China workshop aims to bring area towns together

Volunteers prepare window inserts at a previous WindowDressers workshop, in Vassalboro. (photo courtesy of Vassalboro Historical Society)

by Eric W. Austin

CHINA, ME — Planned for the second week in November starting just after Election Day, the China Window Dressers workshop is moving full steam ahead. The intent of the workshop is to build low-cost window inserts to reduce heating expenses for homeowners in central Maine. The organizers have spent the past year taking orders and visiting local homeowners to measure the windows requiring inserts, and now they are looking for volunteers to help at the upcoming workshop.

Sponsored by the China for a Lifetime Committee, a local group dedicated to philanthropic activities meant to improve the quality of life for China residents, and assisted by other local organizations, the initiative is modeled after the classic “barn-raising” community efforts of the past, with residents working together for the benefit of everyone.

Committee chairman Christopher Hahn describes it this way: “The workshop is a great chance for the community to come together and help one another during these tough financial times. Such events don’t happen as often as they should anymore in this age of Facebook and online Zoom meetings, so we jumped at the opportunity to organize this workshop. It fits right in with our mission of ‘neighbors helping neighbors.’ I hope to see many familiar faces and hopefully some new ones.”

The committee has received more than 130 orders for window inserts from over two dozen local clients across central Maine. Although the workshop will take place at the China Conference Center, orders have been open from any of the area towns and volunteers for the upcoming build workshop do not need to have ordered inserts or live in China. The workshop will run from Wednesday, November 9, through Sunday, November 13. Work shifts are divided into a morning shift from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., and an afternoon shift from 1 – 5 p.m. Food will be provided by community volunteers between shifts. The first two days are devoted to putting together the wooden frames for the window inserts, while the next two days will be for wrapping those frames in plastic and foam. Sunday will serve as an overflow day if everything cannot be completed by Saturday evening.

No experience is necessary to help out, and there are still plenty of spots that need to be filled. Hahn says they are aiming for eight people per shift. The work is not complicated, and designed to flow through an assembly line process, making it easy for anyone to participate. Participants from earlier workshops will be on hand to answer any questions and provide guidance for volunteers.

For those interested in signing up to participate in the workshop, there are several ways to get involved. The easiest way is to visit the Window Dressers website at Click on “Community Builds” link on the menu at the top-right of the page, then scroll down to the China build and click where it says “Sign up to volunteer”. (Click here to go there directly.) That will take you to a page where you can choose which time-slot best fits into your schedule.

If you’re not tech-savvy, or don’t have internet access, you can also send an email to or call the China town office at 445-2014 and let them know what days you are available to help.

More information about the China for a Lifetime committee can be found on their website at

WINDSOR: Town to see increase in cost for roads winter plowing

by The Town Line staff

At their September 13 meeting, the Windsor Select Board unanimously approved the awarding of the plowing contract for the 2022-23 winter to McGee Construction.

McGee Construction had notified Town Manager Theresa Haskell that they were increasing their hourly rate from $110 to $125 per hour, making the price of the plowing contract $31,250, for 250 hours of service and $110 per hour over the contracted 250 hours. That is a $3,750 increase from last year.

Haskell indicated she would, or should, send out requests for proposals. However, the last time the town sent out RFPs it received no bids except for McGee. Select board member Ronald Brann said the town of Windsor is getting a great price even with the increase. He added that other towns are having a tough time to get contractors to do plowing.

Haskell said she has done a cost analysis with other towns and they were paying over $4,000 a mile, when Windsor would be paying $2,476.88 per mile under the new contract.

In other business, Haskell. reported revenues at the transfer station were down ($565.70) from this time in August of last year, for a total of $1,964.62 for the year.

Joel Greenwood from KVCOG, Jerry Nault and Carol Chavarie, both planning board members, were present to answer questions about the Draft Utility Scale Solar Energy Facility Ordinance. After much discussion, Greenwood said he will update the discussed changes and will report back to Haskell.

The select board also unanimously approved placing two questions on the November 8 ballot. The first is asking to authorize the board to accept, on behalf of the town, any coronavirus local fiscal recovery funds, also known as Americaan Rescue Plan or ARPA funds, received by the town from the federal government, enter into agreements or other documentation required, and appropriate and expend the funds, up to $185,000, for upgrading communications equipment for public safety purposes, including the addition of an automatic generator for the town’s telecommunications towers.

The second article asks to authorize the select board to accept and dispense ARPA money, in the amount of $35,000, to purchase an X Series manual monitor/defibrillator for the Windsor Rescue.

Haskell was appointed to represent the town with KVCOG, and Ray Bates was appointed the elected official.

Haskell asked the select board to hold a public hearing to adopt the General Assistance Ordinance GA Appendages (A-G) for the period of October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023. The board approved the meeting and was held on September 27.

It was noted that Town Clerk Kelly McGlothlin has received her town clerk certification and was congratulated by the office staff at the presentation at the Maine Town/City Clerk Association meeting.

Ray Bates was re-elected as chairman of the select board with three votes. William Appel Jr. and Andrew Ballantyne each received one vote.

The next meeting of the Windsor Select Board was held on September 27.

2022-’23 Real Estate Tax Due Dates


Taxes due September 30, 2022
(Interest begins October 1, 2022)


September 30, 2022
March 31, 2023



September 29, 2022
November 2, 2022
February 8, 2023
May 10, 2023


August 19, 2022
October 14, 2022
January 13, 2023
March 10, 2023


November 17, 2022


September 1, 2022
(Interest begins October 1, 2022)


November 15, 2022
May 15, 2022


September 26, 2022
November 28, 2022
February 27, 2023
April 24, 2023


October 14, 2022
December 9, 2022
March 10, 2023
June 9, 2023


September 30, 2022
March 31, 2023
(Tax club due dates are the 15th of each month.)


October 6, 2022
December 8, 2022
March 9, 2023
June 8, 2023

To be included in this section, contact The Town Line at

WINDSOR: Assessors give approval to tax abatements and supplemental tax warrant

by The Town Line staff

At their August 30 meeting, the Windsor Select Board, suspending as the select board, and convening as the board of assessors, unanimously (3-0, Ronald F. Brann had yet to arrive), approved the abatements and supplemental tax warrant, as presented by Assessor’s Agent Vern Ziegler, as follows: Abatement of $301.40 for David and Angela Nelson, for an omitted homestead; The Colwell Family Revocable Trust, in the amount of $1,213.82, The Colwell Family Revocable Trust for $1,178.20, and the Colwell Family Revocable Trust, in the amount of $1,243.96, all for error in land. Also, the Supplemental Tax Warrant for the Colwell family in the amount of $1,724.83, because of a lot merge omitted from assessment.

Ziegler distributed the 2022 municipal valuation return and was accepted by the select board, in a 3-0 vote.

The members then suspended as the board of assessors and reconvened as the select board.

The board then authorized Town Manager Theresa Haskell to send a request for a contract to review the town re-evaluation.

A tree reportedly ready to fall on the Hunts Meadow Road was referred to Central Maine Power Co. who said they would send someone out to look at it.

Road Supervisor Keith Hall reported the state of Maine has received funding for road shim, but Windsor was at the bottom of the list. Hall is going to talk to the Maine Department of Transportation about Route 105 and what can be done before winter.

In other business, Haskell noted that the town will need to renew three existing junkyard permits and wanted to know if the select board wanted to hold a public hearing. The select board decided that since they are existing junkyard permits and nothing has changed, and they have received no complaints, there is no need to hold a public hearing.

Select board member Richard H. Gray Jr., was absent from the meeting and Ronald F. Brann arrived at 6:25 p.m.

Windsor select board approves assessor’s municipal tax assessment warrant

by The Town Line staff

At their August 16 meeting, at the suggestion of Windsor’s Assessor’s Agent, Vern Ziegler, the select board unanimously voted on the Assessor’s Certification of Assessment, 2022-2023 Municipal Tax Assessment Warrant, certificate of commitment and certificate of assessment to be returned to the municipal treasurer of the state of Maine.

There was also discussion on the draft utility scale solar energy facility ordinance which was continued to the next meeting to give the select board more time to read the draft.

The select board also voted unanimously to authorize Town Manager Theresa Haskell and board chairman Ray Bates to sign the general obligation bond for the town to finance the purchase of a new E-One/Freightliner Tanker Truck as approved at the annual town meeting. The amount is not to exceed $300,000 and would be payable on August 17 of each year of the next six years. The bond was awarded to Kennebec Savings Bank at an interest rate of 3.89 percent. The bond qualifies as being tax exempt.

In other business:

  • The board gave approval for the town manageer to move $10,000 from the cemetery fund interest account to the cemetery fund interest account CD. This was done because the CD maturity date is September 5, 2022.
  • The board also authorized Haskell to move $978.93 from the administration line to the planning/codes enforcement line that was overspent because of additional plumbing permits that were issued but not budgeted enough. This will not change the bottomline total expenditure spent which was approved at town meeting by the voters.
  • Resident Moira Teekema distributed a photo of what the new food pantry sign, which she designed and donated, will look like.

Select board member Ronald Brann mentioned that the Lincoln County News had an article on a solar ordinance from the town of Whitefield posted if the select board wanted to read it and compare to the draft utility scale solar energy facility ordinance, in Windsor. There was some discussion of what happens when taxes are not paid. Who is responsible – landowner or solar company. Brann suggested the town obtain a copy of the lease agreement, and maybe ask the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) about their thoughts on the subject.

The next meeting of the select board was scheduled for August 30.

EVENTS: Share the Road with Carol

Dr. Carol Eckert, shown here at Androscoggin Riverlands State Park, in Turner, was tragically killed in a bicycling accident in Windsor last October. (contributed photo)

The sixth annual Share the Road with Carol memorial bike ride will take place on Sunday, September 18. Share the Road with Carol is an all ages commemorative bike ride in Windsor and Whitefield. The ride, which has 12-mile and 27-mile options, starts and ends at the Windsor Town Office.

This annual ride honors the memory of Carol Eckert, M.D. Carol was tragically killed as a result of a bike accident that occurred in Windsor on October 10, 2016. Biking was Carol’s passion and we invite everyone who feels the same to join us in remembrance of a life well pedaled and to further the cause of bicycle safety in Maine.

The registration fee is $20 for adults, and $10 for any person under 15 years of age accompanied by a parent or guardian. Register online ( or at the event from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. (pre-registration is encouraged). Then current CDC guidelines relative to COVID-19 will be followed and participants are asked to wear face coverings inside the Windsor Town Office.

There will be one rest stop on the 27-mile ride. Please join us after the ride at the Windsor Town Hall for fellowship, remembrances and light snacks.

Whether you knew Carol or not, this ride is a wonderful opportunity to explore the lovely rolling hills along the border of the Kennebec and Lincoln counties.

Like us on Facebook!

Local residents named to dean’s list for Spring 2022 semester

Saint Anselm College, in Manchester, New Hampshire, has released the dean’s list of high academic achievers for the second semester of the 2021-2022 school year.

Julia Bard, of Sidney, class of 2025, English.

Christopher King, of Sidney, class of 2024, natural sciences.

Garrett Grant, of Windsor, class of 2022, economics.

Christine Quirion, of Winslow, class of 2022, business.

Windsor select board takes up many agenda items

by The Town Line staff

The Windsor select board on August 2 heard from Keith Hall, road supervisor, that all the paving is done. A few driveway repairs will need to be finished, and one on the Weeks Mills Road, which has a steep grade, will need fixing. They planned on beginning to paint lines the following week. Hall also reported the Sampson Road sign was taken and will be replaced.

At the transfer station, Town Manager Theresa Haskell reported, in the absence of Transfer Station Supervisor Sean Teekema, that the compactor area and the area under the large scale have been cleaned up. The painting of the large and small scales has been completed.

The monthly totals at the transfer station indicate revenues are down $1,398.92 from this time last year in July for a monthly total of $6,971.55.

At the Rest Haven Cemetery, Sean and Moira Teekema have painted seven panels. Bob and Liz Harriman continue to spray Wet & Forget on the stones. So far, 1,040 stones have one coat and 390 have two coats. They did 325 stones on July 25 and 26. There are 26 monuments that will need a step ladder to reach.

In other matters, Carol Chavarie and Jerry Nault were present to answer questions on the Draft UtilityScale Solar Energy Facility Ordinance. The question asked was how they came up with a 0.10 M.W. number. Nault responded that it was suggested by KVCOG which came from other town ordinances. There was much discussion on the requirements of permits and land value assessments.

The select board members voted 4-0 to authorized Haskell to vote on the MMA annual election on the board’s behalf. Select board member Ronald Brann was absent.

Haskell reported the time capsule has been ordered and will have the town seal engraved on top. There was discussion on different places to bury the time capsule. Selectman Andrew Ballantyne suggested town officials write a note to the future officials to read when the time capsule is opened in 100 years.

Haskell read a letter from Delta Ambulance regarding a possible yearly transport fee. She said this may be something that needs to be added to next year’s budget with an estimated cost of $15 per capita.

There was discussion about installing a heat pump in the town office and upstairs hall. Estimates will be sought.

Haskell also read a press release from municipal officials that the town of Windsor received a $2,427 dividend check from the Maine Municipal Association for its good performance and loss prevention programs. The press release is available on the town’s website under Municipal Government, The Town Hub.

There was also discussion on creating a new website for the town which would also make it mobile friendly.

The next meeting of the select board was scheduled for August 16.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Town of Windsor Bicentennial celebration


7 – 9 A.M. – Pancake Breakfast Hosted by Windsor Christian Fellowship
9 a.m. – noon – Antique Cars
9 – 10 a.m. – Sign ups – 3-legged race, egg spoon run, Ladies Frying Pasn Toss
9 a.m. – noon – Sign ups Sawdust Hunt and Cornhole Tournament
9 a.m. – Cupcake Walk – All Ages
10 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (16-20 year old)
10 a.m. – Cupcake Walk – All Ages
10 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (6 – 10 year old)
10 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (18 – 25 year old)
10 a.m. – Face Panting
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – S&S Carriage Rides
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Historical Society Building Opens
10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Kevin’s French Fries
10:30 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (6 – 10 year old)
10:30 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (11 – 15 year old)
10:30 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (26 – 40 year old)
11 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (21+ year old)
11 a.m. – Cupcake Walk, All Ages
11 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (16 – 20 year old)
11 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (41 – 60 year old)
11 a.m. – 3 p.m. – RedBarn Roadshow Truck
11 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Sandcastle Entertainment, Bounce Houses/Games
11:30 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (11 – 15 year old)
11:30 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (21+ year old)
11:30 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (61+ year old)
Noon – 1 p.m. – Founder’s Day Picnic
Noon – Face Painting
Noon – Oldest/Youngest Presentation
Noon – 2 p.m. – Downeast Brass
12:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (3 & 4 year old
1 – 5 p.m. – Cornhole Tournament
1:30 – 4 p.m. – C&S Carriage Rides
1:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (5 & 6 year old)
2 p.m. – Face Painting
2 p.m. – Bingo
2:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (7 & 8 year old)
3 p.m. – Bingo
3:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (9 & 10 year old)
4 p.m. – Bingo
5 – 7 p.m. – Baked Bean Supper Hosted by North Windsor Baptist Church
7:30 p.m. – Movie Night by FYM Entertainment
6 – 9:30 p.m. – Street Dance, featuring DJ Brando
9:30 p.m., FIREWORKS

Windsor select board makes several appointments; honors town manager


The Windsor Select Board recently honored town manager Theresa Haskell with a plaque recognizing her 17 years of service to the town. The plaque read as follows: The Windsor Select Board recognizes outstanding leadership by Town Manager “Theresa Haskell” for 17 years of service to the Town as well as expertise during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep staff and the Town safe while remaining fully open.

by The Town Line staff

At an abbreviated meeting of the Windsor Select Board on June 21, they unanimously approved certificates of appointments, submitted by Town Manager Theresa Haskell.

Kim Bolduc-Bartlett was appointed animal control officer, with Peter A. Nerber as back-up, to be effective through June 30, 2023. Carol Chavarie was appointed to the planning board, effective through June 30, 2025. Theresa Haskell and Raymond Chavarie Jr., were appointed to the Windsor Educational Foundation and Reed Fund, effective through June 30, 2025, and Theresa Haskell and Bonnie Squiers were appointed to the cemetery committee effective through June 30, 2025.

In other business, Haskell informed the residents that Assessor’s Agent Vern Ziegler is in the process of doing property assessments, in response to a few concerns from residents about an unknown vehicle parked in their driveways taking photographs.

Approximately three weeks ago, select board member Andrew Ballantyne was approached by a resident who asked if the town is going to do anything about the gravel pits around town. They felt there should be an ordinance regarding gravel pits since there is one currently being drafted regarding the solar farms. Ballantyne briefly responded and advised the residents to attend a select board meeting so the rest of the select board members could address their concerns. It was mentioned that any property over five acres would need to go through Department of Environmental Protection approval as well as what the town has for ordinances.

Another topic was personal property taxes to which Ballantyne responded the select board members would need to be involved in the discussion.

The next meeting was scheduled for July 5.