Waterville’s Earl Smith publishes new book

Earl Smith

Earl H. Smith, Dean Emeritus, Colby College, publishes Water Village – The Story of Waterville, Maine in partnership with Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce.

Waterville author Earl Smith is scheduled to present a reading from Water Village on Thursday, November 15 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Waterville Opera House. The evening will commence in the foyer in Waterville City Hall. Light refreshments and appetizers representing the diverse culture of our city will be served. Books will be available for purchase. A book reading by Mr. Smith will follow at the Waterville Opera House and he will be available to sign books at the end of the evening.

To preorder Water Village contact Brittnae DeRoche, marketing director at marketing@midmainechamber.com. Books are available for $29.95 + tax.




Rabies clinic benefits food pantry

Area dog and cat owners are invited to participate in Vassalboro Food Pantry’s annual rabies clinic from noon to 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 10, at the food pantry located at 679 Main St.

This annual event is one of the pantry’s important fundraisers, allowing the pantry to purchase critical food and hygiene items for community members in need. Rabies vaccine for dogs and cats will be administered by Windsor Veterinary Clinic for a $15 fee per animal. New this year, nail trims will be offered for $10 for qualifying animals. Animals that are aggressive or typically require sedation for nail trims will not be serviced. Animals must be leashed or in carriers. Dog licenses will also be available.

For more information, call 873-7375 and leave message, or email vassalborofsp@gmail.com.

Two local World War II Navy veterans remember

Left, Albert Boynton, of Whitefield, during his WWII Navy service. Right, Boynton, at 92 years of age. (Contributed photos)

by Jeani Marquis

Seventy-three years ago, two local men took part in some of the most intense conflicts of World War II that took place within months of each other and brought U.S. troops closer to mainland Japan.

Albert R. Boynton, from Whitefield, was only 17 years old at the time and had enlisted in the Navy with his father’s permission. He turned 18 by the time he arrived at boot camp at Sampson, New York. After training, Boynton was assigned to the USS Goodhue APA-107. Their mission was to transport Marines, armaments, equipment and food and medical supplies to strategically located islands.

Carl J. Stenholm, of China, during World War II. (Contributed photo)

Carl J. Stenholm, of China, also a new naval recruit of 18 years of age, was assigned to the USS Hyman DD-732, a destroyer newly tooled from Bath Iron Works, in Maine. Their mission was to protect the transport vessels, destroy enemy aircraft and provide the gunfire to protect the Marines as they landed on the beaches.

By early February 1945, hundreds of ships were gathered from the Atlantic and Pacific theaters for long-range battle plans to strategically take over islands close to Mainland Japan. The Hyman and Goodhue were assigned to this complex offensive.

On D-Day February 19, 1945, the naval invasion surrounded the island of Iwo Jima. The USS Hyman was positioned close to shore, so close that Marines could be seen moving forward on land with flame-throwers. There would be no more practice drills for the 370-member crew on the Hyman. Standing dead in the water, their guns bombarded the shores clearing the way for the Marines fighting yard by yard on rough, unsheltered terrain.

By February 22, all but the western side of Iwo Jima had been silenced and the Marines were anxious to take Mount Suribachi that night. The Hyman was volunteered to provide the searchlight illumination for the Marine’s climb, knowing it would make their vessel an easy target. A close call by an enemy shell reminded the crew this was a night they would not forget. Through the dark, The Hyman’s 5-inch and 40-caliber guns were carefully coordinated over ship-to-shore radio to provide accurate coverage for the Marines.

At 0700, February 23, the Hyman was ordered to hold fire and the Marines would take the remainder of the hill by small armaments. Stenholm and his crew-mates didn’t realize at the time they would be witnessing history. Three hours after the Hyman was ordered to cease fire, the sounds from Marines’ gunfire and grenades on top of the hill also went silent. At 1020, a flag was raised by a small band of Marines indicating that Suribachi was ours. This event was the iconic flag raising of Iwo Jima.

On March 26, 1926, closer to Mainland Japan, the USS Goodhue arrived at Keramo Retto to put ashore troops and equipment for the upcoming invasion of Okinawa. Unfortunately, while returning to sea, the Goodhue underwent heavy air attack on the evening of April 2. The two anti-aircraft guns successfully defended the vessel from Kamikaze attack from the starboard. They were not as lucky with the attack heading dead ahead. The enemy aircraft hit the mast killing crew in the stern as it fell. Exploding bombs from the plane caused further casualties and fire aboard the vessel.

Boynton remembers hearing an announcement from the PA system, “Damage Control report to Shaft Alley,” and he knew they would be checking for leaks. He said he was very worried “he’d be going for a swim” and checked his life saving gear. Worrying would have to wait for later. Boynton was immediately sent to stretcher duty. The attack killed 27 and wounded 117. A makeshift morgue was set up in a hallway, an unsettling sight for young men’s first experience of death. Boynton vividly remembers taking a moment that night with his good friend Harry Hawkins, from Missouri, to pray. In the morning, they anchored into a calm bay with other damaged vessels. Following repairs, the Goodhue rejoined her squadron on April 10 to resume her transport duties at Okinawa.

The battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa saw heavy casualties on both sides and were victories for the U.S. forces leading to the end of the war. Both men came home safe, yet still mourn the shipmates they lost along the journey. The memories and emotions of war run deep even after 73 years.

This Veterans Day, as you thank men and women for their service, take a moment to ask them to share their stories.

Like it was yesterday

Les Ames’ military awards displayed on the wall of his South China home. Next to the Purple Heart awarded for his World War II injury is the shrapnel responsible for the wound. (Photo by Isabelle Markley)

by Isabelle Markley

Seventy-seven years after World War II, Leslie (Les) D. Ames is sitting in the living room of his South China home recalling the December 7, 1941, radio broadcast that changed his life.

“I can remember that day as clear as yesterday. I was still in high school. You knew things weren’t ever going to be the same,” he said. Pearl Harbor had just been bombed and President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan. “A few of my classmates left right after the announcement,” he said.

His draft notice arrived on his 18th birthday, February 18, 1943, but three deferrals allowed him to graduate from high school before reporting for service in the Army. He enlisted June 22, 1943, at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, and reported to Camp Croft, South Carolina, for 17 weeks of Infantry Basic training.

Four weeks into basic training, he was accepted into the Air Corps Flying Cadet program in Lynchburg, Virginia. “The Air Force had more planes than pilots,” Les recalled. In March 1944, his flight training came to an end when he received a telegram from General “Hap” Arnold, commanding general U.S. Army Air Force, saying, “You are further relieved from Air Force training for the convenience of the government.”

There were too many pilots and infantry divisions were needed for the escalating ground war in Europe. Assigned to the 78th Infantry Division, attached to the 310th Infantry Battalion, October 1944, found him on a Liberty ship headed to England and spending a month in the English coastal resort town of Bournemouth, practicing amphibious landings in preparation for a beach landing at Le Havre, France.

Heading north through France, Belgium and into Germany toward Aachen, he told of traveling on mud roads and along hedgerows so thick a tank would stand on end when it tried to penetrate the dense growth along the road. He spoke of the constant cold, of having no shelter from the winter weather, of K-rations instead of hot meals and of the increasing incidents of trench foot that made walking painful and difficult for the soldiers.

Wounded on January 7, 1945, when a piece of metal shrapnel went through his right arm severing bones, nerves and tendons before lodging between two of his right ribs, he was evacuated from the battlefield through France to England and eventually back to Fort Devens, where he had joined the army two years before. Thirteen months after his injury, a surgical team from Walter Reed Hospital reconstructed his right arm. “It (the surgery) was very successful, although it left me with my right arm 3/4 of an inch shorter than the left which plays heck with my golf game,” he said. After medical discharge in August 1946 he attended the University of Maine under the veteran rehabilitation program graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering.

His medals for service during World War II’s Ardennes, Rhineland and Germany Campaigns include the Purple Heart, the Bronze star and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Displayed in the same shadow frame is the piece of shrapnel that ended his battlefield experience.

Col. Steve Ball, of Windsor: Military man with a mission of peace

Col. Steve Ball wears a hat with the crossed flags of the United States and Vietnam, a memento of his time as the U.S. Defense Attaché to the country. (Photo by Eric Austin)

by Eric W. Austin

“I went to college with no intention of joining the military,” retired Army Colonel Steve Ball, a 27-year veteran of the armed forces, tells me at the start of our interview.

We’re sitting at the kitchen table of the old farmhouse in Windsor where Ball lives with his wife of 43 years, Allane. Morning light is streaming through the sliding glass doors leading out to the back patio and a blustery but beautiful fall day. The Windsor farmhouse has been in Allane’s family going back four generations.

“I needed money,” Col. Ball admits with a nostalgic chuckle. He is a silver-haired, distinguished gentleman who reminds me of Hannibal from that old television show, The A-Team. “I was working as a bartender,” he says. “I made pizzas at Pat’s. I scooped ice cream at the Student Union. I went to class and I worked. And I was really tired of that.”

So, at the end of his sophomore year at the University of Maine at Orono, Ball joined the school’s ROTC program and spent the summer attending basic training. It would be the start of a nearly three-decade career that took him from Germany to Vietnam and even to a pivotal post at the Pentagon.

As we speak, a common thread becomes clear to me. Although Mr. Ball is a military man through and through, most of his missions – at least those of most importance to him – were missions of healing rather than conflict.

But all that would come later. Now, the year is 1975. The Vietnam War has ended only a few months earlier, and feelings are still raw – both here in the United States and abroad. “Everybody had a bad taste in their mouth about the military,” he recalls. “The Vietnam War was not a popular event by any stretch. It divided the country in many ways.” He pauses, lost in thought for a moment. “It was the first time in my life that we had begun to really question the government,” he says. “The government – and the actions of the government – were no longer just accepted as right. And people began to really wonder.” He gives a wave of his hands, as if to encompass all of it. “So, I was drawn into all that. All that was a part of my formative years. That’s what defined me in many ways.”

America may have been reeling in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, but young Steve Ball was still very busy growing up. The same year he joined the ROTC, he married his high-school sweetheart and switched his college major from Forestry to History.

Two years later, he graduated from the University of Maine at Orono as an ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate.

His first military assignment was to a war-divided West Germany, as a communications officer. “It was a hard time,” he says. “We were at the height of the Cold War. The Soviet Union was amassed across what they called the ‘Fulda Gap,’ across the Iron Curtain, with their string of tanks. And we were on the other side of the Iron Curtain with our tanks. And we were a part of all that. I was very much a Cold War-soldier at that point.”

But by 1980, Ball had paid back his school loans and was ready to retreat from military life. He filed the papers to resign his commission and headed up to meet his brigade commander, Colonel Thurman D. Rogers, for an exit interview. “I took a jeep and I went up from Karlsruhe, Germany,” he says, “and drove up the Autobahn and went to Mannheim with my little packet, all dressed in my uniform, to go interview with [Col. Rogers] about this idea that I was going to get out.”

The meeting went well, but on the drive back to Karlsruhe, young Steve Ball changed his mind. Maybe it was because Colonel Rogers had pulled out a folder of his own resignation letters, written over the years. Maybe it was because Steve knew there was still work to be done. In any case, he tucked his resignation letter away and got ready for his next assignment.

From Germany, Ball was sent to train reserve troops at Fort Douglas in Utah, and then up to Fort Lewis in Washington where he joined the 1st Special Forces Group, a division of the military specializing in the Asia Pacific.

At this point, his career took a purposeful turn when he was selected to be part of the Army’s Foreign Area Officer (FAO) training program. This was a program spearheaded by General Colin Powell, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Powell had also been profoundly affected by his experience in Vietnam, and recognized the need for the U.S. military to better understand the lands and cultures where it was engaged.

“This was learned from Vietnam,” Ball explains. “The military needed to better understand the populations, the governments, the peoples – the areas that we’re in. We can fight wars – tactics, offense, defense – those are pretty well-taught military skillsets. People know how to do that. But what we found in Vietnam is that, when you don’t understand the population, if you don’t know the politics, when you don’t know what’s going on, you’re really hamstrung; you really aren’t as effective.

“We were trying to improve our war-fighting capability by understanding these areas,” he says. “So, I became a Southeast Asia FAO.”

It was the beginning of the second stage of his military career, and Asia would become a passion that stayed with him long after his time in the armed forces had ended.

The Army sent him to the Defense Language Institute (DLI), headquartered in Monterey, California. After a year of intensive proficiency training in the Indonesian language at the DLI, he left for a graduate program in Asian Studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where he also studied economic and political history. From there he was sent to be the U.S. student at the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College in Kuala Lumpur, joining more than 16 other countries with representation at the college.

“I enjoyed the international-ness of it,” he says of his time in Malaysia. “Understanding other countries and their perspectives of the world, and really, their perspectives of the United States.

“The [Vietnam] War was over, but there was still a legacy – there was still a history that the U.S. was very much a part of, and it was, for many, a tortured history. It wasn’t a pleasant, fondly remembered [history]. It wasn’t like the Greatest Generation; it wasn’t like World War II. I really enjoyed understanding that from a foreign perspective.”

Ball stayed 18-months at the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College, spending the last six months of that assignment traveling across Southeast Asia, visiting every country but Cambodia, which was still closed to foreigners, and Vietnam, which would not open up diplomatic relations with the United States until 1995.

“So, I came back from that assignment,” Ball says with a nostalgic glint in his eye, “having been wowed – my whole outlook on the world had been opened up.”

Steve Ball, now a major, was then assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group as the unit’s signal officer. After his tour with Special Forces, Ball transferred to the 18th Airborne Corps to serve as the battalion operations officer, and in 1994 he was sent to Haiti as a part of Operation Uphold Democracy, a mission to remove the military dictatorship which had seized control of the country from the elected president.

The assignment to Haiti was a combat mission, but Ball saw very little combat there. Mostly, what he saw was suffering. “I remember,” he tells me, “we were in the aircraft and we all had our flak-vests and we were all ready to go…we were all ‘locked and cocked’, ready for [combat]…and they dropped the tailgate to the plane, and we went out…and it was just a bunch of very poor, and desperate, crying and hungry people. It was a really difficult mission simply because of the amount of suffering going on.”

Following Haiti, now promoted to lieutenant colonel, Ball was selected as the battalion commander for the 78th Signal Battalion, stationed in Camp Zama, Japan. “It was wonderful,” he recalls. “We lived in Asia and we got immersed in the culture and the people – it was a wonderful tour.”

After Japan, in 1999, Ball was assigned to the PIMBS Desk at the Pentagon, where he served as a political-military policy advisor on Southeast Asia. (PIMBS stands for the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore.)

Only a month before he arrived for his new job at the Pentagon, conflict erupted in the tiny nation of East Timor, an island located just south of Indonesia. East Timor had been colonized by Portugal in the 16th Century, but was invaded by Indonesia in 1975, just days after declaring its independence. Now, with the help of the United States and the United Nations, it was reasserting its independence once again.

Steve Ball became instrumental in the United States’ diplomatic efforts which would ultimately, in 2002, lead to the country becoming the first new sovereign state of the 21st Century. For his part in those efforts, Ball was named the Pentagon Officer of the Year.

Then, later that year, Ball was nominated to be the U.S. Defense Attaché to the newly re-opened Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

But, before he took up that post, Ball was assigned to the Army’s academic fellowship at Georgetown University. For a year, he immersed himself in academia, teaching a class, writing papers, and living the life of an academic.

Following that, and in preparation for his new post in Vietnam, Ball headed back to the Defense Language Institute, this time DLI-East in Washington, DC, for a crash course in the Vietnamese language.

Finally, in 2002, Ball – now a full colonel – headed to Hanoi and the country that had so defined his childhood. He went there filled with trepidation. “Having been in Southeast Asia and understanding that America was seen through the lens of the Vietnam War for many people,” he remembers, “I went there thinking I would get badgered and beat up as one of the former aggressors of this country.”

But his apprehension was unfounded and the people of Vietnam welcomed Steve and his wife, Allane, with open arms. The couple spent three years in the country, Steve serving as one of the three top advisors to the American ambassador, and Allane putting her degree in International Affairs to work at the American Embassy.

Two events stick out in Ball’s mind from his time at the American Embassy in Vietnam. The first occurred in 2003, when Colonel Ball escorted Vietnam Defense Minister Phạm Văn Trà on a visit to Washington, DC, to meet General Colin Powell, then Secretary of State.

The second occurred on the occasion of the first U.S. Navy ship to visit Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) since the end of the war in 1975. It was a tricky situation. The Vietnamese government wanted to show China that they had a strong ally in the United States, but at the same time were worried about the appearance of a U.S. war ship in the port city after the tortured tensions of the past.

“They were trying to manage the fact that they’re forming a relationship with someone that had caused so much damage in their lives. How do you do this in a way that allows you to maintain your respect as the government, and does not heighten tensions with your nemesis, China? They finally said – reluctantly – ‘yes, you can do it, but we’re going to minimize the fanfare. We’ll just a take a few pictures for China, put it in the newspaper, and then you can go.’”

It didn’t quite go according to plan – but in a good way. “The word had gotten out,” Ball says, grinning at the memory. “When the ship pulled up Saigon River and came into view of the city, from the windows of buildings and shops facing the pier drop American flags, Vietnamese flags – people are cheering and whistling; car horns are honking. The Vietnamese went absolutely bonkers!

“It was a fascinating tribute to the people and the effort at getting past the war. The Vietnamese were desperately ready to move on,” Ball explains, still smiling. “Carrying around the baggage of an old enemy wasn’t useful to them and they had already figured that out.”

Colonel Ball would remain in Vietnam until his retirement from the military in 2005, but his time spent there would leave a permanent impression. “That assignment was the best assignment that I ever had,” he tells me. “I got the chance to really understand and work with a foreign country that had previously been an enemy. This country that had a mythological importance to so many Americans, we had now gotten to the point where we were talking about having a working and solid relationship that was meaningful for both of us, and I was proud to be a part of that.”

In 2006, Steve and Allane returned to Maine where Steve started teaching history at Erskine Academy, but Vietnam wasn’t quite done with him yet. A few years into his retirement, he received a call out-of-the-blue from a nonprofit NGO (non-governmental organization) that was interested in hiring him for a new mission to the Quang Tri province of Vietnam, along the old North/South DMZ, one of the most war-ravaged areas of the country.

“They wanted to build a school for blind and visually impaired children,” Ball says. He spent the next two years on the project. “And it’s still operating today,” he says proudly.

And Vietnam was still not done with him. Not long after completion of the school, he received another call, from another nonprofit with a new mission. “They wanted me to be the country director for a group that assists countries in dealing with unexploded bombs,” he says.

This was a major problem in Vietnam, lasting decades after the end of the war. “Twenty percent of the country was contaminated with unexploded bombs. There was more tonnage of bombs dropped in Vietnam than in all of Europe during World War II, and about ten percent of them failed to explode. There were landmines and bombs that remained in the ground,” he explains, “that farmers had to live with and work around, and they were injuring people almost every day.” He pauses, looking thoughtful. “People don’t realize how devastated and how blown apart – metaphorically and actually – Vietnam had been, and still was.”

Although he never fought in the Vietnam War, Steve Ball would be an essential part of the healing process in the years following that dreadful conflict. It taught him a lot about what it means to be American.

“What we do in America matters in the world,” he says. “People listen; people pay attention to what America does and what America says. They aren’t listening like that for every country – but for us, they are. And I think that appreciation was astounding to me. The rest of the world is listening, and watching.”

CFAL to hold public meeting in November

by Eric W. Austin

The China for a Lifetime Committee will host a public meeting about local volunteering needs and opportunities at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 17, at the China Lake Camp and Conference Center (255 Neck Road).

For the past several months, using feedback received from last year’s community survey, the China for a Lifetime Committee has been discussing the best way to organize local volunteers to help our most vulnerable residents. This public meeting is a culmination of those months of effort and is an opportunity for the committee to present their ideas to the broader community.

The committee will present the 17 areas of need that they hope to organize volunteers to address. These areas include things like: a senior citizen check-in team to keep an eye on our older residents, a litter clean-up crew to address the trash on our roadways, a substance abuse team to help those in our community combating addiction, and many more.

Working with The Town Line newspaper, the committee has also created a “Friends of China” Facebook group to help residents better communicate with one another, especially in times of emergency. Anyone is welcome to join or post in the group, and the committee will be using it to keep everyone updated on issues of interest to the citizens of China.

There will be coffee and light refreshments available for attendees. Any questions, please email the committee at chinaforalifetime@gmail.com.

Fire prevention week at St. John school

Pictured are poster winners, from left to right, Adelle Robbins, Olivia Cutten, Anya Poirier, Ethan Larrabee and William Watkin. (Contributed photo)

Students at St. John Catholic school in Winslow recently participated in a Fire Prevention Program with the Winslow Fire Department. Students in grades kindergarten through grade five took part in a Fire Prevention poster contest. Each winner was given a ride to school on a firetruck.

Ice Gladiators: Enjoying the clinic at Colby

Colby College’s men’s hockey team offered its annual Colby Clinic for area youth hockey players. This year 45 hard chargers on ice did various drills. (Photo by Sarah Fredette, Central Maine Photography staff)

Chase Lawler, Brandon Frowery and Peyton Gifford enjoyed themselves during the Colby College men’s hockey clinic recently. The players were drilled in skating, passing, shooting and the goalies were perfecting their skills. (Photo by Sarah Fredette, Central Maine Photography)

Jack Sylvester turns 80 years old

In the photo Jack, seated, is being teased by his sister, Alene Smiley, right, and brother, Bob Sylvester. (Contributed photo)

On Sunday, October 7, the coffee hour at China Baptist Church was a special celebration for Jack Sylvester’s 80th birthday. About 70 people sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed a soup buffet, and cake and ice cream. Jack and Ann were the long time proprietors of the China General Store, in China Village, and made the store the favorite gathering place for many in the area. His personality and good humor endeared Jack to everyone. Jack was also the China Village Fire Department Chief for many years.

See also: Jack’s: Where everybody knows your name.

Sukeforth Family Festival of Trees scheduled

The Sukeforth Family Festival of Trees is scheduled for November 16 – 18, and 23 – 25. This year the event will be held in the old American Legion building, located at 21 College Avenue, in Waterville.

Hours for the festive event will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, November 18 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, November 25.

The annual event has become a must-do for many families in Waterville and the surrounding areas, as it showcases fully decorated, themed and lighted artificial Christmas trees on display throughout the event. The trees are accompanied by gifts, and everything is donated by local businesses and organizations.

Admission to the event is $2 for adults and no charge for children 12 and younger. The trees, including all decorations and gifts, will be raffled off at the end of the event. Raffle tickets cost 50¢ each and you do not need to be present to win.

For more information, please contact Annette Sukeforth Marin, at 313-3216 or annettejmarin@gmail.com.