PHOTO: Meet the 2022 Major/60 Cal Ripken World Series Waterville team

Front, from left to right, Cody Connell, Milo Taylor, Isaac Gilman, Oliver LeVan, Oliver Hubbard and Charlie Ferris. Back, Harper Hubbard, Sorrel Vinci, Wyatt Jones, Maxwell Comforth, Jack Tartaglia, Mitchell Ouellette, Blake Kenyon, Chase Sack and Reid Morrison. Coaches, Coach Tim Hubbard, Coach Chad Gilman, Manager TJ Vinci and Coach David Comforth. Twelve teams from across the United States will play six pool games per day from August 6 – 10, with playoff games August 11 – 13. Teams will include four from Maine, Waterville, Andy Valley, Noble and Ararat, plus Shenandoah, Virginia, Green County, Kentucky, South Bend, Indiana, Central Vt., Vermont, West Hartford, Connecticut, and North Dakota. There will also be two additional teams from the Pacific Region being determined this weekend. All games will be played August 6 – 13, 2022, at Maine’s Fenway, in Oakland, and Purnell Wrigley, in Waterville. (contributed photo)

Mikayla Achorn captures first place at karate tournament

Huard’s Sport Karate team member Mikayla Achorn, 12, captured first place in point fighting at the recent Friendship Karate Tournament. The event took place on Saturday, June 18, at the Gorham Sports Complex. (photo by Mark Huard)

Mid-Maine Chamber golf classic another success

First place gross, Mid-Maine Marine team members, not necessarily in order, Garret Prelgovisk, Rob Moody, Scott McManaman and Tim Mitchell. (contributed photo)

Central Maine’s most prize-laden golf tournament fundraiser was held under clear skies on Monday, June 6, at Waterville Country Club. Thirty-six teams took part in the shotgun start scramble.

Nearly 50 businesses provided sponsorships or in-kind donations for the tournament.

“We were thrilled with the participation in this year’s event once again – and had a waiting list of teams wishing to participate,” said Kim Lindlof, president & CEO of Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce. “We were also happy that the weather cooperated, with a beautiful Chamber of Commerce day of sunshine and an enjoyable day of golf for all involved.”

Prize winners were as follows:

Summer Sizzler BBQ Package: Chad Kelly, Bangor Savings Bank;

50/50 Winner: Brian Robbins, Jr. – Central Maine Power Co.;

First Place Gross Team Score: Mid-Maine Marine—Garret Prelgovisk, Rob Moody, Scott McManaman, Tim Mitchell;

Second Place Gross Team Score: The Insurance Guys— Gary Levesque, Shawn Michaud, Cliff Hannon, Christian Gabrielsen;

Third Place Gross Team Score: Damon’s Beverage—Jeff Damon, Mark McGowan, Luke Collier, Flint Collier;

First Place Net Team Score: Central Maine Motors Auto Group—Chris Gaunce, Matt Loubier, Shad West, Jason Lyford;

Second Place Net Team Score: Caswell’s Liquidation—Dwight Leighton, Paul Stevens, Jon Dubois, Brian Gordon;

Third Place Net Team Score: Nicholson, Michaud & Co. —Derek Gervais, Scott Nivus, Erik Nadeau, Steve Falcom;

Longest Drive— Male: Chris Farrar—Huhtamaki; Female: Sawyer Boulette—Alfond Youth & Community Center;

Straightest Drive – Male: Rob Moody – Mid-Maine Marine; Female: Laura Rowe – GHM Insurance;

Closest to the Pin—Hole #2: Male: Scott McManaman – Mid-Maine Marine; Female: Sarah Vanderwood – AT&T;

Closest to the Pin—Hole #6: Male: Jeff Damon – Damon’s Beverage;

Closest to the Pin—Hole #13: Male: Travis Hotham -Valley Beverage;

Closest to the Pin—Hole #16: Male: Shad West – Central Maine Motors Auto Group; Female: Sawyer Boulette – Alfond Youth & Community Center;

Highest Team Score: Standard Waterproofing—Isaac Thompson, Theresa Thompson, Patrick Michaud, Jen Michaud.

Chairman of the Chamber Golf Classic Committee, Rick Whalen added, “We would like to thank the staff at Waterville Country Club, and all of the area businesses for their participation – whether with posting a team, providing volunteers or in-kind donations, or being a sponsor. Your support makes this a successful fundraiser.”

The Mid-Maine Chamber Golf Classic is made possible by major sponsors Central Maine Power and Maine State Credit Union and multiple additional sponsors.

First place net, Central Maine Auto Group team members, not necessarily in order, Matt Loubier, Shad West, Chris Gaunce, and Jason Lyford. (contributed photo)

PHOTO: Winslow Black Majors (2022)

2022 Winslow Black Majors baseball team: front row, from left to right, Sam Clark, Cooper Routhier-Starkey, Owen Laqualia, Freddie Ouellette, Scott LeClair and Jacoby Bragdon. Back row, Coach Clark, Ben Schmidt, Reese O’Brien, Frank Farnham, Brandon Roderick, Jack Flaherty, Coach Starkey, Coach Bragdon. (photo by Missy Brown/
Central Maine Photography)

PHOTO: Waterville Yellow Minors (2022)

The 2022 Waterville Yellow Minors baseball team: front row, from left to right, Alex Pellotte, Micah Wisewell, Kyle Draling, Landen Beck, Kobe Garay and Harrison Timmins. Middle row, Bryce Blackstone, Mikeeridan Sheets, Joseph Alix, Max Poulin and Dean Quirion. Back row, coaches Victor Garay, Nate Quirion, Josh Blackstone and Jen Beck. (photo by Mark Huard/ Central Maine Photography)

Nathaniel Lombardi captures grand championship title

Nathaniel Lombardi

by Mark Huard

Nathaniel Lombardi is a long time student of Huards Martial Arts. He has achieved a third degree black belt in karate and jujitsu at the school. Lombardi is no stranger to the competition scene, as a veteran member of the Huard’s Sport Karate Team. He has travelled throughout Maine and New England competing in weapons forms, open hand forms and fighting.

On Saturday, June 18, Lombardi traveled down to Gorham to attend the Friendship Tournament. This is only the third tournament Lombardi has attended since the pandemic, which ended the tournament seasons for two years. Local tournaments depend upon volunteer black belts to judge and guide the under belts, and Lombardi did his part by sitting as a corner judge prior to his own competition.

The first event for Lombardi was the weapons division. He picked up his trusty nunchucks and worked his way to fourth out of eleven competitors ages 18-29. He went on to improve his performance in his kata division, finishing third amongst the other highly trained martial artists.

Lombardi’s third division of the day was kumite, or point fighting. The objective of this division is to score five points first by landing a kick or a punch on their opponent to specific areas (light contact to the face, side of the head, chest, stomach and sides). Lombardi says prior to the event, he visualized throwing and landing his techniques on his opponents. This is a technique that helps attain focus and grounds competitors. The division was filled with many men that focus solely on this style of fighting and are extremely fast and agile.

Lombardi knew that he needed to bring his “A” game and win this division so he would have the opportunity to compete in the Grands. He had several fights in the 18-29 division, and managed to capture first in a couple of back and forth battles. He went on to compete with older age divisions and was able to capture the overall Men’s Fighting Grand Championships. He fought many veteran fighters who have competed for years, and have many tricks of the trade that they utilized against the younger Lombardi. He displayed his stamina and athleticism throughout the rounds, and came out victorious. Lombardi works out consistently in the dojo and additionally in the gym to always stay competition ready.

Lombardi credits his instructors and training partners at Huard’s for his successes and was pleased to demonstrate his skill sets to be a role model for the next generation of Martial artists.

He is also a first responder as an emergency medical technician. He works long hours and stills finds the time to devote to his training. Those that know Lombardi credit his discipline, integrity and commitment to himself and his team.

WINSLOW: Class C track state champions

Class C track state champions: The Winslow boys outdoor track state class C champions. Front row, from left to right, Coach Jennifer Pellerin, Talon Loftus, Levi Olin, Zackery St. Pierre, Justin Rogers and Braden Rioux. Middle row, Coach Kyle Duelley, Owen Schuchardt, Samuel Schmitt, Coach Kenneth Nadeau, Evan Watts, Ryan Martin, Ryan Yang, and Aidan Warme. Back row Dominique Daigneault, Matthew Reynolds, Antoine Akoa, Stephen Spencer, Allan Rogers, Brady Goodwin, Andre Morin and Joseph Richards. (contributed photo)

PHOTO: The 2022 Waterville Dodgers Minors baseball team

Waterville Dodgers Minors: The 2022 Waterville Dodgers Minors baseball team, front to back, from left to right. Evan Ouellette, Porter Siegers, Jayden Bradley, Chase Reynolds, Judah Young, Alex Sheehan, Tatum Vaughan, Jayce Damron, Xander Wild, Jaxon Troxell. Back, coaches: Jason Sheehan, Matt Vaughan, and Dan Siegers. Absent from the photo is Jackson Ferrand, Hudson Ferrand and coaches Dennis Troxell and Alexander Wild. (photo by Mark Huard/ Central Maine Photography)

Winslow baseball team holds clinic

Athletes in grades three through eight had a chance to go to an hour-long clinic to work on baseball skills with the high school team. (photo courtesy of Crystal Pomerleau)

The Winslow High School baseball team held a clinic for youth baseball on Thursday, April 7.

PHOTOS: Battle of Maine winners 2022

Grand champion

Club NAHA Karate-Do Team Member Matthew Christen Captured 1st place in forms and 2nd place in weapons at the Battle of Maine Martial Arts Championships. He also won the Grand Championship Title for forms. (photo by Mark Huard)

Double winner

Huard’s Martial Arts Student Madalyn Taylor 7 of Fairfield captured 1st place in forms and 3rd place in fighting at the Battle of Maine Martial Arts Championships on March 26. (photo by Mark Huard)