Entries by Mary Grow

China’s Thurston Park group to ask for TIF funds

by Mary Grow Four members of China’s Thurston Park Committee spent most of their Jan. 19 meeting talking about money, both the 2023-24 budget and the long-term future of the almost 400-acre public park in northeastern China. As in past years, committee members intend to ask for money from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund, […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Kennebec River floods – Part 2

by Mary Grow After the great freshet of 1832, with which last week’s article ended, Augusta business leaders went ahead with their plan to build a dam across the Kennebec River to power mills; and a Fairfield company dammed part of the river there. The idea of an Augusta dam was by then about 50 […]

China planners review suggested ordinance amendments

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members discussed suggested ordinance amendments and the town’s 2020 comprehensive plan at their Jan. 10 meeting. The ordinance amendments came from the select board, in the form of a proposed revision of Chapter 9 of the Land Use Ordinance, which is titled “Appeals.” Select board member Brent Chesley prepared […]

Vassalboro town manager retires: Makes major “career” change

by Mary Grow Mary Sabins is making a major career change, from managing a town of about 4,500 people to managing flowers. Vassalboro’s just-retired town manager has started classes in the Maine State Florists and Growers Association Professional Certified Florists Program. She has enjoyed flower-arranging in her spare time for many years; once certified, she […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Kennebec River floods – Part 1

by Mary Grow When this historical series started in the spring of 2020 as a way to distract writer and readers from the Covid-19 pandemic, part of the plan was a survey of historic local disease outbreaks and other disasters. The latter have come to include weather, floods, fires and other destructive events, man-made or […]

Couple looks to re-open corner store in East Vassalboro

by Mary Grow Tim and Heather Dutton want to reopen the former East Vassalboro Corner Store, beginning with pizza and sandwiches and adding local products (garden produce and crafts, for example) if business goes well. Everyone who spoke at the Jan. 3 Vassalboro Planning Board meeting wanted them to reopen it, too, including those who […]

CHINA: New program formed, old one scrapped

by Mary Grow China select board members approved a new town program and scrapped an old one at their first 2023 meeting, held Tuesday evening, Jan. 3, instead of the usual Monday evening because of the New Year’s holiday. Donald W. Pratt, of Dirigo Masonic Lodge #104 in Weeks Mills, proposed what he called a […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: The Burleigh family

by Mary Grow Burleigh family of Palermo, Aroostook County and Augusta The Burleigh (sometimes spelled Burley) families were among the earliest to settle in the Kennebec Valley. One of Palermo’s early settlers was Moses Burleigh, and there were 19th-century Burleighs in other area towns. Millard Howard, in his Palermo history, said the Palermo family had […]