Local residents named to Simmons University dean’s list

The following local students were named to the 2021 fall semester dean’s list at Simmons University, in Boston, Massachusetts. To qualify for dean’s list status, undergraduate students must obtain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credit hours of work in classes using the letter grade system.

Allyson Cunningham, of Augusta; Kaili Shorey, of Vassalboro, Abigail Bloom, of Waterville, and Maddie Beckwith, of Winslow.

Local residents receive Academic honors at Northeastern

Northeastern University, in Boston, Massachusetts, is pleased to recognize those students who distinguish themselves academically during the course of the school year. The following local students were recently named to the University’s dean’s list for the Fall semester, which ended in December 2021.

Augusta resident Mandy Cooper, majoring in business administration.

Augusta resident Lauren Murray, majoring in economics.

Chelsea resident Michael Nicholas, majoring in mechanical engineering/physics. In addition to achieving distinction through the dean’s list, Nicholas is a member of the University Honors Program.

To achieve the dean’s list distinction, students must carry a full program of at least four courses, have a quality point average of 3.5 or greater out of a possible 4.0 and carry no single grade lower than a C- during the course of their college career. Each student receives a letter of commendation and congratulation from their college dean.

Teenage historians honored

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

On April 2, at the Winslow Congregational Church, the Fort Halifax Chapter, NSDAR presented awards to six young adults at a Student Tea held in their honor. The American History Contest is offered to students in grades 5-12. The fifth grade winner was Elizabeth Longfellow, the daughter of Hailey Longfellow and Patrick Morrison. Dominique Giroux-Paré the daughter of Michelle and Rick Giroux-Paré was chosen as the winner from the eighth grade. They both wrote on the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” and were presented Certificates of Participation. They also both received a historical coloring book published by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.

Carrina Chen, the daughter of Sandy and Wing Chen received the Jennie Paine Howard Award for achieving the highest rank in American History in her junior class. She was presented a medal and certificate for her outstanding work. Carrina also received a historical coloring book.

Three students were chosen by the faculty from area schools as the DAR Good Citizen Candidate. They included Megan Huesers, daughter of Katie and Thomas Huesers, of Winslow High School, Kloe McEachirn, daughter of Brandy and Corey Dow, of the Maine Arts Academy, and Sawyer Inman, the son of David Inman and Frieda Mavor, of Mt. View High School. Megan Huesers wrote the winning essay for the Fort Halifax Chapter entitled “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It.” They all received the DAR Good Citizen certificate and pin. Megan will receive an American flag that has been flown at the Maine State Capitol.

VCS middle schoolers take a trip down the road to witness historic event

Matt Streeter, one of the key people on the alewife project, tells students about ecological changes that have occurred at the old Mill site. (photo by Gillian Lalime)

by Gillian Lalime

On Friday, May 6, students from the VCS middle school took a field trip following the Outlet Stream that runs from China Lake into the Kennebec River. This educational experience was orchestrated through a collaboration of Brian Stanley, librarian at the Vassalboro Public Library, and Melora Norman, at Vassalboro Community School, with the chosen topic of Alewives. Students visited the Box Mill, in North Vassalboro, and the Masse Mill, in East Vassalboro, to learn about the seasonal migration of these fish as well as historic and ecological impacts of the run. Over the last ten years organizations including Maine Fish and Wildlife and Maine Rivers have worked to restore the annual alewive’s run by removing unused dams and creating fish passages. The year 2022 marks an historic event of the alewive’s unobstructed route to China Lake, where they will spawn for the first time in over 200 years.

Middle school students sit in a circle while Vassalboro community member, Holly Weidner, leads a discussion about indigenous history of the land on which East Vassalboro’s Masse Mill is located. (photo by Gillian Lalime)

CORRECTION: Previously, the caption on the photo above referred to Holly Weidner as being from the Vassalboro Historical Society. She is not a part of VHS. The caption has been updated.

Roger Files graduates from academy

Roger Files

Roger Files, of Palermo, the son of Rachel Files, of Palermo, and Michael Simmons, of Belgrade, has graduated from the Maine Connections Academy, of Scarborough, on June 3, 2022.

Throughout Roger’s high school career he achieved high school honor status and was inducted into the National Honor Society during his senior year. He also attended Palermo Consolidated School, and Grace Academy, in South China.

His interests include playing e-sports, swim team competition (USA) through the Mid-Maine Dolphins, at the Alfond Youth and Community Center, in Waterville, and holds a brown belt in karate through Club NAHA, also located at the AYCC. He also received a Dolphins award.

In 2019, Roger was a CIT (coach in training) for assisting the younger children in swimming. He also worked as a lifeguard at the Waterville Municipal Swimming Pool during the summer of 2021.

Immediately following graduation, Roger intends to enter the workforce.

Carrabec High School third quarter honors, Spring 2022

Carrabec High School

Grade 12, high honors: Julia Baker, Cheyenne Cahill, Elisa Corradini, Seth Sayles, Trinity Slate, Cassidy Smith and Ethan Wyman; honors:  Lilly Augustine, Emma Baker, Roger Beaulieu, Erin Clark, Alexander Cloutier, Xavier Cloutier, Charlee Davis, Shyanne Holmes, Brianna Kimball, Abigail Luce, Sean Olson, Courtney Rollins, Devon Spencer and Garrett Wilson.

Grade 11, high honors:  Luke Carey; honors: Jessica Benedict, Zebadiah Burnham, Joel Gehrke, Robert Lindblom, Jr., Caitlyn Oliver, Conner Peabody and Hunter Sousa.

Grade 10, high honors:  Kolby Carpenter, Jayden Cates, Devyn DeLeonardis, Brooke-Alexis Dube, Molly Hay, Dillon Nelson and Hailey Wyman; honors: Riley Crocker, Cooper Dellarma, Toby-Nicholas Gower, William Lawrence, Summer Lindblom, Jordyn Plourd and Alyssa Schinzel.

Grade 9,  high honors:  Machaon Pierce and Desmond Robinson; honors: Logan Caldwell, Kobi Jennings, Haley McFadyen, Gerald Rollins, Josephine Scheve and Brooks Sousa.

Vassalboro Community School third quarter honors, Spring 2022

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)


High honors: Emily Almeida, Ava Lemelin, Alexandria O’Hara and AddisonWitham.

Honors: Moira Bevan, William Ellsey, Madison Estabrook, Talula Kimball, Timothy Kiralis, Jacob Lavallee, Paige Littlefield, Brayden McLean, Emily Piecewicz and Leahna Rocque.

Honorable mention: Saunders Chase, Leigh-Ann Gagnon, Daniel Ouellette, Lillian Piecewicz and Leah Targett.


High honors: Madison Burns, Eilah Dillaway, Henry Olson and Bryson Stratton.

Honors: Tyler Clark, Owen Couture, Ryley Desmond, Peyton Dowe, Wyatt Ellis, Alora Edquibel, Madison Field, Xavier Foss, Adalyn Glidden, Bailey Goforth, Kylie Grant, Mason Lagasse, Kaitlyn Maberry, Josslyn Ouellette, Noah Pooler, Natalie Rancourt and Mackullen Tolentino.

Honorable mention: Aliya Bourque, Emma Charleston, Jack Malcolm, Ayden Norton, Mackenzie Oxley, Taiya Rankins and Kaleb Tolentino.


High honors: Benjamin Allen, Drew Lindquist, Caleb Marden, Paige Perry, Judson Smith and Reid Willett.

Honors: Juliet Boivin, Tristyn Brown, Gabriella Grundage, Zoey DeMerchant, Dylan Dodge, Jennah Dumont, Ryleigh French, Zachary Kinrade, Cooper Lajoie, Bentley Pooler, Abigail Prickett, Leigha Sullivan, Hannah Tobey, William Trainor and Alana Wade.

Honorable mention: Dominick Bickford, Kayden Renna, Brooke Reny and Jade Travers.


High honors: Samuel Bechard, Emily Clark, Keegan Clark, Basil Dillaway, Baylee Fuchswanz, Zoe Gaffner, Allyson Gilman, Lillyana Krastev, Kaitlyn Lavallee, Cheyenne Lizzotte, Mia McLean, Agatha Meyer, Mackenzy Monroe, GraceTobey and Ava Woods.

Honors: DaVontay Austin, Peyton Bishop, Bryleigh Burns, Tess Foster, Fury Frappier, Bayleigh Gorman, Jack LaPierre, Aiden McIntyre, Jaelyn Moore, Kaylee Moulton, Kassidy Proctor, Emma Robbins and Landen Theobald.

Honorable mention: Kaleb Charlebois, Olivia Dumas, Weston Pappas and Naseem Umar.


High honors: Zander Austin, Xainte Cloutier, Samantha Craig, Mariah Estabrook, Riley Fletcher, Sarina LaCroix, Landon Lagasse, Cassidy Rumba, Haven Trainor, Ashton Walters and Cameron, Willett.

Honors: Lukas Blais, Jayson Booker, Sophia Brazier, Twila Cloutier, Kaylee Colfer, Wyatt Devoe, Dekan Dumont, Dawson Frazier, Aubrey Goforth, Isaac Leonard, Jade Lopez, Elliott Rafuse, Juliahna Rocque, Bryce Sounier and Meadow Varney.

Honorable mention: Aliya Anthony, Kiara Apollo, Grace Clark, Brandon Fortin, Camden Foster, Peter Giampietro, Lucian Kinrade, Jayden Leighton, Arianna Muzerolle, Olivia Perry and Isaiah Smith.


High honors: Hunter Brown, Kamdyn Couture, Cooper Grant, Olivia Lane, Brooklyn Leach, Simon Olson, Landon Qyuint, Willa Rafuse, Alexis Reed, Jackson Robichaud, Asher Smith and Robert Wade.

Honors: Ryder Austin, Alexander Bailey, Rylee Boucher, Reese Chechowitz, Garbriella Coderre, Braiden Crommett, Molly Dearborn, Levi DeMerchant, Addison Dodge, Anthony Dyer, Mikkah-Isabella Grant, Hunter Green, Sophia-Lynn Howard, Tanner Hughes, Kendall Karlsson, Jase Kimball, Jason Marhefka, Keegan Robinson, Christopher Santiago and Elliot Stratton.

Honorable mention: Amaya-Lynn Belanger, Maverick Brewer, Liam Dowe, Chase Fay, Aubrie Hill, Landon Lindquist and William Vincent.

Carrabec Valedictorian and Salutatorian 2022

Cheyenne Cahill, left. Shyanne Holmes, right.

Timothy Richards, Principal, has announced honor parts for the Class of 2022 at Carrabec High School.

Cheyenne Cahill, Carrabec’s Valedictorian, is a student who is a role model in our school. With a grade point average of 101.32, she has completed two advanced placement classes, eight honors classes and six dual enrollment classes, as well as, five advanced math classes. Cheyenne is not only a great student and math team leader, she also applies her strengths to the sports world as well, excelling in basketball, track and tennis. Cheyenne has been a part of the Willpower team since seventh grade. Cheyenne will be attending the University of New England, in Biddeford, majoring in Applied Exercise Science. Cheyenne is the daughter of Michael and Kimberly Cahill, of Embden.

* * * * * *

Shyanne Holmes, Carrabec’s Salutatorian, is a bright and successful student. Shyanne has a grade point average of 99.73, completing seven honors classes, two advanced placement classes, seven dual enrollment classes, as well as, two advanced math classes. Shyanne has been part of the Willpower team since seventh grade as well, shines in softball, and as a class leader. She will be an asset to any organization of which she chooses to be part. Shyanne will be attending Thomas College, in Waterville, majoring in business. Shyanne is the daughter of William and Jennifer Holmes, of North Anson.

Erskine Academy second trimester honors 2022

(photo credit: Erskine Academy)

Grade 12

High Honors: Isaac Baker, Julia Barber, Alana Beggs, Jacob Bentley, Autumn Boody, Olivia Bourque, Lilian Bray, Kevin Brownell II, Emily Clark, Jesse Cowing, Jasmine Crommett, Isabella DeRose, Luke Desmond, Alexander Drolet, Coralie Favier, Emma Fortin, Wyatt French, Jenna Gallant, Josette Gilman, Samantha Golden, Ciera Hamar, Isaac Hayden, Hayden Hoague, Grace Hodgkin, Balqis Hutami, Emma Jefferson, Grace Kelso, Mallory Landry, Aidan Larrabee, Lili Lefebvre, Isavel Lux Soc, David Martinez-Gosselin, Adam Ochs, Tony Pedersen, Matilde Pettinari, Devon Polley, Sarah Praul, Riley Reitchel, Parker Reynolds, Mackenzie Roderick, Abbey Searles, Andrew Shaw, Hannah Soule, Natalie Spearin, Daniel Tibbetts and Lily Vinci.

Honors: Gabriella Berto-Blagdon, Jack Blais, Daniel Cseak , Colby Cunningham, Kaden Doughty, Abigail Dutton, Kelsie Fielder, Chase Folsom, Rayne George, Trace Harris, Larissa Haskell, Hunter Johnson, Madelyne Koehling, Shawn Libby, Madison Lully, Hunter Marr, Malcolm Martinez, Calvin Mason, Wes McGlew, Kaden McIntyre, Rebecca Morton, Abigail Peaslee, Julian Reight, Ely Rideout, Nathaniel Solorzano, Hannah Strout–Gordon, Lily Thompson, Hannah Torrey, Summer Wasilowski, Samuel Worthley, Emily York and Hayden Young.

Grade 11

High Honors: Carson Appel, Abigail Beyor, Eve Boatright, Katherine Bourdon, Breckon Davidson, Nicole DeMerchant, Lillian Dorval, Lilly Fredette, Cooper Grondin, Nabila Harrington, Grady Hotham, Grace Hutchins, Olivia Hutchinson, Hallie Jackson, Beck Jorgensen, Kaiden Kelley, Dale Lapointe, Brenden Levesque, Malachi Lowery, Lily Matthews, River Meader, Timber Parlin, Kayla Peaslee, Jonathan Peil, Gabriel Pelletier, Jenna Perkins, Sophia Pilotte, Kaden Porter, Alexis Rancourt, Cadence Rau, Samantha Reynolds, Noah Rushing, Jarell Sandoval, Gabriela Sasse, Zuriah Smith, Sophie Steeves, Daniel Stillman, Mackenzie Toner, Emma Tyler, Lauren Tyler, Katherine Williams and Damon Wilson.

Honors: Molly Anderson, Parker Bellows, Angel Bonilla, Samuel Boynton, Alexis Buotte, Nicholas Choate, Courtney Cowing, Grace Ellis, Myra Evans, Brianna Gardner, Loralei Gilley, Alivia Gower, Mallary Hanke, Kassidy Hopper, Acadia Kelley, Jakob Kennedy, Matthew Knowles, Lydah Kong, Meadow Laflamme, Zephyr Lani-Caputo, Bryce Lincoln, Gwen Lockhart, Kendal Longtin, Emily Majewski, Gage Moody, Angelina Ochoa, Ethan Ouellette, Ezra Padgett, Karen Potter, Ally Rodrigue, Conner Rowe, Emmalee Sanborn, Sammantha Stafford, Emma Stred, Paige Sutter, Colby Willey, Joseph Wing, Aidan Witham and Keanah Young.

Grade 10

High Honors: Isabella Boudreau, Heather Bourgoin, Robin Boynton, Elizabeth Brown, Nolan Burgess, Makayla Chabot, Elise Choate, Alexia Cole, Brielle Crommett, Noah Crummett, Hailey Estes, Kaylee Fyfe, Caleb Gay, Leah Grant, Nathan Hall, Tara Hanley, Cristina Hart Loran, Natalie Henderson, Stephanie Kumnick, Carol Labbe, Sydney Laird, Kiley Lee, Aidan Maguire, Richard Mahoney III, Holden McKenney, Austin Nicholas, Jazel Nichols, Alejandro Ochoa, Jeremy Parker, Nathan Polley, Jessica Pumphrey, Kinsey Stevens, Lara Stinchfield, Reese Sullivan and Baruch Wilson.

Honors: Austin Armstrong, Duncan Bailey, Leah Bonner, Kellsie Boynton, Wyatt Bray, Kaleb Brown, Nathalia Carrasco, Timothy Christiansen, Simon Clark, Connor Coull, Thomas Crawford, Caleigh Crocker, Gavin Cunningham, Keira Deschamps, Ciara Fickett, Hunter Foard, Jackson Gamblin, Brayden Garland, Abbey Gordon, Jessica Hendsbee, Hannah Kugelmeyer, Mackenzie Kutniewski, Logan Lanphier, Sophie Leclerc, Jack Lyons, Liberty Massie, David McCaig, Carlos Michaud, Gavin Mills, Cami Monroe, Alexis Moon, Hannah Oakes, Remy Pettengill, Keith Radonis, Evelyn Rousseau, Giacomo Smith, Adam St. Onge, Jack Uleau, Haley Webb, Tyonna Williams, Elijah York and Melanie York.

Grade 9

High Honors: Ava Anderson, Emmett Appel, Bryana Barrett, Noah Bechard, Octavia Berto, Jayda Bickford, Brooke Blais, Keenan Clark, Hannah Cohen-Mackin, Lauren Cowing, Lillian Crommett, Gabrielle Daggett, Brady Desmond, John Edwards, Ryan Farnsworth, Chloe French, Jonathan Gutierrez, Serena Hotham, Kailynn Houle, Ava Kelso, Sophia Knapp, Lucy-Anne Knowles, Chase Larrabee, Jack Lucier, Owen Lucier, Eleanor Maranda, Jade McCollett, Abigail McDonough, Shannon McDonough, Madison McNeff, Sadie Pierce, Wallace Pooler IV, Carter Rau, Elsa Redmond, Justin Reed, Lillian Rispoli, Laney Robitaille, Carlee Sanborn, Joslyn Sandoval, Aislynn Savage, Zoey Smith and Parker Studholme.

Honors: Daphney Allen, Haileigh Allen, Geneva Beckim, Kaleb Bishop, Olivia Brann, Carter Brockway, Paige Clark, Madison Cochran, Dylan Cooley, Andra Cowing, Aydan Desjardins, Thomas Drever, Lucas Farrington, Kaylee Fortier, Kenneth Fredette, Wesley Fulton, Ellie Giampetruzzi, Kaylene Glidden, Tristan Goodwin, Brandon Hanscom, Landen Hayden, Emma Henderson, Parker Hunter, Walker Jean, Montana Johnson, Rion Kesel, Kaiden Kronillis, Bodi Laflamme, D’andre Marable, Addison Mort, Owen Northrup, Colin Oliphant, Makayla Oxley, Noah Pelletier, Ava Picard, Alyssa Pullen, Nathan Robinson, Kyle Scott, Achiva Seigars, Jordyn Smith, Katherine Swift, Grace Vashon and Dalorice Vires.

Winslow baseball team holds clinic

Athletes in grades three through eight had a chance to go to an hour-long clinic to work on baseball skills with the high school team. (photo courtesy of Crystal Pomerleau)

The Winslow High School baseball team held a clinic for youth baseball on Thursday, April 7.