SPECIAL TO THE TOWN LINE: Father’s Day began in Europe during middle ages

by Gary Kennedy

Well, what did you expect? Mother’s day was Sunday, May 9. In this day as we age how can you justify the celebration of one parent without the same attention being given to the other? Of course, we love them both and each is special in his or her own way. We must celebrate them both. We could have done Parents Day but that wouldn’t be practical because you would only get one day off from work. These things cleverly benefit all. So all that being said; what’s it all about?

In Catholic countries of Europe it has been celebrated as Saint Joseph Day on March 19 since the middle ages. So it is not an exclusive American holiday. Actually there are 111 countries which honor father and fatherhood. Dad: A son’s first hero, and a daughter’s first love. The power of a dad in the life of a child goes unmatched. The paternal bond goes unquestionably through the children from their dad, as does the maternal bond from mom to the children. Each has an event in the hearts and minds of the children, one which will be carried with them for life. An appropriate and loving installation of these characteristics will nurture the development of children and they in turn will pass this on to theirs.

Although the date of father’s day varies throughout the world the holiday is basically the same. The American version of Father’s Day was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd, of Spokane, Washington, in 1910, and celebrated on the third Sunday of June. She was inspired as you might have guessed by Anna Jarvis who began Mother’s Day. It didn’t catch on at first. After leaving for a while, Sonora Dodd returned to Washington and carried the banner once more. This time the evolution was kick started by the very same entities that Anne Jarvis hated, commercial interest groups. It would prove to be a very good business move for sales of men’s wear and accessories. Even our own Margaret Chase Smith had a hand in the deliverance of Father’s Day. President Lyndon B. Johnson adopted it and later in 1972 President Richard Nixon signed it into law.

So we are very quickly filling the calendar with holidays. There are more than 70 million fathers in the United States. That is a lot of commercial exploitation and a great opportunity to capitalize off an anxious-to-spend society. The man who inspired Father’s Day was a single parent of six children and a Civil War veteran. His wife died leaving him to raise them, and that he did.

It is estimated that Americans spend more than a billion dollars on gifts, during this event. There are many Father’s Day events scattered throughout history. If you are really into this research it could take you back to the Old Testament.

However, today on a worldly note St. Joseph’s Day would be for most a beginning. According to the Roman Catholic tradition the scripture – Genesis 12:3, 22:18 shows another reason and pathway. This scripture states, “In thy seed shall all of the nations of the earth be blessed”. Here it is stated that the respect of this day follows the flesh of Christ starting with Adam and Emphasizing the Patriarch Abraham. This also includes the ancestors of Mary, mother of Jesus.

We now also have Sibling and Grandparent Day. However, you can see that even though we place a great deal of emphasis on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is actually the oldest and most dominant of these holidays dating back to at least 1508. This would lead up to the feast of St. Joseph. (Nutritor Domini) – Nourisher of the Lord and the putative father of the Lord as defined by different Catholic orders. It is believed this might have been carried to the 14th and 15th centuries by the Franciscans.

God gives us the greatest example of a father’s love. So in Christianity God the Father shared all things good with his son Jesus, so are we to do this with our children. A father has a duty to see that all things good are taught to the children and they in turn are to teach theirs. In the end all is good, as it should be. Happy Father’s Day to you and yours and God Bless.

Carrabec High School 4th quarter 2021 honor roll

Carrabec High School


High honors: Jasmyne Coombs, Andrew Davis, Natalynn Deuble, Chantelle LaCroix, Autumn Morrill, Mikayla Oliver, Sarah Olson, Courtney Peabody and Anastasia Quimby. Honors:  Aidan Caplin, Alexis Dickey, Elizabeth Manzer and Samual Scott.


High honors:  Emma Baker, Cheyenne Cahill, Shyanne Holmes, Sean Olson, and Courtney Rollins. Honors: Lilly Augustine, Roger Beaulieu, Jr., Alexander Cloutier, Tyler Edwards, Abigail Luce, Trinity Slate, Brandon Smith, Cassidy Smith, Brooke Welch, Garrett Wilson and Ethan Wyman.


High honors:  Jessica Benedict AND Luke Carey. Honors: Lindsay Hamilton, Robert Lindblom, Jr., Gabriella Manzer, Caitlyn Oliver, William Price II and Hunter Sousa.


High honors:  Jayden Cates, Brooke-Alexis Dube and Emma Junkins. Honors: Nathaniel Caldwell, Kolby Carpenter, Riley Crocker, Devyn DeLeonardis, Cooper Dellarma, Nevaeh Holmes, William Lawrence, Dillon Nelson, Alyssa Schinzel and Hailey Wyman.

Waterville 2021 Minors Central Maine Motors baseball team

The 2021 Central Maine Motors Waterville Minors baseball team members are, front, left to right, Dean Quirion and Mikeeridan Sheets. Second row, Bentley Rancourt, Landon Beck, Kyloe Darling, Wesley Dow and Harrison Timmins. Third row, Jordan Smith, Blake Kenyon, Camereon McInnis, Jameson Dow and Jayden Rancourt. Back, coaches Chris Rancourt, Jonathan Kenyon, Craig McInnis. and Ben Dow. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Youngest female to achieve black belt at Huard’s Martial Arts Dojo

Huard’s Martial Arts founder Kancho Randy Huard, right, with 15-year-old student Abby Dudley, who became the youngest female to achieve black belt status at Huard’s Martial Arts. (photo by Mark Huard)

by Mark Huard

Abigail Dudley, 15, of Winslow, entered the Huard’s Martial Arts Dojo, in Winslow, for the first time at the age of four. She was already enrolled in dance lessons and her parents thought this would be a great additional activity. A goal of her parents was to raise a child that could defend herself and be independent and confident. Shortly after starting classes, Abigail started competing in Sport karate competitions on the SMART and IPPONE Tournament Circuits.

Abigail is a natural born competitor and from a very early age has taken pride in earning her awards and working hard for each level she moves up. Her parents fostered a strong work ethic and a focus on improving her technical abilities. As she got older, Abigail enjoyed the traveling. This journey eventually took her to the Krane Karate Circuit and NASKA Circuit. This took her all over New England. She loved the competition.

As she continued to compete and branch out into other tournaments, she found her drive and desire to be the best she could be. Abigail consistently strives to improve on her performance and reach her own personal bests. Through the COVID pandemic, Abigail competed in several virtual tournaments. She was able to achieve the rank of World and National Champion on these virtual circuits. This required Abigail to maintain her own motivation to practice and improve on her own . Recently she also achieved the great honor of being the youngest female to achieve a Black Belt in the 55-year history of Huard’s Martial Arts.

Abigail now joins the ranks of the black belt fellowship at her dojo. Her journey has now just begun and the training truly takes a different form. She is a role model to other young martial artists. She maintains high honors in her high school courses and conducts herself inside and out of the dojo with honor and dignity.

Abigail has worked hard to get where she is and has endless possibilities as she moves forward on her journey.

It’s a great journey being a martial artist and becoming a young black belt. And now even at a young age it’s a wonderful chance to give back to her school and the students of Huard’s Martial Arts. There is no doubt the younger disciples will look up to her.

Lawrence H.S. graduates presented PAL Football award of excellence

Jon Roy, left, receives his award from PAL football director John Stewart. (contributed photo)

by Mark Huard

Director of the Fairfield PAL Football Program, John Stewart, has announced the recipients of the Award of Excellence and Scholarship for the 2020 Season to Jon Roy and Dylan Coombs. The coaches association selects two members of the senior class each year to receive this award. The criteria is as follows: dedication, loyalty, character, role models and team above self.

These two young men exhibit all of the above and were unanimous decisions to receive this year’s award. Even though they were not able to take the field this season their contributions to PAL football, Lawrence High School, and the entire community over the years were not forgotten.

Dylan Coombs, left, is presented with the Award of Excellence and Scholarship from PAL football director John Stewart. (contributed photo)

China Four Seasons Club: Non-profit Spotlight

Four Seasons clubhouse

Their Mission, Their Goals

by Steve Ball

Founded in 1970, the China Four Seasons Club is a growing nonprofit club organized to bring together enthusiasts of outdoor activities of all sorts. The club was organized after a merger between the China Lake Association and the China Regional Snowmobilers organizations. While most of their activities revolve around snowmobiling and ATV riding, the club, in fact, offers more to the community and its families.

In speaking with Tom Rumpf, club president, and Gail Tibbetts, past club president, it is obvious they see the club as a focal point for China and its surrounding towns’ people to get outside and enjoy the local area.

“This is really a four seasons club with events for everyone,” Rumpf said. There’s obviously snowmobiling and ATV riding, but in addition, the club has tried to broaden the offerings of the club. Recently the Four Seasons Club partnered with the China Village Volunteer Fire Department to sponsor and manage the China Lake Annual Ice Fishing Derby.

The club’s work during the year involves managing 34 miles of snowmobile trails and 21 miles of ATV trails in the China Lake region. All of the manpower for trail maintenance, grooming and upkeep is done by volunteers. According to Rumpf, the trails managed by the club are very popular, attracting riders and enthusiasts from throughout the state and New England. It’s busy work of which the club is rightly proud.

It is the work on the trails that keeps the attention of most members. Aside from the cost of building bridges, clearing storm and wind damage, and running the grooming vehicles, Rumpf and his team spend a lot of time talking with landowners to gain approval for trail access. Additionally, Rumpf is in contact with the Maine State Department of Conservation to assure that all the trails are in compliance and ask for guidance on major repair work. “These trails,” Rumpf said, “are more than just for snowmobilers and ATV riders. They get used by horseback riders, bikers, hikers, snowshoers and cross country skiers.”

The club, according to Rumpf, is really there to serve both the membership, numbering approximately 200, and the community. This is seen in the varied activities the club either sponsors or is involved in with other organizations. Over the Christmas holiday season the club donated money for families in need and then sponsored a raffle for four decorated Christmas trees stocked with presents underneath. Rumpf and his team are also partnering to assist with promoting the China School Forest.

The clubhouse is located on seven acres along Lakeview Drive, across from the China Town Office, with a beach and lake access. There’s a kitchen and main hall that serves the social needs of the club and is available to anyone to rent for private functions. The beach is remarkable in its somewhat secluded and protected setting. In the summer, docks are laid out to provide for swimming, fishing and boating, and the area is set-up for picnicking. In fact, according to Gail Tibbetts, the beach is increasingly becoming a prime attraction for families.

It is apparent the club is striving for ways to better serve the community. “I would like to organize a winter carnival around the ice fishing derby, with different activities for children and non-fishermen,” said Rumpf. This might include sledding, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing.

The club would be a remarkable organization just because of its location and available space, but it’s the leaders and membership that are visibly shaping this nonprofit into a valuable community asset. It is apparent the China Lake community would be a much different place if not for the impact of the China Four Seasons Club.

The Town Line will continue with a series of articles on local nonprofit groups and their work in their respective communities. To include your group, contact The Town Line at townline@townline.org.

Jefferson’s Hailey Milliken graduates valedictorian at Maine Connection Academy

Hailey Milliken

Hailey Milliken, a 12th grader from Jefferson, was Valedictorian for last week’s graduation ceremony for Maine Connections Academy, the state’s online charter school.

The in-person ceremony took place on June 3, at Thompson’s Point, in Portland. Milliken will be attending Boston University in the fall, majoring in media science in the College of Communication. Originally from Maine, Milliken lived in many places and attended many schools before joining Maine Connections Academy in 2020.

In her speech to her fellow classmates, Milliken said “Just a few months ago, the idea of speaking in front of a crowd, live, like this, seemed impossible. But here we are. The opportunities and flexibility offered here, at a true online school, have allowed me to thrive. What we are seeing all around is that the current educational system is in desperate need of a renovation. And MCA is one step ahead. And being one step ahead takes you to great places, so: stay one step ahead!”

Milliken took AP courses in literature, calculus and microeconomics—in her own words, “I’m a big reader, I do a lot of writing as well, and I’m really into journalism.” In her opinion, “Online school is the future of education. We were all thrown into it because of COVID but now we see that it can work. More and more students are learning at their own pace, and it’s perfect for diverse learners. Maine Connections Academy really knows how to do it.”

Now in its seventh year, Maine Connections Academy is Maine’s first statewide, tuition-free, online public school for students in grades 7-12.

Northern Light Inland Hospital announces finance leadership changes

Chris Frauenhofer, left, Randy Clark, right.

Randy Clark, of Vassalboro, vice president of finance and operations, expands duties to two hospitals and care facility

Northern Light Inland Hospital, in Waterville, has announced several finance leadership changes.

Chris Frauenhofer, vice president of Finance of Northern Light Inland Hospital and interim administrator of Northern Light Continuing Care, Lakewood, in Waterville, has been named as the new vice president of finance for Northern Light Health’s system Medical Group.

Frauenhofer joined Northern Light Health in 2013, starting at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital before moving to Inland Hospital in 2017. Before joining Northern Light Health, he served in senior finance roles for more than 20 years at hospitals in New York, including Alice Hyde Medical Center and Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center.

Frauenhofer received a Master of Business Administration from Niagara University (New York) and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Registered Accounting Program from State University of New York at Buffalo.

Frauenhofer lives in Mariaville. He will remain in the interim role at Lakewood until a new administrator is recruited.

Randy Clark, vice president of Finance and Operations at Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital, in Pittsfield, will expand his duties to include Inland Hospital and Lakewood, becoming vice president of finance for both hospitals and the continuing care facility.

A resident of Vassalboro, Clark just celebrated 25 years with Northern Light Health. He started as a controller at Sebasticook Valley Hospital, in Pittsfield, in 1996 and became vice president of finance in 2005. In 2016, operations was added to his leadership role. For a few years, he oversaw finance as vice president for both CA Dean Hospital, in Greenville, and Sebasticook Valley Hospital.

Clark earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Maine (Orono) and his Master of Business Administration from Thomas College, in Waterville.

“Chris and Randy have been vital to our local leadership teams, and integral to system finance work. We know they will continue to help our system and member organizations succeed in their new and expanded roles – not only when it comes to finance, but with all aspects of our mission to improve the health of the people and communities we serve. Both Chris and Randy have a passion for excellent service and finding new ways to deliver on our brand promise.” says Terri Vieira, president of Inland Hospital, Continuing Care, Lakewood, and Sebasticook Valley Hospital.

Submitted by Kathy Jason, Lead Communication Specialist, Marketing and Communications for Northern Light Inland Hospital.

Diocese of Portland makes major updates to pandemic protocols

Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Waterville (photo: Google streetview)

The Diocese of Portland has announced major updates to the pandemic protocols currently in place at all 141 Catholic churches in Maine.

The following actions took effect on Monday, May 24:

• Masks are no longer required for any person at any time, inside or outside the churches.
• Capacity limits, advance registration, and the gathering of contact tracing information for those attending Masses are eliminated.
• Pew seating arrangements to establish six or more feet of distance between each person/family are eliminated. Those attending Masses are welcome to sit where they are comfortable. All pews will be available for seating.
• The distribution of Holy Communion to the homebound is restored.
• Indoor choir practices can be held without distancing.

For those not yet comfortable with a return to Mass, many churches will provide spaces in other areas, like parish halls, for additional, spread out seating during Masses. The extensive livestreaming schedule at Maine parishes will also remain in place. Moving forward, adjustments to the schedule will be made in the “Parishes and Mass Times” section of www.portlanddiocese.org. The obligation to attend Mass will continue to be dispensed for the foreseeable future.

“The strict adherence to state and diocesan guidelines has led to the successful operation of our churches since last June. I am so grateful for the many staff, volunteers, and parishioners who sacrificed and followed the protocols to ensure that Maine Catholics were able to participate in Mass and receive the Eucharist over the last year,” said Bishop Robert Deeley. “The Catholic Church always works to guide those it encounters to live in harmony and peace. ”

We hope that by continuing to offer a variety of ways to participate in Mass and through updating these protocols, all will feel welcomed to grow in their faith together in Christ.”

ShineOnCass event includes education and PJ party with baby animals

Mac Vandeventer gets to know the goats. (photo courtesy of Monica Charette)

by Monica Charette

Claire Slevinsky pets a two-week-old baby lamb and learns how to card sheep wool at Hart-to-Hart Farm in Albion. (photo courtesy
of Monica Charette)

It was a pajama party like no other at Hart-to-Hart Farm & Education Center in Albion on May 16, when 100 children, dressed in their pajamas, welcomed baby lambs, goats, calves, and other newborn animals – also wearing pajamas – as part of the annual ShineOnCass Animal Baby Shower.

This year’s event featured hands-on educational sessions, including teaching kids how to milk a cow, fetch eggs from a real chicken coop, spin lamb’s wool, and stretch out at goat yoga! Children were able to hold the newborn babies, learn about caring for them, and experience a working, organic farm.

Linda Hartkopf, owner of Hart-to-Hart Farm, with her husband, Doug, said she enjoys the opportunity to share her love for animals with the community.

“Many of the children who came have never been on a working farm,” said Hartkopf. “We take great pride in educating them about caring for animals, and sharing our love and pride in raising them. There’s nothing like introducing a child to a newborn animal.”

Paige Smith comes out to volunteer in honor and in memory of her former soccer teammate and friend, Cassidy Charette, at the annual ShineOnCass Animal Baby Shower & PJ Party at Hart-to-Hart Farm in Albion. (photo courtesy
of Monica Charette)

Hart-to-Hart Farm is a family-owned and operated organic dairy farm that offers a variety of summer educational programs for children, adults and families. The event is held each year in memory of Cassidy Charette, an Oakland teen who died in a hayride accident in 2014. Cassidy, known for her kindness as an active community volunteer, was also passionate about caring for animals as a long-time summer camper at Hart-to-Hart Farm.

“Every year we get further away from losing Cass, holds a special place for us all,” said Cassidy’s friend Shawna Lachance, who now serves on the foundation’s board of directors. “We knowing we are continuing the work she would have lived her life doing.”

Families attending the event made monetary gifts and donated a truckload of food and pet items, which was donated to Humane Society Waterville Area in honor and memory of Cassidy, who was also a shelter volunteer.

For information about Hart-to-Hart Farm & Education Center, visit hart2hartfarm.org. For more event images, visit the ShineOnCass Facebook page. To learn more about the ShineOnCass Foundation, please visit shineoncass.org.