I’M JUST CURIOUS: How about some word puzzles?
by Debbie Walker
Recently I was given a 2019 Old Farmer’s Almanac magazine that was prepared for Boy’s Town and their 100th year. It is done in a monthly manner. It is a nice “read;” I felt lucky to have been given one. And I decided to share the “Puzzle of the Month” with you and hope that you will enjoy it. The answers will be in The Town Line’s edition next week. So, we move on:
January: Soon as I’m made, I’m sought with care, for one whole year consulted. That time elapsed, I’m thrown aside, neglected and insulted. What am I?
February: What’s that in the fire, and not in the flame? What’s that in the master, and not in the dame? What’s that in the courtier, and not in the clown? What’s that in country, and not in the town? What am I?
March: I am composed of four letters. My first’s in a fish, but not in an owl. My second’s in shad, but not in a fowl. My third’s in a crab, but not in a quail. My fourth’s in a mackerel, but not in its tail. My whole is a thing that it pays to hoe well.
April: A motorcar is three times as old as its tires were when it was as the tires are now. When its tires are as old as the car is now, the car will be a year older than the tires are now. What are the present ages of cars and tires?
May: Often we are covered with wisdom and wit, and oft with a cloth where the dinner guests sit; in beauty around you and over your head, we are countless, though numbered when bound to be read.
June: What key is the hardest to turn?
July: What is the longest word in the English language?
August: A dealer ordered a picture 12 inches by 18 inches to be framed so that it would cover just twice its former wall space, the frame to be of uniform width. How wide should the frame be?
September: Name a bird whose name contains the name of another bird.
October: What word of six letters contains seven words, besides itself, without transposing?
November: This word is both an adjective and the name of a flower.
December: I move incessant to and fro, obedient to Moon and Sun, but though I serve both high and low, all wait on me, I wait on none.
I hope you enjoy! Let’s be good now and not get on the computer looking for answers. Try saving it for a snowy day activity. You know you are good for a couple more before winter is done with you.
I will continue here in sunny Florida. The people here are cleaning up their little “winter” reminders. My daughter and her hubby got out their kayaks to spring clean them Sunday. I see a river trip coming up for them soon.
My activities are somewhat limited as I work on getting rid of bronchitis. I don’t feel really bad but that cough…yuck!
I am just curious how many of you are going to jump right into that little game. Remember, no cheating! Answers in our next edition. Please contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with any comments or questions!