Legislative Update for Thursday, March 21, 2024

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

L.D. 2242, S.P. 964

An Act to Set a Debt Limit for the Anson and Madison Water District. (EMERGENCY) (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)
(Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at http://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/search.asp. The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at http://legislature.maine.gov/house/house/ under the “Documents” tab.)

Devyn DeLeonardis receives Principal’s Award

Devyn DeLeonardis

Devyn DeLeonardis, son of Frederick and Amanda, of North Anson, a senior at Carrabec High School, in North Anson, has been selected to receive the 2024 Principal’s Award, according to Principal Peter Campbell. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Associa­tion, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement, citizenship and leadership.

DeLeonardis has distinguished himself in the classroom.  He has challenged himself and through his hard work and perseverance has made him one of the top students in the class of 2024.  Devyn is a member of the National Honor Society and was selected as the first student to represent his class as Student of the Month.

It is in the areas of citizenship and leadership that Devyn DeLeonardis truly excels.  His eagerness and enthusiasm make him a leader and a role model in our school.  This year Devyn achieved a feat that very few manage.  He earned the rank of Eagle Scout, a rank that only about 5 percent of all scouts manage to obtain.  Devyn has more than doubled the required number of community service hours required to graduate.  To exemplify that, he was quick to present his thoughts on how students could earn more hours of service by helping individuals affected by the recent flood.

For all of these reasons, Mr. Campbell is proud to announce that Devyn DeLeonardis is the Carrabec High School MPA Award recipient for 2024. Devyn will attend an awards luncheon on April 6, 2024, where he will receive his award and be eligible to be selected for one of ten scholarships.

Carrabec High School Second Quarter Honors (2023)

Carrabec High School


High honors: Kolby Carpenter, Devyn DeLeonardis, Molly Hay, Joyanna Jones, Alyssa Schinzel, and Hailey Wyman; Honors: Hunter Bragg, Dakota Cahill, Jayden Cates, Cooper Dellarma, Emma Junkins, Summer Lindblom, Dillon Nelson, Ryan Parlin, and Trenton Smith.


High honors:  Dayna Jean Labonte, Seth Price, Desmond Robinson, and Ciarrah Whittemore; Honors: Cortney Cote, Mason Courtney, Kobi Jennings, Haley, McFadyen, Machaon Pierce, Paige Reichert, Brooks Sousa, and Joey Young.


High honors:  Emma Campbell, and William Rogers; Honors: Reese Brown, Kaileigh Burnham, Zachary Davis, Patricia Hale, Jackson Newton, Peyton Plourd, Aaron Soosman, and Myah Williams.


 High honors:  Chandler Atwood, Kaitlin Dellarma, David Dixon, Jillian Robinson, Austin Sales, and Katie Scalese; Honors: Ashlyn Courtney, Katelyn DeLeonardis, Jordan Kramer, Leeyah Nelson, and Reed Smith.

Devyn Deleonardis earns scouting’s Eagle rank

Amanda Deleonardis pinning the Eagle Scout medal on her son’s uniform. (Photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

The First Congregational Church of North Anson was alive with activity on Saturday, December 16, as family, friends, and fellow Scouts joined to witness the pinning of Scouting’s highest rank on Devyn Deleonardis.

Devyn is the son of Frederick and Amanda Deleonardis and lives in North Anson where he attends Carrabec High School.

He will be turning 18 in January and his time as a youth member of Scouting will come to a close. It is fitting that he received the Eagle Scout award before becoming an adult leader with Troop #481. Devyn is no stranger to leadership. As part of his Eagle Scout project, he led others in building and distributing little lending libraries to five area communities. In Scout Troop #481, Devyn has served as Senior Patrol Leader and Chaplain Aide. “Some ways that I have demonstrated leadership skills other than my Eagle project, Community Libraries, are when I taught the clove hitch knot to guests at the Community Literacy event; helped Solon Elementary School’s field day event by teaching the students a game and led them through it as they played; and when I wrote and gave a speech for the position of Student Council member.”

Devyn chose to have his Eagle Scout ceremony at his church because of his strong personal faith. “I believe that my life purpose,” he explained in his Life Ambition Statement that was presented along with his Eagle Scout application, “is to spread the news of Jesus, to follow him, and to help others any way that I can.” During the ceremony, Devyn presented Mentor Pins to two of his Scout leaders, his parents and to Pastor Dave Walz. Pastor Walz praised Scouting during the ceremony saying, “Bless the Scouts and bless all who seek to serve and be servants to others.”

Devyn received congratulatory notes from the members of Maine’s Congressional Delegation, State Representative Larry Dunphy and the Boy Scouts of America. Alfred McKay, Commander of the American Legion Department of Maine, presented Devyn with an actual Eagle feather. The Legion had to receive official permission from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to present the feather as the Eagle is a protected species. In fact, both bald eagles and golden eagles are protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Devyn plans to attend the University of Maine Farmington next Fall and study to become a teacher.

Carrabec High School 1st quarter honor roll (2023)

Carrabec High School


High honors: Kolby Carpenter, Jayden Cates, Devyn DeLeonardis, Cooper Dellarma, Trevor Donahue, Nevaeh Holmes, Summer Lindblom, Dillon Nelson, and Hailey Wyman. Honors: Hunter Bragg, Dakota Cahill, Sarah Craig, Jersey Flanders, Kayliy Folco, Toby-Nicholas Gower, Molly Hay, Emma Junkins, Mikayla Loubier, Ryan Parlin, Jordyn Plourd, Navada Sayles, Alyssa Schinzel, and Lucas Vicneire.


High honors:  Dayna Jean Labonte, Haley McFadyen, Desmond Robinson, and Ciarrah Whittemore. Honors: Jeremy Barcelos, Cortney Cote, Mason Courtney, Kobi Jennings, Selena Jimenez, Caleb Miller, Machaon Pierce, Seth Price, Gerald Rollins, Josephine Scheve, Brooks Sousa, Caleb Tracy, and Joey Young.


HIgh honors: Emma Campbell, William Rogers, and Myah Williams. Honors: Jackamo Benner, Anna Canales, Zachary Davis, Alexis Fortin, Patricia Hale, Jackson Newton, and Aaron Soosman.


High honors: Chandler Atwood, Kaitlin Dellarma, David Dixon, Jillian Robinson, and Katie Scalese. Honors: Mary Brewster, Kaylynn Clark, Ashlyn Courtney, Jordan Kramer, Alexandria McDonough, Leah Price, Austin Sales, Olivia Scholz, and Reed Smith.

EVENTS: Carrabec Homecoming

Carrabec High School

Carrabec High School is planning a big homecoming this year starting on October 10, with classes having competitions throughout the week. On Friday, October 13, they will be having a pep rally and parade with homecoming games under the lights. The middle school will start with a soccer game at 4 p.m., and then the high school games begin at 5:30 p.m., vs. Temple Academy, of Waterville. They will have a DJ, Karaoke, classes selling baked goods, Cobra spirit items, coffee and hot cocoa, face painting, to name a few. They will conclude the evening after the boys soccer game with a bonfire. Saturday night will be the homecoming dance.

SNHU announces summer 2023 President’s List

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire, announces the following students to the Summer 2023 President’s List.

Talon Mosher, of Winslow, Alisha Barrette, of Skowhegan, Candice Eaton, of Waterville, Alyson Cass, of Waterville, Matthew Bandyk, of Jefferson, David Gerry, of Fairfield, Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield, and Jacob Colson, of Albion.

Those named to the dean’s list include: Carrielee Harvey, of Waterville, Robert Farrington, of Augusta, and Ashley Parks, of Anson.

The summer terms run from May to August.

HealthReach announces completion of Madison Health Center renovations

Madison Health Center

Madison – HealthReach is excited to announce that recent renovations to its Madison Area Health Center are complete.

The renovations have increased comfort and patient capacity, while also modernizing the space so that busy clinicians and staff are able to achieve the best outcomes for their patients. Among many other upgrades, these renovations included expansions to the waiting room, exam rooms, administrative areas, and medical records areas.

With an updated nurses’ station, a new lab, and additional exam rooms, staff and patients will all benefit. New offices have been built for both the site’s Connector and Care Manager, improving patient comfort in their meeting spaces where they provide patient assistance. Additionally, new offices were added for both the site’s Behavioral Health Counselor and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. These changes have already improved operations, and are allowing staff to serve more community members than ever before with an emphasis on personalized, whole-patient care.

Since its foundation in 1977, Madison Area Health Center had previously expanded its spatial capacity twice. The first expansion occurred in 1980, and the second expansion was in 1989. Today, we are excited to see this newest set of renovations allow the building to move forward as the practice grows and continues to serve the grateful people of Madison, Anson, and nearby towns.

Carrabec High School 4th quarter honor roll (2023)

Carrabec High School

Grade 12

High honors: Luke Carey, Lindsay Hamilton, Robert Lindblom, Jr. and Caitlyn Oliver; honors:  Jessica Benedict, Joel Gehrke, Mliss Hem, Conner Peabody, William Price, II. and Hunter Sousa.

Grade 11

High honors:  Kolby Carpenter, Devyn DeLeonardis, Cooper Dellarma, Trevor Donahue, Summer Lindblom, Dillon Nelson, Alyssa Schinzel and Hailey Wyman; honors: Hunter Bragg, Dakota Cahill, Jayden Cates, Sarah Craig, Riley Crocker, Molly Hay, Nevaeh Holmes, Daisy Page and Jordyn Plourd.

Grade 10

High honors:  Jeremy Barcelos, Lillian Cooley, Mason Courtney, Kallie Ebneter, Kobi Jennings, Haley McFadyen, Machaon Pierce, Seth Price, Desmond Robinson, Brooks Sousa and Ciarrah Whittemore; honors: Michael Benedict, Jr., Logan Caldwell, Cortney Cote, Gabrielle Edmunds, Tayah Edmunds, Dayna Jean Labonte, Seamus Miller, Josephine Scheve.

Grade 9

High honors:  Sierra Lynn Patenaude, Thomas Roderick, William Rogers and Hickory Smith; honors: Karen Baker, Jackamo Benner, Liliana Caldwell, Emma Campbell, Anna Canales, Colburn-James Dube, Jenna Flagg, Trevor Jennings, Alecxander Leeman, Kayden Longley, Macie Plourde.

SNHU announces winter 2023 president’s list

The following central Maine students have achieved president’s list status at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire.  Kristina Canedo, of Skowhegan, Heather Hall, of Canaan, Ashley Parks, of Anson, Jessica Keay, of Albion, Philip Densmore, Carrielee Harvey, and Alyson Cass, all of Waterville, and Matthew Bandyk, of Jefferson.