Mr. Drew and His Animals, Too come to Albert Church Brown Memorial Library

Saturday, July 13, snakes, spiders, and a crowd of 125 children and adults descended on Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, in China. Mr. Drew started small with how insects fill important roles in pollination and cleaning up. The fun especially started as he pulled many large snakes, turtles and large spiders from his many boxes. He emphasized responsible ownership and offered to serve as technical support before buying animals. For example, a family bought their child a “fairy frog.” Turns out they grow to six pounds and require a diet of rats. Now he showed that frog, as he has it. At four pounds it’s not full grown. Beware of what you buy. Everyone very much enjoyed interacting with the animals at the end of the show. China Village library is very busy this summer. Come check out the monthly art exhibits., reading program, and booksale at China Days.

Contributed photos

EVENTS: China Historical Society going back to school

Members of the China Historical Society (2023). (photo by Roberta Barnes)

photo source:

by Bob Bennett

The China Historical Society will be hosting a remembrance and tour of the 75-year-old China (Middle) School following the annual meeting on Thursday, July 18. It is intended these activities will begin in the gym of the building, on Lakeview Drive, at about 6 p.m. Head Custodian Tim Roddy has offered to be the tour guide and though there is some on-going work, he is confident there will be plenty of access. The memories of the attendees will be voiced in the gym and it is hoped that many students, teachers and other China residents of all ages will be on hand to share their experiences. From previous messages and postings, it appears this event is generating quite a bit of interest and enthusiasm, and the CHS is looking forward to a fun and reflective evening; please put it on your calendar!

EVENTS: China Village Fire Dept. annual chicken BBQ July 6

The annual chicken barbecue sponsored by the China Village Fire Department will take place on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at 11 a.m.
The cost is $15 and will include a half chicken, baked beans, potato chips, roll and can of soda or bottled water. They plan to offer a drive-thru service again this year. Tables and chairs will be available for seating inside the station, or meals may be packaged to go. They also accept donations, made payable to the China Village Fire Dept., P.O. Box 6035, China Village, ME 04926.

EVENTS: Chadwick Cemetery Association annual meeting (2024)

The Chadwick Hill Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting on Thurssday, July 11, 2024, at 4 p.m., at the South China Community Church, 246 Village St., South China. New members are welcome. All interested parties are invited to attend. For additional information contact Jiff Zimmerman at 445-4000.

EVENTS: Spectrum Generations announces area plan on aging public hearings

The Central Maine Agency on Aging d/b/a Spectrum Generations will hold public hearings on the proposed four-year Central Maine Area Plan on Aging for Older Americans Act (OAA) funded programs and services that help older Mainers, and their care partners, remain healthy and safe in their communities.

Agenda items for these meetings include: Overview of OAA and Spectrum Generations services, summary of 2025-2028 Spectrum Generations Area Plan on Aging, and opportunity for public comments.

A draft of the 2025-2028 Spectrum Generations Area Plan on Aging can be found after June 21 on the Spectrum Generations website at Hard copies will be made available upon request. Written comments will be accepted until July 8, 2024. Comments can be emailed to:, faxed to: 207-622-7857, delivered in person, or mailed to One Weston Court Augusta, ME 04330.

Both public hearing dates will be in person at the location listed and available virtually by Zoom. Registration is only required if attending virtually. Refreshments will be provided on location.

Spectrum Generations’ Central Maine Area Plan on Aging Public Hearing #1 is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, from 2-3 p.m., at the Cohen Community Center, 22 Town Farm Rd. Hallowell, ME. Virtual attendance registration link.

Spectrum Generations’ Central Maine Area Plan on Aging Public Hearing #2 is scheduled for Thursday, June 27, from 10 -11 a.m., at the Muskie Community Center, 38 Gold St. Waterville, ME. Virtual attendance registration link.

If you need an interpreter, additional accommodation to participate in a public hearing or have questions, please call or email Nathan Miller no later than ten business days before the meeting you plan to attend at or 207-620-1274. Accommodations will be provided at no cost to the participant.

EVENTS: Madison blood drive planned at legion

A blood drive hosted by American Legion Tardiff-Belanger Post #39, 20 S. Maple Street, Madison, will take place on Thursday, June 27, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sign up at or call 800-733-2767 or contact Richard at for your appointment.  The time to give blood is NOW!!  FMI:  contact Richard at

EVENTS: Albion bicentennial photo contest underway

Albion town office. Photo source: Town of Albion Facebook page

Albion bicentennial photo contest is open to anyone, but photos must be taken in Albion.

There are four categories: people, animals, still life and landscape in three age groups, 12 years old and under, 13-20, and over 20.

All submitted photos must be in printed form and matted. Photos no larger than 5×7. Mat will be pinned up so when it is returned the mat may be damaged. Pictures may be in color or black and white. The photos must be taken by the entrant, and entries are limited to one entry per category.

Cash prizes will be awarded to first, second and place place in each age group and each category. All first place winners will be entered in a grand prize contest with the winner’s photo to appear on the front cover of the 2025 town report.

Photos must include name of entrant, phone number, address and location of photo taken. The town of Albion reserves the right to use the photos on their website.

Entries must be submitted by Thursday, July 18. Entries may be dropped at the town office or with Pam Wallace and Miranda Perkins at the Besse Building on a designated date to be announced later. Questions may be emailed to or with subject “photo contest”.

EVENTS: L.C. Bates Museum activities

Good Will-Hinckley’s L.C. Bates Natural History Museum (photo credit:

The following programs will be presented at L.C. Bates Museum, on the campus of the Goodwill-Hinckley School, on Rte. 201, in Hinckley.

Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. 
The Magic of Letterpress
The concept of movable type was invented in China a thousand years ago, but the refined and efficient Gutenberg press of 1439 rocketed Europe into the Renaissance.
Where would we be without books? “Unplug” for the morning and come learn the art of setting type on our 1830s Acorn press. Print your own card to take home!
Saturday June 29, 10 a.m.
Mammal Day!
What do humans, whales, and bats have in common? Quite a lot, it turns out! We will talk about what makes a mammal a mammal, and the adaptations we can observe in a mammal’s fur, teeth, and feet to find out who they are, and what they’re good at! Skulls and pelts will be on display for you to examine up close.

EVENTS: A China school reunion planned for July 18

photo source:

by Bob Bennett

As we all know, history cannot be changed and, sometimes unfortunately, it can be repeated in a negative sense. But most important of all, it must never be forgotten. This is one of the primary goals of our now, solidly in place, China Historical Society, and to follow that path we are going to coordinate an event with our annual meeting on Thursday, July 18. Since this is the 75th anniversary of the opening of the consolidated China School, we intend to hold our meeting at the present Middle School, on Lakeview Drive, and follow that event with a reunion of China students who attended the school from as far back as we can find them up to and including the present day.

While some of the fine points of this plan still need to be worked out, it is receiving strong support from RSU #18. While we realize that folks who switched to the school when it opened in 1949, from the numerous “neighborhood” facilities, are pretty well along in years, we hope there are a few who might be willing to share their memories of this change, which must have been dramatic to say the least.

Even though my personal ties to China only go back 42 years, I know several folks who started their education, as did most of us, at age 5 or 6, here in town in the early 1950s. Richard Dillenbeck, of the first class, is one of those and he has agreed to be the featured speaker for the discussion. If you readers have knowledge of other individuals who might be willing to share their memories and experiences in the new building, please inform them of our plan and have them reserve the date and a time frame of 6 to 6:30 p.m. We also would like to do a tour of the Middle School to allow those earlier “residents” who haven’t been inside for a while and all others to see the huge changes that have occurred in the five room original structure with a kitchen in the basement.

So, in conclusion, we will use The Town Line and social media sites related to China to keep everyone up to date and work to make this a memorable activity; stay tuned!

EVENTS: Rotary District Conference coming to Waterville June 21–23, 2024

This year Rotary District #7790 will host the three-day district conference in Waterville. The conference will bring many first-time visitors to the city, all to support District Governor Tina Chapman. Waterville supports two Rotary clubs, the Waterville Sunrise Club and the Waterville Noon Club, which is Tina’s home club.

The conference will highlight many of the community projects that local Rotary clubs and Rotary International support while highlighting all Waterville and the surrounding area has to offer. The clubs that are a part of District #7790 range from Augusta to Presque Isle, and even reaches up into Québec. The district is one of the few in the country to be bi-lingual and covers area in more than one country.

Two cultures, two languages, two countries, one Rotary District. Highlights of the conference include interactive activities that highlight our local region, tastings of a few favorite restaurants, and speakers on multiple subjects focusing mostly on mental health. Other activities include a Summer Garden party, at Colby College, a House of Friendship to meet members of other clubs, and a featured film at the Maine Film Center. This year’s theme is Hope in Action.

The keynote speaker is filmmaker and motivational speaker, Kevin Hines. Hines is a bestselling author, global public speaker, and award-winning documentary filmmaker. In the year 2000, Kevin attempted to take his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Many factors contributed to his miraculous survival including a sea lion which kept him afloat until the Coast Guard arrived. Kevin now travels the world sharing his story of hope, healing, and recovery while teaching people of all ages the art of wellness and the ability to survive pain with true resilience.

Kevin’s documentary Suicide: The Ripple Effect will be shown at the Maine Film Center, 93 Main Street, in Waterville, and is open to the public as well as his Keynote Presentation. Tickets for the film and presentation are available now on the district’s website at

For more information on the Waterville Rotary clubs, the conference, or the keynote presentation visit