Entries by Website Editor

OBITUARIES for Thursday, March 18, 2021

BARBARA A. COWAN WATERVILLE – Barbara Ann Cowan (Gagnon), 83, of Waterville, passed away on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Barbara was born in Waterville in 1937. She attended St. Johnthe Baptist School, in Winslow, and Mt. Merici Academy, in Waterville, graduating in 1955. She met the love of her life, Darryl Cowan, at the Waterville […]

Anson woman celebrates 100th birthday

On February 13, 2021, members of the American Legion Auxiliary, Madison Unit #39 celebrated the 100th birthday of member Arlene Hoyt, of Anson. The members, along with Anson Fire Department, AMS ambulance and members of the community, did a drive by parade. Arlene was presented a certificate for 32 years of continuous membership of the […]