$2 a bag book sale in Vassalboro

photo: vassalboro.net

The Vassalboro Public Library will hold a $2 Holiday Book Sale for the entire month of December.

There will be a great selection of books, media, and puzzles: fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books.

Social distancing, hand sanitizer, and facial coverings are required. Space is limited to one family or individual at a time in the book sale room. the library is located at 930 Bog Road, East Vassalboro, 04989.

Fill a bag for $2!

Bookgiving drive held at China library

Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village.

The Albert Church Brown Library, in China Village, is asking residents to participate in Bookgiving! They are collecting new books to be given at Christmas to needy families in town, through the China Food Pantry in cooperation with Toys for Tots. Or, you can make a monetary book-sized donation ($5 – $15) and the library staff will select the books.

Books may be dropped off at the library until December 5. You may bring them inside or place them in the book drop (inside a plastic grocery bag with a note specifying Booksgiving).

Interactive nativity scene at St. Bridget

Due to COVID-19, it is realized that many holiday festivities have been modified, canceled, etc. The St. Bridget Community Center, in North Vassalboro, has created an outdoor display of which people can become a part. The faces of the shepherds, angel and kings have been cut out so that individuals can take their picture(s).

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

Covid-19 memorial at Pleasant Street church

Rev. Barbara Sagat-Stover, Congregational Coordinator at Pleasant Street United Methodist Church (PSUMC), in Waterville, created a COVID-19 memorial after reading about a Madison, Wisconsin, congregation that created a fabric ribbon tribute on the church outdoor railings. Each of those ribbons represented one of over 1,200 individuals who had died from the virus. Barbara says, “PSUMC memorial started as an extension of our desire to have a special memorial for members of PSUMC that have died in the last year.” These people are recognized by name via the blue ribbons in the center of the display. The remaining ribbons each represent an individual who has died in Maine due to the virus.

There are currently 159 ribbons displayed on the memorial, but this number increases with every COVID-19 death in Maine. The ribbons are all colors and patterns representing the unique gifts and talents of all the people we have lost. Currently the ribbons for the Maine people lost are anonymous, but they would like to personalize them if family or friends supply the names of those lost to the virus.

The church will continue to display a ribbon for every Maine person who dies from COVID-19. To personalize a ribbon, please call PSUMC (872-7564) and leave the name of the person who died from this virus. With permission, the name will be written on a ribbon. The church will continue to add ribbons for every Maine life lost until this pandemic has ended.

Community members are encouraged to visit the COVID 19 Memorial.

Legion collects for animal shelter

Members of the American Legion of Tardiff-Belanger Post #39, Madison, are collecting for the Furry Friends at the Somerset Humane Society Animal Shelter, in Skowhegan, during this holiday season. Items can be dropped off at the hall, on 20 S. Maple Street, Madison after 3 p.m., on Wednesdays through Saturdays.

Here are a few items that are in need: cat litter, cat and dog toys, cat food containing no dye, dog food, cleaning supplies, used bedding such as comforters, blankets, sheets, etc., just to mention a few. For a complete list go the legion’s website at http://www.mainelegionpost39.org.

If you can’t drop off items, but you still would like to help, monetary donations are accepted. Mail to American Legion Post #39, PO Box 144, Madison, ME 04950, please earmark it Skowhegan Animal Shelter. The donations will be delivered to the Animal Shelter prior to Christmas. Thank you in advance for your help. FMI: call 431-5533.

Vassalboro JMG selling wreaths

The Vassalboro Community School Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG) program will be doing their annual Christmas wreath sale, starting right now until the week after Thanksgiving. They will still be taking orders when they get back from Thanksgiving break.

These are locally-grown and assembled wreaths out of Skowhegan, and a company they have worked with for the past six years. They are fresh and very reasonable. The money goes to the JMG program which in turn the students decide on different nonprofits that could use help during the year.

Students research and vote on where they will spend the money

The prices are as follows: Classic- $25; Blue Royal- $28; and Plaid Bow- $28.

Winslow church to hold drive-thru turkey pie sale

It’s one of Winslow’s most beloved holiday traditions! On Saturday, December 5, from noon to 2 p.m., Winslow Congregational Church (12 Lithgow Street) will be offering over 400 incredibly yummy, ready-to-be-baked turkey pies for curbside/drive-through pick-up. Cost is just $10 per pie, with all proceeds going to empower the Christian/humanitarian work of the church, and for building improvements and repairs.

Freshly-prepared for baking and featuring a mouth-watering blend of turkey, peas, celery, carrots, onions, broth, and a pinch of sage, each turkey pie will be perfect for supper or for freezing for later winter comfort-food enjoyment.

Also available will be fun-filled Holiday Pasta Packages for $5 each. Among the numerous offerings will be reindeer-shaped pasta, snowflake-shaped, snowman-shaped, and toy-shaped pasta. And for dessert-lovers with a holiday-season sweet tooth, homemade fruit pies made by members of Benton Falls Congregational Church will also be available for $10 each.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the pandemic, health experts advise that you wear a mask when going through a drive-through.

For more information, please call Winslow Congregational Church at 872-2544.

Scouting continues during pandemic – with caution

China Cub Scout Pack #479 sold masks to help support scouting. (contributed photo)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Covid-19 has changed the way society has operated this year. Governments and businesses have altered operating practices and new rules have been put in place to keep everyone safe. The same is true for the programs of Scouting.

Waterville Troop #436 scout climbs the trail at Tumbledown this past August. (contributed photo)

“The Scout motto is ‘Be Prepared’,” said Kennebec Valley District Chair Kelly Pillsbury. “Scouts are prepared for hiking in bad weather. Scouts are prepared to treat someone in need of first aid. Scouts are prepared to teach others to protect nature. And Scouts are prepared to continue the programs of Scouting during a global pandemic.” Local Scout Troops and Packs have followed guidance from the State of Maine, the Center for Disease Control and from the National BSA to ensure they are doing all they can to keep Scouts and Scouters safe while delivering the values-based activities of Scouting.

“When our programs can meet indoors, we do so following the rules on masks, social distancing and frequent hand-washing,” Pillsbury said. “When we can’t meet indoors, we meet outdoors and follow the Covid-19 procedures. When we can’t do either, our Scouting Packs and Troops and leaders meet virtually. The generations before us overcame a lot and we will overcome this too,” she said. Scouts have stepped up to show that they don’t quit even during national emergencies.

For example, important ceremonies look a little different but continue to be held like Augusta’s Michael J. Fortin who was awarded his Eagle Scout rank during a socially-distanced ceremony in July and Cub Scout Christopher Smith of Pack #585 who, along with his parents, wore a mask when he received his Arrow of Light award, in Farmington.

At camping trips, hikes, meetings and other events, Scout leaders communicate with parents and Scouts to be sure each participates in the most appropriate and comfortable way possible. For some it is in person, for others it may be virtual. For any in-person event, Scouts, parents and leaders should be screened for any signs or symptoms of Covid-19 including coughing, shortness of breath, chills, etc. “We’ve gotten good at finding ways to make things work,” Pillsbury said. “Some of our Scouting units have met at schools but when schools are closed, no Scout meetings happen there, so we have learned to find alternative meeting sites.

When that isn’t possible, they have developed virtual meeting plans to help Scouting leaders keep their Scouting program going. It has become so important to our youth that things remain as close to normal as possible. I have been very impressed. Not only are the Scouts continuing to meet and camp and hike but they are finding ways to help others. Scouts are collecting food for food pantries, doing neighborhood cleanups, and sending emails and video messages to residents of nursing homes to encourage them.

In Jackman, the Scouts have asked for food donations for the needy and people can leave it on their step, let them know and a Scout will pick it up. The same is true in Camden and Rockport where Pack #200 Cubs put out fliers to area homes seeking food for the needy and then collecting on November 22. All while being safe and keeping those donating safe. Some of our Scouts, like Cubs in China Pack #479, have been selling masks to help others while helping support their programs. We want all of our Scouts, during this crisis and when things return to normal, to do a good deed every day. We all want this pandemic to be over soon, but until it is, Scouting will be there just as it has been for more than 100 years.”

Fortins celebrate 65th wedding anniversary

Anne , 86, left, and Jerry Fortin, 85. (contributed photo)

On October 24, 2020, Anne, 86, Jerry Fortin, 85, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. They received many congratulations and well wishes from friends and relatives as far away as Connor Township, Maine, to Riverside, California, with many in between. The Fortins have three children, Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, Audey Fortin, of South China, and Neal Fortin, of Riverside, California. They also have two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

The written word in business to be presented at chamber breakfast

Ted Helberg

Ted Helberg, retired business executive and former English instructor will deliver a presentation sharing the importance of good writing in business communications. This is a facilitated discussion on using effective and accurate word choice, grammar, and organization in business writing.
Ted will interject a little humor, discuss common errors, and offer methods to correct them.

This informative presentation will be the focus at Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s December Business Breakfast. December’s breakfast will be held on Thursday, December 3, from 7:15 to 9:00 a.m. at the Best Western Plus, 375 Main Street, Waterville.

Ted Helberg is a recently retired business executive. He worked in Human Resources for almost forty years in several industries. He also served as an adjunct instructor of English at several colleges.

During graduate school, Ted was a teaching assistant in English, tutor for law students, and helped create a national grammar hotline.

Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce holds monthly informative presentations on a variety of educational business topics. Cost of the Business Breakfast is $20 for members, $27 at the door and for non-members. Breakfast is included with the reservation.
To register, e-mail Cindy@midmainechamber.com or call 207-873-3315.

The major sponsors for the Business Breakfasts are: AT&T; Cross Employee Benefits; New Dimensions Federal Credit Union; Nicholson, Michaud & Company; O’Donnell, Lee, McCowan & Phillips, LLC; Sheridan Corporation. The print media sponsor is Morning Sentinel, a division of Masthead Maine; radio sponsor is MIX107.9; video sponsor is Kennebec Savings Bank.

Some items regarding CDC guidelines for attendance: out of concern for the safety of attendees, registrations at this indoor event will be limited to a maximum of 50 persons. Tables and seating will be spaced out, and a plated breakfast will be provided, as opposed to the buffet offered in the past. Masks are requested to be worn for registration, and until seated. Separate entrance and exits are offered to minimize passage of attendees, upon arrival and departure, and hand sanitizer will be provided.

About Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce: Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and advocating for business prosperity and regional economic improvement.  Its region includes the towns of Albion, Belgrade, Benton, Branch Mills, Burnham, China, Clinton, Fairfield, Hinckley, Oakland, Rome, Shawmut, Sidney, South China, Thorndike, Unity, Vassalboro, Waterville, Weeks Mills and Winslow.  For more information on the Chamber, including how to become a member, call (207) 873-3315 or visit www.midmainechamber.com.