Local central Maine Town Meetings schedule for 2025

Town meetings 2025


Municipal Election
Besse Building
Town meeting


Town meeting (election format)


Fairfield Community Center


Town meeting

Saturday, March 8, at 9 a.m.,
Palermo School, Route 3

Town voting for town officials

Friday, March 7, 3 – 7 p.m.
The town office.


Town meeting
Town Elections


Municipal Election
Town meeting

*   *   *

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CHINA: One incumbent, two newcomers elected to China select board

by Mary Grow

China Town Clerk Angela Nelson reported the following voting results early Wednesday morning, Nov. 6.

For the local select board, with five candidates for three seats, voters re-elected one incumbent and added two newcomers.

Incumbent Blane Casey was top vote-getter with 1,409 votes. Added to the board were Thomas Rumpf, with 998 votes and Edwin Bailey, with 927 votes. Incumbent Brent Chesley lost his seat, receiving 818 votes; Tod Detre got 538 votes.

Incumbent budget committee member Timothy Basham was re-elected unopposed, with 1,654 votes.

Other budget committee positions and one position on the Regional School Unit #18 board had no candidates on the ballot. Write-in winners will be declared after town office staff tabulate votes and make sure apparent winners are willing to serve.

Voters approved all five local referendum questions, as follows:

— Question 3, amending the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program, yes 1,688, no 671;
— Question 4, a revised Budget Committee Ordinance, yes 1,840, no 513;
— Question 5, adding a map of the Development District, yes 1,747, no 599;
— Question 6, amending the Land Development Code, yes 1,691, no 630; and
— Question 7, creating a moratorium on electric transmission lines, yes 1,688, no 673.

China voters’ presidential votes were as follows: Donald Trump, 1,498; Kamala Harris, 1,059; Jill Stein, 34; Chase Oliver, 19; and Cornel West 11.

For United States Senator, incumbent Independent Angus King edged out Republican challenger Demi Kouzounas, 1,218 votes to 1,112 votes. David Allen Costello got 175 votes, Jason Cherry 86.

For United States Representative from Maine’s First District, China voters gave Republican Ronald Russell 1,355 votes, incumbent Democrat Chellie Pingree 1,062 votes and Ethan Alcorn 134 votes.

For state Senate District #15, Republican Richard Bradstreet, of Vassalboro, got 1,480 China votes to 1,042 for Democrat Raegan LaRochelle, of Augusta. For state House District #62, incumbent Republican Katrina Smith got 1,537 votes to 961 for Democratic challenger Pamela Jo Swift.

Elizabeth Mitchell, of Vassalboro, running unopposed for re-election as Kennebec Judge of Probate, got 1,778 votes.

China votes on five state-wide questions were as follows:

— #1 (citizen initiative to limit political contributions): yes, 1,849; no, 666.
— #2 (bond issue for technology): yes, 1,211; no, 1,294.
— #3 (bond issue for historic preservation): yes, 1,178; no, 1,338.
— #4 (bond issue for trails): yes, 1,327; no, 1,176.
— #5 (changing the state flag): yes, 840; no, 1,714.

Vassalboro voters approve two of three local referendum questions

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro voters approved two of three local referendum questions at the polls on Nov. 5, according to Town Clerk Cathy Coyne. All three decisions were by narrow margins.

Question 1 asked voters’ approval to spend up to $360,000 from existing funds as matching money for a grant to cover the cost of replacing the Dunlap Bridge on Mill Hill Road. The vote was 1,383 yes to 1,169 no.

Question 2 asked voters to amend Vassalboro’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) document to add environmental improvement projects to authorized uses of TIF money. Voters said no, by a vote to 1,200 in favor to 1,338 opposed.

Question 3 asked approval of amendments to the Vassalboro Sanitary District’s charter. Voters accepted the amendments by a vote to 1,283 yes to 1,092 no.

For president of the United States, Vassalboro voters gave Donald Trump 1,496 votes and Kamala Harris 1,110 votes.

For United States Senator, incumbent Independent Angus King got 1,294 votes, Republican Demi Kouzounas 1,109, David Allen Costello 185 and Jason Cherry 69.

For United States Representative from District One, Republican Ronald Russell outpolled incumbent Democrat Chellie Pingree, 1,387 to 1,133.

In the only contested Kennebec County race on the ballot, for register of probate, Democrat Abigail Elizabeth St. Valle, of Augusta, got 1,075 Vassalboro votes to 1,437 for Republican Ronda C. Snyder, of Sidney. Results in uncontested races were as follows: for judge of probate, Elizabeth Mitchell, 2,042; for sheriff, L. Kenneth Mason, III, 2,217; and for county commissioner, Patsy Crockett, 1,958.

In elections for state legislators, Vassalboro votes were as follows:

— For state Senate District #15, Republican Richard Bradstreet, of Vassalboro, 1,575; Democrat Raegan LaRochelle, of Augusta, 1,026.
— For state House District #61, Republican Alicia Collins, of Sidney, 1,339; Democrat Laura Jones, of Vassalboro, 1,230.

Vassalboro voters approved two of five state-wide questions – a citizen initiative, three bond issues and a referendum. Vote totals were as follows:

— #1 (citizen initiative to limit political contributions) yes, 1,840; no, 770.
— #2 (bond issue for technology), yes, 1,218; no, 1,388.
— #3 (bond issue for historic preservation), yes, 1,199; no, 1,428.
— #4 (bond issue for trails), yes, 1,371; no, 1,243.
— #5 (changing the state flag), yes, 817; no, 1,819.

CAMPAIGN 2024: Candidates address issues concerning Maine voters (Part 4)

LETTERS: Waldo County needs Elise Brown’s skills and experience

To the editor:

I am excited that Elise Brown is running for the position of Waldo County Commissioner!

As a former Montville Select Board member, I have had the opportunity to work with Elise directly on many issues. Her extraordinary efforts to improve and collaborate on emergency management and fire safety standout. During the pandemic, Elise was instrumental in organizing a successful Liberty/Montville “Neighbor to Neighbor” program, coordinating volunteer efforts and reaching out to neighbors who may be in need of food and/or medical services. Her actions as a fiscal responsible leader have been evident in her years as Chair of the Liberty Budget Committee. You can also often find her moderating public meetings, as her approach to facilitation can bring even heated discussions to meaningful conclusions.

Elise has a special talent for listening well and engaging all parties to discover solutions that reflect their voices. She is a dedicated and well-respected community member. Her collaborative and all-inclusive ideals could benefit all Waldo County residents.

We need Elise’s experience and commitment as our new Waldo County Commissioner. Please vote for Elise in November. Support her efforts to work together to keep Waldo County safe, secure, healthy, and productive while maintaining a fiscally responsible approach so we can all continue to enjoy and be proud to live in our communities.

Cathy Roberts

LETTERS: Holly Stover has commitment

To the editor:

My wife and I have been married for over 40 years. That’s commitment (four kids, four states, 12 moves, 14 jobs between us). We’ve finally settled in South Bristol and have never been happier.

That’s one kind of commitment.

Holly Stover exemplifies another, more public sort of commitment. During her years at Health and Human Services, in Augusta, she fought to deliver basic elements of care to the people of Maine – and when I say “people of Maine” I mean ALL-OVER Maine: Fort Kent to Fryeburg, Acadia to York; and for any person, rich, poor, housed, un-housed, young, old, male/female/ungendered – and she wept when [then-governor] Paul LePage cut healthcare benefits to 70,000 Mainers.

In her “day-jobs” (and, by the way, that’s plural: jobS), she continues to work for the benefit of the Boothbay peninsula through the Director of Operations for the Community Resource Council and as the Development Director of Lincoln County Dental, helping everyday folks who need a hand-up, not a hand-out, and providing essential oral care to those who cannot otherwise afford it.

As our representative in Augusta, Holly has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our small businesses – and in Maine, that means traditional brick and mortar, as well as marine: lobstermen and women, fishing boats of every description, the suppliers to support them, and the consumers who enjoy their harvests – she has stood with them and up for them in Augusta to help deliver critical funding for renovation and repair after the catastrophic twin storms of last January.

Holly is committed to public service. It’s why she gets up every morning. If you need her, contact her: she’ll be there for you. Let’s keep Holly Stover as our Representative for District #48, in Augusta. Vote for Holly Stover November 5.

Geoff Bates
South Bristol

Five referendum questions on China ballot (2024)

by Mary Grow

China voters have a two-sided local ballot on Nov. 5, local elections on one side and five referendum questions on the other.

For elections, there is one contest on the ballot: five men are running for three seats on the select board, incumbents Blane Casey and Brent Chesley and Edwin Bailey, Tod Detre and Thomas Rumpf. For more information, see the recording of the Oct. 9 candidates’ forum, available on Youtube; or the summary in the Oct. 17 issue of The Town Line, p. 2.

There is one other name on the ballot, Timothy Basham for re-election to the budget committee, unopposed.

There are three declared write-in candidates for China local offices, as of Oct. 21. Melissa Cowing and John Soifer are write ins for the Regional School Unit #18 board of directors, and Jo Orlando is a write-in candidate for one of three budget committee vacancies.

The referendum questions are as follows:

The first question asks if voters want to amend the town’s TIF (Tax Increment Financing District) Ordinance. Proposed changes would eliminate some originally-listed uses for TIF money that have been appropriated once or never; add funding for an extension of the causeway work at the head of China Lake’s east basin, the first local TIF project to be finished; and rearrange other allocations.

The second question proposes amendments to China’s Budget Committee Ordinance. The main substantive change would eliminate the districts from which four of the seven committee members are now elected, and eliminate elections in favor of appointment by the select board.

The third question asks voters to add a Development District map to the land use map. Wording describing the district is in Appendix A of the Land Development Code; if voters approve, the map will be added.

The fourth question asks approval of amendments to sections of the Land Development Code prepared primarily by planning board members. A copy of the ordinance, with changes in red, is on the town website, chinamaine.org, under Planning Board, under Officials, Boards and Committees.

Board chairman Toni Wall and codes officer Nicholas French have described almost all the changes as non-substantive, aimed at updating and clarifying the ordinance language, including incorporating revised state requirements.

One change shortens the ordinance, by eliminating a section on regulating timber harvesting in shoreland, resource protection and stream protection districts. With voter approval, regulatory authority will be transferred from town officials to the Maine Forest Service.

The final question, presented by citizens’ petition, asks approval of a 180-day moratorium on any new power lines through China. A response to the proposed north-south line to bring power from Aroostook County windmills to this area, the moratorium is intended to give local officials time to develop appropriate ordinances to regulate such development.

China’s Nov. 5 voting will be in the former portable building behind the town office, with polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Vehicle access will be from Alder Park Road, south of the town office complex; the driveway off Lakeview Drive will be closed for the day.

The China town office will be closed all day Nov. 5.

No school in Vassalboro on Tuesday, November 5 (2024)

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

An Oct. 21 public letter from Vassalboro School Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer tells residents that Nov. 5 plans have changed. Because voting will be at Vassalboro Community School (VCS), classes have been canceled for that Tuesday. The day will be made up in June 2025 as though it were a snow day.

OPINIONS: Make sure your vote counts on Nov. 5

by André Chassé
AARP Maine Volunteer State President

One of the core American freedoms is the right to cast a ballot on election day, whether you’re voting for your local school board or having your say on who will run our country for the next four years. With the clock ticking down toward one of the most crucial and contentious elections in our nation’s history, now is the time for Mainers to make sure they have the information they need to make their voices heard and their votes count.

It’s a fact: Voters aged 50-plus decide elections. In 2024, that means they’ll decide who controls Congress and the White House. This powerful voting bloc, made up of people like me, wants to know what solutions the candidates are proposing on key issues that impact them and their families. If elected, what will they do to support family caregivers and protect Social Security?

AARP is mobilizing America’s more than 48 million family caregivers, including 166,000 here in Maine to fight for commonsense solutions that will save them time and money while supporting their efforts to care for their loved ones. Family caregivers are the backbone of a broken long-term care system. They help with everything from buying groceries and managing medications to bathing and dressing – often putting their own finances and jobs at risk.  Family caregivers provide more than $600 billion in unpaid labor each year, saving taxpayers billions by keeping loved ones at home and out of costly nursing homes. Maine’s family caregivers contribute more than 155 million unpaid care hours each year, valued at approximately 2.9 billion.

Family caregivers make up one in five voters. Smart candidates know that reaching these crucial voters and supporting policies that help them are essential steps on the road to victory.

Voters age 50-plus are also focused on the future of Social Security. We’ve worked hard for years and paid in, and we expect to get the money we’ve earned. If Washington doesn’t take action in about 10 years to protect and save Social Security, it could be cut by 20 percent, an average of $4,000 a year. For many Mainers a cut like that would be devastating. Voters 50-plus like me want to know what the candidates are proposing to protect Social Security not only for us but for our children and grandchildren as well.

As the nation’s largest organization for older Americans, AARP provides trusted up-to-date information on where, when and how to vote. We don’t tell our members or anyone else who to vote for, but we are committed to making sure all voters have the information they need to make their voices heard.

AARP Maine’s voter guide is now available online at aarp.org/mainevotes. It contains what voters of all ages need to know to cast a ballot in the 2024 general election. Several voting regulations have changed since the last election. That’s why it is so very important to know the rules here in Maine and to make a plan for casting your vote.

The stakes are very high this and every single election year. Make sure your vote counts on November 5.

The views of the author of this column are not necessarily those of The Town Line newspaper, its staff and board of directors.

CHINA: Local election will feature a contest for select board

by Mary Grow

China’s local elections will feature a contest for select board; an unopposed budget committee candidate; and four positions to be filled by write-in candidates.

After nomination papers were returned Sept. 6 and signatures verified, the results that town Manager Rebecca Hapgood shared with select board members Sept. 9 are:

For three seats on the select board, Tod Detre, Blane Casey (incumbent), Brent Chesley (incumbent), Edwin Bailey and Thomas Rumpf.
For the District 4 budget committee seat, Timothy Basham (incumbent).
For the budget committee District 2 member, secretary and at-large member, no candidates.
For one of China’s two representatives on the Regional School Unit #18 board of directors, no candidate. Melissa Cowing is a declared write-in candidate for the RSU #18 board position.

Local elections will be held Tuesday, Nov. 5, with local referendum questions and state and national elections.