-Gamage was re-elected to the school board, with 134 votes. Neither had an opponent on the ballot.

Three referendum questions were approved. Town Clerk Cathy Coyne said the votes were as follows:

To approve a new “Town of Vassalboro Marijuana Business Ordinance,” 123 votes in favor and 32 opposed.
To reaffirm the $8.3 million school budget approved the previous evening, 137 votes in favor and 18 opposed.
To continue the school budget referendum for another three years, 93 votes in favor and 55 opposed.

The total number of votes cast was 156, Coyne reported.


by Mary Grow

China voters, acting by written ballot, approved all but one of the 26 articles presented at their June 8 annual town business meeting, Town Clerk Angela Nelson reported.

They thereby funded town departments and services and grants to other entities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021; and gave selectmen authority to act on their behalf in various ways, including selling a 1982 grader and a 40-acre lot on the east side of Lakeview Drive opposite the Cottages at China Lake.

On a separate ballot, they approved the Regional School Unit #18 budget for 2021-22.

The defeated article would have appropriated $26,471 for FirstPark, the regional business park in Oakland. The vote was 135 in favor and 138 opposed, with five blank ballots.

The final warrant article, which was approved on a 198 to 65 vote, said that if any other article did not pass, “the amounts appropriated in FY 2020/2021 for the subject article shall be deemed adopted for FY 2021/2022.”

At the 2020 town meeting, voters appropriated $39,000 for FirstPark for 2020-21.


Unofficial returns from the town of Fairfield, according to town clerk Christine Keller included the following results:

For MSAD #49 school board: Joel Bouchard, 91; Danielle Boutin, 85; and Marlisa Golder, 73.

Also, questions on the MSAD #49 school budget referendum, the district nutrition program and the adult education program all passed.

In regard to the town annual budget referendum, all articles, 2 through 31, passed overwhelmingly, which included all outside agencies that petitioned for funding.

Vassalboro planners approve another solar array

by Mary Grow

At their June 1 meeting, Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved another solar array, this one west of Cemetery Street, between East and North Vassalboro.

They were assisted by Codes Officer Paul Mitnik, whose third retirement at the beginning of April lasted through one meeting. Board members welcomed him back.

Owens A. McCullough, Senior Vice-President at Sebago Technics, of South Portland, and Tiffiny Chase, Director of Development for New England Solar Garden (NESG), of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, explained their proposal to the board and, at first, to two neighbors. McCullough’s map showed the neighbors’ house is well away from the solar panels, and they left, satisfied.

McCullough and Chase’s colleague, Michael Redding, made a preliminary presentation at the Jan. 5 Vassalboro Planning Board meeting (see The Town Line, Jan. 14, 2021, p. 3).

The solar panels will be on about 26 acres of a lot leased for 20 years (with up to four five-year extensions) from Nicholas and Katie Jose. McCullough said the connection to the Central Maine Power Co. (CMP) grid will be to CMP’s distribution line; there will be no power line to Cemetery Street. Vehicle access from the street will be by a 20-foot-wide gravel driveway over an existing right-of-way.

Like other solar developments, NESG’s will include no buildings, use no water, generate no sewage or trash, have no lights, make little noise (a low hum, McCullough said, audible within 50 feet of the transformer pad) and have little traffic once construction is finished. The panels will have an anti-glare coating, and the frames have been changed to be non-reflective.

The ground under the panels will be planted with native plants, including types to attract pollinators, and mowed once or twice a summer. The fence around the development will be knotwire (orchard) fencing, not chainlink, with larger holes to let foxes and other predators inside to keep mice under control.

McCullough is negotiating with CMP, and will need state Department of Environmental Protection permits. He expects getting the contract and permits lined up will take most of 2021, perhaps longer, making the start of construction in early 2022. Construction is expected to take up to three months.

Sebago Technics is a civil engineering and land development consultant company that assists developers like NESG. NESG projects are mostly community solar developments. Chase said towns, schools, businesses and individual property-owners can sign up to buy a share, thereby reducing the power part of their electric bills.

When the NESG’s Cemetery Street project is getting ready to go on line, Chase said, a company called Arcadia will be sending mailings to seek customers. Arcadia has an on-line site that explains how it contributes to expanding use of renewable energy sources.

In other business June 1, Mitnik reported no pending applications for a July planning board meeting. Board members agreed that unless at least one application is received by the June 22 deadline, they will cancel the July meeting.

Mitnik had emailed a suggested addition to the Site Review Ordinance application, asking applicants for a business description or plan. Board member Douglas Phillips welcomed the proposal, and said changing an application form does not require voters’ action.

Vassalboro residents approve 37 articles at short town meeting

From left to right, Selectman Barbara Redmond, Michelle Michaud, from Collins’ office, Selectman John Melrose and Selectman Robert Browne. (photo courtesy of Mary Sabins)

by Mary Grow

Veteran moderator Richard Thompson guided about five dozen Vassalboro voters through the first 37 articles of their annual town meeting warrant in a little over an hour the evening of June 7.

The annual town meeting continued at the polls June 8 with local elections; action on the new “Town of Vassalboro Marijuana Business Ordinance”; the school budget referendum, asking confirmation or rejection of the budget approved the evening before; and a decision on continuing the school budget referendum for another three years.

In the only elections June 7, budget committee members Donald Breton, William Browne, Phillip Landry and Peggy Schaffer were re-elected and Dallas Smedberg was elected to fill the seat vacated by Christopher French.

All warrant articles were approved, four with amendments.

The warrant article discussed at most length initially asked voters to authorize selectmen to “accept gifts of labor, goods, use of equipment, and money, and to implement those gifts for the donor’s intended purpose.”

Former Selectman Lauchlin Titus asked whether the article allowed selectmen to refuse a gift. For example, he asked, what if someone proposed to donate an ambulance – and leave the town to equip, man and maintain it?

Or, Clough Toppan suggested, a swimming pool on Main Street? He recommended selectmen consider what townspeople would say if they were allowed to vote on a gift.

Holly Weidner questioned letting the donor, rather than town officials, define the purpose of a gift.

John Melrose, retiring chairman of the selectboard, said during Vassalboro’s 250th anniversary celebration many people had donated labor, materials and money, for example for the renovation of Monument Park, in East Vassalboro. He expects more donations before the year is over.

Michael Vashon, a former town manager, reminded voters they could attend selectmen’s meetings – agendas are posted on the town website in advance – to voice their opinion on gifts.

Ultimately, the article was amended to include the words “or reject” in commas after “accept,” and was approved lopsidedly, with half a dozen people voting “no.”

The warrant article that would have funded 10 social service agencies in and out of town was amended after Melrose made a motion to delete $500 proposed for Literacy Volunteers of Waterville. The organization told him that it had disbanded, he said.

Voters then reappropriated the $500. They added $112 for the Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Center, bringing its appropriation to the requested $1,519 instead of $1,417 recommended by town officials (because, Melrose said, they try to stay with the same amount each year). And they added the remaining $398 to the China Region Lakes Alliance, increasing its appropriation from the recommended $7,500 closer to the requested $11,500.

The total for nine agencies remained at $24,017, as recommended by the selectmen and budget committee.

The other two amendments generated little discussion.

At Melrose’s suggestion, the authorization to let selectmen accept and use American Recovery Plan funds from the state and federal governments had county government added, now that selectmen know Maine counties have received grants.

The good news was for the article authorizing selectmen to pay the annual Kennebec County assessment. The estimated amount in the article was $383,911; Melrose said the final county budget reduced Vassalboro’s share to $379,384.

Four presentations were made at the beginning of the meeting.

  • Michelle Michaud, from Senator Susan Collins’ Augusta office, presented a framed copy of the letter the Senator put in the April 21 Congressional Record recognizing Vassalboro’s 250th anniversary, with a condensed history, praise and congratulations.
  • Melrose presented a copy of the Maine legislative resolution recognizing the anniversary, from State Senator Matthew Pouliot and State Representative Richard Bradstreet.
  • Selectman Robert Browne presented a certificate to Melrose recognizing his service on the Board of Selectmen and in other capacities in the town.
  • Melrose presented Spirit of America awards honoring volunteers to Jody Kundreskas and David Jenney, recognizing both for their work to improve town cemeteries and Jenney, additionally, for maintaining the town’s website and helping with other technical issues.

Northern Light Inland Hospital announces finance leadership changes

Chris Frauenhofer, left, Randy Clark, right.

Randy Clark, of Vassalboro, vice president of finance and operations, expands duties to two hospitals and care facility

Northern Light Inland Hospital, in Waterville, has announced several finance leadership changes.

Chris Frauenhofer, vice president of Finance of Northern Light Inland Hospital and interim administrator of Northern Light Continuing Care, Lakewood, in Waterville, has been named as the new vice president of finance for Northern Light Health’s system Medical Group.

Frauenhofer joined Northern Light Health in 2013, starting at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital before moving to Inland Hospital in 2017. Before joining Northern Light Health, he served in senior finance roles for more than 20 years at hospitals in New York, including Alice Hyde Medical Center and Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center.

Frauenhofer received a Master of Business Administration from Niagara University (New York) and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Registered Accounting Program from State University of New York at Buffalo.

Frauenhofer lives in Mariaville. He will remain in the interim role at Lakewood until a new administrator is recruited.

Randy Clark, vice president of Finance and Operations at Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital, in Pittsfield, will expand his duties to include Inland Hospital and Lakewood, becoming vice president of finance for both hospitals and the continuing care facility.

A resident of Vassalboro, Clark just celebrated 25 years with Northern Light Health. He started as a controller at Sebasticook Valley Hospital, in Pittsfield, in 1996 and became vice president of finance in 2005. In 2016, operations was added to his leadership role. For a few years, he oversaw finance as vice president for both CA Dean Hospital, in Greenville, and Sebasticook Valley Hospital.

Clark earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Maine (Orono) and his Master of Business Administration from Thomas College, in Waterville.

“Chris and Randy have been vital to our local leadership teams, and integral to system finance work. We know they will continue to help our system and member organizations succeed in their new and expanded roles – not only when it comes to finance, but with all aspects of our mission to improve the health of the people and communities we serve. Both Chris and Randy have a passion for excellent service and finding new ways to deliver on our brand promise.” says Terri Vieira, president of Inland Hospital, Continuing Care, Lakewood, and Sebasticook Valley Hospital.

Submitted by Kathy Jason, Lead Communication Specialist, Marketing and Communications for Northern Light Inland Hospital.

Vassalboro neighborhood yard sale June 4 – 6, 2021

by Jeanne Marquis

Click for full size list of locations.

Three years ago, Samantha Lessard and others organized The Mill Market, a weekly Craft & Vendor Fair, with the philosophy that when you help out community members the entire community benefits. It’s a full circle relationship.

On June 4, 5 and 6, this community spirit will be extended with the addition of an expansive network of neighbor yard sales throughout Vassalboro. Participation has become so popular that it will help to have a map to take full advantage of the offerings available at each address. The items that are not sold during the yard sale will be donated to The Mill for their used items area.

The used clothing and household items from The Mill have helped out Vassalboro residents over the last few years who have had fires, been displaced from their homes or have found themselves otherwise in need of clothing. These types of special requests for used items are filled by appointments only.

The Craft & Vendor Fair at The Mill is every Sunday through the summer, with an extra Saturday on June 5. Crafters and Vendors will be inside The Mill and outside on the green under tents. Handcrafted items include spices, jewelry, baked goods, plants, vegetables, gnomes, tie dye items, jams, glass crafts, macrame, candles, woodworking, knitted items, build a bear, sewed items, magnets, essential oils, Vendors include Tupperware, Scentsy, ColorStreet, Avon, 31, Tastefully Simple, Epicure, Paparazzi.

The proceeds from The Mill Market and yard sales, besides benefitting area crafters and local families who participate, will go to the ongoing restoration of The Mill – a gathering place for the community. That’s what Samantha means by full circle.

Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting canceled

by Mary Grow

Due to a lack of agenda items, the Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting scheduled for Thursday evening, May 27, has been canceled.

Extra help available for students at Vassalboro Community School

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro School staff and officials are offering extra help to students who need to make up for parts of subjects they missed because of Covid-19.

Projects and plans discussed at the May 18 Vassalboro School Board meeting included on-going after-school classes, planned summer school in August and teachers’ extra preparation for the 2021-22 school year.

Vassalboro Community School Principal Megan Allen said the after-school academic support program, led by different staff members on different days, is “kind of like the homework club” VCS used to offer. Students who stay get help with things they’re stuck on, a snack and a ride home. On May 18, 18 students had attended, she said.

Viking Summer Camp is scheduled for the first two weeks in August, to offer both remedial study to cover “gaps that were inevitable” and enrichment. Half a dozen staff will lead; students will get two meals and transportation.

Teachers plan extra time this spring and before school reopens in the fall to review the past year and plan ways to make sure every student can master material that should have been covered and move well-prepared into the next grade’s curriculum.

Allen is also scheduling a staff barbecue “to end the year on a positive note to let us get set up for next year.”

The rest of the school board’s business included review of the current year’s budget, continuing review of school policies, approval of promotions and acceptance of resignations. Finance Director Paula Pooler said the budget picture would be clearer after she made final tuition payments the following week.

Resolving a problem that was troubling Assistant Principal Greg Hughes at last month’s meeting, sixth/seventh-grade science teacher Taraysa Noyes was appointed baseball coach.

Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer reminded those present that Vassalboro’s annual town meeting, at which voters approve or amend the 2021-22 school budget, is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 7, in the VCS gymnasium. On Tuesday, June 8, voters will approve or reject the June 7 budget decision by written vote, with polls open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the town office.

Because of the unusual number of ticks this spring, Vassalboro school grounds will be sprayed, Pfeiffer said. The brown-tail moth caterpillars in the trees cannot be sprayed, however, because getting rid of them would require aerial spray too close to the VCS building.

The next Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 15.

PHOTO: Vassalboro Black T-Ball team

The Vassalboro Black T-Ball team members, Front row, left to right, Mason Hardy, Ava Fiser and Madelyne Hanson, Back, Coach Justin Hardy, Lance Curtis, Abby Marden and Colton Fletcher. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Vassalboro town meeting set for June 7-8

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro’s annual town meeting will be held Monday, June 7, and Tuesday, June 8. The town meeting warrant and related information are posted in the center column of the town website, www.vassalboro.net.

The open meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Vassalboro Community School gymnasium. After voters complete Art. 37 (the final item in the 2021-22 school budget), the moderator will recess the meeting until 8 a.m. Tuesday, when polls open at the town office for written-ballot voting on Articles 38 through 41. Polls close at 8 p.m.

For the open meeting, Town Manager Mary Sabins intends to divide the gymnasium by a solid curtain to conform to Covid-19 gathering limits. Rules for masking, social distancing and similar protective measures will be established as recommended by state authorities at the time.

For Tuesday’s written-ballot voting, Town Clerk Cathy Coyne recommends voters request and return absentee ballots, to minimize lines at the polls. The deadline for obtaining an absentee ballot is Thursday, June 3 (five days before the election); ballots must be returned before polls close at 8 p.m. June 8. Requests can be made in person, by telephone or by email.

The questions to be decided at the polls June 8 are as follows:

  • Approval or rejection of the new “Town of Vassalboro Marijuana Business Ordinance,” which prohibits new marijuana businesses in town and regulates recreational and medical marijuana facilities and businesses that existed before the ordinance’s Feb. 18, 2021, effective date;
  • Approval or rejection of the 2021-22 school budget approved the previous evening (the “school budget validation referendum”);
  • Continuation of the school budget validation referendum for three more years, or discontinuance; and
  • Local elections for three-year terms on the selectboard and school board. The only candidates on the ballot are Christopher French, to succeed John Melrose on the selectboard, and Jolene Clark Gamage, for re-election to the school board. As of May 24, neither Coyne nor Sabins was aware of any write-in candidate for either board.

The marijuana ordinance is on the website, well down in the center column.

The articles to be voted the evening of June 7 begin, as usual, with election of a moderator. Voters will next elect five budget committee members for two years; those whose terms expire in 2021 are Donald Breton, William Browne, Christopher French, Phillip Landry and Peggy Schaffer.

Art. 5 combines 14 spending categories that make up town services, including administration, public works, road paving, solid waste disposal, police and fire and others, for a total of more than $2.2 million.

Art. 6 asks voters to spend $293,500 for four purposes: $187,000 for the new culvert on Gray Road; $85,000 to add to the transfer station reserve account; $17,500 for a new furnace in the North Vassalboro fire station; and $4,000 toward restoring the Civil War statute in Memorial Park in East Vassalboro.

In Art. 10, selectmen ask permission to spend up to $230,000 for a new public works truck, with plow and sander. They plan to pay for it with $122,000 from the public works truck reserve and $108,000 from 2021-22 local taxes. They also want permission to sell a similarly-equipped 2009 truck.

Art. 11 asks approval to use up to $156,000 from the transfer station reserve fund to “provide up to two operational trash compactors” – there is now only one – and make other improvements. The reserve account will have approximately $156,000 in it only if voters approve Art. 6 adding $85,000, Sabins said. If Art. 6, or that part of it, is not approved, the transfer station appropriation in Art. 11 will need to be reduced.

Many municipal articles are familiar, like authorizing selectmen to apply for and accept grants (Art. 9) and to continue the annual alewife harvest (Art. 16); funding the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program (Art. 17); and allowing selectmen to “dispose of” tax-acquired real estate (Art. 8) and town-owned property valued at $10,000 or less (Art. 18).

Art. 13 specifically requests approval to accept American Rescue Plan money from the federal and state governments.

In Art. 19, the selectmen request their annual $15,000 contingency fund to be taken from the town’s surplus account if needed “in the event of an emergency and to avoid overdrafts.” Article 20 has a list of 10 private agencies to which voters are asked to contribute.

The school budget is set forth in Articles 23 through 37. The total requested expenditure in Art. 36 is $8,313,609.72. It includes the state-required town contribution of $2,573,425 (Art. 34) and another $1,227,703.79 in additional local funds (Art. 35). The remainder is covered in Art. 37, which asks voters to authorize the school board to spend money received from “federal or state grants or programs or other sources.”

Vassalboro selectmen recommend that voters approve all articles. The budget committee recommends approval of all proposed expenditures. As of mid-May, Town Manager Sabins was projecting a property tax increase of barely over one percent if voters approved all expenditures.

Vassalboro library, town-sponsored rec coordination gets conditional interest

by Mary Grow 

At their May 13 meeting, Vassalboro selectmen talked about coordinating Vassalboro’s town-sponsored recreation program with the Vassalboro Public Library, with library Director Brian Stanley expressing conditional interest.

The recreation program, which focuses mainly but not entirely on organizing use of the town ballfields in East Vassalboro, is run by a director, who receives a modest stipend, and a committee. Leadership changes often – not surprising, selectmen said, because as children age out of the program, their parents also move on.

John Melrose, chairman of the selectboard, said the president and treasurer of the library’s board of trustees are willing to explore options. No commitments have been made, and Melrose, who will leave the selectboard after June 8 local elections, is handing the issue to the next board.

Barring unexpected events, that board’s members will be incumbents Robert Browne and Barbara Redmond and Christopher J. French. French is the only candidate for selectman on the June 8 local ballot.

Selectmen reached no conclusion on another issue, where (if anywhere) to hold fireworks in September as part of Vassalboro’s 250th anniversary celebration. Possibilities they discussed included a town-funded display, somewhere, or a contest among private displays.

Yet another undecided issue was how Vassalboro can spend federal funds allocated to the town, or its share of the Kennebec County allocation. Town Manager Mary Sabins said only specific purposes are eligible, and she is not sure Vassalboro can meet any of the criteria.

For example, money could be used to “make whole” businesses damaged by the pandemic, if a Vassalboro business can show damage. Expansion of broadband service or water or sewer systems are also possibilities, but with limitations.

Addressing his fellow board members, Melrose said, “You guys have an unusual problem. You’re going to receive $435,000, and you need to figure out if there’s anything you can spend it for.”

Selectmen did make a decision on one agenda item: they should try to develop a new town ordinance to govern mass gatherings, like the requested music festival in July 2022 that Sabins told them about at their April 29 meeting (see The Town Line, May 6, 2021, p. 8).

Town Attorney Kristin Collins had provided a copy of Readfield’s ordinance as a guide. Redmond volunteered to work with Sabins and Collins to adjust it to Vassalboro.

In other business, Melrose thanked Road Commissioner Eugene Field and the public works crew for installing a dock off Monument Park, in East Vassalboro. Sabins said East Vassalboro resident Holly Wiedner, who asked for a safe place for fishing, called the town office to express her appreciation.

Sabins said School Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer will work to find money in the school budget to help the town pay for the generator that will make the school usable as an emergency shelter. The sole bid for installing the generator, accepted by selectmen at the April 29 meeting, was over $6,000 more than available funds.

Board members agreed the town auditor should be invited to the June 10 selectmen’s meeting to review the audit for the year ended June 30, 2020. Melrose proposed the presentation, on principle, not because he saw any problem, he said.

The next two regular Vassalboro selectmen’s meetings are scheduled for 6:30 p.m., May 27 and June 10, in person at the town office.

The annual town meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 7, in person, at Vassalboro Community School, with decisions on Articles 1 (election of a moderator) through 37 (the final school budget article). The meeting continues at 8 a.m. Tuesday, June 8, with written-ballot voting on Articles 38 through 41. Polls close at 8 p.m.

The warrant for the June 7 and 8 town meeting is on the Town of Vassalboro website, www.vassalboro.net, after several other items in the center column, under the heading “Town Meeting and Election Information.”