Entries by Website Editor

EVENTS: Shakespeare group to hold auditions

Recycled Shakespeare Company will be holding auditions for their theatrical production, The Poe Experience. Auditions are on Monday, July 17, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Fairfield House of Pizza, in Fairfield, and Wednesday July 19, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the South Parish Congregational Church, in Augusta. This one night only show […]

Erskine Academy third trimester honor roll (2023)

Grade 12 High Honors: Carson Appel, Kassidy Barrett, Abigail Beyor, Eve Boatright, Katherine Bourdon, Breckon Davidson, Nicole DeMerchant, Lillian Dorval, Hailey Farrar, Loralei Frandsen, Lilly Fredette, Ciara Glidden, Alivia Gower, Carson Grass, Cooper Grondin, Nabila Harrington, Grady Hotham, Grace Hutchins, Olivia Hutchinson, Hallie Jackson, Kaiden Kelley, Jakob Kennedy, Casey Kirkpatrick, Siena Klasson, Meadow Laflamme, Emmet […]

Carrabec High School 4th quarter honor roll (2023)

Grade 12 High honors: Luke Carey, Lindsay Hamilton, Robert Lindblom, Jr. and Caitlyn Oliver; honors:  Jessica Benedict, Joel Gehrke, Mliss Hem, Conner Peabody, William Price, II. and Hunter Sousa. Grade 11 High honors:  Kolby Carpenter, Devyn DeLeonardis, Cooper Dellarma, Trevor Donahue, Summer Lindblom, Dillon Nelson, Alyssa Schinzel and Hailey Wyman; honors: Hunter Bragg, Dakota Cahill, […]

Vassalboro scouts hold Blue & Gold banquet

On Sunday, June 11, Vassalboro Pack #410 held its Annual Blue & Gold Banquet along with their Charter Organization, American Legion Post #126, at St. Bridget’s Center. The camping themed banquet saw the recognition of the 17 scouts within the unit as they advance in rank. It was a family celebration that discussed many of […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, June 29, 2023

STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT COURT ST., SKOWHEGAN, ME SOMERSET, ss NOTICE TO CREDITORS 18-A MRSA sec. 3-801 The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice June 22 & 29, 2023. If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your […]