TNT Competitive Edge dance team is heading to national competition

Hailey Benson age 13; Amelia Benson age 9; Annabelle Tasker age 10; Kirstin Clawson age 10; Sophia Santiago age 13; Jaylenn Cugno age 18; Stella Patterson age 13 and Jayla Jandreau age 13.

by Mark Huard

Competitive Edge Dance Team is a group of young dancers based out of TNT Dance Studio, on the Center Road, in Fairfield. The Studio began as Terri’s School of Dance and was founded by Theresa “Terri” Glidden 50 years ago. It is now owned and operated by Terri’s daughter, Tiffany Glidden, and Jesse Klein. They started competitive dancing 30 years ago when Tiffany was a young child and they have continued to build a strong team of competitive dancers ever since. This year is not any different, as they are setting out to take the stage at Dance Ovations Nationals, on Cape Cod, for the week of June 26 – 30. The team has traveled all over New England this year and qualified for this national competition by competing in the regional event in Stratham, New Hampshire, in early May. They have worked all year and engaged in multiple fundraising events to be able to compete at this level.

Currently eight members strong, the team is comprised of athletes from the age of to 10 to 18. Dance Competitions are broken up by age, skill level and genre. They can compete in solo divisions, small group, large group and duo/trios. The main choreographers for TNT’s Competitive Edge team are Tiffany Glidden, Kali Vashon, and Terri Glidden. The team meets at least weekly as a team to practice their routines, listen to critiques from previous competitions and attempt to perfect technique and gain stamina. To compete on a national stage requires a commitment to excellence, discipline, sacrifice, and perseverance by the coaches and their athletes. Based on the results of the Dance Ovations Regional event, the following dances qualified for a special “Dance On” competition during Nationals, due to their high scoring placements:

Mechanical Dolls (a ballet routine choreographed by Tiffany Glidden for Annabelle Tasker age 10 and Kirstin Clawson age 10); Stepsisters Lament (a musical theater routine choreographed by Kali Vashon for Jayla Jandreau, Hailey Benson, and Stella Patterson, all 13 years old); All Aboard (choreographed by Terri Glidden for Sophia Santiago, Jayla Jandreau, Hailey Benson and Stella Patterson, all age 13) and finally The Letter (choreographed by Kali Vashon for Jaylenn Cugno, age 18, Sophia Santiago, Jayla Jandreau, Hailey Benson, and Stella Patterson, all age 13).

In addition to the qualifying routines, TNT has two dancers that qualified to compete in the Titleist Competition. These dancers – Sophia Santiago, age 13, and Jaylenn Cugno, age 18 – qualified by scoring in the top three of their respective solo divisions. Sophia is a seventh grader at Lawrence Jr. High School, in Fairfield, and is performing an acro/lyrical routine called Butterfly Fly Away that is choreographed by Kali Vashon. Jaylenn is a senior at Skowhegan Area High School, and is performing a contemporary routine called I am What I am, that is choreographed by Terri Glidden. Both dancers will engage in different events throughout the week such as interviews and opening number rehearsals with a large group of top soloists from all over the country.

In addition to an incredible amount of hard work, these dancers can attend these events due to their generous sponsors including: National Level Sponsor: Heavy Machines LLC; Competition Level Sponsors: S&K Heating, RDA Automotive and Zimba Corp; Convention Level Sponsors: Sackett & Brake Survey, Inc., Cappzas Pizza and Mattingly Products Co; Donors: Stan’s Fries, Key Appliance, Freihoffers, Cervesas, Pour House Pub, The Apple Farm, Harvest Moon Deli, Computer Improvements, Rebecca Cayford, ESQ, Rita’s Pizza, Johnny’s Seeds, Emery’s Meats, China Way, Pizza Hut, Autozone, Tin Knocker Signworks, and The Magic of Conjuring Carroll.

PUBLIC NOTICES for Thursday, June 20, 2024

Town of China

Attention China Residents:

China Town Office will be closing at noon on Friday, June 28, and closed Saturday, June 29, for fiscal year end reporting.

Town of Winslow
Notice of Public Hearing

In accordance with Section 213 of the Winslow Town Charter, notice is hereby given that the Town Council will hold a public hearing in the Town Council Chambers, 136 Halifax Street, Winslow, Maine at 6:00 p.m. on July 8, 2024, on the following proposed Ordinances.

Ordinance No. 08-2024: Providing for: The Town of Winslow to approve an ordinance for signs on town-owned property.

All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given the opportunity to be heard. Anyone having questions about the proposed ordinances or wishing to obtain a copy of it should contact the Winslow Town Clerk’s or Town Manager’s Office during regular office hours.

Audra Fleury
Town Clerk, Winslow, Maine.

Town of Palermo
Request for Sand Bids

The Town of Palermo is now accepting sand bids for the 2024-25 season. Bid applications can be found on our website: ( or at the Town of Palermo Office during regular business hours. The deadline for submitting a bid will be July 11, 2024.


The Fairfield Town Council will hold Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at the Community Center at 61 Water Street on Wednesday June 26 at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of hearing public comments on the following matter:

• To hear public comments on a renewal application for a special amusement permit for the purposes of music and dancing submitted by River Jack Tavern Main Street, Fairfield, Maine 04937

The Fairfield Town Council will hold Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at the Community Center, at 61 Water Street, on Wednesday, July 10, at 6:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing public comments on the following matter:

• Proposed statutory amendments to the Land Use Ordinance; Section 9.14 Accessory Dwelling Units.

Copies are available at the Town Office. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearings and will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time.

Signed: Christine Keller,
Town Clerk

Unofficial results of contested races in China, Vassalboro, Fairfield & Waterville (June 2024)

by Mary Grow


At the polls on June 11, China voters approved all articles on the warrant for the annual town business meeting. A few more than 500 votes were cast; the majority of the articles received more than 350 affirmative votes.

The three least popular articles were the request for $1,184,525 for town administration, which was approved by a vote of 349 to 162; the revised sections of the Land Development Code incorporating new state laws, approved 346 to 145; and the much-discussed new Solar Energy Systems Ordinance, approved 331 to 163.

The revised Planning Board Ordinance got 396 favorable votes, with 106 voters opposed.

On a separate ballot, the RSU #18 school budget validation referendum, supporting the 2024-25 budget that RSU voters approved in May, received 328 votes, to 181 opposed (with seven blank ballots).

China’s local elections will be held Nov. 5.


Vassalboro voters voted on June 11 in local elections; on two proposed ordinance amendments; and to validate the 2024-25 school budget they had approved at their open town meeting on June 3. Town Clerk Cathy Coyne reported results as follows.

In uncontested local elections, Christopher French was re-elected to the select board with 289 votes, and Jolene Gamage was re-elected to the school board with 257 votes.

The revised solid waste ordinance was approved by a vote of 202 in favor to 88 opposed.

The revised Marijuana Business Ordinance was approved by a vote of 193 in favor to 100 opposed.

The school budget was re-approved by a vote of 217 yes to 79 no.

In the only contest on the three state primary ballots, between First District Republicans Andrew Piantidosi and Ronald Russell, Piantidosi got 104 votes and Russell 167 votes.

Coyne said 296 of Vassalboro’s more than 3,100 registered voters participated in the June 11 voting.


by Roland D. Hallee

U.S. House of Representatives – Republican

Austin Theriualt, 189
Michael Soboleski, 96

Maine Senate District #16 – Republican

Scott Cyrway, 188
Michael D. Perkins, 115

M.S.A.D. #49 School Budget

Yes – 291
No – 199

M.S.A.D #49 School Board (2)

Maxwell N. Kenney, 370
Ryan T. Warren, 327


by Roland D. Hallee

Representative to Legislature District #64 – Democrat

Flavia M. DeBrito, 185
Andrew S. Dent, 92

Representative to Legislature District #65 – Democrat

Cassie L. Julia, 490
Bruce A.White, 280

State Senate District #16 – Republican

Scott W. Cyrway, 178
Michael D. Perkins, 136

Representative to Congress, Distcit #1 – Republican

Ronald C. Russell, 166
Andrew Piantidosi, 101

SNHU announces winter 2024 honors

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire,  announces the following students being named to the Winter 2024 President’s List.
Justin Drescher, of Augusta,  Ivette Hernandez Cortez, of Augusta, Grant Brown, of Augusta,  Matthew Bandyk, of Jefferson, Jennifer Anastasio, of Jefferson, Talon Mosher, of Winslow,  Quincy Giustra, of Winslow,  Candice Eaton, of Waterville, Sierra Winson, of Winslow, Andre Coachman, of Waterville, Carrielee Harvey, of Waterville, Heather Hall, of Canaan, Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield, Misty Ray, of Montville, Zachary Eggen, of Liberty, Christopher Beaman, of Madison, Emily Hernandez, of Embden, Blake Laweryson, of North Anson, and Van Boardman, of Oakland.
The following students were named to the Winter 2024 dean’s list:
Brandon Stinson, of Augusta, Nicholas Stutler, of Sidney, Jaimie Thomas, of Sidney, Grace Marshall, of Waterville, and Ashley Parks, of Anson.

Two area students named to Maine Academic team

Two area community college students have been named to the All-Maine Academic Team in recognition of their outstanding academic achievement, leadership, and service.

The students receiving the award are:

Kiera Clark, Skowhegan, Kennebec Valley Community College, in Fairfield/Hinckley.
Luz Maria Seda Libby, Palermo, Kennebec Valley Community College.

In addition, Catalina Fernandez-Grant (KVCC) has been named Maine New Century Scholars for earning the highest scores in the state on their All-USA Academic Team applications.

Fernandez-Grant is the 2024 Maine New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar and will receive a $1,500 scholarship.

The All-Maine Academic Team is a program of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges. Students are nominated and selected for the team by their college.

UNE announces dean’s list (2023)

The University of New England, in Biddeford, has announced the following local students who achieved the dean’s list for the fall semester 2023:

Parker Higgins, Albion; Jessica Guerrette, Molly Mercier, Daraun White and Julie White, all of Fairfield; Alonna Battis and Caitlyn Mayo, both of Fairfield; Mallory Audette, of Jefferson; Mckenzie Kunesh, of Liberty; Katrina Barney, of Madison; Mackenzie Bertone, of Norridgewock; Brady Doucette, of Sidney; Wylie Bedard, Elizabeth Connelly, Catherine Kelso, Zoe Lambke, Ashley Mason and Dawson Turcotte, all of Skowhegan; Alexis Rancourt and Richard Winn, both of South China; Adam Ochs, Vassalboro; Asher Grazulis, Nabila Harrington, Emma Michaud, Elias Nawfel, Grace Petley, Lauren Pinnette, and Emilee Richards, all of Waterville; and Willa Dolley, Juliann Lapierre, and Justice Picard, all of Winslow.

SNHU Announces fall president’s list (2023)

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), in Manchester, New Hampshire, congratulates the following students on being named to the Fall 2023 president’s list. The fall terms run from September to December.

Ivette Hernandez Cortez, of Augusta; Sarah Neumann, and Matthew Bandyk, both of Jefferson; Sierra Winson, Quincy Giustra, and Talon Mosher, all of Winslow; Candice Eaton, and Grace Marshall, both of Waterville; Ashley Parks, of Anson; Stormy Wentworth, of Fairfield; Misty Ray, of Montville; Matthew Clements, of Rome; and Kassandra Grant, of Vassalboro.

Husson University Online celebrates term 2 academic award recipients

Husson University Online, in Bangor,  celebrates the academic achievements of students recently named to the president’s list, dean’s list and honors list for Term 2 of the 2023-2024 academic year. Courses for full-time online undergraduate students are offered over the course of seven weeks. This accelerated timeframe provides adult learners with an opportunity to balance existing personal and professional commitments as they complete their studies.
Local students include:
Kyle Duelley, of Fairfield,  dean’s list – Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration & Public Health.
Dana Plummer, of Waterville, President’s List – Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

PHOTO: Concert raises funds for Operation Hope

Steve Fotter, right, and his crew hosted the Warming Up For Christmas Concert, on Saturday, November 18, at the Williamson Performing Arts Center, in Fairfield. The event raised $17,500 for Operation Hope. Waterville Police Chief William Bonney, center, and the Operation HOPE crew are seen on stage praising Steve Fotter for his amazing efforts to raise funds for their lifesaving program. (photo by Mark Huard/ Central Maine Photography)

EVENTS: Recycled Shakespeare announces auditions

Recycled Shakespeare Company (RSC) will hold auditions for their upcoming play Richard III on Sunday, November 26, 5 to 7 p.m., at South Parish Congregational Church, in Augusta, and Monday, November 27, 5 to 7 p.m., at Fairfield House of Pizza, in Fairfield.

Auditions will consist of individual and group cold readings, but you may come with a memorized piece if you wish. If anyone would like to audition but cannot do so at these times, please call 314-4730 in advance to discuss alternatives. All parts will be offered by Friday, December 1. RSC also seeks people to do tech and stage work, costuming, props, and concessions. Please come to audition or call to join the crew. People of all skill levels and abilities are invited to participate with this grassroots community theater company.

The play will be performed in Fairfield, Waterville, and Augusta, February 23 through 25. Table Read will be 5:30 p.m., on Wednesday, December 21, at Fairfield House of Pizza. All actors are responsible for learning their lines before Blocking rehearsals begin on Saturday, January 6. Rehearsal schedule is basically Saturdays 1 to 5 p.m., in Augusta, and Wednesday 5:30 to 8 p.m., in Fairfield.

Richard III is the tragic story of a tyrant who rises to power through his cunning charm which does not stop at murder. “Plots are laid” as characters build alliances, break the bonds of friends and family, and strive to maintain the kingdom as England nears the end of the brutal War of the Roses. One of Shakespeare’s often performed plays, this production by RSC is reduced to 90 minutes with script editing by Becca Bradstreet and a directorial team of Lyn Rowden, Shana Page, and Murray Herard.

For more information contact 207-314-4730 or see, like and follow Recycled Shakespeare Company on Facebook.