Issue for July 8, 2021
Hope you enjoyed a safe July 4th Independence Day holiday!
STAFF VACATION: The Town Line staff will be on vacation the week of July 5, 2021. The office will be closed. The Town Line office will re-open on Monday, July 12, at 9 a.m.
Mr. E is moving on!
Victor Esposito delivers message to the community
As Bob Dylan once said during the ‘60s; “The times they are a-changing!” However you want to look at it, everything changes, and change is good. You just have to be open to that change and when it is ready to happen and you’re ready to let it happen. It is not a rumor, but a fact that I will be changing jobs… by Victor Esposito
The 2021 China Lake watershed based survey completed
The China Lake Watershed Survey systematically documented areas of soil erosion, ascertained the level of severity at each site and recommended viable solutions. The watershed survey is part of the Watershed-based Management Plan currently in development that will identify strategies for improving the water quality of China Lake over the next ten years… by Jeanne Marquis
Your Local News
Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting rescheduled
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro selectmen’s July meeting has been rescheduled to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 14. It had been planned for July 15…
China comprehensive plan revision – comments due by July 13, Nov. 2 vote pending
CHINA — China’s revised comprehensive plan is scheduled to be submitted to voters at the Nov. 2 local election. The plan is on the town website, under Comprehensive Planning Committee. The title of the 169-page document is “China 2020 COMP PLAN submitted Dec. 23, 202 Final”…
The South China Public Library: Nonprofit Spotlight
SOUTH CHINA — As I believe most of we humans are aware, especially in these difficult times, change is inevitable. For the most part, the results of these events are positive, at least in the long run, and we look back with gratitude and acceptance… by Bob Bennett
China Lake Association; Protecting the Lake and Land Owners: Nonprofit Spotlight
CHINA — Many China residents likely remember the algae blooms resulting in low fish counts, few lake birds, limited lakeside wildlife, and sparse or distorted shore plant life. All these are indications that the health of the lake is failing… by Steve Ball
China Four Seasons Club: Non-profit Spotlight
CHINA — Founded in 1970, the China Four Seasons Club is a growing nonprofit club organized to bring together enthusiasts of outdoor activities of all sorts. The club was organized after a merger between the China Lake Association and the China Regional Snowmobilers organizations… by Steve Ball
Vassalboro Sestercentennial Scavenger Hunt
Item #12:
A dollar bill with “1771” located within the serial number.
BBBS receives $10K grant to support program
WATERVILLE — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine has received a generous $10,000 grant from the Kay E. Dopp Fund of the Maine Community Foundation. The funding will provide critical social and emotional development needed to help build resilience and promote the mental health and well-being of the children of Maine through one-to-one youth mentoring…
Carrabec biology class thanks program presenters
NORTH ANSON — The Carrabec High School, in North Anson, biology students thank Julie Davenport and Jim Ferrante for their forestry presentation. Jim and Julie are foresters who work for the Maine Forest Service…
Erskine Academy third trimester honor roll
CHINA — Listing of honor roll students for the third trimester 2021 at Erskine Academy…
Winslow Community Cupboard to benefit from Hannaford shopping bag promotion
WINSLOW — Looking for an easy, effective way to support a local food pantry? For the month of July, Winslow Community Cupboard food pantry will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable “Fight Hunger” Shopping Bag sold at the Hannaford supermarket located at 140 Elm Plaza, Waterville, ME…
Lake Association Annual Meetings 2021
CENTRAL ME — Listing of local area Lake Association meetings. (To include your town in this listing, please email us at…
art + gender exhibit to begin Aug. 6
HALLOWELL — The Harlow invites artists to submit artwork to art + gender, a juried exhibition that explores the relationship between gender and society. art + gender will be on view August 6 – September 11, 2021…
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Rufus Jones houses (new)
CHINA HISTORY — Moving sideways (as this series so often does) on a temporary detour from churches on the National Register of Historic Places, this article will describe three National Register properties in the Town of China recognized for their association with Rufus Jones or members of his family, plus China’s other two National Register properties (one demolished, the other mostly intact)… by Mary Grow [1856 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Churches – Part 4
CHINA HISTORY — Two churches in the Town of China were added to the National Register of Historic Places on Aug. 4, 1983. The earlier is the Pond Meeting House, on Lakeview Drive, built in 1807. The South China Meeting House, now South China Community Church, on Village Street, dates from 1884… by Mary Grow [1910 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Churches – Part 3
MAINE HISTORY — Moving up the Kennebec to the city of Waterville, two of its many church buildings are on the National Register of Historic Places: the First Baptist Church, at 1 Park Street, and the Universalist-Unitarian Church… by Mary Grow [1775 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Churches – Part 2
MAINE HISTORY — In the June 10 issue of The Town Line, readers learned about three of the four Augusta church buildings that have gained recognition on the National Register of Historic Places. The fourth, and an associated building, are described herein… by Mary Grow [1596 words]
Webber’s Pond
Webber’s Pond is a comic drawn by an anonymous central Maine resident (click thumbnail to enlarge)…
Become a member: An open letter to our readers
Dear Reader: For the past 33 years, The Town Line has pledged a mission statement to “create a vibrant rural community connecting our towns, organizations and individuals through communication, education and public dialogue.” It’s all part of The Town Line’s mission to be a positive force in our community…
PALERMO – E. Barbara Morrison, passed away on Saturday, June 26, 2021. She was the daughter of Fleda (Worthen) and Ernest Hines, both predeceasing her… and remembering 3 others.
2020-’21 Real Estate Tax Due Dates
Real Estate tax due dates for the following towns: ALBION, CHINA, FAIRFIELD, VASSALBORO, WATERVILLE, WINDSOR and WINSLOW…
Common Ground: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, July 9, 2021
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy Boutique in Waterville! Email your answer to or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer. Use “Common Ground” in the subject!
Previous winner: Dave Carew, Waterville.
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | One night last week, after I did my usual bedtime reading, and my wife was playing the mind games on her tablet, I turned out the light and rolled over to get some sleep. Suddenly, my wife said, “there’s a lightning bug in here.” I looked up, and sure enough, there he was on the ceiling…
by Sasha Fitzpatrick | We just celebrated Independence Day. And as we make progress in moving past the COVID-19 pandemic, more of us enjoyed Fourth of July activities. However you observe the holiday, it’s important to recognize all the liberties we enjoy in this country. But you may still need to work at one particular type of freedom – and that’s financial freedom. How can you achieve it?…
by Peter Cates | Now 83 years old but still active, Connie Francis is a living legend in pop music. Her 1957 megahit, the lovely Bert Kalmar/Harry Ruby Who’s Sorry Now, was one truly fine song, made extra special by CF’s totally sincere rendition, even if a tad smothered by sentimentality…
by Dan Beaulieu | A true story. One of our relatives in a nearby town was having trouble with her furnace and needed a repair person. She called the man that had been taking care of her furnace for years. He came over and found that all he had to do was reset the furnace and everything would be fine. He said that there would be no charge and showed her the switch so next time she could reset the furnace herself…
by Debbie Walker | Did you know that our appliances have secrets? Yes, they do. I am sharing the information from Reader’s Digest, by Marissa Laliberte (July/August ’19)…
(NAPSI) | While most American adults have already received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, a lot of people still have questions. Everyone deserves to have access to factual information to make a decision about getting vaccinated. But many people don’t know where to go to get their questions answered. For most people who want more information, talking to their personal doctor is the best place to start…