Good morning, my friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
Was so very happy to receive the following letter from Charlotte S. Withee about the following Smith Family 69th reunion.
“The family of the late Henry and Gertrude (McLaughlin) Smith held its 69th reunion on July 29, 2019, at Moores Pond in Lexington, Maine. The descendants of Harry Smith were the host.
There were 48 members and guests attending. The family enjoyed spareribs and hamburgers provided by Lester and Gail Smith. Other members provided salads and desserts. Everything was delicious..
ELMER’s family – none attended.
HARRY’s family – Lester and Gail Smith; Jack Theriault; Sylvia and Amelia Brenna; Mike and Margi Theriault; Brian and Susan Smith; Timothy and Emily Gauthier; Mackenzie Smith; Stephen and Elizabeth Smith; Bradley Smith and Kayla Linkletter, children Noah and Owen; Lois and Jeff Smith. Lester and Gail Smith’s guest Wayne and Naomi Smith.
AGNES’ s family – None attended.
OLIVER’s family – Craig L Smith; Judy E. Smith; David Smith and guest Marcia Hewett; Sheila (Smith) and John Callaway; Janice Gorman and daughter Jayda Laney; Russell and Kimberly Smith and children Alex; Bradley; Cassie; Cayden; Deanna Gorman.
GERTUDE’s family – Diana (Merry) Michaud; Monica Atwood and child Sage Bertone and Monica Atwood’s guest Shane Davis and his children, Camron , Elijah, Nick and Kaelyn; Rosemary; John and Sharon (Mellows) Ziacoma; Jennifer Withee and Andrea Smith; Charlotte and Ralph Withee.
CECIL’s – None attended.
CLARISSA’s family – Diana Gerrard Tardiff; Danal Gerrard; Darrell Gerrard; Darcie Verrill and her guest David M. Whitney; Nancy G. Smellie; Joan K (Paine) Steele.
VINCENT’s family – None attended.
Attending from out of state: Russell Kimberly Smith and children, from New York; Sylvia and Amelia Brennan, from Pennsylvania; Sheila and John Callaway, from California.
The oldest member was Rosemary (Mellows) Merry, age 86, and the youngest was Bradley Smith’s and Kayla Linkletter’s son Noah, age 1.”
There is a Bag Sale this week at the Embden Community Center. All clothing men’s, women’s and children, $1.50 for small bag and $3 for a large bag. Hours are: 10 a.m. – 12:30, p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The lending library is open while the Thrift Shop is open. Thanks go out to Carol Dolan for this important information and….more thanks go out to her for the following information!
New Portland Library events:
Pie Social – Come join us for our annual Pie Social at New Portland Community Library August 14, at 5:30 – 7 p.m. Yummy desserts with friends!
Bake Sale at Tindall’s Store on August 17 from noon – 4 p.m. Lots of home baked goodies to satisfy your sweet tooth! Tindall’s Store is located in North New Portland.
Aging Well with Technology class, September 5, 1:30 – 3 p.m., at the library. This free class, offered by the National Digital Equity Center, will assist participants to connect through basic technology, protect your digital presence, use technology for better health and get what you need online.
Again, my many thanks for your generous, nice people from ‘Beyond’ for sending me the above interesting news to share with our readers. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!
And now again, I’m asking those of you who live in Solon if you won’t please send me your news? It doesn’t take long to send an e-mail, or send a written letter by mail! I have to get it by the Sunday before it comes out in the next Thursday paper. I will even come to your home and pick it up if you don’t live too far away!
And now for Percy’s memoir entitled, Understanding: The troubles that beset you along life’s winding road are sent to make you stronger to share another’s load. We cannot share a sorrow if we haven’t grieved a while, nor can we feel another’s joy until we’ve learned to smile! Sweet mystery of music, great masters and their art, how well we understand them when we’ve known a broken heart! Let tyrants lust for power, sophisticates be wise, just let me see the world, dear God, through understanding eyes. (words by Nick Kenny.)