I’M JUST CURIOUS: How about some word puzzles?

by Debbie Walker

Recently I was given a 2019 Old Farmer’s Almanac magazine that was prepared for Boy’s Town and their 100th year. It is done in a monthly manner. It is a nice “read;” I felt lucky to have been given one. And I decided to share the “Puzzle of the Month” with you and hope that you will enjoy it. The answers will be in The Town Line’s edition next week. So, we move on:

January: Soon as I’m made, I’m sought with care, for one whole year consulted. That time elapsed, I’m thrown aside, neglected and insulted. What am I?

February: What’s that in the fire, and not in the flame? What’s that in the master, and not in the dame? What’s that in the courtier, and not in the clown? What’s that in country, and not in the town? What am I?

March: I am composed of four letters. My first’s in a fish, but not in an owl. My second’s in shad, but not in a fowl. My third’s in a crab, but not in a quail. My fourth’s in a mackerel, but not in its tail. My whole is a thing that it pays to hoe well.

April: A motorcar is three times as old as its tires were when it was as the tires are now. When its tires are as old as the car is now, the car will be a year older than the tires are now. What are the present ages of cars and tires?

May: Often we are covered with wisdom and wit, and oft with a cloth where the dinner guests sit; in beauty around you and over your head, we are countless, though numbered when bound to be read.

June: What key is the hardest to turn?

July: What is the longest word in the English language?

August: A dealer ordered a picture 12 inches by 18 inches to be framed so that it would cover just twice its former wall space, the frame to be of uniform width. How wide should the frame be?

September: Name a bird whose name contains the name of another bird.

October: What word of six letters contains seven words, besides itself, without transposing?

November: This word is both an adjective and the name of a flower.

December: I move incessant to and fro, obedient to Moon and Sun, but though I serve both high and low, all wait on me, I wait on none.

I hope you enjoy! Let’s be good now and not get on the computer looking for answers. Try saving it for a snowy day activity. You know you are good for a couple more before winter is done with you.

I will continue here in sunny Florida. The people here are cleaning up their little “winter” reminders. My daughter and her hubby got out their kayaks to spring clean them Sunday. I see a river trip coming up for them soon.

My activities are somewhat limited as I work on getting rid of bronchitis. I don’t feel really bad but that cough…yuck!

I am just curious how many of you are going to jump right into that little game. Remember, no cheating! Answers in our next edition. Please contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with any comments or questions!

REVIEW POTPOURRI: A live link from London’s Barbican Centre

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

A live link from London’s Barbican Centre

Bernard Haitink

A live link from London’s Barbican Centre that I watched this past Sunday, March 10, 2019, and available on YouTube until June 10, 2019; this includes two intermission features from host Rachel Leach.

Live: Mozart Piano Concerto No. 22 (with pianist Till Fellner) and Bruck­ner Sym­phony No. 4 – Lon­don Sym­phony Orchestra under the direction of Bernard Haitink .

World-renowned conductor Bernard Haitink celebrated his 90th birthday on March 4, and, with guest-conducting engagements scheduled over the next several weeks, verifying that he remains at the top of his game being a consistently fine interpreter, as he’s been for the last 60 or more years, of a wide range of symphonic music.

Till Fellner

The Mozart and Bruckner have the glistening freshness of someone discovering this music for the first time. I have an earlier home-recorded cassette of the Maestro’s mid-’80s Boston Symphony 22nd PC with Alicia di Larrocha, while my first Bruckner 4th was his 1960s LP. These earlier performances prove his commitment to glistening freshness, even though, being human, he can’t achieve it every time. I have some examples of when he can be dull.

Nevertheless, this link is recommended for all fans of the conductor and for the mo­ments of so many people showing their love and consideration for him.

I offer a few examples of his extensive recorded legacy, including his 25-plus years as music director of the Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam:

Brahms 2nd Piano Concerto with Claudio Arrau.

First Mahler 9th Symphony.

First Richard Strauss Heldenleben.

And London Philharmonic Beethoven 2nd and 9th Symphonies; and Shostakovich Leningrad and 10th Symphonies.

Beane receives a scholarship from Husson University

Husson University announced today that Fairfield, ME resident, Mallory Beane, will receive a $3,000 Provost’s Leadership Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Beane is a first-year student who is currently enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science/Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Michelle Boyer inducted in Whitefield Lions

From left to right, Barry Tibbetts, Michelle Boyer, first vice president Donna Brooks. (Contributed photo)

Michelle Boyer, of Augusta, was inducted into the Whitefield Lions Club on March 14 at the regular meeting held at the Lions Den, in Coopers Mills. The induction ceremony was performed by First Vice President, Lion Donna Brooks, of Jefferson. Boyer is sponsored by Lion Barry Tibbetts, of Whitefield. To learn more about the Whitefield Lions Club call Whitefield Lions Club President, Kim Haskell at 446-2545.

Shakespeare presented by homeschoolers

Contributed photo

Southern Maine Association of Shakespearean Homeschoolers (SMASH) presents The Tempest by William Shakespeare. It will be performed in historic Cumston Hall at Monmouth Theater on Thursday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m., Friday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m., and a matinee Saturday, March 30, at 2 p.m. For tickets and information, please visit smashmaine.jimdo.com.

Fairfield announces facade improvement plan

Downtown Fairfield. (Contributed photo)

The town of Fairfield has launched a new program to enhance the economic vitality and character of the town’s commercial districts. The Fairfield Façade Improvement and Marketing Assistance Program (FIMAP) allocates financial incentives for the renovation, restoration, and preservation of privately-owned business exteriors within the Town of Fairfield, as well as for marketing assistance to stimulate commerce.

The aesthetics of a community and its neighborhoods are a key factor in visitors’ decisions to live, work, and shop in a municipality. By providing grants or forgivable loans for up to 50 percent of the cost of façade improvement and marketing projects, the Town of Fair­field in­tends to leverage its historical and commercial assets.

“Place-based economics are a driving force behind vibrant municipalities in the 21st century,” states Garvan D. Donegan, director of planning and economic development at Central Maine Growth Council. “A high quality of place attracts investment, residents, and visitors, making FIMAP an important opportunity to realize the full potential of Fairfield’s commercial properties, in­cluding historical facilities in the down­town district.”

The competitive application process, reviewed by Fai­field’s Economic and Com­m­nity Develop­ment Advisory Commit­tee, offers two project tracks: façade improvement and marketing assistance. Within the façade improvement track, high-priority projects include, but are not limited to: preservation and restoration of original and/or historical facades; removal of “modern”, non-historic alterations or additions to original facades; repair or replacement of windows, doors, and trim; and the addition of signage or awnings. Within the marketing assistance track, eligible projects include, but are not limited to, branding, digital and/or print advertisement, and signage, and applicants must provide a long-term marketing strategy.

Successful proposals will generate significant economic and community development impact. “The Advisory Committee will prioritize projects which strongly contribute to the revitalization of our downtown district, to the restoration of our historic resources, and to job creation,” explains Michelle Flewelling, Fairfield Town Manager.

Eligible projects may apply for $3,000 to $25,000 in funding. The Façade Improvement and Marketing Assistance Program is funded by Fairfield Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues. Interested applicants may access a FIMAP application at here or by contacting Central Maine Growth Council.

The Economic and Community Development Advisory Committee is a “citizens” committee with open membership to all Fairfield residents, business owners, and educators who have a vested interest in community development. Meetings are open to the public, and the committee typically meets monthly at the Fairfield Community Center; go to Fairfield’s online calendar of events for a meeting schedule.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Bigger, bolder, more aggressive coyotes destined for Maine

Eastern coyote (Photo: Anne Fraser)

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

A friend of The Town Line sent an email to me last week asking about what appears to be an increase in the number of sightings of coyotes in the China/Vassalboro vicinity. She noted a reported deer kill on China Lake and one that had been hit by a car on Lakeview Drive, in China.

If you like old western cowboy films, you always have a scene where the trail hands, or the outlaws planning their next bank heist, are camping out at night, while listening to the coyotes barking nearby. Or, as I have experienced, been out in the wilderness on a fishing trip, and hearing the coyotes off in the distance, while we sit around an evening campfire.

We have visited with coyotes before, but it may be time to take another look at the distribution of this predator.

First of all, let me say there are an estimated 15,000 coyotes in the state of Maine, according to Wally Jakubas, the leader in mammal studies for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. There have been sightings of coyotes in both urban and rural areas, in all parts of the state.

In the urban areas they tend to hunt smaller game, such as rabbits, mice, woodchucks, beavers, squirrels and birds. But coyotes are also scavengers and will seek out garbage, garden crops, livestock and poultry. Even pet food left outside.

The Eastern coyote has long been recognized by state biologists as a coyote-wolf hybrid, first documented in Maine in the early 1900s. But, what sets the Maine coyotes apart from the others is that they are destined to become a bigger, bolder, more aggressive wolf-like animal and in time will pose a much greater risk to our deer population.

Roland Kays, a leading researcher of coyote DNA at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, has said the Eastern coyote found in Maine is becoming more like a wolf, as natural selection favors the dominant wolf genes that make it a bigger, more effective predator than its western counterpart.

Kay says the Eastern coyote has about eight percent wolf DNA, and that percentage will increase over time. Although inevitable, the process will take some time, and that it could be another century before the coyote will look much different than it does today.

Genetic evidence suggests it happened when the wolf population in the Great Lakes region was at its lowest point when they were heavily hunted and killed. So, basically, some wolf female came into heat and couldn’t find a wolf, so they did the next best thing: breed with a coyote.

The skull, therefore, is bigger and wider, which allows them more room in their jaw muscles. With that, they can take down much larger prey.

The Eastern coyote has colonized rapidly in the last 50 years. In the 1960s, there were approximately 500 of the animals in Maine, as compared to an estimated 15,000 today.

Even though it is believed an adult Eastern coyote still can’t kill the largest white-tailed deer, there is a consensus among hunters that this is not true. Registered Maine Guide Paul Laney, who hunts coyotes in Washington County, claims he has seen a coyote take down a buck.

They like to hunt deer in the winter when snow depths restrict the movement of the deer herd. The state, in the meantime, has instituted an aggressive campaign to protect the deer population, estimated to be at 200,000 since the 1980s, from coyotes. That includes a year-round coyote hunt with no bag limit. However, according to many who hunt coyotes, they are the most challenging animals to outwit. Despite that, the effort to protect the deer herd is working. Maine Guides believe the deer population would be in grave danger if the coyotes were left unchecked in the forest.

In a town in eastern Maine, they hold an annual coyote hunting contest. The results are undeniable. In the winter of 2009-10, there were 84 coyotes tagged by hunters in the contest and 55 deer tagged the following fall. By the winter of 2014-15, 136 coyotes were tagged, and 141 deer tagged the following fall. By thinning out the coyotes, the deer herd increased in population.

It is important to protect the deer herd as it contributes largely to the Maine economy. In 2013, more than 84 percent of all who hunt pursued the white-tailed deer. According to a survey commissioned by the state of Maine, the hunting that year provided a total economic contribution to the state’s coffers of $101 million.

All animals have a place in our ecology, but it is also important for man to sometimes intervene in the balance.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

In 2010, what Red Sox rookie became the only player in AL history to hit a grand slam home run on the first pitch of his first major league at bat of his career.

Answer can be found here.

Roland’s trivia question for Thursday, March 21, 2019

In 2010, what Red Sox rookie became the only player in AL history to hit a grand slam home run on the first pitch of his first major league at bat of his career?


Daniel Nava.

Benefit for Ray Poulin planned

Ray Poulin

On Friday, March 22, from 7 – 11 p.m., the band RIF RAFF will be amping up the music at The Mill, 934 Main St., in Vassalboro, to benefit the Gift of Hearing for Ray Poulin.

Ray lost his hearing from an incident in his youth and has searched for a solution in the decades that have past. He has traveled through life in silence never letting his hearing issues get in the way, according to friends. Technology has improved, and he recently found hearing devices that for the first time in a long time allowed him to hear sounds he was missing, even the whirl of the fan in the hearing clinic’s office. Unfortunately, Ray could not afford the expensive equipment. He is hoping to raise the $8,000 needed so he can hear again.

Tickets are $15 for singles and $20 for couples. Call 509-0569 or 509-0004 for tickets. All proceeds go to purchase hearing devices for Ray. The event is sponsored by Raymond J. Breton and The Save the Mill organization.

Winslow’s unified basketball team enjoying season

Winslow varsity Unified Basketball team and staff all stars. Front, left to right, Cameron Fredette and Noah Gagne. Kneeling, James Mason, Crystal St. Onge, Sage Vance, Melissa Hanley, Katie St. Amand, Grace Paradis, Jocelyn Pooler, Ashton Ervin, Jenna Rodrigue, Julianne Lapierre, Ashley Quirion and Tammy Quirion. Seated, Philip Edwards, Ronnie Mason, Savanna Vigue, Alexis Lint, Cheyenne Raymond, Lilly Harvey, Jessica Levesque, Carly Anderson, Lisa LeClair (coach) and Josh Gordon. Back, Kit Potelle (coach), Riley Loftus, Lori Loftus (coach), Gayle Martin, Darrin Wood, Joe Pfingst, Kenny Hodges, Owen Schuchardt, Tyler Tibbetts, Justice Picard, Isaac Sturtevant, Stefanie Fletcher, Ellen Stewart, Kelly Daigneault, Crystal Pomerleau, Jason Briggs, Art Meneses, Dina St. Amand, Heather Tompkins and Mike Sandoval. (Photo by Mel Gagnon)

Lori Loftus, varsity Unified Basketball coach and special education teacher at Winslow High School, is working towards becoming a Special Olympics Unified Champion School.

Winslow High School participated in a ‘Fans in the Stands’ event which filled the gym with the Winslow Community to watch Winslow schools’ staff members play basketball against the Winslow High School Varsity Unified Team. Earlier in the day, during the school’s winter carnival events, students and staff watched as the varsity girls and boys basketball teams took on the Winslow High School varsity Unified Team. The Unified team won both games.