Issue for October 6, 2022
Girls from 10 different schools attend Shine-On Saturday
GETTING THEIR SHINE ON: Messalonskee High School girls soccer welcomed a record 46 girls, pre-kindergarten to grade five, to the 7th annual “ShineOn Saturday” held September 24 this year at Messalonskee Middle School… by Monica Charette
Your Local News
Planners postpone action on “solventless hashlab” application
CHINA – A bare quorum of the China Planning Board took no action at the Sept. 27 meeting. There was one application on the agenda, from Bryan Mason, to change the use of a shipping container at his 1144 Route 3 property. Mason wrote that he intended to use it as a “solventless Hashlab”…
China emergency committee to meet
CHINA – The China Emergency Preparedness Committee is scheduled to meet at 1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 13, in the portable building behind the town office. Committee members will continue review of the town’s emergency preparedness plan, recommending changes and updates they think are needed…
Over two dozen citizens attend public hearing on moratorium
VASSALBORO – The Vassalboro select board’s Sept. 29 public hearing on the solar moratorium question that’s on the Nov. 8 local ballot drew more than two dozen residents and lasted almost an hour. Most of the discussion was on a different topic…
Town to see increase in cost for roads winter plowing
WINDSOR – At their September 13 meeting, the Windsor Select Board unanimously approved the awarding of the plowing contract for the 2022-23 winter to McGee Construction. McGee Construction had notified Town Manager Theresa Haskell that they were increasing their hourly rate from $110 to $125 per hour…
LETTERS: Enjoyed M*A*S*H story
from Kitty Clair Gee (Chesterville) – I really enjoyed reading the Story behind the creator of M*A*S*H. I lived in Waterville in the ‘50s and ‘60s and I remember Dr. Hornberger and Dr. Pratt very well. They were wonderful doctors. I also remember another, Dr. Clarence Dore. He was “one of a kind.” I look forward to your paper every week in my mailbox. Keep up the good work. Thank you…
LETTERS: Gives Hemenway full support
from Terri McAlister (Northport) – The November election is coming up soon and there are important decisions to be made for Waldo County. I support Stephen J. Hemenway for District #39. He supports all of the issues that are important to me…
LETTERS: Let’s Not Go Down That Path
from Chris Johnson (Chairman, Lincoln County Democratic Committee) – A recent political mailer from a conservative PAC seeks to spread hateful innuendo and disinformation about Maine educators and schools to scare voters while asking them to vote Republican. Maine doesn’t need attacks on the overworked and underpaid educators that run our schools and teach our kids and grandchildren. Nor do we need dishonest attacks in our politics…
LETTERS: We must protect our children
from Alva Philbrook (Belfast) – Let me preface this letter by saying I’m a Conservative Republican. I’m that because I believe in a strong border, the right to life, and the strength of family. I met Steven J. Hemingway several times and he told me that when he saw the legislation pushed by Jan Dodge to keep parents from listening to their children’s classes while online learning is being conducted, well he got my attention. We have seen what the lefts agenda and the NEA’s agenda toward parents is. Labeling them as domestic terrorists…
LETTERS: Democrats helped him hear
from Geoff Bates (South Bristol) – “Whazzat?” This was me in 2017. My patient wife suggested an audiologist appointment to determine whether I needed hearing aids and to get an estimate of their cost. The resultant report was yes, I had significant hearing loss. The fee for the hearing aids that were recommended? $1,750 each – $3,500 for both – and that was with the $750 each that my generous (at that time) insurance would cover. We decided we couldn’t afford them…
LETTERS: Hemenway admirable
from Madi Gleason – Stephen [Hemenway] wants to preserve the beauty of Maine…I agree! I also agree as a parent you should be able to witness the lessons being taught in the “remote classroom”. I find his time working in law enforcement extremely admirable! Overall, he is very personable and a friend to many!…
LETTERS: Where do candidates stand on high speed internet?
from Paul L. Armstrong (Palermo) – As someone who lives in rural Maine, I am concerned about the lack of affordable high-speed internet coverage in our state. Maine is one of the most rural states in the nation and 37 percent of rural Americans nationwide lack high-speed internet access at home…
Name that film!
Identify the film in which this famous line originated and qualify to win FREE passes to Railroad Square Cinema in Waterville: “My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates.” Email us at with subject “Name that film!” Deadline for submission is October 6, 2022…
EVENTS – Lithgow Library event: Singer/songwriter Karen Grimshaw
AUGUSTA – Karen Grimshaw is a singer / songwriter and member of the Hallowell-based band, The Blenders. Inspired by her rural Kansas roots and a childhood spent listening to her parents’ diverse record collection, she crafts songs that blend folk, blues and country into intimate stories about love and life…She will perform on Tuesday, November 1, from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m…
EVENTS: 26th annual Maine International Film Festival opens submissions
WATERVILLE – The Maine Film Center has opened submissions for the 26th annual Maine International Film Festival (MIFF). The Festival, scheduled for July 7-16, 2023, will be hosted at the Paul J. Schupf Arts Center, which will be the new home for the Maine Film Center, in downtown Waterville…
Northern Light offers schedule care online and skip the hold line
CENTRAL ME – On September 21, 2022, all Northern Light Inland Hospital Primary Care practices introduced patient online self-scheduling, a new appointment scheduling option that has been rolling out statewide since June when the online self-scheduling option went live for screening mammograms…
PHOTO: It’s apple picking time
FAIRFIELD – Ashley Wills, of Palermo, recently went apple picking, with a little assistance from her dog, Floyd, at the Apple Farm, in Fairfield…
TEAM PHOTOS: Winslow Youth travel soccer
WINSLOW – Team photos for Winslow U14 boys travel soccer team, and Winslow U9 boys and girls travel soccer team, by Central Maine Photography…
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Waterville historic district – Part 6 (new)
WATERVILLE HISTORY – This article is planned as the first of a three-part subseries in which your writer introduces readers to some of the businessmen (and other people) mentioned in the previous weeks’ descriptions of Waterville’s Main Street Historic District, and sometimes to members of their families… by Mary Grow [1464 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Waterville historic district – Part 5
WATERVILLE HISTORY – Returning to the 2016 enlargement of Waterville’s Main Street Historic District, the final two buildings included are the four-story Cyr Building/Professional Building, on the northeast corner of Main and Appleton streets at 177-179 Main Street; and the Elks Club, on the north side of Appleton Street… by Mary Grow [1727 words]
The story behind the creation of M*A*S*H
MAINE HISTORY – The show was based on the movie of the same name, which came out in 1970; and the movie was based on the novel MASH, written by Richard Hooker and published in 1968 by William Morrow & Company… by Mary Grow
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Waterville historic district – Part 4
WATERVILLE HISTORY — This article continues the description of Waterville’s Main Street Historic District, going northward on the west side of Main Street between Silver and Temple streets, and adds most of the buildings in the 2016 expansion of the district… by Mary Grow [1826 words]
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Upcoming activities at Vassalboro Grange
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro Grange has announced that their Harvest supper will return after two years absence. The public Harvest Supper, 6 p.m., Saturday, October 22, at the Vassalboro Grange. The grange is in great need of replenishing their funds and this event will serve as a fundraiser… and many other local events!
2022-’23 Real Estate Tax Due Dates
Real estate tax due dates for the towns of Albion, China, Fairfield, Oakland, Palermo, Sidney, Vassalboro, Waterville, Windsor and Winslow…
PALERMO – Dean Alan Willoughby, 80, passed away Saturday, September 24, 2022, at the Alfond Center for Health, in Augusta. Dean was born November 12, 1941, the son of Freelan (Peanut) and Edna (Gatchell) Willoughby… and remembering 12 others.
Common Ground: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Hannaford Supermarket! Email your answer to or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer. Use “Common Ground” in the subject!
Previous winner: Jackie Leach, Whitefield
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | I recently received an email from Phil and Joann King, of Palermo, telling of a sighting on a bobcat in their yard. They live on the Hostile Valley Road, and the bobcat casually strolled through their property during the night. They say he glanced through the sliding glass window and strolled up to the garden. According to them, he seemed completely unconcerned…
by Eric W. Austin | Well, my mother got scammed on the internet, again. Last week, she received a text on her phone claiming to be from the shipping company UPS. The text message said they “were unable to complete your delivery due [to] incomplete address,” and included a website link for her to schedule a new delivery. The link took her to a website with the UPS logo and asked her to enter her credit card information to pay for a $1.14 “redelivery fee”…
by Peter Cates | For all the fascination of the first 11 characters to occupy the White House, they did not grab my interest to quite the same degree as #12, Zachary Taylor (1784-1850), affectionately known as “Old Rough-and-Ready”…
by Debbie Walker | I have been scanning some of my magazines today and kept coming across little bits of information that I decided to share with you. I understand if you are not interested in all I found, but maybe some part of it. I hope…
by Gary Kennedy | Well here we are again. It has been a nice summer and a beautiful September. We have a lot of rain but we have need of every drop of it. Some information has come out on the veteran side of things. As you all know some of us belong to groups and some of us just receive information via media, correspondence and just word of mouth…
by Melinda Myers | Keep enjoying your homegrown herbs all year round. Harvest throughout the growing season and include them in garden-fresh meals. Then preserve a few for the winter ahead…
by Roland D. Hallee | Part 3 of a walk down old-time Waterville in pictures…
(NAPSI) | You may never have thought about it much, but your liver is essential to your life. It’s the largest solid internal organ and performs so many vital functions, including filtering toxins from your blood, producing bile so you can digest fat, storing sugar for energy, and more…