Erskine watercolors

Three students in the art program at Erskine Academy hold their watercolor paintings, which have been matted and framed with a grant from the Oak Grove School Foundation. Students’ artwork will be on display at the China Dine-ah. From left to right, Ally Clark Bonsant ‘17, Michael Haoming Shi ‘18, and Katherine Keller, ‘17. Photo by Emily Foss

Erskine Academy schedules parent/teacher conferences

Erskine Academy has scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, January 18, from 3 to 7:30 p.m.,(snow date will be Thursday, January 19). Progress reports will be emailed to parents by January 17. For those parents who have not yet submitted a primary email address, please stop by the Guidance Office for a printed copy of your student’s progress report. No appointments are necessary as teachers will be available to speak with parents in their respective classrooms. Refreshments will be available in the library and the Sports Boosters will be selling Erskine apparel and other merchandise during the evening.

In addition, a representative from the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) will be in attendance to present information about paying for college. Soup and salad will be served in the cafeteria from 5 – 5:30 p.m., for attendees. The FAME presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria and will end at approximately 6:20 p.m. In addition to financial aid information, the guidance department will provide information about course offerings, dual enrollment opportunities, PSAT, and SAT testing dates.

Please feel free to contact the Guidance Office at 445-2964 with any questions or concerns regarding this information.

Erskine Academy first trimester honor roll

Grade 12

High Honors: MicKayla Audet, Erica Basham, Jaime Boudreau, Beth Bowring, Andrew Browne, Heather Buckley, Hannah Burns, Ally Clark Bonsant, Emma Cote, Cody Elsemore, Katherine Grant, Madison Grass, Brianna Guilfoyle, Abigail Haskell, Aubrey Hendsbee, Hayley Hinds, Zachary Loubier, Mayann McGrath, Morgan Savage, Kelsey Stuart, Eleanor Rose Theriault, Rosalie Wilson, Leann Wright, Yang Xi, Ziman Yuan and Justin Zhang. Honors: Seth Allen, Veronica Black, Alexis Bonenfant, Michael Bourque, Joshua Breault, Kaitlyn Brundage, Makayla Busque, Joshua Buzzell, Julie Buzzell, Nicholle Clark, Tyler Condon, Shaun Cosgrove, Brandon Coulombe, Sydney Cummings, Michael Dorval, Samuel Dorval, Benjamin Eason, Danessia Ewen, Ashley Farrington, Ian Ferguson, Gabriel Gervais, Brianna Gosselin, Lucas Griffeth, McKenzie Haver, Broderick Hodsdon, Gavin Hoffman, Kaleb Howard, Katelyn Hustus, Jordan Jowett, Brandon Keezer, Katherine Keller, Miranda-Lee LaRose, Breanna Liebowitz, Adam Morrill, Caleb Patnaude, Alyssa Pelletier, Grayson Petty, Dylan Presby, MacKenzie Sawyer, Shirlynn Sears, Austin Shaw, William Sugg IV, Caitlyn Van Wickler, Ashley Viles, Marc Walther and Tyler Williams.

Grade 11

High Honors: Annemarie Allen, Maggie Anderson, Gabe Ashey, Courtney Austin, Mariah Blanchard, Lauren Boatright, Miranda Carey, Harald Christiansen, Alexander Cleaves, Noelle Cote, Stephen Csengery, Kalib Deschamps, Bryanna Emery, Hannah Farrington, Jadelynn Giroux, Angel Hall-Stuart, Luke Hodgkins, Billy Howell III, Kayla Hubbard, Carleigh Ireland, Samantha Jackson, Megan Lemieux, Nicholas Levesque, Rita McCausland, Kassandra Nadeau, Jakob Peavey, Christopher Pelletier, Kaylee Porter, Leanna Prime, Mercedes Richard, Chantelle Roddy, Haoming Michael Shi, Kaili Shorey, Michael Sprague, Emma Stone, Makayla Tobey, Taylah Trask, Caleb Tyler, Christopher Wight, Lauren Wood and Olivia Wyman. Honors: Cassidy Baldwin, Noah Bonsant, Jacob Burk, Victoria Chabot, Madison Choate, Kylie Clark, Ashlee Cooley, Grace Crouse, Corvus Crump, Caleb Daggett, Joshua Davis, Elijah Dos Santos, Chelsea Duplessis, Derrick Dyer, Morgan Emond, Shaylee Fisher, Brooke Fongemie, Hunter Gagnon, Melissa Gallagher, Melissa Garbacki-Hamm, Brock Glidden, Spenser Grasse, Elizabeth Green, Jonathan Hickey, Hunter Hoague, Nicholas Howes, Robin Jefferson, Isabella Johnson, Bjorn Jorgensen, Allyson Kiefer, Kyle Kirkpatrick, Jacob Lamoreau, Dalton Lee, Angela Letendre, Jordan Lewis, Alex Logan, Aaron Lohoff, Andrew Lyon, Brendan McGrail, Emma Meader, Hunter Merrill, Chandler Moore, Harrison Mosher, Cassidy Penney, Dustin Phillips, Daniel Pleau, Kali Porter, Chance Reed, Jered Reed, Michaela Roy, Catherine Silva, Adam Silvia, Emma Sullivan, Hunter Swift, Alexis Tenney, Rebecca Truman, Haylea Turner, Tyler Walker, Martie Young and Morgan Young.

Grade 10

High Honors: Molly Babson, Lydia Boucher, Jenna Butler, Marshall Dugal, Dominic Durant, Cameron Falla, Ashley Gillis, Sage Hapgood-Belanger, Samantha Heath, Eleanor Hodgkin, Kayla Hodgkins, Amber Rose Holmes, Peyton Houghton, Christopher Jamison, Kyli Julia, Robert King, Morgaine Kmen, Olivia Kunesh, Caitlin Labbe, Haeden Landry, Milo Lani-Caputo, Paige Leary, Rivers Malcolm, Tara Maltese, Noah Miller, Conner Paine, Jacob Praul, Hannah Reid, Christina Roy, Hunter Rushing, Caleb Sacks, Seth Savage, Conor Skehan, Braden Soule, Briana Strout, Elizabeth Sugg, Willow Throckmorton-Hansford, Megan To, Jack Tobey, Kassidy Wade, Hagen Wallace, Christopher Weymouth, Jacob Wright and Alana York. Honors: Samantha Allen, Brenna Audet, Mark Barney, Gavin Blanchard, Nina Boudreau,William Bourque, Madison Boynton, Justin Browne, Braydon Busque, Shannon Cornett, ArizonaLee Crooker, Mireya Dos Santos, Keara Doughty, Travis Dow, Tiffany Doyle, Austin Dunn, Dakota Estes, Samuel Falla, Ethan Furlong, Madeline Geidel, Aaron Gilbert, Regina Harmon, Alexis Haskell, Tristan Hawk, Kaleb Hopper, Alicia Hotham, Andrew Jackson, Antonio Jacobs, Jack Jowett, Garrett Keezer, Dylan Keller, Noah Labbe, Maverick Lowery, Alexander Mahon, Osiris Marable, Mya Maxim, Myles Nored, Isaiah Pacholski, Nicholas Rancourt, Seth Reed, Logan Reny, Andraya Roque, Dylan Rowe, Jessie Sepulvado, Krystina Shorey, Katherine Smith, Shayleigh Springer, Sophie Taylor, Mercedes Tibbetts, Caden Turcotte, Trent Wharton, Ashlyn Wing and Peilin Yu.

Grade 9

High Honors: Lucy Allen, Jay Austin II, Alec Baker, Julia Basham, Derek Beaulieu, Haley Breton, Cassidy Clement, Michael Dusoe Jr, Dominick Dyer, Vincent Emery, Chloe Fleck, Mitchell Gamage, Alyssha Gil, Annika Gil, Lydia Gilman, Boe Glidden, Summer Hotham, Nicholas Howard, Sarah Jarosz, Cameron Johnson, Colby Johnson, Luke Jordan, Parker King, Brandon LaChance, Cole Leclerc, Jordan Linscott, Jakob Mills, Adalaide Morris, Cambelle Nutting, Lyndsie Pelotte, Hunter Praul, Miina Raag-Schmidt, Benjamin Reed, Dominic Rodrigue, Lily Roy, Alyssa Savage, Taylor Shute, Ryan Sidelinger, Dominic Smith, Lily Solorzano, Courtney Tibbetts, Brandon Tibbs, Katelyn Tibbs, Ashleigh Treannie, Cameron Tyler, Matthew Veilleux and Richard Winn.

Honors: Lucas Anderson, James Berto, Adam Bonenfant, Faith Bonnell, Kole-Tai Carlezon, Bridget Connolly, Abigail Cordts, Shiela Corson, Summer Curran, Colby Cyr, Norah Davidson, Sean Decker, Dominic Denico, Nathan Evans, Cheyann Field, Gabrielle Forbes, Jada Fredette, Ella Giroux, Bryce Goff, Joshua Gower, Clara Grady, Tori Grasse, Alyssa Hale, Emma Harvey, Nicholas Hayden, Jesse Hayes, Gage Henderson, Ashley Huntley, Emily Jacques, Ricker Jean, Marisa Klemanski, Tristan Klemanski, Eleena Lee, Stephanie Libby, Brandon Loveland, William Mayberry, Reece McGlew, Grady Miller, Jamara Moore, Krysta Morris, Nathaniel Mosher, Alecia Paradis, Joseph Peaslee Jr, Isaak Peavey, Chloe Peebles, Matthew Picher, Hailei-Ann Reny, Jennifer Reny, Mitchel Reynolds, Andrew Robinson, Emily Rodriguez, Katelyn Rollins, Shawn Seigars, Serena Sepulvado, Santasia Sevigny, Nicholas Shelton, Danielle Shorey, Alissa Sleeper, Kayla Sleeper, Samuel Smith, Jacob Sutter, Nicole Taylor, Hailee Turner, Andrew Weymouth, Curtis Weymouth, Shirley Weymouth and Wesley Wood.


Lions announce winners



The Whitefield Lions Club, of Coopers Mills, sponsored area schools from Chelsea, Jefferson, Whitefield and Windsor in the 2016 Lions International Peace Poster contest with a theme of “A Celebration of Peace.” Winners include, front row, from left to right, Caleb Cyr, Windsor; Hannah Jackson, Whitefield; Abby St. Cyr, Jefferson; and Meagan Michaud, Chelsea. Back, Whitefield Lions President Cindy Lincoln, Barry Tibbetts, chairman of the Whitefield Lions poster contest.

Contributed photo

Erskine Academy announces Mr. EA competition

The 14th annual “Mr. EA” Competition will be held on Friday, November 18th at 7:00 pm in the James V. Nelson gymnasium. Twelve senior boys will compete in the categories of talent, recreational wear, and personal interview for the coveted title of “Mr. EA”. Admission to the show is $5 and tickets can be purchased at the door. All proceeds will benefit the Class of 2017.

Husson University announces spring honors

The following students have been named to the Spring 2016 honors list at Husson.

Sebastian Atkins-Taylor, of Augusta,  is a senior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in mass communications with a concentration in Journalism program.

Lelia Belanger, of Augusta, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in biology program.

Michayla Dostie, of Augusta, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in nursing program.

Mary-Anne MacArthur, of Canaan, is a senior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s associate of science in paralegal studies and a bachelor of science in psychology program.

Owen Freeman, of Freedom, is a junior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in communications technology with a concentration in video production program.

Nicholas Maney, of Jefferson, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in communications technology with a concentration in video production program.

Christine Boucher, of Oakland, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in kinesiology-human movement science and doctor of physical therapy program.

Mikhaila Necevski, of Oakland, is a freshman who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in health sciences program.

Megan Mahoney, of Palermo, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in elementary education program.

Alyssa Doucette, of Skowhegan, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in criminal justice and bachelor of science in psychology with a mental health rehabilitation technician/community (MHRT/C) certification program.

Anne-Marie Provencal, of Skowhegan, is a junior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in healthcare studies and master of science in occupational therapy program.

Anthony Toneatti, of Solon, is a junior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in communications technology with a concentration in live sound technology program.

Samuel Stevens, of South China, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in business administration program.

Samantha McLaughlin, of Starks, is a senior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in nursing program.

Briana Oliver, of Starks, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in forensic science program.

Alyssa Willette, of Unity, is a junior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in nursing program.

Caleb Cummings, of Windsor, is a sophomore who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in health sciences program.

Christine Parrilli, of Winslow, is a senior who is currently enrolled in Husson’s bachelor of science in nursing program.

Vassalboro JMG students involved in many community projects

Students from the Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG), at the Vassalboro Community School, have been involved in many community activities over the recent weeks. Left photo, the students helped move books from the town library to the local grange hall for the annual book sale during Vassalboro days. This group came in before school even started to help with the move.

 At the top left is library director Donna Lambert, and center is Victor Esposito, JMG advisor.

At the top left is library director Donna Lambert, and center is Victor Esposito, JMG advisor.


Duck Derby

The students helped out with the annual Duck Derby during Vassalboro Days. Right rear is Ray Breton, founder of the duck derby.


Right photo, the students attended the Windsor Fair on the first day to learn more about the fair’s history, the workings of being a blacksmith, early traditional cultures, along with local agricultural events and opportunities.

The students attended the Windsor Fair on the first day to learn more about the fair’s history, the workings of being a blacksmith, early traditional cultures, along with local agricultural events and opportunities.

Area students earn dean’s list at University of Maine

The following area students have earned dean’s list ranking for the fall 2015 semester at the University of Maine:

Paige Castonguay and Thad Chamberlain, both of Benton; Jack Brannigan, of Chelsea; Aaron Brown and Tiffany Clifford, both of Clinton; Hannah Grover, East Vassalboro; David Austin, Paige Belanger, Nicole Bowen, Josie Champagne, Hannah Chavis, Meaghan Foster, Zachary Hale, Paige Hanson, Samantha King, Alex Leathers, Joseph Leclair, Lindsay Morris, Anthony Sementelli and Lawryn White, all of Fairfield; Samuel Dubois, Kirsha Finemore, Erik Holmsen, Forest LeBlanc, Samantha Mathieu, Emily Pellerin, Benjamin Schaff, Cody Stevens and Allan Walsh, all of Oakland; Emily Deering, Eleanora French, Alyssa Gartley, Alton Hawk, Kaitlyn Hayward, Jade McGuire, Gregory O’Connor, James Poulin, Sarah Poulin, Elena Smith, Brittany White and Katherine Wight, all of South China: Taylor Bailey, Marissa Bovie, Moriah Cloutier, Patrick Meunier, Jeffrey Pulver and Nathaniel Trask, all of Vassalboro; Alexander Danner, Cassandra Dechaine, Grace Gould, Lucas Higgins, William Hoffman, James Lavin, Ryan Lopes, Morgan Pellerin, Nicole Pinnette, Waleed Rahmatullah, James Robe, Mathew Rumsey, Amy Samson, Allison Scully and Todd Serbent, all of Waterville; Chase Drummond, of Weeks Mills; Sarah Allisot, Cady Hockridge and Emma Wilkinson, all of Windsor; Sean Ducker, Ryan Dutil, Brian Ouellette, Karlee Price, Sierra Savage, Rachel Sirois, Gabriel Smith, Aysha Vear and Elizabeth Weiss, all of Winslow; Trevor Diemer, Zoli Kertesz and Briana Littlefield, all of Freedom; Adriana martineau and Ethan Poisonnier, both of Norridgewock; Corrine Anderson, Kirstie Belanger, Ryley Burkhart, Nicoltee Curran, Jaden Dickinson, Cody Dillingham, Elijah Holland, Kaylin Knott, Rhiannon LaPlante, Briann Prentiss, Jillian Redmond and Nicole Sevey, all of Skowhegan; Tamika LaCroix, of Solon; and Joshua Savoy and Bronwyn West, both of Liberty.

Area students on Husson University’s presidents list

The following area students have been named to the Spring 2016 presidents list at Husson University, in Bangor.

Lyndsay Weese, of Athens, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Shayne Brown, of Augusta,  is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with a concentration in Marketing Communications program.

Sophia Ramirez, of Augusta, ME is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program.

Tabitha Willman, of Augusta, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Health Care Management program.

Samuel Jandreau, of China, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Zoe Mather, of China, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Tyler Rollins, of China, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Undeclared program.
Courtney Smart, of Cornville, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program.

Leah LaBree, of East Vassalboro, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with a concentration in Journalism program.

Spencer Folsom, of Fairfield, is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program.

Tennyson Martin, of Fairfield, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program.

Kyleigh Plourde, of Jefferson, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHRT/C) Certification program.

Alexis Prescott, of Liberty, is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

Makaela Michonski, of Norridgewock, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Amanda Saucier, of Norridgewock, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Darian Hughes, of Oakland, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Psychology program.

Raina Rauch, of Palermo, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies and Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Kaitlyn Grover, of Skowhegan, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Cailee Manzer, of Skowhegan, is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies and Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Ali York, of Skowhegan, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Financial Management program.

Christina Belanger, of South China, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Meghan Farrell, of Vassalboro, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies program.

Destiny Silcott, of Windsor, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Logan Vashon, of Winslow, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Erskine bus schedules, Fall 2016

Students should be at their pick-up points 5-10 minutes before the stated pick-up times for the first few days of school.  Bus fare is $10 per week.  Parents of freshmen are advised to check the bus schedule at New Student Orientation.

Pat Vigue – Bus 13 (Palermo Area)

6:25 – Palermo School
6:30 – Turner Ridge Road
6:35 – Banton Road
6:40 – Level Hill Road
6:45 – North Palermo Road
7:00 – Weston Ridge
7:15 – Tobey’s
7:20 – Frontier Village
7:25 – Leave Frontier Village
7:30 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Sheila Wescott – Bus 11 (Chelsea/Windsor Area)

6:12 – Leave Erskine to Tyler Road
6:17 – Weeks Mills Road
6:20 – Legion Park Road/

Lamson Road (turn-a-round)

6:23 – Barton Road
6:25 – 105 to Spring Road
6:50 – Chelsea School
6:53 – Wellman Road
6:55 – Route 17 to Windsor
7:00 – Hunts Meadow Road
7:10 – Route 126
7:15 – Vigue Road
7:20 – Route 17 to Route 32 Windsor
7:25 – Route 32 (Rideout’s Store)
7:35 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Wayne Lacey – Bus 1 (Whitefield-Jefferson Area)

6:25 – Leave Country Corners Store
6:30 – Travel down Route 215
6:35 – Route 126 to Jefferson
6:40 – Jefferson Post Office
7:00 – Intersection of Route 32 & 17
7:10 – Intersection of Route 17 & 206
7:20 – Intersection of Route 105 & 32
7:23 – Choate Road
7:25 – Windsor Neck Road/South Road
7:30 – Kidder Road
7:30 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Janice Cook – Bus 16  (Windsor/Whitefield/Coopers Mills Area)

6:18 – Leave Erskine- Rte 32 South
6:26 – Maxcy’s Mills Rd
6:28 – Griffin Road
6:33 – Vigue Road
6:37 – Townhouse Road
6:44 – 218N/194N
6:46 – Heath Road
6:50 – Hilton Road
6:52 – 218N //Mills Road
6:59 – Coopers Mills Main Street
7:00 – Windsor Road/Coopers Mills
7:02 – Erskine Road
7:04 – Wingood Road
7:08 – Erskine Road
7:09 – Windsor Road/Coopers Mills
7:15 – Route 105 to Rte 32
7:18 – Route 32 to Erskine Academy
7:30 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Routes, drivers and bus numbers subject to change.