Seven substantive questions to appear on Nov. 8 ballot in China

by Mary Grow

At their Aug. 22 special meeting, China select board members approved seven substantive questions to be submitted to voters on Nov. 8. They postponed deciding whether to add an eighth question until their next regular meeting on Aug. 29.

The voting in November, on the state election day, is technically China’s annual town meeting, because local elections are held then. The annual spring meeting that includes approving the budget for the following year is labeled the town business meeting.

In addition to electing town officials (see box), unless select board members change their minds, voters on Nov. 8 will decide whether to approve:

  • Appropriating $70,000 from federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds toward expansion of broadband internet service in town (see The Town Line, Aug. 11, p. 3).
  • Appropriating up to $21,590 in ARPA funds to reimburse China Rescue Unit’s reserve fund for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) rescue personnel bought.
  • Appropriating up to $7,000 in ARPA funds for improvements to the town’s radio tower at the town office, work that Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said will improve reception for China Rescue and the public works department.
  • Appropriating up to $22,000 to buy and install three heat pumps, one for the town office building and one each for the transfer station office and scale shack.
  • Appropriating up to $75,000 – board members might adjust the amount – for a new senior citizens’ fuel assistance program, under guidelines board members still need to approve (see The Town Line, Aug. 11, p. 2).
  • Appropriating up to $30,000 to repair fences around town cemeteries (see The Town Line, Aug. 18, p, 3).
  • Amendments to China’s Quorum Ordinance.

The postponed question was whether to put on the ballot the planning board’s requested amendments to Chapters 2 and 11 of China’s Land Use Ordinance. Board member Wayne Chadwick asked for the delay because he was not sure what the proposed amendments say.

The amendments are posted on the town website,, and copies are available at the town office.

Select board members voted unanimously to recommend that voters approve six of the seven questions. The vote to put the amendments to the Quorum Ordinance on the Nov. 8 ballot was 3-2, with Blane Casey and Chairman Ronald Breton opposed and Chadwick, Jeanne Marquis and Janet Preston in favor.

The ordinance now sets the quorum for an open meeting (the pre-Covid type where residents gathered to vote by show of hands) at four percent of the registered voters as of the beginning of each year. Hapgood proposed amending it to make the requirement 100 registered voters.

The manager explained that under a new state law that automatically registers as a voter everyone who gets or renews a state driver’s license, China is gaining new voters every week – whether or not they intend to vote – and therefore the quorum requirement is increasing.

Hapgood is not happy with the thought that 100 residents can set policy for the town, and neither are select board members; but she reminded them that in past years, when the quorum was between 100 and 120 voters, meetings were delayed and even canceled for lack of attendees.

There is no plan to return to open meetings, Hapgood emphasized. She recommended the change because a written-ballot meeting requires, by state law, 90 days’ lead time, and there might be an emergency in which waiting almost three months for a voters’ decision would be harmful.

The senior citizens’ fuel fund was Chadwick’s idea. The purpose, he said, is to help seniors on fixed incomes adjust to dramatically increased fuel prices. At the board’s Aug. 1 meeting, Preston asked Hapgood to draft guidelines, which Chadwick said should be as simple as possible.

The preliminary version allocates $500 apiece next winter to applicants who are homeowners at least 65 years old and who have lived in town for at least a year, with an income cut-off (currently $30,000 for one person and $60,000 for a couple). LiHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) and HEAP recipients are not eligible.

Select board members propose approving final guidelines and perhaps amending the warrant article on Aug. 29.

The China Broadband Committee request for $70,000 in ARPA funds was discussed at length on Aug. 22. Jayne Sullivan and Michael Akers from UniTel, in Unity, and Daniel Parrish, from Idaho-based Direct Communications, joined select board members virtually, and local committee members attended in person.

The fund request is part of an estimated $1.2 million project that will be funded about 31 percent from China’s ARPA grant and TIF (Tax Increment Financing) fund – not from property taxes, Breton emphasized; a matching 31 percent from Direct/Unitel; and about 38 percent from state grants through the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) program.

If funding works out and the project goes through, Unitel would own and manage the system, meaning, Breton said approvingly, no new responsibilities for China staff.

Parrish said although the MCA program schedule is not yet established, he expects a first round of grant applications to be offered this fall. Direct Communications will prepare the application.

Parrish called the Nov. 8 local vote the next step in the process. Sullivan told Marquis UniTel will help explain the expansion program and funding to China voters. If China is denied a state grant, Parrish said, the project is not necessarily dead; possibilities include a smaller expansion with a larger Direct Communications contribution.

In addition to decisions on the Nov. 8 ballot, select board members approved re-contracting with Purdy Powers and Company to do the town audit and spending $16,408.06 in ARPA money for a portable digital speed sign. Voters approved up to $20,000 for the sign at the June 14 town business meeting.

The board’s Aug. 29 meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the town office meeting room.

After the budget committee meeting, Hapgood said the budget committee will meet at 5:30 p.m., on Monday, August 29, to make recommendations on Nov, 8 proposed expenditures.

Declared candidates

As of Aug. 22, China Deputy Clerk Jennifer Chamberlain reported the following residents were circulating nomination papers for local elective office.

  • For three seats on the select board, incumbents Ronald Breton and Janet Preston, plus Brent Chesley and Brian Ouellette Jr. Blane Casey is the other board member whose term ends this year; he said at the Aug. 22 meeting he is considering whether to seek another term.
  • For the at-large position on the budget committee, incumbent Elizabeth Curtis. Also to be elected in 2022 are a secretary (Trishea Story is the incumbent) and representatives from District 2 (northeastern China, currently vacant) and District 4 (southwestern China; Timothy Basham is the incumbent).
  • For one of China’s two representatives on the Regional School Unit #18 board, incumbent Dawn Castner, Wallace Pooler III and Darrell Stevens.

No one had taken out papers for any of the three planning board seats open in 2022. Incumbents are Toni Wall in District 2, Scott Rollins in District 4 and James Wilkens in the at-large (elected from anywhere in town) position.

China’s local elections will be Tuesday, Nov. 8. For candidates’ names to be on the ballot, signed nomination papers must be returned to the town office by the new closing time, 4:30 p.m., on Friday, Sept. 9.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Hunter Praul’s love of nature involves slimy and scaly creatures

Hunter Praul

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

This came across my desk last week, and I thought it would make a good story for this week’s column.

Growing up in China, Maine, Hunter Praul said he always had an interest in exploring the outdoors, especially for reptiles and amphibians. He became an Eagle Scout, but even outside of his troop outings, he would find himself in forests, lakes and stream banks looking for frogs, toads, turtles and anything else he could find.

As a student researcher at the University of Maine, Praul has taken his love for nature’s slimy and scaly creatures and applied it to the mission of conservation in Maine.

When Praul graduated from high school, he was named to the Maine Top Scholars program, which provides full tuition and research opportunities for the highest achieving high schoolers in the state to attend the University of Maine.

Since early spring 2022, Praul has worked on a variety of turtle conservation research projects in the lab of Matthew Chatfield, assistant professor at the School of Biology and Ecology. Praul’s primary project aims to record the musk turtle population on the nearby Pushaw Lake, which is thought to be one of most northern (if not the northernmost) parts of the species’ habitat range.

“It would be interesting to get data and information on the most northern population to see if there are differences from the southern ones or even just more southern in the state, although there hasn’t been much research on them, especially in Maine,” Praul says.

Every month for the past couple months, Chatfield and Praul have headed out to three different plots near Gould’s Landing to lay six sardine-baited traps at each, strategically placing them at different levels of vegetation and depths along the shore. For that week, they return every morning to check the traps, repair any damage wrought by hungry raccoons or snapping turtles, and record their observations.

“I have worked with thousands of students in the classroom and dozens in a field or mentoring capacity and I have to say Hunter [Praul] is probably the most meticulous student I have ever met,” Chatfield says. “Every word and number on the data sheet gets recorded exactly right. He’s definitely one of the strongest undergraduate researchers I have come across.”

Praul admits, though, that he hasn’t had much luck finding musk turtles this summer. He has only found one, though he has seen plenty of the common painted turtles throughout the course of his study.

“We might be in the wrong spot in the lake, but there also might not be as many in the lake as we originally thought,” Praul says. “We’re taking a little break and we’re going to try again at the end of this summer to see if there’s a seasonal change in numbers.”

Praul is still hoping to use the musk turtle project for his senior capstone project, but if doesn’t find enough musk turtles to draw any substantive conclusions about the Pushaw Lake population, he will use data from a graduate project in Chatfield’s lab about wood turtles. Praul has been assisting graduate students with fieldwork using radiotelemetry to observe and record the nesting behavior of wood turtles, a heavily trafficked and internationally listed endangered species that purportedly has a stronghold in Maine.

Almost every week, Praul will join a graduate student researcher at their streamside site; the exact location is confidential, to protect the highly-trafficked turtles. They use a receiver to find the turtles observed for that study, which are tagged with radio telemeters, and record environmental and behavioral data about their subjects.

Turtles aren’t the only animal that Praul interacts with for this research, either.

“To help with finding wood turtles, there is a dog that has been trained to find them,” Praul says. “Sometimes her handler [Lindsay Ware of Science Dogs of New England] and I take her out to go sniffing through the grass and stream. If she finds a different species, she’ll pass on it, and if she finds a wood turtle, she’ll just stand over until we get there.”

The dog’s name is Chili Bean, Chili for short. Some of the wood turtles have names, too, like Crowley, Outlaw and Jennifer Lawrence — to make them easier to identify in the field, of course.

Outside of his herpetology projects, Praul also works at the UMaine Environmental DNA Laboratory conducting lab procedures. He said it’s “very interesting” and “cool to do,” but he prefers studying the natural world on a larger scale.

Praul plans to graduate this spring after his third year at the University of Maine. He isn’t exactly sure what he will do after that, but one thing is for sure: he wants to work with animals.

“I definitely still say herpetology is my main interest, but I also basically have an interest in all animals,” Praul says. “It makes it a little bit harder to choose something if there are so many options.”

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Which pitcher is the all-time saves leader for the Boston Red Sox?

Answer can be found here.

Stevens graduates from Baylor

Baylor University, in Waco, Texas, celebrated nearly 1,800 graduates who received their respective degrees during summer and fall commencement ceremonies.

Among the graduates was Sarah Stevens, of South China, who received a master of science in communication sciences and disorders, from the graduate school, in August 2021.

CHINA: County tax increase substantial

by Mary Grow

China select board members held a short Aug. 15 meeting, followed by a tour of well-filled storage spaces in the town office building.

During the meeting, board members unanimously approved a larger-than-usual list of expenses to be paid – larger because it included the annual Kennebec County tax, which board chairman Ronald Breton said is over $544,000 for 2022-23.

For comparison, the auditor’s report in the annual town report for 2021 shows that China’s county tax was $472,622 for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2021 (not the most recent fiscal year that ended June 30, 2022), and $433,730 the previous year. The figures indicate an average annual increase over four years of between $35,000 and $40,000.

Deputy Clerk Jennifer Chamberlain led board members on the building tour, pointing out crowded storage areas. Informal discussion focused on how many documents could be digitized, eliminating the need to keep so many paper files.

China’s Municipal Building Committee is considering options for adding a new room to provide more storage space. Select board members have talked with committee chairman Sheldon Goodine at previous meetings, most recently on Aug. 1 (see The Town Line, Aug. 11, p. 2) and expect to hear from him again soon.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Aug. 29. A special meeting is almost certain to be held Monday, Aug. 22, with the time to be announced; and another special meeting is tentatively on the schedule for Tuesday, Sept. 6, a day later than usual because the town office will be closed Monday, Sept. 5, in observance of Labor Day.

China cemetery committee working to update information

by Mary Grow

China Cemetery Committee members and guest Kelly Grotton, whose town office duties include acting as semi-official town historian, met the afternoon of Aug. 9 primarily to hear a report from summer intern Savannah Clark.

Clark has been transferring information from China gravestones and town records to a program called Crypt Keeper Cemetery Software. She visited all but two of China’s 33 cemeteries, she said, sometimes in company with committee chairman and town office staffer Julie Finley.

Crypt Keeper records names, dates, relatives and other information for everyone buried in each cemetery. Veterans’ graves are noted, with the war in which the person served listed if known. Obituaries can be added, Clark said, for more details; and records can be updated to reflect new information and new burials.

China’s cemetery records are not yet on line, but Clark and Finley said they will be when the work is finished.

Clark said she did similar work in Vassalboro in the summer of 2021. The Town of Vassalboro website has a site on which researchers can look for people buried in the town.

Cemetery committee members also talked about work that needs to be done in China’s cemeteries. The town is responsible for almost all of them; the Chadwick cemetery on Route 32 South (Windsor Road) is maintained by a private association and two are maintained by the Society of Friends.

Cutting dead trees is an essential part of maintenance, Finley stressed; living trees are an attractive benefit, but dead ones are likely to fall and damage gravestones. Several trees were removed from Lakeview Cemetery, on Lakeview Drive.

Local forester Tim Basham sent a request to authorize removing a tree, or at least part of it, that threatens stones in the Deer Hill Cemetery.

Fences are another maintenance problem, Finley said. She has received several comments about the deteriorated fence along the front of the China Village Extension Cemetery, on Neck Road, and others need work. The Lakeview Drive cemetery fence had to be taken down to do the tree work and is replaced for now by a white rope strung between the posts.

Committee members briefly discussed wooden fences – Finley likes the appearance of white-painted wood – versus vinyl fences versus other types, like chains between posts or chainlink. Finley has had trouble getting cost estimates from fence companies, but she said vinyl appears to be expensive.

In addition to tree removal and fence repairs, which Finley recommended as priorities, Clark had compiled a list of 53 broken gravestones needing repair.

The 2022-23 cemetery budget China voters approved at their June 14 annual town business meeting was $49,500. Much of it goes for mowing, Finley said, with most-visible and most-visited cemeteries kept tidy all summer and isolated small ones mowed once a year.

Planners forward land use ordinance amendments to select board

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members’ Aug. 9 meeting was only two minutes longer than their Aug. 4 public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapters 4 and 11 of the town Land Use Ordinance (see The Town Line, Aug. 11, p. 3).

They voted unanimously to forward the amendments to the select board in time for that group’s Aug. 15 meeting, with the goal of having them on a Nov. 8 local ballot for voters to approve or reject.

Other planning board members agreed with Walter Bennett’s summary: “The lack of comment [at the Aug. 4 hearing] proves we finally got it right.”

Next on their schedule, chairman Scott Rollins suggested, is a return to the solar ordinance board members have discussed off and on for months, perhaps starting with a review of town attorney Amanda Meader’s comments on the current draft.

“The more we discuss it, the more we realize how complicated it is,” Bennett said. But the final ordinance needs to be clear and simple, so that voters will understand it and, if it passes, solar developers will know what they can and cannot do.

Rollins suggested yet another possible topic, review of other sections of the Land Use Ordinance to see if provisions need to be clarified.

The next planning board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 23. Assistant Codes Officer Nicholas French said one or two pending applications might be ready by then.

Endicott College announces local dean’s list students

Endicott College, in Beverly, Massachusetts, has announced its Spring 2022 dean’s list students. Hunter Scholz, of Augusta, a history major, is the son of Kimberly Scholz and Stephen Scholz

Hailey Hobart, of China Village, studies/education major, is the daughter of Deborah Hobart and Daniel Hobart.

Alana York, of Palermo, a business management major, is the daughter of Cheryl York and Andrew York.

China icon, Jack Sylvester, passes away at age 83

Jack Sylvester

Jack Sylvester, 83, was loved by many and affectionately known as “the Mayor of China.” Every person he met was a friend to be made. He passed away Saturday, July 30, at his China Village home, surrounded by family and certain as ever in his annual conviction that “the Red Sox won’t amount to anything this year.”

John “Jack” Adelbert Sylvester was born on October 13, 1938, in Farmington, Maine, to Hugh Shorey Sylvester and Louise Stratton Sylvester, of Eustis. In 1944, the family moved from Eustis to Albion, where Jack graduated from Besse High School in 1957.

Jack and his wife, Ann, owned and operated China General Store, in China Village, for many years. The store, best known simply as Jack’s, was a gathering place and fixture of the community. Jack loved his career and had countless happy memories of his neighbors stopping by the store for a cup of coffee or a game of cribbage. One of his favorite days of the year was Halloween, when Jack would dress up and hand out chocolate milk and potato chips to all the kids who came to the store.

Jack served his community as a longtime volunteer firefighter, including as chief of the China Village Volunteer Fire Department. He was a longtime member and past master of Central Lodge #45 in China.

Jack made those around him feel like family. He was also a devoted family man. He loved his wife, children and grandchildren beyond measure and never missed a chance to spend time together. He taught them how to hunt, fish, garden, golf, work hard, have fun, be silly, treat everyone with respect, yodel and, most of all, to love and care for each other. He was looking forward to becoming a “wicked great-grandfather” this fall.

Jack is predeceased by his parents. He leaves behind his beloved wife of over 57 years, Ann; son, Christopher, and his wife, Jody; daughter, Lori, and her husband, Bob; granddaughter, Amy, and her husband, Alexander; grandson, Nathan, and his wife, Madelyn; and loyal guard dog, Roscoe. He is also survived by his three siblings, Alene Smiley, Betty Shuckrow and Robert Sylvester, as well as many other loved ones and, of course, too many friends to count.

The family so grateful for all the kind words, visits, notes and reminiscences the community has shared with Jack over the past several years. In 2020, after a stint in rehabilitation without visitors due to the pandemic, he was welcomed home with a parade down Main Street, in China Village. He was so touched, and we will never forget that.

All are welcome to join the family for a graveside service to be held Monday, August 15, at 10 a.m., at the China Village Cemetery Extension on the Neck Road. Please come as you are.

In memory of Jack, be kind to each other, sing a song, tell a joke, share a laugh and a hug. His favorite thing was to see others smiling.

In lieu of flowers, please let the family know your favorite memory of Jack or send them a funny joke, maybe one that Jack told you. Please email reminiscences to

For anyone who would like to make a donation in Jack’s memory, please consider donating to China Village Volunteer Fire Department, China Baptist Church or Northern Light Home Care & Hospice.

All are welcome to join the family for a graveside service to be held Monday, August 15, at 10 a.m., at the China Village Cemetery Extension, on the Neck Road. Additional parking will be available at the China Conference Center ballfield. That evening, a gathering will take place at the old store on Main St., in China, from 5 – 7 p.m., with a video presentation. More information is available on the Friends of China Facebook page.

See also: Jack’s: Where everybody knows your name

Jack Sylvester turns 80 years old

CBC, land conveyance on select board special meeting agenda

by Mary Grow

China select board members had two main items on the agenda for their Aug. 8 special meeting.

  • China Broadband Committee (CBC) members asked them to put on the Nov. 8 local ballot a memorandum of understanding leading toward expanded broadband service in town.
  • Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood asked them to put on the Nov. 8 local ballot an agreement to convey a small piece of land at the head of China Lake’s east basin to owners of the abutting Landing restaurant.

China town manager Rebecca Hapgood. (photo by Eric W. Austin)

Board members discussed the CBC request for 20 minutes and Hapgood’s request for more than half an hour. They postponed action on both.

The CBC document is a preliminary step to an agreement between the Town of China and Idaho-based Direct Communi­cations and its local subsidiary, UniTel in Unity. It has been negotiated over several weeks with input from town attorney Amanda Meader. Board members approved it, with Wayne Chadwick dissenting, but did not vote to present it to voters.

Chadwick objects to the whole expansion project, which is intended to provide service to China residents who are “unserved or underserved” – have no internet service or service that is inadequate by state standards.

Many of the areas in town mapped as unserved or underserved are fire roads leading to lakes. Chadwick therefore defines the expansion as “a taxpayer-subsidized internet system for some of the wealthiest people in this town.”

Janet Preston

Janet Preston, who represents the board on the CBC, and Jeanne Marquis disagreed, pointing to the rural areas that would also gain new or better service.

While broadband expansion goes back only a few years, the status of the piece of shoreland in front of The Landing goes back decades, and Hapgood is tired of hearing it debated. Her proposed solution is a Nov. 8 warrant article asking voters to transfer the land to The Landing, LLC, new owners of the restaurant.

Jeanne Marquis

The main road used to go along the shore. When it was moved away from the lake, the legal status of the strip of shoreland was never determined – did it belong to the state, the town, abutting landowners?

Its size and shape are also undetermined, and one topic select board members discussed was whether it should be surveyed, and if so when and at whose expense.

Meanwhile, the town is not collecting taxes on this piece of shorefront.

Attorney Meader, joining the discussion virtually, said she is quite sure the town never owned the land; she thinks it is probably part of the abutting Landing lot. She recommends a quitclaim deed, under which the town surrenders any interest it might have, rather than a warranty deed, by which the town would guarantee the new owner a clear title.

Her opinion led board member Blane Casey to question whether voters should be asked to give away something they don’t own anyway. He had additional questions about the undefined bounds, wondering whether the town really owns the nearby boat landing and how abutters would react.

Chadwick asked what would happen if voters refused to convey the land.

Board Chairman Ronald Breton asked Hapgood and Meader to continue discussion, including the possibility of a boundary survey.

Select board members did three things:

  • Appointed board member Blane Casey as the alternate representative to the Kennebec Regional Development Authority, after appointing board member Marquis the representative a week earlier.
  • Appointed Tammy Bailey a licensed plumbing inspector for the town.
  • Approved the lowest bid for reroofing the town office, from Williams Construction and Roofing Co., of Waterville, for $9,630.

Board members will have two and perhaps three more chances to decide what to ask voters on Nov. 8. Regular meetings are scheduled for Monday, Aug. 15, and Monday, Aug. 29. Hapgood said there might be a special Aug. 22 meeting to set the 2022-23 tax rate, if assessor William Van Tuinen can solve computer problems in time to provide the needed information.

China planners explain changes in land use ordinance

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members held an Aug. 4 public hearing to explain changes in the town’s land use ordinance that are expected to be on the Nov. 8 local ballot.

At five minutes, the hearing might be the shortest on record.

Four residents were in the audience: Brent and Cathy Chesley, who attend most planning board meetings and were well informed on the draft ordinance; Amber French, wife of assistant codes officer Nicholas French; and The Town Line reporter Mary Grow.

Board member James Wilkens, taking the gavel in the absence of Chairman Scott Rollins, called the hearing to order, explained its purpose and invited questions. When there were none, he closed the hearing.

Those present agreed that planning board members had done a good job of satisfying concerns expressed by the Chesleys and others at a March 22 discussion of the ordinance revisions.

The proposed changes to chapters two and 11 of the land use ordinance are on the town website,, with a notice in the center of the page referring viewers to them. Planning board members have asked select board members to submit them to town voters on Nov. 8.

After the hearing, Rollins emailed that the ordinance to govern solar arrays on which board members have worked intermittently for more than a year will not be ready for a November vote.

The next regular planning board meeting was scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9.