Roland’s Trivia Question for Thursday, June 25, 2020
Which Red Sox first baseman went 238 games without committing an error between 2006 and 2008? Answer: Kevin Youkilis.
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Which Red Sox first baseman went 238 games without committing an error between 2006 and 2008? Answer: Kevin Youkilis.
by Pat Pinto AARP Maine, Volunteer State President It shouldn’t take a pandemic to underscore the importance of high-speed internet in our state. Rural Maine’s struggle with connectivity has been going on for years, but with COVID-19, the true consequences of slow or no internet can no longer be ignored. During the last few months, […]
WENDY T. CARON WATERVILLE – Wendy T. Caron, 52, passed away Thursday, May 28, 2020, at Glenridge Center, in Augusta. She was born October 19, 1967, in Waterville, the daughter of Clinton P. and Marion M. (Wood) Caron. She was educated in local schools and graduated from Waterville High School in 1986. Wendy is survived […]
To the editor: On behalf of myself and other members of the Palermo Historical Society I want to express our thanks to Mary Grow for her article on the history of Palermo in the June 18, 2020 issue (of The Town Line). The old mill and the library are favorites for those of us who […]
To the editor: To all the wonderful people who showed up for the parade at Country Manor, in Whitefield. My wife is a patient there so, of course, I agreed to be in it. What surprised me was how many came. I figured maybe a couple dozen or so, but instead almost a hundred showed […]
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-based tax preparation and assistance service, has announced that State of Maine AARP Foundation Tax-Aide sites will not re-open in 2020. In mid-March, due to COVID-19, the national AARP Foundation Tax-Aide office suspended tax preparation at all tax preparation locations throughout the country. Shortly thereafter, also because of […]
The China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA) announces that its Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) Program is in full swing this summer at the four regional boat launches: two on China Lake, and others at Webber Pond and Three Mile Pond.
At the June 22 annual town meeting, Vassalboro Selectmen Rob Browne and John Melrose presented fellow Selectman Lauchlin Titus with the 2020 Spirit of America Award. After 12 years of service to the Town as a Selectman (and also serving many years before that as a school committee member and a budget committee member), Lauchlin […]
Kelly Pillsbury, of Benton, was elected to serve as the Kennebec Valley District chairman on June 10 during the annual meeting of the Scouting District Committee. The meeting was held virtually and at the Viles Arboretum where social distancing was in effect. The Kennebec Valley District Committee is comprised of volunteer Scouting leaders tasked with […]
Carrabec High School Emily Avery, Hunter Avery, Cassidy Ayotte, Anthony Berube, Isaac Boucher, Annika Carey, Ashley Cates, Summer Cole, Jacob Copeland, Caitlin Crawford, Shay Cyrway, Caroline Decker, Dominic Falk, Olivia Fortier, Joshua Foss, Paige Giroux, Olivia Gonio, Ricky Gordon, Ariel Guinn, Olivia Hassell, David Houle, Cheyanne Howard, Madison Jaros, Lemuel Kimball, Dylan Leach, Riley Maheu, […]