Chamber leadership luncheon set for Sept. 30

Zachary Fowler (photo credit:

Enjoy a fabulous lunch and share an entertaining and informative presentation by outdoor enthusiast Zachary Fowler. Zach will share the survival skills he utilized to maintain an 87-day existence in the deep woods of Patagonia, alone, with only a dozen tools and supplies at his disposal. He will share tips and anectdotes, detailing his month’s-long adventure.

Outdoorsman and YouTube Creator Zachary Fowler is a Vermont native who moved to Maine to become a wooden boat builder. Although building classic wooden boats was a passion and a skill, Zach’s real love was always for the outdoors. This would be expressed by his years of providing for his family, occupying an off-grid Yurt -style home, and living a self-sufficient lifestyle.

Fowler’s enthusiasm for the outdoors and strong work ethic was proven when he applied for, participated in and won, History Channel’s challenge show Alone, where he survived for 87 days in Patagonia, eating only 63 fish and 2 birds. After winning the show, Fowler chose to start his own YouTube channel, Fowler’s Makery and Mischief, where he could reach an expanded audience and share his appreciation and knowledge of the great outdoors.

To register for this event please email or call 873.3315.

Cost for the Leadership Luncheon is $20 per person for members; $25 at the door and for non-members. Lunch is included with the reservation.

Out of concern for the safety of attendees, registration at this indoor event will be limited to a maximum of 50 persons. Tables and seating will also be spaced out, and a plated lunch will be served. Masks are requested to be worn for registration, and until seated; hand sanitizer will be provided.

The Leadership Luncheons are sponsored by Kennebec Savings Bank.

Mid-Maine Chamber golf winners announced

photo: Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce

Central Maine’s most prize-laden golf tournament fundraiser was held safely and under clear skies on August 18 at the Waterville Country Club. Thirty-four teams took part in the shotgun start scramble.

Nearly 50 businesses provided sponsorships or in-kind donations for the tournament.

“We were overwhelmed with the participation in this year’s event – one of only a few of our major fundraisers we have been able to hold, due to gathering restrictions,” said Kim Lindlof, president & CEO of Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce. “We were also happy that the weather cooperated, with a beautiful day of sunshine and an enjoyable day for all involved.”

Prize Winners:

Summer Sizzler BBQ Package: Chuck Thomas, Standard Waterproofing.
50/50 Winner: Patty MacDougall and Terry Townsend, Northern Light Health.
First Place Gross Team Score: Pepsi Co. – Tony Dessent, Derek Footman, Chris Low, Roger Williams.
Second Place Gross Team Score: Goodwill Hinckley/Mid-Maine Marine – Garret Prelgovisk, Toby Labun, Scott McManaman, Rob Moody.
Third Place Gross Team Score: Sodexo – Evan Avasthi, TJ Whalen, Eli Spaulding.
First Place Net Team Score: Northern Light Health – Patty MacDougall, Marie Dickinson, Sandra Gould, Jeanne Paradis.
Second Place Net Team Score: Legacy Home Improvements – Richard Sutter Jr., Robbie Sutter, Eric Allen, Jared Miler.
Third Place Net Team Score: AT&T – Owen Smith, Tom Moutinho, Jay Nutting, Jeremy Payne.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #2: Male: Roger Williams – Pepsi Co.; Female: Sandy Gould – Northern Light Health.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #6: Male: Scott Nielsen – Sheridan; Female: Sarah Dexter -The Warehouse.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #13: Male: Chris Low – Pepsi Co.; Female: No winner.
Closest to the Pin – Hole #16: Male: Matt Loubier – Central Maine Motors; Female: Sara Barry – Northern Light Inland Hospital.
Longest Drive Winners: Male: Steve Hayden – Seacoast Security; Female: Sawyer Boulette – Alfond Youth & Community Center.
Straightest Drive Winners: Male: John Jabar II – The Warehouse; Females: Brenda Peatfield – Fred’s Coffee; Marie Dickinson – Northern Light Health.
Highest Team Score: Nicholson, Michaud & Co.: Derek Gervais, Jessica Giandrea, Marcus Hall, Karl Foss.
Chairman of the Chamber Golf Classic Committee, Rick Whalen added, “We would like to thank all of the area businesses for their participation – whether with posting a team, providing volunteers or in-kind donations, or being a sponsor. Your support makes this a successful fundraiser.”

The Mid-Maine Chamber Golf Classic is made possible by major sponsors Central Maine Power and Maine State Credit Union.

Fairfield History House to hold annual barn and bake sale


The Fairfield History House will be holding its annual barn and bake sale on Saturday and Sunday, October 3-4, from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., at the Fairfield History House, 42 High St., Fairfield.

There will be furniture, sporting goods, antiques, collectibles, books, glassware and more.

Free webinars on invasive forest pests

Clockwise, from top left, Asian Longhorned Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, and Browntail moth caterpillar.

by Hildy Ellis

Maine Association of Conservation Districts is offering free regional webinars to highlight how to protect Maine forests from Invasive Forest Pests. Webinars will be presented by local Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) staff and will focus on statewide and regional pest problems. Maine Forest Service staff will be on hand with information on current local forest pest management issues. Presentations are scheduled for Wed, September 23 from 3-4 pm (Knox-Lincoln SWCD); Thu, October 1 from 4-5 pm (Cumberland SWCD); Wed, October 7 from 3-4 pm (Penobscot SWCD); and Tue, Oct 13 from 9-10 am (Central Aroostook SWCD).

Maine already has several Invasive Forest Pests targeting our trees and spreading throughout the state including emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, browntail moth and winter moth.

There are additional Invasive Forest Pests in neighboring states that we don’t want moving to Maine, such as Asian longhorned beetle, spotted lanternfly and oak wilt, all of which have the potential to have devastating effects on our forest, landscape and agricultural tree species. Join us to learn how to identify and report sightings of these potential threats – and how to keep them out of Maine.

Webinars are free and sponsored by a grant from USDA-APHIS. Participants may attend any webinar that is in their region or at the most convenient date and time. Pre-registration is required at Participants will receive information on how to join the webinar after they register. For questions or more information, please contact Hildy at Knox-Lincoln SWCD at 596-2040 or

Common Ground Country Fair to be held on-line

Keynote speaker Leah Penniman. (photo credit: Jonah Vital-Wolff)

The Common Ground Country Fair, the premier educational event of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), will be held online September 25-27, 2020.

April Boucher, MOFGA’s Fair Director, noted, “While we can’t gather together in person this year, many aspects of the Fair will be available online, including iconic and educational content that folks look forward to year after year.” Additional resources specific to the Fair are available in the fall issue of The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener newspaper. An online marketplace of fair vendors, will run from September 25, 2020, through January 8, 2021, and offers shoppers the opportunity to support local businesses that would typically participate at the Fair, including farmers, crafters, nonprofit educational organizations and more.

The 2020 Common Ground Country Fair artwork features bee balm and bees.

The schedule of live presentations, released earlier today, offers three full days of content related to gardening, farming and sustainable living. The schedule is available at and video will be streamed there and on MOFGA’s Facebook and YouTube pages. In addition to keynote addresses each day at 11 a.m. there is a great mix of educational and entertaining content lined up. Learn how to plant garlic, make a sweet annie crown, bake bread, ferment vegetables and so much more! Plus, the ever-popular sheep dog demonstrations will take place each day.

This year’s keynote speakers highlight a mix of national perspectives on farming and gardening in diverse communities. Friday’s keynote speaker, Leah Penniman, is a Black Kreyol farmer/peyizan, author, and food justice activist from Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, New York, and is the author of Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land. Saturday’s speaker is Barbara Damrosch, farmer and co-owner of Four Season Farm in Harborside, Maine, author of The Garden Primer and Theme Gardens and co-author of The Four Season Farm Gardener’s Cookbook. She has also served as MOFGA’s board president. Sunday’s speaker, Winona LaDuke, is a rural development economist and author working on issues of Indigenous economics, food, and energy policy. LaDuke lives and works on the White Earth Reservation in northern Minnesota and is executive director of Honor the Earth.

Members of the MOFGA community are also developing additional content that will be available via an online library on the Fair website. All are encouraged to grow and submit items for the online exhibition hall, submit photos for the online garden parade, share poetry and fair stories and more.

Sarah Alexander, executive director of MOFGA, shared, “We’re hoping that the online fair will still provide a sense of community and engagement related to everyone’s favorite activities from the Fair.”

WINDSOR: Share the Road with Carol update

Bicycling enthusiast Carol Eckert was tragically killed in a bike accident in 2016.

Regarding the earlier published information about Share the Road with Carol memorial ride event in Windsor, on September 13, 2020. Due to the COVID 19, 100-person outdoor event limit, and the number of volunteers needed to make this event safe, the event has had to cap rider registration at 75.

With overwhelming early turnout and online registration near its cap, unfortunately there will be NO same day registration. If you are interested in riding, check the registration site to see if slots are available: If you miss this year, please join them in 2021.

Popular Winslow Gospel Reflection Group returns September 14

The St. Joseph Center Gospel Reflection Group will resume on Monday, September 14, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Eight people will participate from the center, located on Garland Road, in Winslow, while all other participants will connect via Zoom.

The reflection group is open to all. Organizers can provide one-on-one technical assistance to help you set up. To obtain the link to the group or request assistance, email or call (207) 873-4512.

The meetings are hosted by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon, in Winslow, who desire to reflect a “profound love of God and neighbor without distinction.”

In addition to the reflection group, the St. Joseph Center is also offering two other group meetings via Zoom.

“Becoming a Welcoming Community,” which explores how we can better follow the U.S. Bishops’ call for parishes to reach out in love and service to LGBT persons and their loved ones, is held on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.

“Rose’s Room,” offering support for the family and friends of incarcerated loved ones, is held on the third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. People of all faiths or no declared faith are welcome.

For more information or to participate in either group, call (207) 873-4512 or email

Vassalboro Days slated for September 12 – 13

The Double Dam Ducky Derby will be held Saturday, September 12, at the Mill at 1 p.m. Tickets are $3 each or 5@ $10 and will be sold that day at the VBA Tent at the Mill up until ten minutes before the race. Tickets may be purchased from Ray Breton (207-877-2005) or at the Mill on Sundays from10 a.m. – 3 p.m! Proceeds benefit the many activities of the Vassalboro Business Association.

The Scavenger Hunt will be available to work on beginning September 4 and copies will be available at the Maine Savings FCU drive thru window; The Olde Mill Store and on Facebook’s Vassalboro Community Events and Announcements Page. Entries must be brought to the VBA Tent on the lawn at the Mill Saturday, September 12 by 4 p.m. Winners will be called and prizes will be awarded!

The Tastiest Vassalboro Masonic Lodge Fried Chicken Baskets will be available from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., on Saturday, September 12, on the lawn at the Mill. Proceeds benefit their Bikes for Books and other programs that benefit the Vassalboro community! You may order your baskets for $6 each by calling 207-441-0378 from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., that day!

The Mill Craft & Vendor Sale and Yard Sale will occur on Saturday, September 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in or outside of the Mill. The Yard Sale will also be open Sunday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Several Raffles are going on!

Vassalboro Library – Chalk Fest around Vassalboro. The Chalk Fest drawings will officially begin September 5 with the start of registration August 29. Weather permitting these drawings will be viewed during V Days! Chalk Fest designs may be located at the North Fire Dept., the Town Office, Maine Savings FCU, the old Town Office across from the Maine Savings FCU, St Bridget Center, the Vassalboro Library, the Historical Society, and perhaps VCS!. Call Brian Stanley at the Library to register, get your supplies, reserve your site, and understand the “Rules” at 923-3233.

The Library Book Sale will be held at the library from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., on Saturday, September 12, for $2/bag! Everything must Go! Great Deals and a great selection of books!

The Vassalboro Grange is having a Porch Pie Sale Saturday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (or until they sell out!). They are $10/pie or $2/slice. Preorders taken until the night before at 207-649-2765. The Grange is hosting an FREE Open Mic Coffee House from 7 – 9 p.m., on Saturday. Coffee is free!

The Grange is hosting “Music in the Park” (next to Old East School) from 4 – 6 p.m., on Sunday Sept. 13. (Rain date is September 20) Bring your own blanket, mic, & chair. For more info email

The Historical Society will have the museum, Blacksmith Shop, and Harness Shop open from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., both Saturday and Sunday. Their new kids room will be open (Covid 19 permitting) Kids can use a typewriter and carbon paper, dial phones, play vintage games, and play with toys of yesteryear while listening to Victrolas play old tunes. Volunteers will help visitors find vintage photos of people, places, and things. Vassalboro schools’ graduations, Grange events, town records, family histories, Trolley and train info, and much more will be available.

Vassalboro’s Color Me Too Fun Run will begin at the Rec Fields on the Bog Rd on Sunday, September 13, at 9 a.m. Small groups will be released at intervals to make this a safe and fun event. Participants get sprayed with colored chalk as they walk/run the course and giant fans blow it off you after the event. Online Pre-registration is required. $25 each with a $2.50 fee. Each registered runner may run with 1 child under 12. (This event has been cancelled.)

On Sunday, the Rec Committee will hold a yard/vendor sale; have drone races in the back soccer field; and have cotton candy and other food available for sale at the Rec Fields most of the day!

The Rec Committee will sponsor a movie night on Saturday, September 12, at 7:30 p.m., featuring Jumanji!

Lemieux’s Orchard – All weekend will have apples, donuts, and the corn maze!

Participants at all events are encouraged to wear a face covering.

Cruisin’ for a Cure in September

Bikers everywhere are invited to join Cruisin’ for a Cure, a motorcycle ride to support the American Cancer Society, on Saturday, September. 19.

Funds raised will support pediatric cancer research. The event begins at L-A Harley-Davidson, 839 Main St., Lewiston. Registration starts at 9 a.m., and the poker run will begin sharply at 10 a.m. The last stop on the run will be at The Pit Bar & Grill Bar & Grill, 838 Lisbon St., Lewiston, where there will be great food, drinks, prizes and more. All bikers are welcome!

The donation to participate is $25 per poker hand for solo riders or $35 per poker hand for two and up. The first 50 people to sign up will get a free poker hand at the event. Register or donate online at Cruisin ForA Cure2020.

Skowhegan chicken BBQ slated

Join the on Saturday, September 19, and enjoy the famous, better than ever chicken barbecue. This event will be curb side pickup only.

Meal includes deliciously prepared half chicken (half breast, full leg, thigh) basted with their signature sauce. Along with the chicken they will provide a roll and butter, potato chips, Steve Snack’s Whoopie pie, and Boston Market cole slaw. All of this for $14 per meal. Pick up is at the Skowhegan Chamber of Commerce parking lot between 4 – 6 p.m. Please indicate your time for pickup.

Payment for dinner can be made through Eventbrite website at the link below. Or, send your check for payment to Skowhegan Lions Club BBQ, PO Box 916, Norridgewock, ME 04957.