Entries by Website Editor

Bear Cub Scout receives religious emblem

Bear Cub Scout Tristan Morton, of Pack #603, Kennebec Valley District, read the liturgy to St. Michael School second and third graders at St. Mary’s Church, in Augusta. Right, large in spirit, he is standing on a riser to reach the text. Bear Den Leader Marleen Lajoie pinned the Catholic Religious Emblem on Tristan, with […]

How small business can beat Covid-19 to be presented by Mid-Maine chamber

Marshall Communications Founder and CEO Nancy Marshall will offer tips to address how businesses and leaders can embrace adaptability, exercise empathy in the workplace, and take action to assure success during and after the pandemic. The Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s January breakfast will be held on Thursday, January 14, from 7:15 to 9 a.m., in […]

Compost for a better future

With the holidays upon us, now is the perfect time to begin composting. Food waste is a major issue in the United States and composting is a great way to combat this. According to the Maine Organic Farmer and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), composting “recycles and converts nutrients and provides a product that improves the soil.” […]

OBITUARIES for Thursday, January 7, 2020

DIANA J. LEE PALERMO – Diana J. (Briggs) Lee, 79, of Palermo, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, December 20, 2020, due to Babesiosis, a rare infection caused by a tick bite. Diana was born in Freedom on December 23, 1940, the daughter of Carolyn and Clyde Briggs. She graduated from Unifree High School. She worked […]

Shane Savage named CMGC developer of the year

Central Maine Growth Council has presented its 2020 Developer of the Year award to Shane Savage, R.Ph., co-owner of Savage’s Drug. The award was presented at Central Maine Growth Council’s Annual Meeting, sponsored by Central Maine Motors, Kennebec Savings Bank, MaineGeneral Health, and New Dimensions Federal Credit Union. Shane has always had a passion for […]